lib: Infer prices correctly even when there are only balance assignments.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Morgan 2021-04-13 17:41:58 +10:00 committed by Simon Michael
parent 7cb621b82f
commit 0078f1a520
2 changed files with 48 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -63,9 +63,10 @@ module Hledger.Data.Transaction (
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.List (intercalate, partition)
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing, mapMaybe)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
@ -548,40 +549,48 @@ inferBalancingPrices t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=ps'}
-- | Generate a posting update function which assigns a suitable balancing
-- price to the posting, if and as appropriate for the given transaction and
-- posting type (real or balanced virtual).
-- posting type (real or balanced virtual). If we cannot or should not infer
-- prices, just act as the identity on postings.
priceInferrerFor :: Transaction -> PostingType -> (Posting -> Posting)
priceInferrerFor t pt = inferprice
priceInferrerFor t pt = maybe id inferprice $ inferFromAndTo sumamounts
postings = filter ((==pt).ptype) $ tpostings t
pmixedamounts = map pamount postings
pcommodities = map acommodity $ concatMap amountsRaw pmixedamounts
sumamounts = amounts $ maSum pmixedamounts -- sum normalises to one amount per commodity & price
sumcommodities = map acommodity sumamounts
sumprices = filter isJust $ map aprice sumamounts
caninferprices = length sumcommodities == 2 && null sumprices
postings = filter ((==pt).ptype) $ tpostings t
pcommodities = map acommodity $ concatMap (amounts . pamount) postings
sumamounts = amounts $ sumPostings postings -- amounts normalises to one amount per commodity & price
noprices = all (isNothing . aprice) sumamounts
inferprice p@Posting{pamount=amt} = case amountsRaw amt of
[a] | caninferprices && ptype p == pt && acommodity a == fromcommodity
-> p{ pamount=mixedAmount a{aprice=Just conversionprice}
, poriginal=Just $ originalPosting p}
fromcommodity = head $ filter (`elem` sumcommodities) pcommodities -- these heads are ugly but should be safe
totalpricesign = if aquantity a < 0 then negate else id
conversionprice = case filter (==fromcommodity) pcommodities of
[_] -> TotalPrice $ totalpricesign (abs toamount) `withPrecision` NaturalPrecision
_ -> UnitPrice $ abs unitprice `withPrecision` unitprecision
fromamount = head $ filter ((==fromcommodity).acommodity) sumamounts
fromprecision = asprecision $ astyle fromamount
tocommodity = head $ filter (/=fromcommodity) sumcommodities
toamount = head $ filter ((==tocommodity).acommodity) sumamounts
toprecision = asprecision $ astyle toamount
unitprice = aquantity fromamount `divideAmount` toamount
-- Sum two display precisions, capping the result at the maximum bound
unitprecision = case (fromprecision, toprecision) of
(Precision a, Precision b) -> Precision $ if maxBound - a < b then maxBound else max 2 (a + b)
_ -> NaturalPrecision
_ -> p
-- We can infer prices if there are no prices given, and exactly two commodities in the
-- normalised sum of postings in this transaction. The amount we are converting from is
-- the first commodity to appear in the ordered list of postings, and the commodity we
-- are converting to is the other. If we cannot infer prices, return Nothing.
inferFromAndTo [a,b] | noprices = asum $ map orderIfMatches pcommodities
where orderIfMatches x | x == acommodity a = Just (a,b)
| x == acommodity b = Just (b,a)
| otherwise = Nothing
inferFromAndTo _ = Nothing
-- For each posting, if the posting type matches, there is only a single amount in the posting,
-- and the commodity of the amount matches the amount we're converting from,
-- then set its price based on the ratio between fromamount and toamount.
inferprice (fromamount, toamount) posting
| [a] <- amounts (pamount posting), ptype posting == pt, acommodity a == acommodity fromamount
, let totalpricesign = if aquantity a < 0 then negate else id
= posting{ pamount = mixedAmount a{aprice=Just $ conversionprice totalpricesign}
, poriginal = Just $ originalPosting posting }
| otherwise = posting
-- If only one Amount in the posting list matches fromamount we can use TotalPrice,
-- but we need to know the sign. Otherwise divide the conversion equally among the
-- Amounts by using a unit price.
conversionprice sign = case filter (== acommodity fromamount) pcommodities of
[_] -> TotalPrice $ sign (abs toamount) `withPrecision` NaturalPrecision
_ -> UnitPrice $ abs unitprice `withPrecision` unitprecision
unitprice = (aquantity fromamount) `divideAmount` toamount
unitprecision = case (asprecision $ astyle fromamount, asprecision $ astyle toamount) of
(Precision a, Precision b) -> Precision . max 2 $ saturatedAdd a b
_ -> NaturalPrecision
saturatedAdd a b = if maxBound - a < b then maxBound else a + b
-- Get a transaction's secondary date, defaulting to the primary date.
transactionDate2 :: Transaction -> Day

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@ -190,6 +190,13 @@ $ hledger -f - stats
a $0 = $7
b $0 = $-7
(c) 100 A
c = 50 B
c = 50 A
$ hledger -f - stats
> /Transactions/