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2007-01-29 00:23:02 +03:00
-- hledger - ledger-compatible money management utilities
-- GPLv3, (c) Simon Michael & contributors,
-- ledger is at http://newartisans.com/ledger.html
2007-01-29 00:23:02 +03:00
-- here's the v2.5 grammar:
2007-01-28 13:30:24 +03:00
"The ledger file format is quite simple, but also very flexible. It supports
many options, though typically the user can ignore most of them. They are
summarized below. The initial character of each line determines what the
line means, and how it should be interpreted. Allowable initial characters
NUMBER A line beginning with a number denotes an entry. It may be followed by any
number of lines, each beginning with whitespace, to denote the entrys account
transactions. The format of the first line is:
If * appears after the date (with optional effective date), it indicates the entry
is cleared, which can mean whatever the user wants it t omean. If ! appears
after the date, it indicates d the entry is pending; i.e., tentatively cleared from
the users point of view, but not yet actually cleared. If a CODE appears in
parentheses, it may be used to indicate a check number, or the type of the
transaction. Following these is the payee, or a description of the transaction.
The format of each following transaction is:
The ACCOUNT may be surrounded by parentheses if it is a virtual
transactions, or square brackets if it is a virtual transactions that must
balance. The AMOUNT can be followed by a per-unit transaction cost,
by specifying AMOUNT, or a complete transaction cost with @ AMOUNT.
Lastly, the NOTE may specify an actual and/or effective date for the
transaction by using the syntax [ACTUAL_DATE] or [=EFFECTIVE_DATE] or
= An automated entry. A value expression must appear after the equal sign.
After this initial line there should be a set of one or more transactions, just as
if it were normal entry. If the amounts of the transactions have no commodity,
they will be applied as modifiers to whichever real transaction is matched by
the value expression.
~ A period entry. A period expression must appear after the tilde.
After this initial line there should be a set of one or more transactions, just as
if it were normal entry.
! A line beginning with an exclamation mark denotes a command directive. It
must be immediately followed by the command word. The supported commands
Include the stated ledger file.
The account name is given is taken to be the parent of all transac-
tions that follow, until !end is seen.
!end Ends an account block.
; A line beginning with a colon indicates a comment, and is ignored.
Y If a line begins with a capital Y, it denotes the year used for all subsequent
entries that give a date without a year. The year should appear immediately
after the Y, for example: Y2004. This is useful at the beginning of a file, to
specify the year for that file. If all entries specify a year, however, this command
has no effect.
P Specifies a historical price for a commodity. These are usually found in a pricing
history file (see the -Q option). The syntax is:
N SYMBOL Indicates that pricing information is to be ignored for a given symbol, nor will
quotes ever be downloaded for that symbol. Useful with a home currency, such
as the dollar ($). It is recommended that these pricing options be set in the price
database file, which defaults to ~/.pricedb. The syntax for this command is:
D AMOUNT Specifies the default commodity to use, by specifying an amount in the expected
format. The entry command will use this commodity as the default when none
other can be determined. This command may be used multiple times, to set
the default flags for different commodities; whichever is seen last is used as the
default commodity. For example, to set US dollars as the default commodity,
while also setting the thousands flag and decimal flag for that commodity, use:
D $1,000.00
Specifies a commodity conversion, where the first amount is given to be equiv-
alent to the second amount. The first amount should use the decimal precision
desired during reporting:
C 1.00 Kb = 1024 bytes
i, o, b, h
These four relate to timeclock support, which permits ledger to read timelog
files. See the timeclocks documentation for more info on the syntax of its
timelog files."
