2009-04-03 14:58:05 +04:00
2012-05-14 22:52:22 +04:00
A 'Posting' represents a change (by some 'MixedAmount') of the balance in
some 'Account'. Each 'Transaction' contains two or more postings which
should add up to 0. Postings reference their parent transaction, so we can
look up the date or description there.
2009-04-03 14:58:05 +04:00
2012-05-07 18:36:40 +04:00
module Hledger.Data.Posting (
-- * Posting
2012-12-06 04:03:07 +04:00
2012-05-07 18:36:40 +04:00
-- * operations
2012-05-28 04:27:55 +04:00
2012-12-22 04:24:38 +04:00
2012-05-07 18:36:40 +04:00
-- * date operations
2012-12-06 08:43:41 +04:00
2012-05-07 18:36:40 +04:00
2014-04-14 01:57:40 +04:00
2012-05-07 18:36:40 +04:00
2014-04-14 02:14:07 +04:00
2012-05-14 22:52:22 +04:00
-- * account name operations
2012-05-07 18:36:40 +04:00
-- * arithmetic
-- * rendering
-- * misc.
2012-05-14 22:52:22 +04:00
2012-05-07 18:36:40 +04:00
2009-04-03 14:58:05 +04:00
2011-05-28 08:11:44 +04:00
import Data.List
2012-12-06 04:03:07 +04:00
import Data.Maybe
2011-05-28 08:11:44 +04:00
import Data.Ord
import Data.Time.Calendar
2011-08-03 03:29:13 +04:00
import Safe
2011-05-28 08:11:44 +04:00
import Test.HUnit
import Text.Printf
import Hledger.Utils
2010-05-20 03:08:53 +04:00
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.AccountName
2010-07-11 22:56:36 +04:00
import Hledger.Data.Dates (nulldate, spanContainsDate)
2009-04-03 14:58:05 +04:00
instance Show Posting where show = showPosting
2012-12-06 04:03:07 +04:00
nullposting, posting :: Posting
nullposting = Posting
2012-12-06 04:28:23 +04:00
2012-12-06 06:41:37 +04:00
2012-12-06 04:28:23 +04:00
2012-12-06 04:03:07 +04:00
2013-05-29 03:18:15 +04:00
2012-12-06 04:03:07 +04:00
posting = nullposting
post :: AccountName -> Amount -> Posting
post acct amt = posting {paccount=acct, pamount=mixed amt}
2009-04-03 14:58:05 +04:00
2014-05-07 08:35:38 +04:00
-- XXX once rendered user output, but just for debugging now; clean up
2009-04-03 14:58:05 +04:00
showPosting :: Posting -> String
2012-05-14 22:52:22 +04:00
showPosting p@Posting{paccount=a,pamount=amt,ptype=t} =
2014-05-07 08:35:38 +04:00
unlines $ [concatTopPadded [show (postingDate p) ++ " ", showaccountname a ++ " ", showamount amt, showComment (pcomment p)]]
2009-04-03 14:58:05 +04:00
2009-11-25 09:13:35 +03:00
ledger3ishlayout = False
acctnamewidth = if ledger3ishlayout then 25 else 22
showaccountname = printf ("%-"++(show acctnamewidth)++"s") . bracket . elideAccountName width
2009-12-19 06:44:52 +03:00
(bracket,width) = case t of
2009-11-25 09:13:35 +03:00
BalancedVirtualPosting -> (\s -> "["++s++"]", acctnamewidth-2)
VirtualPosting -> (\s -> "("++s++")", acctnamewidth-2)
_ -> (id,acctnamewidth)
2011-08-31 21:44:20 +04:00
showamount = padleft 12 . showMixedAmount
2012-05-14 22:52:22 +04:00
showComment :: String -> String
2012-12-06 04:28:23 +04:00
showComment s = if null s then "" else " ;" ++ s
2012-05-14 22:52:22 +04:00
2009-04-03 14:58:05 +04:00
isReal :: Posting -> Bool
isReal p = ptype p == RegularPosting
2009-05-17 03:12:42 +04:00
isVirtual :: Posting -> Bool
isVirtual p = ptype p == VirtualPosting
isBalancedVirtual :: Posting -> Bool
isBalancedVirtual p = ptype p == BalancedVirtualPosting
2009-04-03 14:58:05 +04:00
hasAmount :: Posting -> Bool
2012-05-27 22:14:20 +04:00
hasAmount = (/= missingmixedamt) . pamount
2009-05-25 21:28:41 +04:00
2009-12-19 08:57:54 +03:00
accountNamesFromPostings :: [Posting] -> [AccountName]
accountNamesFromPostings = nub . map paccount
sumPostings :: [Posting] -> MixedAmount
2011-08-31 20:54:10 +04:00
sumPostings = sum . map pamount
2009-12-19 08:57:54 +03:00
2012-12-06 06:41:37 +04:00
-- | Get a posting's (primary) date - it's own primary date if specified,
-- otherwise the parent transaction's primary date, or the null date if
-- there is no parent transaction.
