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David Peter 2023-06-03 23:20:19 +02:00
parent ac617c8714
commit 0ce6578ea9

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@ -3,18 +3,55 @@
hyperfine \- command\-line benchmarking tool
.B hyperfine
.RB [ \-ihV ]
.RB [ \-w
.IR warmupruns ]
.RB [ \-r
.IR runs ]
.RB [ \-p
.IR cmd... ]
.RB [ \-c
.IR cmd ]
.RB [ \-s
.IR style ]
.RI [ cmd... ]
.RB [ \-ihVN ]
.RB [ \-\-warmup
.RB [ \-\-min\-runs
.RB [ \-\-max\-runs
.RB [ \-\-runs
.RB [ \-\-setup
.RB [ \-\-prepare
.RB [ \-\-cleanup
.RB [ \-\-parameter\-scan
.RB [ \-\-parameter\-step\-size
.RB [ \-\-parameter\-list
.RB [ \-\-shell
.RB [ \-\-style
.RB [ \-\-sort
.RB [ \-\-time-unit
.RB [ \-\-export\-asciidoc
.RB [ \-\-export\-csv
.RB [ \-\-export\-json
.RB [ \-\-export\-markdown
.RB [ \-\-export\-orgmode
.RB [ \-\-output
.RB [ \-\-input
.RB [ \-\-command\-name
.RI [ COMMAND... ]
A command\-line benchmarking tool which includes:
@ -44,48 +81,50 @@ A command\-line benchmarking tool which includes:
\fB\-w\fR, \fB\-\-warmup\fR \fIwarmupruns\fP
\fB\-w\fR, \fB\-\-warmup\fR \fINUM\fP
Perform \fIwarmupruns\fP (number) before the actual benchmark. This can be used to fill
(disk) caches for I/O\-heavy programs.
Perform \fINUM\fP warmup runs before the actual benchmark. This can be used
to fill (disk) caches for I/O\-heavy programs.
\fB\-m\fR, \fB\-\-min\-runs\fR \fIminruns\fP
\fB\-m\fR, \fB\-\-min\-runs\fR \fINUM\fP
Perform at least \fIminruns\fP (number) runs for each command. Default: 10.
Perform at least \fINUM\fP runs for each command. Default: 10.
\fB\-M\fR, \fB\-\-max\-runs\fR \fImaxruns\fP
\fB\-M\fR, \fB\-\-max\-runs\fR \fINUM\fP
Perform at most \fImaxruns\fP (number) runs for each command. Default: no limit.
Perform at most \fINUM\fP runs for each command. By default, there is no
\fB\-r\fR, \fB\-\-runs\fR \fIruns\fP
\fB\-r\fR, \fB\-\-runs\fR \fINUM\fP
Perform exactly \fIruns\fP (number) runs for each command. If this option is not specified,
Perform exactly \fINUM\fP runs for each command. If this option is not specified,
\fBhyperfine\fR automatically determines the number of runs.
\fB\-s\fR, \fB\-\-setup\fR \fIcmd\fP
\fB\-s\fR, \fB\-\-setup\fR \fICMD...\fP
Execute \fIcmd\fP once before each set of timing runs. This is useful
for compiling software or doing other one-off setup.
The \fB\-\-setup\fR option can only be specified once.
Execute \fICMD\fP once before each set of timing runs. This is useful
for compiling your software or with the provided parameters, or to do any
other work that should happen once before a series of benchmark runs,
not every time as would happen with the \fB\-\-prepare\fR option.
\fB\-p\fR, \fB\-\-prepare\fR \fIcmd...\fP
\fB\-p\fR, \fB\-\-prepare\fR \fICMD...\fP
Execute \fIcmd\fP before each timing run. This is useful for clearing disk caches,
Execute \fICMD\fP before each timing run. This is useful for clearing disk caches,
for example.
The \fB\-\-prepare\fR option can be specified once for all commands or multiple times,
once for each command. In the latter case, each preparation command will be
run prior to the corresponding benchmark command.
\fB\-c\fR, \fB\-\-cleanup\fR \fIcmd\fP
\fB\-c\fR, \fB\-\-cleanup\fR \fICMD...\fP
Execute \fIcmd\fP after the completion of all benchmarking runs for each individual
Execute \fICMD\fP after the completion of all benchmarking runs for each individual
command to be benchmarked. This is useful if the commands to be benchmarked
produce artifacts that need to be cleaned up.
