2023-10-23 21:07:52 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack runghc --verbosity error --package hledger --package hledger-lib --package text --package safe
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-- (use the local hledger source)
2024-09-06 00:43:06 +03:00
-- -- stack script --compile --resolver nightly-2024-09-04 --verbosity info --package hledger --package text
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-- -- (use a released hledger from stackage)
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2023-10-23 21:29:32 +03:00
-- A custom compound report - like incomestatement but with different,
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-- customisable subheadings/subreports. More verbose and haskelly than
-- hledger-report1.sh but also more robust and powerful.
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, PackageImports #-}
import Hledger.Cli.Script
import qualified "text" Data.Text as T
import qualified "text" Data.Text.IO as T
cmdmode = hledgerCommandMode (unlines
,"A custom compound report - like the incomestatement command but easier to customise."
,"Usage: hledger-report1 [OPTS] [ARGS]"
,"or: hledger report1 -- [OPTS] [ARGS]"
]) [] [generalflagsgroup1] [] ([], Just $ argsFlag "[ARGS]")
main = do
opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} <- getHledgerCliOpts cmdmode
withJournalDo opts $ flip compoundBalanceCommand opts $
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-- see https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hledger/docs/Hledger-Cli-CompoundBalanceCommand.html
-- and https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hledger-lib-1.31/docs/Hledger-Query.html
CompoundBalanceCommandSpec {
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cbcdoc = "report1 help text",
cbctitle = "Report1 Statement",
cbcaccum = PerPeriod,
cbcqueries = [
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2023-10-23 21:29:32 +03:00
,cbcsubreportquery=Type [Revenue]
,cbcsubreportoptions=(\ropts -> ropts{normalbalance_=Just NormallyNegative})
,cbcsubreporttransform=fmap maNegate
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2023-10-23 21:29:32 +03:00
cbcsubreporttitle="Operating Expenses"
,cbcsubreportquery=And [Type [Expense], Acct $ toRegex' "Operating"]
,cbcsubreportoptions=(\ropts -> ropts{normalbalance_=Just NormallyPositive})
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2023-10-23 21:29:32 +03:00
cbcsubreporttitle="Other Expenses"
,cbcsubreportquery=And [Type [Expense], Not $ Acct $ toRegex' "Operating"]
,cbcsubreportoptions=(\ropts -> ropts{normalbalance_=Just NormallyPositive})
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