2009-12-19 08:57:54 +03:00
postingDate :: Posting -> Day
2012-12-06 04:28:23 +04:00
postingDate p = fromMaybe txndate $ pdate p
txndate = maybe nulldate tdate $ ptransaction p
2009-12-19 08:57:54 +03:00
2012-12-06 08:43:41 +04:00
-- | Get a posting's secondary (secondary) date, which is the first of:
2012-12-06 06:41:37 +04:00
-- posting's secondary date, transaction's secondary date, posting's
-- primary date, transaction's primary date, or the null date if there is
-- no parent transaction.
2012-12-06 08:43:41 +04:00
postingDate2 :: Posting -> Day
postingDate2 p = headDef nulldate $ catMaybes dates
2012-12-06 06:41:37 +04:00
where dates = [pdate2 p
2012-12-06 08:43:41 +04:00
,maybe Nothing tdate2 $ ptransaction p
2012-12-06 06:41:37 +04:00
,pdate p
,maybe Nothing (Just . tdate) $ ptransaction p
2012-12-06 05:10:15 +04:00
2010-12-27 01:39:28 +03:00
-- |Is this posting cleared? If this posting was individually marked
-- as cleared, returns True. Otherwise, return the parent
-- transaction's cleared status or, if there is no parent
-- transaction, return False.
2009-12-21 08:23:07 +03:00
postingCleared :: Posting -> Bool
2010-12-27 01:39:28 +03:00
postingCleared p = if pstatus p
then True
else maybe False tstatus $ ptransaction p
2009-12-21 08:23:07 +03:00
2012-05-28 04:27:55 +04:00
-- | Tags for this posting including any inherited from its parent transaction.
postingAllTags :: Posting -> [Tag]
2014-03-06 02:43:58 +04:00
postingAllTags p = ptags p ++ maybe [] ttags (ptransaction p)
2012-05-28 04:27:55 +04:00
2014-03-02 05:42:13 +04:00
-- | Tags for this transaction including any from its postings.
2012-05-28 04:27:55 +04:00
transactionAllTags :: Transaction -> [Tag]
2014-03-02 05:42:13 +04:00
transactionAllTags t = ttags t ++ concatMap ptags (tpostings t)
2012-05-28 04:27:55 +04:00
2012-12-22 04:24:38 +04:00
-- Get the other postings from this posting's transaction.
relatedPostings :: Posting -> [Posting]
relatedPostings p@Posting{ptransaction=Just t} = filter (/= p) $ tpostings t
relatedPostings _ = []
2009-12-19 08:57:54 +03:00
-- | Does this posting fall within the given date span ?
isPostingInDateSpan :: DateSpan -> Posting -> Bool
2010-07-11 22:56:36 +04:00
isPostingInDateSpan s = spanContainsDate s . postingDate
2009-12-21 08:23:07 +03:00
2014-04-14 01:57:40 +04:00
-- --date2-sensitive version, separate for now to avoid disturbing multiBalanceReport.
isPostingInDateSpan' :: WhichDate -> DateSpan -> Posting -> Bool
isPostingInDateSpan' PrimaryDate s = spanContainsDate s . postingDate
isPostingInDateSpan' SecondaryDate s = spanContainsDate s . postingDate2
2009-12-21 08:23:07 +03:00
isEmptyPosting :: Posting -> Bool
isEmptyPosting = isZeroMixedAmount . pamount
2012-05-14 22:52:22 +04:00
-- | Get the minimal date span which contains all the postings, or the
-- null date span if there are none.
