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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
Easy regular expression helpers.
These should
- have mnemonic names
- have simple monomorphic types
- work with strings
- support extended regular expressions
- support replacement
- support splitting
- support unicode
- be cross-platform, not requiring C libraries
They currently can
- die on malformed regexps
- be slow (regexpr)
module Hledger.Utils.Regex (
-- regexMatch
-- ,regexMatchCI
import Data.List (foldl')
import Text.RegexPR (splitRegexPR)
import Text.Regex.TDFA (
Regex, CompOption(..), ExecOption(..), defaultCompOpt, defaultExecOpt,
makeRegexOpts, AllMatches(getAllMatches), match, (=~)
type Regexp = String
type Replacement = String
containsRegex :: Regexp -> String -> Bool
containsRegex = regexMatchesCI
regexToCaseInsensitive :: Regexp -> Regexp
regexToCaseInsensitive r = "(?i)"++ r
-- regexpr - may be slow
regexSplit :: Regexp -> String -> [Regexp]
regexSplit = splitRegexPR
-- regexMatch :: Regexp -> String -> MatchFun Maybe
-- regexMatch r s = matchRegexPR r s
-- regexMatchCI :: Regexp -> String -> MatchFun Maybe
-- regexMatchCI r s = regexMatch (regexToCaseInsensitive r) s
-- regexMatches :: Regexp -> String -> Bool
-- regexMatches r s = isJust $ matchRegexPR r s
-- regexMatchesCI :: Regexp -> String -> Bool
-- regexMatchesCI r s = regexMatches (regexToCaseInsensitive r) s
-- regexReplace :: Regexp -> Replacement -> String -> String
-- regexReplace r repl s = gsubRegexPR r repl s
-- regexReplaceCI :: Regexp -> Replacement -> String -> String
-- regexReplaceCI r s = regexReplace (regexToCaseInsensitive r) s
-- regexReplaceBy :: Regexp -> (String -> Replacement) -> String -> String
-- regexReplaceBy r replfn s = gsubRegexPRBy r replfn s
-- regex-tdfa
compOpt :: CompOption
compOpt = defaultCompOpt
execOpt :: ExecOption
execOpt = defaultExecOpt
toRegex :: Regexp -> Regex
toRegex = makeRegexOpts compOpt execOpt
-- regexMatch' :: RegexContext Regexp String a => Regexp -> String -> a
-- regexMatch' r s = s =~ (toRegex r)
regexMatches :: Regexp -> String -> Bool
regexMatches = flip (=~)
regexMatchesCI :: Regexp -> String -> Bool
regexMatchesCI r = match (makeRegexOpts compOpt{caseSensitive=False} execOpt r)
regexReplace :: Regexp -> Replacement -> String -> String
regexReplace r repl = regexReplaceBy r (const repl)
regexReplaceCI :: Regexp -> Replacement -> String -> String
regexReplaceCI r s = regexReplace (regexToCaseInsensitive r) s
regexReplaceBy :: Regexp -> (String -> Replacement) -> String -> String
regexReplaceBy r = replaceAll (toRegex r)
-- from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9071682/replacement-substition-with-haskell-regex-libraries
replaceAll :: Regex -> (String -> Replacement) -> String -> String
replaceAll re f s = start end
(_, end, start) = foldl' go (0, s, id) $ getAllMatches $ match re s
go (ind,read,write) (off,len) =
let (skip, start) = splitAt (off - ind) read
(matched, remaining) = splitAt len start
in (off + len, remaining, write . (skip++) . (f matched ++))