2007-01-28 00:51:59 +03:00
2007-01-30 11:16:07 +03:00
import Debug.Trace
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.HUnit
--import TildeExpand -- confuses my ghc 6.7
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory)
import System.Environment (getEnv)
2007-01-28 00:51:59 +03:00
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P
2007-01-28 12:32:24 +03:00
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language
2007-01-29 03:11:36 +03:00
import Text.Printf
2007-01-28 00:51:59 +03:00
-- sample data
sample_entry = "\
\2007/01/27 * joes diner\n\
\ expenses:food:dining $10.00\n\
\ expenses:gifts $10.00\n\
\ assets:checking $-20.00\n\
2007-01-28 13:30:24 +03:00
\\n" --"
sample_entry2 = "\
\2007/01/28 coopportunity\n\
\ expenses:food:groceries $47.18\n\
\ assets:checking\n\
\\n" --"
2007-01-28 13:16:13 +03:00
sample_entry3 = "\
\2007/01/01 * opening balance\n\
\ assets:cash $4.82\n\
\ equity:opening balances\n\
\2007/01/01 * opening balance\n\
\ assets:cash $4.82\n\
\ equity:opening balances\n\
\2007/01/28 coopportunity\n\
\ expenses:food:groceries $47.18\n\
\ assets:checking\n\
\\n" --"
sample_periodic_entry = "\
\~ monthly from 2007/2/2\n\
\ assets:saving $200.00\n\
\ assets:checking\n\
\\n" --"
sample_periodic_entry2 = "\
\~ monthly from 2007/2/2\n\
\ assets:saving $200.00 ;auto savings\n\
\ assets:checking\n\
\\n" --"
2007-01-28 13:16:13 +03:00
sample_periodic_entry3 = "\
\~ monthly from 2007/01/01\n\
\ assets:cash $4.82\n\
\ equity:opening balances\n\
\~ monthly from 2007/01/01\n\
\ assets:cash $4.82\n\
\ equity:opening balances\n\
\\n" --"
2007-01-28 12:32:24 +03:00
sample_transaction = " expenses:food:dining $10.00\n"
sample_transaction2 = " assets:checking\n"
sample_ledger = "\
\2007/01/27 * joes diner\n\
\ expenses:food:dining $10.00\n\
\ expenses:gifts $10.00\n\
\ assets:checking $-20.00\n\
\2007/01/28 coopportunity\n\
\ expenses:food:groceries $47.18\n\
\ assets:checking $-47.18\n\
\" --"
sample_ledger2 = "\
\2007/01/27 * joes diner\n\
\ expenses:food:dining $10.00\n\
\ assets:checking $-47.18\n\
\\n" --"
sample_ledger3 = "\
\2007/01/27 * joes diner\n\
\ expenses:food:dining $10.00\n\
\;intra-entry comment\n\
\ assets:checking $-47.18\n\
\\n" --"
sample_ledger4 = "\
\!include \"somefile\"\n\
\2007/01/27 * joes diner\n\
\ expenses:food:dining $10.00\n\
\ assets:checking $-47.18\n\
\\n" --"
sample_ledger5 = ""
2007-01-28 13:30:24 +03:00
sample_ledger6 = "\
\~ monthly from 2007/1/21\n\
\ expenses:entertainment $16.23 ;netflix\n\
\ assets:checking\n\
\; 2007/01/01 * opening balance\n\
\; assets:saving $200.04\n\
\; equity:opening balances \n\
\\n" --"
-- a data model
data Ledger = Ledger {
modifier_entries :: [ModifierEntry],
periodic_entries :: [PeriodicEntry],
entries :: [Entry]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
2007-01-29 03:29:50 +03:00
data ModifierEntry = ModifierEntry { -- aka automated entry
valueexpr :: String,
m_transactions :: [Transaction]
2007-01-29 03:11:36 +03:00
} deriving (Eq)
data PeriodicEntry = PeriodicEntry {
periodexpr :: String,
p_transactions :: [Transaction]
2007-01-29 03:11:36 +03:00
} deriving (Eq)
2007-01-28 13:30:24 +03:00
data Entry = Entry {
date :: Date,
status :: Bool,
code :: String,
description :: String,
transactions :: [Transaction]
2007-01-29 03:11:36 +03:00
} deriving (Eq)
data Transaction = Transaction {
account :: Account,
amount :: Amount
2007-01-29 03:11:36 +03:00
} deriving (Eq)
data Amount = Amount {
currency :: String,
