
109 lines
3.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2008-09-28 07:24:29 +04:00
BUILD=ghc --make hledger.hs -o hledger
BUILDPROF=$(BUILD) -prof -auto-all
2007-07-04 07:33:08 +04:00
PROFILE=./hledger -s balance +RTS -p
2007-05-02 06:50:10 +04:00
TIME=`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M"`
2007-02-11 02:25:48 +03:00
build: Tags
2007-05-02 06:50:10 +04:00
2007-07-04 13:28:07 +04:00
buildopt opt: clean
2007-07-04 07:33:08 +04:00
2007-07-02 20:31:47 +04:00
2007-07-04 07:33:08 +04:00
profile: build
mv hledger.prof profs/$(TIME).prof
2007-07-03 09:42:43 +04:00
rm -f last.prof
2007-07-04 07:33:08 +04:00
ln -s profs/$(TIME).prof last.prof
head -20 profs/$(TIME).prof >simple.prof
2007-07-03 13:11:03 +04:00
cat simple.prof
./simplifyprof.hs <last.prof >>simple.prof
2007-05-02 06:50:10 +04:00
2007-07-04 07:33:08 +04:00
xprofile: build
mv hledger.prof profs/$(TIME).xprof
ghcprof profs/$(TIME).xprof
2007-07-11 12:25:05 +04:00
@./hledger.hs test
2007-07-04 06:23:37 +04:00
2007-03-10 02:21:49 +03:00
@darcs trackdown 'find . -name "*hs" |xargs wc -l |echo OUTPUT `tail -1`; false' |ruby -nae'puts $$F[1] if /^OUTPUT/'
2007-02-09 06:32:07 +03:00
hasktags *hs
2007-02-09 06:17:18 +03:00
2007-07-04 07:33:08 +04:00
rm -f *.o *.hi *~ 1 2
2007-02-09 06:17:18 +03:00
rm -rf api-doc hoogle
Clean: clean clean-docs
2008-09-28 07:27:17 +04:00
rm -f hledger hledgeropt TAGS tags
2008-09-28 07:24:29 +04:00
# docs
docs: haddock-with-source hoogleweb api-doc-frames
mkdir -p api-doc
2008-10-01 03:53:27 +04:00
api-doc: api-doc-dir $(MAIN)
echo "Generating haddock api docs" ; \
haddock --no-warnings --ignore-all-exports -B `ghc --print-libdir` -o api-doc -h $(filter-out %api-doc-dir,$^) ; \
cp api-doc/index.html api-doc/modules-index.html
2008-10-01 03:53:27 +04:00
api-doc-with-source: api-doc-dir colourised-source $(MAIN)
echo "Generating haddock api docs" ; \
haddock --no-warnings --ignore-all-exports -B `ghc --print-libdir` -o api-doc -h --source-module=src-%{MODULE/./-}.html --source-entity=src-%{MODULE/./-}.html#%N $(filter-out %api-doc-dir colourised-source,$^) ; \
cp api-doc/index.html api-doc/modules-index.html
2008-10-01 03:53:27 +04:00
# munge haddock and hoogle into a rough but useful framed layout
# ensure that the hoogle cgi is built with base target "main"
api-doc-frames: api-doc-with-source hoogleweb
echo "Converting api docs to frames" ; \
sed -i -e 's%^></HEAD%><base target="main"></HEAD%' api-doc/modules-index.html ; \
2008-10-01 03:53:27 +04:00
cp doc/misc/api-doc-frames.html api-doc/index.html ; \
cp doc/misc/hoogle-small.html hoogle
colourised-source: api-doc-dir
echo "Generating colourised source" ; \
for f in *hs; do \
HsColour -css -anchor $$f -oapi-doc/`echo "src/"$$f | sed -e's%/%-%g' | sed -e's%\.hs$$%.html%'` ; \
done ; \
HsColour -print-css >api-doc/hscolour.css
#generate a hoogle index
#uses system hoogle, works around http://code.google.com/p/ndmitchell/issues/detail?id=93
#to use: hoogle --data=hoogle/default ...
hoogleindex: $(MAIN)
echo "Generating hoogle index" ; \
mkdir -p hoogle && \
haddock --no-warnings --ignore-all-exports -B `ghc --print-libdir` -o hoogle --hoogle $^ && \
cd hoogle && \
sed -i -e 's/^(_/-- (_/' main.txt && \
hoogle --convert=main.txt --output=default.hoo
#set up the hoogle web interface
#uses a hoogle source tree configured with --datadir=., patched to fix haddock urls/target frame
HOOGLEVER=`$(HOOGLE) --version |tail -n 1 | sed -e 's/Version /hoogle-/'`
hoogleweb: hoogleindex
echo "Configuring hoogle web interface" ; \
if test -f $(HOOGLE) ; then \
mkdir -p hoogle && \
cd hoogle && \
rm -f $(HOOGLEVER) && \
ln -s . $(HOOGLEVER) && \
cp -r $(HOOGLESRC)/src/res/ . && \
cp -p $(HOOGLE) index.cgi && \
touch log.txt && chmod 666 log.txt ; \
else \
echo "Could not find $(HOOGLE) in the hoogle source tree" ; \