diff --git a/doc/github-release-doc.tmpl.md b/doc/github-release-doc.tmpl.md
deleted file mode 100644
index af58ebab6..000000000
--- a/doc/github-release-doc.tmpl.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-## Release notes (https://hledger.org/release-notes.html#hledger-A-BB)
-## Installing
-At , binary packages should be available for this release within a few days (look for green badges).
-Or, you can build from source as described there, after cloning at tag `A.BB`:
-`git clone https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger --depth 1 -b A.BB`
-Or, if under "Assets" below there are release binaries suitable for your OS and hardware, you can use those.
-Here are platform-specific instructions for the release binaries.
-(You can copy & paste each block of commands as a unit to save time.):
-### GNU/Linux on 64-bit Intel
-At the command line,
-cd /usr/local/bin
-curl -LOC- https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/releases/download/A.BB/hledger-linux-x64.zip # can rerun if interrupted
-unzip hledger-linux-x64.zip; tar xvf hledger-linux-x64.tar; rm hledger-linux-x64.{zip,tar} # github workaround, preserves permissions
-cd -
-hledger --version # should show the new version
-touch $HOME/.hledger.journal # ensure a default journal file exists
-### Mac on 64-bit Intel
-In a terminal window,
-cd /usr/local/bin
-curl -LOC- https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/releases/download/A.BB/hledger-mac-x64.zip
-unzip hledger-mac-x64.zip; tar xvf hledger-mac-x64.tar; rm hledger-mac-x64.{zip,tar} # github workaround, preserves permissions
-open .
-# for the hledger, hledger-ui, hledger-web icons: right-click, Open, confirm it's ok to run
-cd -
-hledger --version # should show the new version
-touch $HOME/.hledger.journal # ensure a default journal file exists
-### Windows 64-bit Intel (or Windows 11 Arm, using emulation)
-In a powershell window (press Windows-r, type powershell, press enter),
-1. Make a place to keep hledger binaries, and add it to your PATH; this makes running hledger easier. You only need to do this once, not for every release:
-mkdir -force $HOME\bin >$null
-$ENV:PATH += ";"+$HOME+"\bin"
-[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)+";"+$HOME+"\bin", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
-2. Download and install the release binaries:
-cd $HOME\bin
-curl https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/releases/download/A.BB/hledger-windows-x64.zip -OutFile hledger-windows-x64.zip
-Expand-Archive hledger-windows-x64.zip -DestinationPath .
-rm hledger-windows-x64.zip
-cd $HOME
-hledger --version # should show the new version
-3. Ensure a default journal file exists, and without a problematic encoding.
-(Not sure why "ascii" is needed here - hledger likes utf8 and understands utf8 BOM headers..
-but the state of [our unicode support on Windows](https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A%22platform%3A+windows%22+label%3Ai18n)
-is really unknown, your input welcome.)
-out-file -append -encoding ascii $HOME/.hledger.journal
-Once that journal file exists, you can start hledger-web by double-clicking on the icon if you wish.
-### Windows 7 on 64-bit Intel, using Firefox
-- click hledger-windows-x64.zip below
-- choose Open with Windows Explorer, OK
-- click Extract all files
-- choose a destination folder - ideally one that appears in `echo %PATH%`, like `C:\Windows` (though that one will require administrator permission); otherwise, your home directory (`C:\Users\YOURNAME`)
-- check "Show extracted files when complete"
-- click Extract, wait for the destination folder to open
-- find the hledger, hledger-web icons (if you extracted to `\Windows`, you'll need to scroll down)
-- for each icon: double-click, uncheck "Always ask before opening this file", click Run
-- close those Explorer windows
-- open a command window (press Windows-r, type CMD, press enter)
-- `hledger --version` should show the new version
-- `echo # >> .hledger.journal` to ensure a default journal file exists. (Important: the doubled **>>** is needed to avoid overwriting existing data.)
-- Starting hledger by double-clicking its icon won't work because it needs arguments; run it from the command window instead.
-- Starting hledger-web by double-clicking its icon may fail eg because Explorer's command window is too small;
- configure that to be larger, or run hledger-web from a command window instead.
-- hledger or hledger-web may fail to run if there is not enough memory available.
-## Next steps
-- [Get Started](https://hledger.org/start.html)
-![Downloads, linux-x64](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/simonmichael/hledger/1.29.2/hledger-linux-x64.zip)\
-![Downloads, mac-x64](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/simonmichael/hledger/1.29.2/hledger-mac-x64.zip)\
-![Downloads, windows-x64](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/simonmichael/hledger/1.29.2/hledger-windows-x64.zip)
diff --git a/doc/github-release.md b/doc/github-release.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45bc66880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/github-release.md
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+## Release notes (https://hledger.org/release-notes.html#hledger-1-30)
+**Boolean queries, easier CSV file management, built-in demos, hledger-ui cash accounts screen, fixes.**
+### hledger 1.30
+Breaking changes
+- The CSV reader now properly skips all empty lines, as specified by docs.