quantity :: Float
2007-01-29 03:11:36 +03:00
} deriving (Read, Eq)
2007-01-28 00:51:59 +03:00
type Date = String
type Account = String
-- ledger file parsing
2007-01-28 12:32:24 +03:00
2007-01-29 00:23:02 +03:00
-- set up token parsing, though we're not using it heavily yet
2007-01-28 12:32:24 +03:00
ledgerLanguageDef = LanguageDef {
commentStart = ""
, commentEnd = ""
, commentLine = ";"
, nestedComments = False
, identStart = letter <|> char '_'
, identLetter = alphaNum <|> oneOf "_':"
, opStart = opLetter emptyDef
, opLetter = oneOf "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"
2007-01-28 12:32:24 +03:00
, reservedOpNames= []
, reservedNames = []
, caseSensitive = False
2007-01-29 00:23:02 +03:00
lexer = P.makeTokenParser ledgerLanguageDef
2007-01-28 12:32:24 +03:00
whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer
lexeme = P.lexeme lexer
symbol = P.symbol lexer
natural = P.natural lexer
parens = P.parens lexer
semi = P.semi lexer
identifier = P.identifier lexer
reserved = P.reserved lexer
reservedOp = P.reservedOp lexer
2007-01-29 00:23:02 +03:00
-- parsers
ledger = do
2007-01-29 00:23:02 +03:00
-- for now these must come first, unlike ledger
modifier_entries <- many ledgermodifierentry
periodic_entries <- many ledgerperiodicentry
entries <- (many ledgerentry) <?> "entry"
return (Ledger modifier_entries periodic_entries entries)
ledgernondatalines = many (ledgerdirective <|> ledgercomment <|> do {whiteSpace1; return []})
2007-01-29 00:23:02 +03:00
whiteSpace1 = do space; whiteSpace
restofline = anyChar `manyTill` newline
ledgercomment = char ';' >> restofline <?> "comment"
ledgerdirective = char '!' >> restofline <?> "directive"
ledgertransactions = (ledgertransaction <?> "transaction") `manyTill` (newline <?> "blank line")
-- => unlike ledger, we need to end the file with a blank line
ledgermodifierentry = do
char '=' <?> "entry"
many spacenonewline
valueexpr <- restofline
transactions <- ledgertransactions
return (ModifierEntry valueexpr transactions)
ledgerperiodicentry = do
char '~' <?> "entry"
many spacenonewline
periodexpr <- restofline
transactions <- ledgertransactions
return (PeriodicEntry periodexpr transactions)
ledgerentry = do
date <- ledgerdate
status <- ledgerstatus
code <- ledgercode
description <- anyChar `manyTill` ledgereol
transactions <- ledgertransactions
return (Entry date status code description transactions)
ledgerdate = do date <- many1 (digit <|> char '/'); many1 spacenonewline; return date
ledgerstatus = try (do { char '*'; many1 spacenonewline; return True } ) <|> return False
2007-01-29 00:29:39 +03:00
ledgercode = try (do { char '('; code <- anyChar `manyTill` char ')'; many1 spacenonewline; return code } ) <|> return ""
ledgertransaction = do
many1 spacenonewline
account <- ledgeraccount <?> "account"
amount <- ledgeramount <?> "amount"
2007-01-28 12:32:24 +03:00
many spacenonewline
many ledgercomment
return (Transaction account amount)
2007-01-29 00:23:02 +03:00
-- account names may have single spaces in them, and are terminated by two or more spaces
ledgeraccount = many1 (alphaNum <|> char ':' <|> try (do {spacenonewline; do {notFollowedBy spacenonewline; return ' '}}))
ledgeramount = try (do
2007-01-29 00:23:02 +03:00
many1 spacenonewline
currency <- many (noneOf "-.0123456789\n") <?> "currency"
2007-01-28 12:32:24 +03:00
quantity <- many1 (oneOf "-.0123456789") <?> "quantity"
return (Amount currency (read quantity))
2007-01-28 12:32:24 +03:00
) <|>