\fB\-P\fR, \fB\-\-parameter\-scan\fR \fIvar\fP \fImin\fP \fImax\fP
\fB\-P\fR, \fB\-\-parameter\-scan\fR \fIVAR\fP \fIMIN\fP \fIMAX\fP
Perform benchmark runs for each value in the range \fImin..max\fP. Replaces the
string '{\fIvar\fP}' in each command by the current parameter value.
Perform benchmark runs for each value in the range \fIMIN..MAX\fP. Replaces the
string '{\fIVAR\fP}' in each command by the current parameter value.
@ -95,12 +134,26 @@ Example:
This performs benchmarks for 'make \-j 1', 'make \-j 2', ..., 'make \-j 8'.
To have the value increase following different patterns, use shell
\fBhyperfine\fR \fB\-P\fR size 0 3 'sleep $((2**{size}))'
This performs benchmarks with power of 2 increases: 'sleep 1', 'sleep
2', 'sleep 4', ...
The exact syntax may vary depending on your shell and OS.
\fB\-D\fR, \fB\-\-parameter\-step\-size\fR \fIdelta\fP
\fB\-D\fR, \fB\-\-parameter\-step\-size\fR \fIDELTA\fP
This argument requires \fB\-\-parameter\-scan\fR to be specified as well. Traverse the
range \fImin..max\fP in steps of \fIdelta\fP.
range \fIMIN..MAX\fP in steps of \fIDELTA\fP.
@ -111,10 +164,10 @@ Example:
This performs benchmarks for 'sleep 0.3', 'sleep 0.5' and 'sleep 0.7'.
\fB\-L\fR, \fB\-\-parameter\-list\fR \fIvar\fP \fIvalues\fP
\fB\-L\fR, \fB\-\-parameter\-list\fR \fIVAR\fP \fIVALUES\fP
Perform benchmark runs for each value in the comma\-separated list of \fIvalues\fP.
Replaces the string '{\fIvar\fP}' in each command by the current parameter value.
Perform benchmark runs for each value in the comma\-separated list of \fIVALUES\fP.
Replaces the string '{\fIVAR\fP}' in each command by the current parameter value.
@ -124,46 +177,83 @@ Example:
This performs benchmarks for 'gcc \-O2 main.cpp' and 'clang \-O2 main.cpp'.
\fB\-\-style\fR \fItype\fP
Set output style \fItype\fP (default: auto). Set this to 'basic' to disable output
coloring and interactive elements. Set it to 'full' to enable all effects even
if no interactive terminal was detected. Set this to 'nocolor' to keep the
interactive output without any colors. Set this to 'color' to keep the colors
without any interactive output. Set this to 'none' to disable all the output
of the tool. In hyperfine versions v0.4.0..v1.12.0 this option took the \fB\-s\fR,
short option, which is now used by \fB\--setup\fR.
The option can be specified multiple times to run benchmarks for all
possible parameter combinations.
\fB\-S\fR, \fB\-\-shell\fR \fIshell\fP
\fB\-S\fR, \fB\-\-shell\fR \fISHELL\fP
Set the \fIshell\fP to use for executing benchmarked commands.
Set the shell to use for executing benchmarked commands. This can be
the name or the path to the shell executable, or a full command line
like "bash \fB\-\-norc\fR". It can also be set to "default" to explicitly
select the default shell on this platform. Finally, this can also be
set to "none" to disable the shell. In this case, commands will be
executed directly. They can still have arguments, but more complex
things like "sleep 0.1; sleep 0.2" are not possible without a shell.
An alias for '\-\-shell=none'.
\fB\-i\fR, \fB\-\-ignore\-failure\fR
Ignore non\-zero exit codes of the benchmarked programs.
\fB\-u\fR, \fB\-\-time\-unit\fR \fIunit\fP
\fB\-\-style\fR \fITYPE\fP
Set the time \fIunit\fP to be used. Default: second. Possible values: millisecond, second.
Set output style \fITYPE\fP (default: auto). Set this to 'basic' to disable output
coloring and interactive elements. Set it to 'full' to enable all effects even
if no interactive terminal was detected. Set this to 'nocolor' to keep the
interactive output without any colors. Set this to 'color' to keep the colors
without any interactive output. Set this to 'none' to disable all the output
of the tool.
