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A 'Journal' is a parsed ledger file, containing 'Transaction's.
It can be filtered and massaged in various ways, then \"crunched\"
to form a 'Ledger'.
2010-05-20 03:08:53 +04:00
module Hledger.Data.Journal
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (findWithDefault, (!))
import System.Time (ClockTime(TOD))
2010-05-20 03:08:53 +04:00
import Hledger.Data.Utils
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.AccountName
import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Transaction (ledgerTransactionWithDate)
import Hledger.Data.Posting
import Hledger.Data.TimeLog
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
instance Show Journal where
show j = printf "Journal with %d transactions, %d accounts: %s"
(length (jtxns j) +
length (jmodifiertxns j) +
length (jperiodictxns j))
2008-10-09 13:25:58 +04:00
(length accounts)
(show accounts)
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
-- ++ (show $ journalTransactions l)
where accounts = flatten $ journalAccountNameTree j
2008-10-03 16:10:05 +04:00
2009-12-20 18:50:54 +03:00
nulljournal :: Journal
nulljournal = Journal { jmodifiertxns = []
, jperiodictxns = []
, jtxns = []
, open_timelog_entries = []
, historical_prices = []
, final_comment_lines = []
, filepath = ""
, filereadtime = TOD 0 0
, jtext = ""
2009-12-20 18:50:54 +03:00
addTransaction :: Transaction -> Journal -> Journal
addTransaction t l0 = l0 { jtxns = t : jtxns l0 }
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
addModifierTransaction :: ModifierTransaction -> Journal -> Journal
addModifierTransaction mt l0 = l0 { jmodifiertxns = mt : jmodifiertxns l0 }
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
addPeriodicTransaction :: PeriodicTransaction -> Journal -> Journal
addPeriodicTransaction pt l0 = l0 { jperiodictxns = pt : jperiodictxns l0 }
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
addHistoricalPrice :: HistoricalPrice -> Journal -> Journal
2009-09-22 20:51:27 +04:00
addHistoricalPrice h l0 = l0 { historical_prices = h : historical_prices l0 }
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
addTimeLogEntry :: TimeLogEntry -> Journal -> Journal
2009-09-22 20:51:27 +04:00
addTimeLogEntry tle l0 = l0 { open_timelog_entries = tle : open_timelog_entries l0 }
journalPostings :: Journal -> [Posting]
journalPostings = concatMap tpostings . jtxns
2008-10-03 16:10:05 +04:00
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
journalAccountNamesUsed :: Journal -> [AccountName]
journalAccountNamesUsed = accountNamesFromPostings . journalPostings
2008-10-03 16:10:05 +04:00
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
journalAccountNames :: Journal -> [AccountName]
journalAccountNames = sort . expandAccountNames . journalAccountNamesUsed
2008-10-03 16:10:05 +04:00
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
journalAccountNameTree :: Journal -> Tree AccountName
journalAccountNameTree = accountNameTreeFrom . journalAccountNames
-- Various kinds of filtering on journals. We do it differently depending
-- on the command.
-- | Keep only transactions we are interested in, as described by
-- the filter specification. May also massage the data a little.
filterJournalTransactions :: FilterSpec -> Journal -> Journal
filterJournalTransactions FilterSpec{datespan=datespan
-- ,real=real
-- ,empty=empty
-- ,costbasis=_
} =
filterJournalTransactionsByClearedStatus cleared .
filterJournalPostingsByDepth depth .
filterJournalTransactionsByAccount apats .
filterJournalTransactionsByDescription dpats .
filterJournalTransactionsByDate datespan .
journalSelectingDate whichdate
-- | Keep only postings we are interested in, as described by
-- the filter specification. May also massage the data a little.