2007-01-29 00:23:02 +03:00
return (Amount "" 0)
2007-01-28 12:32:24 +03:00
ledgereol = ledgercomment <|> do {newline; return []}
spacenonewline = satisfy (\c -> c `elem` " \v\f\t")
2007-01-30 11:16:07 +03:00
-- tests
test1 = TestCase (assertEqual "1==1" 1 1)
sometests = TestList [TestLabel "test1" test1]
tests = Test.HUnit.test [
"test1" ~: "1==1" ~: 1 ~=? 1,
"test2" ~: assertEqual "2==2" 2 2
prop_test1 = 1 == 1
prop2 = 1 == 1
2007-01-29 03:29:50 +03:00
test = do
parseTest ledgertransaction sample_transaction
parseTest ledgertransaction sample_transaction2
parseTest ledgerentry sample_entry
parseTest ledgerentry sample_entry2
parseTest ledgerentry sample_entry3
parseTest ledgerperiodicentry sample_periodic_entry
parseTest ledgerperiodicentry sample_periodic_entry2
parseTest ledgerperiodicentry sample_periodic_entry3
parseTest ledger sample_ledger
parseTest ledger sample_ledger2
parseTest ledger sample_ledger3
parseTest ledger sample_ledger4
parseTest ledger sample_ledger5
parseTest ledger sample_ledger6
parseTest ledger sample_periodic_entry
parseTest ledger sample_periodic_entry2
2007-01-29 03:11:36 +03:00
parseMyLedgerFile >>= printParseResult
return ()
-- assert_ $ amount t1 == 8.50
-- putStrLn "ok"
-- where assert_ e = assert e return ()
2007-01-29 03:11:36 +03:00
printParseResult r =
case r of
Left err -> do putStr "ledger parse error at "; print err
Right x -> do print x
-- ok, what can we do with it ?
2007-01-29 03:29:50 +03:00
parseMyLedgerFile = do
ledgerFile >>= parseFromFile ledger >>= return
ledgerFile = do
filepath <- getEnv "LEDGER" `catch` \_ -> return "ledger.dat"
-- don't know how to accomplish this great feat
--ledger_file <- tildeExpand filepath
let ledger_file = filepath
return ledger_file
2007-01-29 03:11:36 +03:00
showLedger l = "Ledger has\n"
++ (showModifierEntries $ modifier_entries l)
++ (showPeriodicEntries $ periodic_entries l)
++ (showEntries $ entries l)
showModifierEntries [] = ""
showModifierEntries es =
(show n) ++ " modifier " ++ (inflectEntries n) ++ ":\n" ++ unlines (map show es)
where n = length es
showPeriodicEntries [] = ""
showPeriodicEntries es =
(show n) ++ " periodic " ++ (inflectEntries n) ++ ":\n" ++ unlines (map show es)
where n = length es
showEntries [] = ""
showEntries es =
(show n) ++ " " ++ (inflectEntries n) ++ ":\n" ++ unlines (map show es)
where n = length es
inflectEntries 1 = "entry"
inflectEntries _ = "entries"
instance Show ModifierEntry where
show e = "= " ++ (valueexpr e) ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map show (m_transactions e))
instance Show PeriodicEntry where
show e = "~ " ++ (periodexpr e) ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map show (p_transactions e))
instance Show Entry where
show e = date e ++ " " ++ s ++ c ++ d ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map show (transactions e))
2007-01-29 03:29:50 +03:00
d = description e
s = case (status e) of {True -> "* "; False -> ""}
c = case (length(code e) > 0) of {True -> (code e ++ " "); False -> ""}
2007-01-29 03:11:36 +03:00
instance Show Transaction where
show t = printf " %-40s %20.2s" (take 40 $ account t) (show $ amount t)
instance Show Amount where show a = (currency a) ++ (show $ quantity a)
2007-01-29 03:29:50 +03:00
r = register
2007-01-29 03:11:36 +03:00
register = do
p <- parseMyLedgerFile
case p of
Left err -> do putStr "ledger parse error at "; print err
Right l -> putStr $ showLedger l
2007-01-29 03:11:36 +03:00
main = do register