\fB\-\-export\-asciidoc\fR \fIfile\fP
\fB\-\-sort\fR \fIMETHOD\fP
Export the timing summary statistics as an AsciiDoc table to the given \fIfile\fP.
Specify the sort order of the speed comparison summary and the
exported tables for markup formats (Markdown, AsciiDoc, org\-mode):
.IP "auto (default)"
the speed comparison will be ordered by time and
the markup tables will be ordered by command (input order).
.IP "command"
order benchmarks in the way they were specified
.IP "mean\-time"
order benchmarks by mean runtime
\fB\-\-export\-csv\fR \fIfile\fP
\fB\-u\fR, \fB\-\-time\-unit\fR \fIUNIT\fP
Export the timing summary statistics as CSV to the given \fIfile\fP. If you need the
Set the time unit to be used. Possible values: millisecond, second. If
the option is not given, the time unit is determined automatically.
This option affects the standard output as well as all export formats
except for CSV and JSON.
\fB\-\-export\-asciidoc\fR \fIFILE\fP
Export the timing summary statistics as an AsciiDoc table to the given \fIFILE\fP.
The output time unit can be changed using the \fB\-\-time\-unit\fR option.
\fB\-\-export\-csv\fR \fIFILE\fP
Export the timing summary statistics as CSV to the given \fIFILE\fP. If you need the
timing results for each individual run, use the JSON export format.
The output time unit is always seconds.
\fB\-\-export\-json\fR \fIfile\fP
\fB\-\-export\-json\fR \fIFILE\fP
Export the timing summary statistics and timings of individual runs as JSON to
the given \fIfile\fP.
the given \fIFILE\fP. The output time unit is always seconds.
\fB\-\-export\-markdown\fR \fIfile\fP
\fB\-\-export\-markdown\fR \fIFILE\fP
Export the timing summary statistics as a Markdown table to the given \fIfile\fP.
Export the timing summary statistics as a Markdown table to the given \fIFILE\fP.
The output time unit can be changed using the \fB\-\-time\-unit\fR option.
\fB\-\-export\-orgmode\fR \fIFILE\fP
Export the timing summary statistics as an Emacs org\-mode table to the
given \fIFILE\fP. The output time unit can be changed using the \fB\-\-time\-unit\fR option.
@ -171,19 +261,49 @@ Print the stdout and stderr of the benchmark instead of suppressing it. This
will increase the time it takes for benchmarks to run, so it should only be
used for debugging purposes or when trying to benchmark output speed.
\fB\-n\fR, \fB\-\-command\-name\fR \fIname\fP
\fB\-\-output\fR \fIWHERE\fP
Identify a command with the given \fIname\fP. Commands and names are paired in
the same order: the first command executed gets the first name passed as
Control where the output of the benchmark is redirected. Note that
some programs like 'grep' detect when standard output is \fI\,/dev/null\/\fP and
apply certain optimizations. To avoid that, consider using
\fIWHERE\fP can be:
.IP null
Redirect output to \fI\,/dev/null\/\fP (the default).
.IP pipe
Feed the output through a pipe before discarding it.
.IP inherit
Don't redirect the output at all (same as \&'\-\-show\-output').
.IP "<FILE>"
Write the output to the given file.
\fB\-\-input\fR \fIWHERE\fP
Control where the input of the benchmark comes from.
\fIWHERE\fP can be:
.IP null
Read from \fI\,/dev/null\/\fP (the default).
.IP "<FILE>"
Read the input from the given file.
\fB\-n\fR, \fB\-\-command\-name\fR \fiNAME\fP
Give a meaningful \fiNAME\fP to a command. This can be specified multiple times
if several commands are benchmarked.
\fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR
Print help message.
Print help
\fB\-V\fR, \fB\-\-version\fR
Show version information.
Print version
Basic benchmark of 'find . -name todo.txt':
@ -228,7 +348,7 @@ Demonstrate when each of \fB\-\-setup\fR, \fB\-\-prepare\fR, \fIcmd\fP and \fB\-
David Peter (sharkdp)
David Peter <mail@david-peter.de>
Source, bug tracker, and additional information can be found on GitHub at:
Source, bug tracker, and additional information can be found on GitHub:
.I https://github.com/sharkdp/hyperfine