-- This can leave unbalanced transactions.
filterJournalPostings :: FilterSpec -> Journal -> Journal
filterJournalPostings FilterSpec{datespan=datespan
-- ,costbasis=costbasis
} =
filterJournalPostingsByRealness real .
filterJournalPostingsByClearedStatus cleared .
filterJournalPostingsByEmpty empty .
filterJournalPostingsByDepth depth .
filterJournalPostingsByAccount apats .
filterJournalTransactionsByDescription dpats .
filterJournalTransactionsByDate datespan .
journalSelectingDate whichdate
-- | Keep only ledger transactions whose description matches the description patterns.
filterJournalTransactionsByDescription :: [String] -> Journal -> Journal
filterJournalTransactionsByDescription pats j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=filter matchdesc ts}
where matchdesc = matchpats pats . tdescription
2009-07-31 21:02:47 +04:00
-- | Keep only ledger transactions which fall between begin and end dates.
-- We include transactions on the begin date and exclude transactions on the end
-- date, like ledger. An empty date string means no restriction.
filterJournalTransactionsByDate :: DateSpan -> Journal -> Journal
filterJournalTransactionsByDate (DateSpan begin end) j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=filter match ts}
where match t = maybe True (tdate t>=) begin && maybe True (tdate t<) end
2009-04-03 15:45:56 +04:00
-- | Keep only ledger transactions which have the requested
-- cleared/uncleared status, if there is one.
filterJournalTransactionsByClearedStatus :: Maybe Bool -> Journal -> Journal
filterJournalTransactionsByClearedStatus Nothing j = j
filterJournalTransactionsByClearedStatus (Just val) j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=filter match ts}
where match = (==val).tstatus
-- | Keep only postings which have the requested cleared/uncleared status,
-- if there is one.
2009-12-16 10:58:06 +03:00
filterJournalPostingsByClearedStatus :: Maybe Bool -> Journal -> Journal
filterJournalPostingsByClearedStatus Nothing j = j
filterJournalPostingsByClearedStatus (Just c) j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=map filterpostings ts}
where filterpostings t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=filter ((==c) . postingCleared) ps}
-- | Strip out any virtual postings, if the flag is true, otherwise do
2008-10-17 04:57:00 +04:00
-- no filtering.
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
filterJournalPostingsByRealness :: Bool -> Journal -> Journal
filterJournalPostingsByRealness False l = l
filterJournalPostingsByRealness True j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=map filterpostings ts}
where filterpostings t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=filter isReal ps}
-- | Strip out any postings with zero amount, unless the flag is true.
filterJournalPostingsByEmpty :: Bool -> Journal -> Journal
filterJournalPostingsByEmpty True l = l
filterJournalPostingsByEmpty False j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=map filterpostings ts}
where filterpostings t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=filter (not . isEmptyPosting) ps}
-- | Keep only transactions which affect accounts deeper than the specified depth.
filterJournalTransactionsByDepth :: Maybe Int -> Journal -> Journal
filterJournalTransactionsByDepth Nothing j = j
filterJournalTransactionsByDepth (Just d) j@Journal{jtxns=ts} =
j{jtxns=(filter (any ((<= d+1) . accountNameLevel . paccount) . tpostings) ts)}
-- | Strip out any postings to accounts deeper than the specified depth
-- (and any ledger transactions which have no postings as a result).
filterJournalPostingsByDepth :: Maybe Int -> Journal -> Journal
filterJournalPostingsByDepth Nothing j = j
filterJournalPostingsByDepth (Just d) j@Journal{jtxns=ts} =
j{jtxns=filter (not . null . tpostings) $ map filtertxns ts}
where filtertxns t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} =
t{tpostings=filter ((<= d) . accountNameLevel . paccount) ps}
-- | Keep only transactions which affect accounts matched by the account patterns.
filterJournalTransactionsByAccount :: [String] -> Journal -> Journal
filterJournalTransactionsByAccount apats j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=filter match ts}
where match = any (matchpats apats . paccount) . tpostings
2008-11-22 09:35:10 +03:00
-- | Keep only postings which affect accounts matched by the account patterns.
