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#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
hledger-rewrite PATTERNS --add-posting "ACCT AMTEXPR" ...
Skeleton for a minimal generic rewriter of journal entries.
Reads the default journal and prints the entries, like print,
but adds the specified postings to any entries matching PATTERNS.
import Hledger.Data.Types (Journal(..))
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli
main = do
putStrLn "(-f option not supported)"
opts <- getCliOpts (defCommandMode ["hledger-rewrite"])
withJournalDo opts $
\opts j@Journal{jtxns=ts} -> print' opts j{jtxns=map rewrite ts}
rewrite t = if matched t then t{tpostings=tpostings t ++ newps t}
else t
matched t = Acct "^income" `matchesTransaction` t
newps t = [generatePosting t "(Reserve)" (`divideMixedAmount` 10)]
generatePosting t acct amtfn = nullposting{paccount = accountNameWithoutPostingType acct
,ptype = accountNamePostingType acct
,pamount = amtfn amt
amt = pamount $ head $ filter (Acct "^income" `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t