+ Previously, inner empty lines were not being skipped automatically.
+ You might need to adjust the `skip` count in some CSV rules files.
+ (#2024)
+- Certain reporting flags now toggle on/off if repeated. (Experimental)
+ This can be useful for overriding defaults in command line scripts,
+ since you can now turn a flag off as well as on. The flags which
+ can be toggled are:
+ --invert
+ --transpose
+ -r/--related
+ -%/--percent
+ -E/--empty
+ -N/--no-total
+ -T/--row-total
+ -A/--average
+ -S/--sort-amount
+- Timedot format now generates a single multi-posting transaction per
+ date line, and supports comments and tags on all lines.
+ (#1754)
+- Timeclock format now supports comments and tags.
+ Descriptions can no longer contain semicolons.
+ (#1220)
+- CSV rules files can now be read directly, as in
+ `hledger -f foo.csv.rules CMD`. By default this will read data
+ from foo.csv in the same directory.
+- CSV rules files can use a new `source FILE` rule to specify the data file,
+ with some convenience features:
+ - If the data file does not exist, it is treated as empty, not an
+ error.
+ - If FILE is a relative path, it is relative to the rules file's
+ directory. If it is just a file name with no path, it is relative
+ to `~/Downloads/`.
+ - If FILE is a glob pattern, the most recently modified matched file
+ is used.
+ This helps remove some of the busywork of managing CSV downloads.
+ Most of your financial institutions's default CSV filenames are
+ different and can be recognised by a glob pattern. So you can put a
+ rule like `source Checking1*.csv` in foo-checking.csv.rules,
+ periodically download CSV from Foo's website accepting your browser's
+ defaults, and then run `hledger import checking.csv.rules` to import
+ any new transactions. The next time, if you have done no cleanup, your
+ browser will probably save it as something like Checking1-2.csv, and
+ hledger will still see that because of the * wild card. You can choose
+ whether to delete CSVs after import, or keep them for a while as
+ temporary backups, or archive them somewhere.
+ (Experimental)
+- The balance command has a new --count report type
+ which reports posting counts instead of amounts.
+- Full boolean queries, allowing arbitrary use of AND, OR, NOT
+ (case insensitive) and parentheses for grouping, are now supported.
+ For backward compatibility, these require an `expr:` prefix.
+ Existing queries work as before, and you can mix and match the
+ old and new styles if you like.
+ (Chris Lemaire)
+- demo: This new command plays brief asciinema screencasts explaining
+ various features and use cases. We will add more of these over time.
+ (Experimental)
+- Add-on commands can now have `.js`, `.lua`, or `.php` file extensions.
+- Generated and modified transactions and postings have the same hidden
+ tags (beginning with underscore) as before, but no longer have visible
+ tags added by default. Use `--verbose-tags` if you want them added.
+- We now try harder to ensure `less` (and its `more` mode) show our
+ ANSI formatting properly in help output.
+ If you use some other $PAGER, you may have to configure it yourself
+ to show ANSI (or disable ANSI entirely, eg by setting NO_COLOR=1).
+ This is now documented in hledger manual > Paging.
+ (#2015)
+- The print command's `--match` mode has been refined.
+ Previously, similarity completely outweighed recency, so a
+ slightly-more-similar transaction would always be selected no matter
+ how old it was. Now similarity and recency are more balanced,
+ and it should produce the desired transaction more often.
+ There is also new debug output (at debug level 1) for troubleshooting.
+- Miscellaneous commands list updates.
+ Help has been added for all published add-on commands (like hledger-lots).
+- The help command's documentation now mentions an issue caused by
+ a too-old `info` program, as on mac.
+ (#1770)
+- Unbalanced virtual postings with no amount always infer a zero amount.
+ This is fixing and clarifying the status quo; they always did this,
+ but print always showed them with no amount, even with -x, and
+ the behaviour was undocumented.
+- On windows systems with multiple drive letters, the commands list
+ could fail to show all installed add-ons.
+ (#2040)
+- Balancing a transaction with a balance assignment now properly respects costs.
+ (#2039)
+- The commands list no longer lists non-installed addons.
+ (#2034)
+- Since hledger 1.25, "every Nth day of month" period rules with N > 28 could
+ be calculated wrongly by a couple of days when given certain forecast start dates.
+ Eg `~ every 31st day of month` with `--forecast='2023-03-30..'`.
+ This is now fixed.
+ (#2032)
+- Postings are now processed in correct date order when inferring balance assignments.
+ (#2025)
+- Posting comment lines no longer disrupt the underline position in error messages.
+ (#1927)
+- Debug output is now formatted to fit the terminal width.
+- Miscellaneous manual cleanups.
+- Rewrite introductory sections,
+ Date adjustment,
+ Directives,
+ Forecasting,
+ etc.
+- Add Paging section.
+- Remove archaic mentions of `setenv`.
+- Renamed: Hledger.Cli.Commands: findCommand -> findBuiltinCommand
+### hledger-ui 1.30
+- A "Cash accounts" screen has been added, showing
+ accounts of the `Cash` type.