-- This can leave transactions unbalanced.
filterJournalPostingsByAccount :: [String] -> Journal -> Journal
filterJournalPostingsByAccount apats j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=map filterpostings ts}
where filterpostings t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=filter (matchpats apats . paccount) ps}
-- | Convert this journal's transactions' primary date to either the
-- actual or effective date.
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
journalSelectingDate :: WhichDate -> Journal -> Journal
journalSelectingDate ActualDate j = j
journalSelectingDate EffectiveDate j =
j{jtxns=map (ledgerTransactionWithDate EffectiveDate) $ jtxns j}
-- | Convert all the journal's amounts to their canonical display settings.
-- Ie, in each commodity, amounts will use the display settings of the first
-- amount detected, and the greatest precision of the amounts detected.
-- Also, missing unit prices are added if known from the price history.
-- Also, amounts are converted to cost basis if that flag is active.
-- XXX refactor
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
canonicaliseAmounts :: Bool -> Journal -> Journal
canonicaliseAmounts costbasis j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=map fixledgertransaction ts}
2009-07-31 21:02:47 +04:00
fixledgertransaction (Transaction d ed s c de co ts pr) = Transaction d ed s c de co (map fixrawposting ts) pr
fixrawposting (Posting s ac a c t txn) = Posting s ac (fixmixedamount a) c t txn
fixmixedamount (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map fixamount as
fixamount = (if costbasis then costOfAmount else id) . fixprice . fixcommodity
fixcommodity a = a{commodity=c} where c = canonicalcommoditymap ! symbol (commodity a)
canonicalcommoditymap =
Map.fromList [(s,firstc{precision=maxp}) | s <- commoditysymbols,
let cs = commoditymap ! s,
let firstc = head cs,
let maxp = maximum $ map precision cs
commoditymap = Map.fromList [(s,commoditieswithsymbol s) | s <- commoditysymbols]
commoditieswithsymbol s = filter ((s==) . symbol) commodities
commoditysymbols = nub $ map symbol commodities
commodities = map commodity (concatMap (amounts . pamount) (journalPostings j)
++ concatMap (amounts . hamount) (historical_prices j))
fixprice :: Amount -> Amount
fixprice a@Amount{price=Just _} = a
fixprice a@Amount{commodity=c} = a{price=journalHistoricalPriceFor j d c}
-- | Get the price for a commodity on the specified day from the price database, if known.
-- Does only one lookup step, ie will not look up the price of a price.
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
journalHistoricalPriceFor :: Journal -> Day -> Commodity -> Maybe MixedAmount
journalHistoricalPriceFor j d Commodity{symbol=s} = do
let ps = reverse $ filter ((<= d).hdate) $ filter ((s==).hsymbol) $ sortBy (comparing hdate) $ historical_prices j
case ps of (HistoricalPrice{hamount=a}:_) -> Just $ canonicaliseCommodities a
_ -> Nothing
canonicaliseCommodities (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map canonicaliseCommodity as
where canonicaliseCommodity a@Amount{commodity=Commodity{symbol=s}} =
a{commodity=findWithDefault (error "programmer error: canonicaliseCommodity failed") s canonicalcommoditymap}
-- | Get just the amounts from a ledger, in the order parsed.
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
journalAmounts :: Journal -> [MixedAmount]
journalAmounts = map pamount . journalPostings
-- | Get just the ammount commodities from a ledger, in the order parsed.
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
journalCommodities :: Journal -> [Commodity]
journalCommodities = map commodity . concatMap amounts . journalAmounts
2008-11-09 01:04:59 +03:00
-- | Get just the amount precisions from a ledger, in the order parsed.
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
journalPrecisions :: Journal -> [Int]
journalPrecisions = map precision . journalCommodities
-- | Close any open timelog sessions using the provided current time.
