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Convert account data in CSV format (eg downloaded from a bank) to ledger
2009-12-01 18:13:13 +03:00
format, and print it on stdout. See the manual for more details.
2009-06-02 22:29:01 +04:00
module Commands.Convert where
import Options (Opt(Debug))
import Version (versionstr)
import Ledger.Types (Ledger,AccountName,LedgerTransaction(..),Posting(..),PostingType(..))
import Ledger.Utils (strip, spacenonewline, restofline)
import Ledger.Parse (someamount, emptyCtx, ledgeraccountname)
import Ledger.Amount (nullmixedamt)
import System.IO (stderr)
import Text.CSV (parseCSVFromFile, printCSV)
import Text.Printf (hPrintf)
import Text.RegexPR (matchRegexPR)
import Data.Maybe
import Ledger.Dates (firstJust, showDate, parsedate)
2009-06-04 03:44:01 +04:00
import Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.Time.Format (parseTime)
import Control.Monad (when, guard)
import Safe (readDef, readMay)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath.Posix (takeBaseName, replaceExtension)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
convert :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO ()
convert opts args _ = do
when (null args) $ error "please specify a csv data file."
let csvfile = head args
csvparse <- parseCSVFromFile csvfile
let records = case csvparse of
Left e -> error $ show e
Right rs -> reverse $ filter (/= [""]) rs
let debug = Debug `elem` opts
rulesfile = rulesFileFor csvfile
exists <- doesFileExist rulesfile
if (not exists) then do
hPrintf stderr "creating conversion rules file %s, edit this file for better results\n" rulesfile
writeFile rulesfile initialRulesFileContent
hPrintf stderr "using conversion rules file %s\n" rulesfile
rulesstr <- readFile rulesfile
let rules = case parseCsvRules rulesfile rulesstr of
Left e -> error $ show e
Right r -> r
when debug $ hPrintf stderr "rules: %s\n" (show rules)
mapM_ (printTxn debug rules) records
rulesFileFor :: FilePath -> FilePath
rulesFileFor csvfile = replaceExtension csvfile ".rules"
initialRulesFileContent :: String
initialRulesFileContent =
"# csv conversion rules file generated by hledger "++versionstr++"\n" ++
"# Add rules to this file for more accurate conversion, see\n"++
"# http://hledger.org/MANUAL.html#convert\n" ++
"\n" ++
"base-account assets:bank:checking\n" ++
"date-field 0\n" ++
"description-field 4\n" ++
"amount-field 1\n" ++
"currency $\n" ++
"\n" ++
"# account-assigning rules\n" ++
"\n" ++
"expenses:health:gym\n" ++
"\n" ++
"ITUNES\n" ++
"expenses:entertainment\n" ++
"\n" ++
{- |
A set of data definitions and account-matching patterns sufficient to
convert a particular CSV data file into meaningful ledger transactions. See above.
data CsvRules = CsvRules {
dateField :: Maybe FieldPosition,
statusField :: Maybe FieldPosition,
codeField :: Maybe FieldPosition,
descriptionField :: Maybe FieldPosition,
amountField :: Maybe FieldPosition,
currencyField :: Maybe FieldPosition,
baseCurrency :: Maybe String,
baseAccount :: AccountName,
accountRules :: [AccountRule]
} deriving (Show)
nullrules = CsvRules {
type FieldPosition = Int
type AccountRule = (
[(String, Maybe String)] -- list of regex match patterns with optional replacements
,AccountName -- account name to use for a transaction matching this rule
type CsvRecord = [String]
-- rules file parser
parseCsvRules :: FilePath -> String -> Either ParseError CsvRules
parseCsvRules rulesfile s = runParser csvrulesfile nullrules{baseAccount=takeBaseName rulesfile} rulesfile s
csvrulesfile :: GenParser Char CsvRules CsvRules
csvrulesfile = do
many blankorcommentline
many definitions
r <- getState
ars <- many accountrule
many blankorcommentline
return r{accountRules=ars}
-- | Real independent parser choice, even when alternative matches share a prefix.
