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2008-05-27 01:19:21 +04:00
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
import System
import System.Directory
2010-03-09 04:51:21 +03:00
import System.IO
2008-05-27 01:19:21 +04:00
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
Read a Haskell *.hs file and get a list of all the modules
that it imports.
findDeps base pkg = do
2009-09-22 20:51:27 +04:00
let hi = base ++ map dotToSlash pkg ++ ".hs"
2008-05-27 01:19:21 +04:00
ex <- doesFileExist hi
if not ex then return [] else do
src <- readFile hi
let imps = filter isImport (lines src)
2009-09-22 16:35:31 +04:00
return $ mapMaybe getTargetModule imps
2008-05-27 01:19:21 +04:00
where dotToSlash '.' = '/'
dotToSlash x = x
isImport (' ':t) = isImport t
isImport ('\t':t) = isImport t
isImport t = "import" `isPrefixOf` t
getTargetModule s = let pre = takeWhile (/= '(') s in
find (isUpper . head) (words pre)
Find the transitive, reflexive closure of the relation defined
by the findDeps function. This returns a list of ALL modules
that this one uses or depends on, directly or indirectly.
allDeps base mod = allDeps' [mod] [mod] where
allDeps' (m:ms) full = do d <- findDeps base m
let d' = filter (not . flip elem full) d
t <- allDeps' (d' ++ ms) (d' ++ full)
return (m : t)
allDeps' [] _ = return []
Usage: OrderByComplexity
2008-05-27 01:19:21 +04:00
= directory where source code is found. This MUST
end in '/'
= file that lists the modules you're interested in,
one per line. This is often taken from a .cabal
main = do [ base, pkgFile ] <- getArgs
pkgStr <- readFile pkgFile
let pkgs = lines pkgStr
mods <- mapM (allDeps base) pkgs
let deps = zip pkgs mods
let deps' = sortBy (comparing fst) deps
2009-09-22 16:19:38 +04:00
mapM_ (print . fst) (sortBy (comparing $ length . snd) deps')
2008-05-27 01:19:21 +04:00