muxator 5a80a23bdc scripts: modify shebang to use "/usr/bin/env python"
Before this patch, executing directly one of these scripts, for example
`./plot_hystogram.py` in a unix-like environment meant that the default
system-level python would be used, regardless of an eventual activated

This was due to the "#!/usr/bin/python" shebang.
Changing it to "/usr/bin/env python" is a fairly standard practice, keeps intact
the compatiblity with the system level python, and allows a user to run in a
virtualenv if he wants.
2020-10-13 12:49:36 +02:00

39 lines
1018 B
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This script performs Welch's t-test on a JSON export file with two
benchmark results to test whether or not the two distributions are
the same."""
import argparse
import json
import sys
from scipy import stats
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument("file", help="JSON file with two benchmark results")
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.file) as f:
results = json.load(f)["results"]
if len(results) != 2:
print("The input file has to contain exactly two benchmarks")
a, b = [x["command"] for x in results[:2]]
X, Y = [x["times"] for x in results[:2]]
print("Command 1: {}".format(a))
print("Command 2: {}\n".format(b))
t, p = stats.ttest_ind(X, Y, equal_var=False)
th = 0.05
dispose = p < th
print("t = {:.3}, p = {:.3}".format(t, p))
if dispose:
print("There is a difference between the two benchmarks (p < {}).".format(th))
print("The two benchmarks are almost the same (p >= {}).".format(th))