choice' parsers = choice $ map try (init parsers) ++ [last parsers]
definitions :: GenParser Char CsvRules ()
definitions = do
choice' [
] <?> "definition"
return ()
datefield = do
string "date-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{dateField=readMay v}
codefield = do
string "code-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{codeField=readMay v}
statusfield = do
string "status-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{statusField=readMay v}
descriptionfield = do
string "description-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{descriptionField=readMay v}
amountfield = do
string "amount-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{amountField=readMay v}
currencyfield = do
string "currency-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{currencyField=readMay v}
basecurrency = do
string "currency"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{baseCurrency=Just v}
baseaccount = do
string "base-account"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- ledgeraccountname
optional newline
r <- getState
setState r{baseAccount=v}
accountrule :: GenParser Char CsvRules AccountRule
accountrule = do
many blankorcommentline
pats <- many1 matchreplacepattern
guard $ length pats >= 2
let pats' = init pats
acct = either (fail.show) id $ runParser ledgeraccountname () "" $ fst $ last pats
many commentline
return (pats',acct)
blanklines = many1 blankline >> return ()
blankline = many spacenonewline >> newline >> return () <?> "blank line"
commentchar = oneOf ";#"
commentline = many spacenonewline >> commentchar >> restofline >> return () <?> "comment line"
blankorcommentline = choice' [blankline, commentline]
matchreplacepattern = do
notFollowedBy commentchar
matchpat <- many1 (noneOf "=\n")
replpat <- optionMaybe $ do {char '='; many $ noneOf "\n"}
return (matchpat,replpat)
printTxn :: Bool -> CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> IO ()
printTxn debug rules rec = do
when debug $ hPrintf stderr "csv: %s" (printCSV [rec])
putStr $ show $ transactionFromCsvRecord rules rec
-- csv record conversion
transactionFromCsvRecord :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> LedgerTransaction
transactionFromCsvRecord rules fields =
date = parsedate $ normaliseDate $ maybe "1900/1/1" (fields !!) (dateField rules)
status = maybe False (null . strip . (fields !!)) (statusField rules)
code = maybe "" (fields !!) (codeField rules)
desc = maybe "" (fields !!) (descriptionField rules)
comment = ""
precomment = ""
amountstr = maybe "" (fields !!) (amountField rules)
amountstr' = strnegate amountstr where strnegate ('-':s) = s
strnegate s = '-':s
currency = maybe (fromMaybe "" $ baseCurrency rules) (fields !!) (currencyField rules)
amountstr'' = currency ++ amountstr'
amountparse = runParser someamount emptyCtx "" amountstr''
amount = either (const nullmixedamt) id amountparse
unknownacct | (readDef 0 amountstr' :: Double) < 0 = "income:unknown"
| otherwise = "expenses:unknown"
(acct,newdesc) = identify (accountRules rules) unknownacct desc
LedgerTransaction {
Posting {
Posting {
paccount=baseAccount rules,
-- | Convert some date string with unknown format to YYYY/MM/DD.
normaliseDate :: String -> String
normaliseDate s = maybe "0000/00/00" showDate $
[parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y/%m/%e" s
-- can't parse a month without leading 0, try adding one
,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y/%m/%e" (take 5 s ++ "0" ++ drop 5 s)
,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%e" s
,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%e" (take 5 s ++ "0" ++ drop 5 s)
,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%m/%e/%Y" s
,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%m/%e/%Y" ('0':s)
,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%m-%e-%Y" s
,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%m-%e-%Y" ('0':s)
-- | Apply account matching rules to a transaction description to obtain
-- the most appropriate account and a new description.
identify :: [AccountRule] -> String -> String -> (String,String)
identify rules defacct desc | null matchingrules = (defacct,desc)
| otherwise = (acct,newdesc)
matchingrules = filter ismatch rules :: [AccountRule]
where ismatch = any (isJust . flip matchregex desc . fst) . fst
(prs,acct) = head matchingrules
mrs = filter (isJust . fst) $ map (\(p,r) -> (matchregex p desc, r)) prs
(m,repl) = head mrs
matched = fst $ fst $ fromJust m
newdesc = fromMaybe matched repl
matchregex = matchRegexPR . ("(?i)" ++)