2009-12-21 09:03:34 +03:00
postingsDateSpan :: [Posting] -> DateSpan
postingsDateSpan [] = DateSpan Nothing Nothing
postingsDateSpan ps = DateSpan (Just $ postingDate $ head ps') (Just $ addDays 1 $ postingDate $ last ps')
where ps' = sortBy (comparing postingDate) ps
2014-04-14 02:14:07 +04:00
-- --date2-sensitive version, as above.
postingsDateSpan' :: WhichDate -> [Posting] -> DateSpan
2014-04-14 19:31:11 +04:00
postingsDateSpan' _ [] = DateSpan Nothing Nothing
2014-04-14 02:14:07 +04:00
postingsDateSpan' wd ps = DateSpan (Just $ postingdate $ head ps') (Just $ addDays 1 $ postingdate $ last ps')
ps' = sortBy (comparing postingdate) ps
postingdate = if wd == PrimaryDate then postingDate else postingDate2
2011-08-05 04:05:39 +04:00
-- AccountName stuff that depends on PostingType
2011-08-03 03:29:13 +04:00
accountNamePostingType :: AccountName -> PostingType
accountNamePostingType a
| null a = RegularPosting
| head a == '[' && last a == ']' = BalancedVirtualPosting
| head a == '(' && last a == ')' = VirtualPosting
| otherwise = RegularPosting
accountNameWithoutPostingType :: AccountName -> AccountName
accountNameWithoutPostingType a = case accountNamePostingType a of
BalancedVirtualPosting -> init $ tail a
VirtualPosting -> init $ tail a
RegularPosting -> a
accountNameWithPostingType :: PostingType -> AccountName -> AccountName
accountNameWithPostingType BalancedVirtualPosting a = "["++accountNameWithoutPostingType a++"]"
accountNameWithPostingType VirtualPosting a = "("++accountNameWithoutPostingType a++")"
accountNameWithPostingType RegularPosting a = accountNameWithoutPostingType a
-- | Prefix one account name to another, preserving posting type
-- indicators like concatAccountNames.
joinAccountNames :: AccountName -> AccountName -> AccountName
joinAccountNames a b = concatAccountNames $ filter (not . null) [a,b]
-- | Join account names into one. If any of them has () or [] posting type
-- indicators, these (the first type encountered) will also be applied to
-- the resulting account name.
concatAccountNames :: [AccountName] -> AccountName
concatAccountNames as = accountNameWithPostingType t $ intercalate ":" $ map accountNameWithoutPostingType as
where t = headDef RegularPosting $ filter (/= RegularPosting) $ map accountNamePostingType as
2011-08-05 04:05:39 +04:00
-- | Rewrite an account name using the first applicable alias from the given list, if any.
accountNameApplyAliases :: [(AccountName,AccountName)] -> AccountName -> AccountName
accountNameApplyAliases aliases a = withorigtype
(a',t) = (accountNameWithoutPostingType a, accountNamePostingType a)
firstmatchingalias = headDef Nothing $ map Just $ filter (\(orig,_) -> orig == a' || orig `isAccountNamePrefixOf` a') aliases
rewritten = maybe a' (\(orig,alias) -> alias++drop (length orig) a') firstmatchingalias
withorigtype = accountNameWithPostingType t rewritten
2010-12-27 23:26:22 +03:00
tests_Hledger_Data_Posting = TestList [
2011-08-03 03:29:13 +04:00
"accountNamePostingType" ~: do
accountNamePostingType "a" `is` RegularPosting
accountNamePostingType "(a)" `is` VirtualPosting
accountNamePostingType "[a]" `is` BalancedVirtualPosting
,"accountNameWithoutPostingType" ~: do
accountNameWithoutPostingType "(a)" `is` "a"
,"accountNameWithPostingType" ~: do
accountNameWithPostingType VirtualPosting "[a]" `is` "(a)"
,"joinAccountNames" ~: do
"a" `joinAccountNames` "b:c" `is` "a:b:c"
"a" `joinAccountNames` "(b:c)" `is` "(a:b:c)"
"[a]" `joinAccountNames` "(b:c)" `is` "[a:b:c]"
"" `joinAccountNames` "a" `is` "a"
,"concatAccountNames" ~: do
concatAccountNames [] `is` ""
concatAccountNames ["a","(b)","[c:d]"] `is` "(a:b:c:d)"
2010-12-27 23:26:22 +03:00
2012-12-06 04:28:23 +04:00