+- The top-level menu screen is now the default screen.
+ Power users can use the `--cash`/`--bs`/`--is`/`--all`
+ flags to start up in another screen.
+- "All accounts" screen has been moved to the bottom of the list.
+- Screens' help footers have been improved.
+- The transaction screen's inability to update is now noted.
+- Miscellaneous manual cleanups.
+### hledger-web 1.30
+- A command line depth limit now works properly.
+ (#1763)
+- Miscellaneous manual cleanups.
+### project changes 1.30
+- hledger-bar: new script for making simple bar charts in the terminal
+- hledger-install: also list cabal, stack, pip tool versions
+- examples/csv: added a more up-to-date CSV makefile
+- examples/i18: Added sample top level account and type declarations in several languages
+- A shorter, more example-heavy home page on the website.
+- Simplified website and FAQ structure.
+### credits 1.30
+Simon Michael,
+Chris Lemaire,
+Yehoshua Pesach Wallach.
+## Install
+At , binary packages should be available for this release within a few days (look for green badges).
+Or, you can build from source as described there, after cloning at tag `1.30`:
+`git clone https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger --depth 1 -b 1.30`
+Or, if under "Assets" below there are release binaries suitable for your OS and hardware, you can use those.
+Here are platform-specific instructions for the release binaries.
+(You can copy & paste each block of commands as a unit to save time.):
+### GNU/Linux on 64-bit Intel
+At the command line,
+cd /usr/local/bin
+curl -LOC- https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/releases/download/1.30/hledger-linux-x64.zip # can rerun if interrupted
+unzip hledger-linux-x64.zip; tar xvf hledger-linux-x64.tar; rm hledger-linux-x64.{zip,tar} # github workaround, preserves permissions
+cd -
+hledger --version # should show the new version
+touch $HOME/.hledger.journal # ensure a default journal file exists
+### Mac on 64-bit Intel
+In a terminal window,
+cd /usr/local/bin
+curl -LOC- https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/releases/download/1.30/hledger-mac-x64.zip
+unzip hledger-mac-x64.zip; tar xvf hledger-mac-x64.tar; rm hledger-mac-x64.{zip,tar} # github workaround, preserves permissions
+open .
+# for the hledger, hledger-ui, hledger-web icons: right-click, Open, confirm it's ok to run
+cd -
+hledger --version # should show the new version
+touch $HOME/.hledger.journal # ensure a default journal file exists
+### Windows 64-bit Intel (or ARM, using emulation)
+In a powershell window (press Windows-r, type powershell, press enter),
+1. Make a place to keep hledger binaries, and add it to your PATH; this makes running hledger easier. You only need to do this once, not for every release:
+mkdir -force $HOME\bin >$null
+$ENV:PATH += ";"+$HOME+"\bin"
+[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)+";"+$HOME+"\bin", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
+2. Download and install the release binaries:
+cd $HOME\bin
+curl https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/releases/download/1.30/hledger-windows-x64.zip -OutFile hledger-windows-x64.zip
+Expand-Archive hledger-windows-x64.zip -DestinationPath .
+rm hledger-windows-x64.zip
+cd $HOME
+hledger --version # should show the new version
+3. Ensure a default journal file exists, and without a problematic encoding.
+(Not sure why "ascii" is needed here - hledger likes utf8 and understands utf8 BOM headers..
+but the state of [our unicode support on Windows](https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A%22platform%3A+windows%22+label%3Ai18n)
+is really unknown, your input welcome.)
+out-file -append -encoding ascii $HOME/.hledger.journal
+Once that journal file exists, you can start hledger-web by double-clicking on the icon if you wish.
+### Windows 7 on 64-bit Intel
+- click hledger-windows-x64.zip below
+- choose Open with Windows Explorer, OK
+- click Extract all files
+- choose a destination folder - ideally one that appears in `echo %PATH%`, like `C:\Windows` (though that one will require administrator permission); otherwise, your home directory (`C:\Users\YOURNAME`)
+- check "Show extracted files when complete"
+- click Extract, wait for the destination folder to open
+- find the hledger, hledger-web icons (if you extracted to `\Windows`, you'll need to scroll down)
+- for each icon: double-click, uncheck "Always ask before opening this file", click Run
+- close those Explorer windows
+- open a command window (press Windows-r, type CMD, press enter)
+- `hledger --version` should show the new version
+- `echo # >> .hledger.journal` to ensure a default journal file exists. (Important: the doubled **>>** is needed to avoid overwriting existing data.)
+- Starting hledger by double-clicking its icon won't work because it needs arguments; run it from the command window instead.
+- Starting hledger-web by double-clicking its icon may fail eg because Explorer's command window is too small;
+ configure that to be larger, or run hledger-web from a command window instead.
+- hledger or hledger-web may fail to run if there is not enough memory available.
+## Next steps
+- [Get Started](https://hledger.org/start.html)