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
journalConvertTimeLog :: LocalTime -> Journal -> Journal
journalConvertTimeLog t l0 = l0 { jtxns = convertedTimeLog ++ jtxns l0
, open_timelog_entries = []
where convertedTimeLog = entriesFromTimeLogEntries t $ open_timelog_entries l0
-- | The (fully specified) date span containing all the raw ledger's transactions,
2009-04-04 15:19:15 +04:00
-- or DateSpan Nothing Nothing if there are none.
2009-12-16 10:00:43 +03:00
journalDateSpan :: Journal -> DateSpan
journalDateSpan j
2009-04-04 15:19:15 +04:00
| null ts = DateSpan Nothing Nothing
| otherwise = DateSpan (Just $ tdate $ head ts) (Just $ addDays 1 $ tdate $ last ts)
2009-04-04 15:19:15 +04:00
ts = sortBy (comparing tdate) $ jtxns j
-- | Check if a set of ledger account/description patterns matches the
-- given account name or entry description. Patterns are case-insensitive
-- regular expression strings; those beginning with - are anti-patterns.
matchpats :: [String] -> String -> Bool
matchpats pats str =
(null positives || any match positives) && (null negatives || not (any match negatives))
(negatives,positives) = partition isnegativepat pats
match "" = True
match pat = containsRegex (abspat pat) str
negateprefix = "not:"
2009-09-22 19:56:59 +04:00
isnegativepat = (negateprefix `isPrefixOf`)
abspat pat = if isnegativepat pat then drop (length negateprefix) pat else pat
-- | Calculate the account tree and account balances from a journal's
-- postings, and return the results for efficient lookup.
2010-05-23 02:05:12 +04:00
journalAccountInfo :: Journal -> (Tree AccountName, Map.Map AccountName Account)
journalAccountInfo j = (ant, amap)
2010-05-23 02:05:12 +04:00
(ant, psof, _, inclbalof) = (groupPostings . journalPostings) j
amap = Map.fromList [(a, acctinfo a) | a <- flatten ant]
acctinfo a = Account a (psof a) (inclbalof a)
-- | Given a list of postings, return an account name tree and three query
-- functions that fetch postings, balance, and subaccount-including
-- balance by account name. This factors out common logic from
-- cacheLedger and summarisePostingsInDateSpan.
groupPostings :: [Posting] -> (Tree AccountName,
(AccountName -> [Posting]),
(AccountName -> MixedAmount),
(AccountName -> MixedAmount))
2010-05-23 02:05:12 +04:00
groupPostings ps = (ant, psof, exclbalof, inclbalof)
anames = sort $ nub $ map paccount ps
ant = accountNameTreeFrom $ expandAccountNames anames
allanames = flatten ant
pmap = Map.union (postingsByAccount ps) (Map.fromList [(a,[]) | a <- allanames])
psof = (pmap !)
balmap = Map.fromList $ flatten $ calculateBalances ant psof
exclbalof = fst . (balmap !)
inclbalof = snd . (balmap !)
-- | Add subaccount-excluding and subaccount-including balances to a tree
-- of account names somewhat efficiently, given a function that looks up
-- transactions by account name.
calculateBalances :: Tree AccountName -> (AccountName -> [Posting]) -> Tree (AccountName, (MixedAmount, MixedAmount))
calculateBalances ant psof = addbalances ant
addbalances (Node a subs) = Node (a,(bal,bal+subsbal)) subs'
bal = sumPostings $ psof a
subsbal = sum $ map (snd . snd . root) subs'
subs' = map addbalances subs
-- | Convert a list of postings to a map from account name to that
-- account's postings.
postingsByAccount :: [Posting] -> Map.Map AccountName [Posting]
postingsByAccount ps = m'
sortedps = sortBy (comparing paccount) ps
groupedps = groupBy (\p1 p2 -> paccount p1 == paccount p2) sortedps
m' = Map.fromList [(paccount $ head g, g) | g <- groupedps]