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Raw Normal View History

A simple add command to help with data entry.
module AddCommand
import Ledger
import Options
import RegisterCommand (showRegisterReport)
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Utils (ledgerFromStringWithOpts)
-- | Read ledger transactions from the command line, prompting for each
-- field, and append them to the ledger file. If the ledger came from
-- stdin, this command has no effect.
add :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO ()
add opts args l
| filepath (rawledger l) == "-" = return ()
| otherwise = do
hPutStrLn stderr ("Please enter one or more transactions, which will be added to your ledger file.\n\
2009-04-08 10:23:49 +04:00
\A blank account or amount ends a transaction, control-d to finish.")
ts <- getAndAddTransactions l
hPutStrLn stderr $ printf "\nAdded %d transactions to %s ." (length ts) (filepath $ rawledger l)
-- | Read a number of ledger transactions from the command line,
-- prompting, validating, displaying and appending them to the ledger file.
getAndAddTransactions :: Ledger -> IO [LedgerTransaction]
getAndAddTransactions l = (do
today <- getCurrentDay
datestr <- askFor "date" (Just $ showDate today)
(Just $ \s -> null s ||
(isRight $ parse (smartdate >> many spacenonewline >> eof) "" $ lowercase s))
let date = fixSmartDate today $ fromparse $ parseSmartDate datestr
description <- askFor "description" Nothing (Just $ not . null)
ps <- getPostings []
let t = nullledgertxn{ltdate=date
-- a final validation, will raise an error if not parseable and balanced
putStrLn =<< registerFromString (show t)
appendToLedgerFile l $ show t
liftM (t:) (getAndAddTransactions l)
) `catch` (\e -> if isEOFError e then return [] else ioError e)
where parseSmartDate = parse smartdate "" . lowercase
-- | Read two or more postings interactively.
getPostings :: [Posting] -> IO [Posting]
getPostings prevps = do
account <- askFor "account" Nothing (Just $ \s -> not $ null s && (length prevps < 2))
if null account
then return prevps
else do
amount <- liftM (fromparse . parse (someamount <|> return missingamt) "")
$ askFor "amount" Nothing (Just $ \s -> not $ null s && null prevps)
let p = nullrawposting{paccount=account,pamount=amount}
if amount == missingamt
then return $ prevps ++ [p]
else getPostings $ prevps ++ [p]
-- | Prompt and read a string value, possibly with a default and a validator.
-- A validator will cause the prompt to repeat until the input is valid.
askFor :: String -> Maybe String -> Maybe (String -> Bool) -> IO String
askFor prompt def validator = do
hPutStr stderr $ prompt ++ (maybe "" showdef def) ++ ": "
hFlush stderr
l <- getLine
let input = if null l then fromMaybe l def else l
case validator of
Just valid -> if valid input then return input else askFor prompt def validator
Nothing -> return input
where showdef s = " [" ++ s ++ "]"
-- | Append a string of transactions to the ledger's file, ensuring proper
-- separation from the existing data; or if the file is "-", print them
-- to stdout.
appendToLedgerFile :: Ledger -> String -> IO ()
appendToLedgerFile l s =
if f == "-"
then putStr $ sep ++ s
else appendFile f $ sep++s
f = filepath $ rawledger l
t = rawledgertext l
sep | null $ strip t = ""
| otherwise = replicate (2 - min 2 (length lastnls)) '\n'
where lastnls = takeWhile (=='\n') $ reverse t
-- | Convert a string of ledger data into a register report.
registerFromString :: String -> IO String
registerFromString s = do
now <- getCurrentLocalTime
l <- ledgerFromStringWithOpts [] [] now s
return $ showRegisterReport [] [] l
{- doctests
2009-05-24 03:42:51 +04:00
$ echo "2009/13/1"|hledger -f /dev/null add 2>&1|tail -1|sed -e's/\[[^]]*\]//g' # a bad date is not accepted
date : date :
2009-05-24 03:42:51 +04:00
$ echo|hledger -f /dev/null add 2>&1|tail -1|sed -e's/\[[^]]*\]//g' # a blank date is ok
date : description:
2009-05-24 03:42:51 +04:00
$ printf "\n\n"|hledger -f /dev/null add 2>&1|tail -1|sed -e's/\[[^]]*\]//g' # a blank description should fail
date : description: description: