mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 12:54:07 +03:00
balance report speedup
This refactoring fixes an O(n^2) slowdown in the balance command with large numbers of accounts. It's now speedy, and the implementation is clearer. To facilitate this, the Account type now represents a tree of accounts which can easily be traversed up or down (and/or flattened into a list). Benchmark on a 2010 macbook: +-------------------------------------------++--------------+------------+--------+ | || before: | after: | | | || hledger-0.18 | hledgeropt | ledger | +===========================================++==============+============+========+ | -f data/100x100x10.journal balance || 0.21 | 0.07 | 0.09 | | -f data/1000x1000x10.journal balance || 10.13 | 0.47 | 0.62 | | -f data/1000x10000x10.journal balance || 40.67 | 0.67 | 1.01 | | -f data/10000x1000x10.journal balance || 15.01 | 3.22 | 2.36 | | -f data/10000x1000x10.journal balance aa || 4.77 | 4.40 | 2.33 | +-------------------------------------------++--------------+------------+--------+
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,31 +1,166 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, StandaloneDeriving #-}
An 'Account' stores
- an 'AccountName',
- all 'Posting's in the account, excluding subaccounts
- a 'MixedAmount' representing the account balance, including subaccounts.
An 'Account' has a name, a list of subaccounts, an optional parent
account, and subaccounting-excluding and -including balances.
module Hledger.Data.Account
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Safe (headMay, lookupJustDef)
import Test.HUnit
import Text.Printf
import Hledger.Data.AccountName
import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Posting()
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Utils
-- deriving instance Show Account
instance Show Account where
show (Account a ps b) = printf "Account %s with %d postings and %s balance" a (length ps) (showMixedAmountDebug b)
show Account{..} = printf "Account %s (boring:%s, ebalance:%s, ibalance:%s)"
(if aboring then "y" else "n")
(showMixedAmount aebalance)
(showMixedAmount aibalance)
instance Eq Account where
(==) (Account n1 t1 b1) (Account n2 t2 b2) = n1 == n2 && t1 == t2 && b1 == b2
(==) a b = aname a == aname b -- quick equality test for speed
-- and
-- [ aname a == aname b
-- -- , aparent a == aparent b -- avoid infinite recursion
-- , asubs a == asubs b
-- , aebalance a == aebalance b
-- , aibalance a == aibalance b
-- ]
nullacct = Account
{ aname = ""
, aparent = Nothing
, asubs = []
, aebalance = nullmixedamt
, aibalance = nullmixedamt
, aboring = False
-- | Derive an account tree with balances from a set of postings.
-- (*ledger's core feature.) The accounts are returned in a list, but
-- retain their tree structure; the first one is the root of the tree.
accountsFromPostings :: [Posting] -> [Account]
accountsFromPostings ps =
acctamts = [(paccount p,pamount p) | p <- ps]
grouped = groupBy (\a b -> fst a == fst b) $ sort $ acctamts
summed = map (\as@((aname,_):_) -> (aname, sum $ map snd as)) grouped -- always non-empty
setebalance a = a{aebalance=lookupJustDef nullmixedamt (aname a) summed}
nametree = treeFromPaths $ map (expandAccountName . fst) summed
acctswithnames = nameTreeToAccount "root" nametree
acctswithebals = mapAccounts setebalance acctswithnames
acctswithibals = sumAccounts acctswithebals
acctswithparents = tieAccountParents acctswithibals
acctsflattened = flattenAccounts acctswithparents
-- | Convert an AccountName tree to an Account tree
nameTreeToAccount :: AccountName -> FastTree AccountName -> Account
nameTreeToAccount rootname (T m) =
nullacct{ aname=rootname, asubs=map (uncurry nameTreeToAccount) $ M.assocs m }
-- | Tie the knot so all subaccounts' parents are set correctly.
tieAccountParents :: Account -> Account
tieAccountParents = tie Nothing
tie parent a@Account{..} = a'
a' = a{aparent=parent, asubs=map (tie (Just a')) asubs}
-- | Get this account's parent accounts, from the nearest up to the root.
parentAccounts :: Account -> [Account]
parentAccounts Account{aparent=Nothing} = []
parentAccounts Account{aparent=Just a} = a:parentAccounts a
-- | List the accounts at each level of the account tree.
accountsLevels :: Account -> [[Account]]
accountsLevels = takeWhile (not . null) . iterate (concatMap asubs) . (:[])
-- | Map a (non-tree-structure-modifying) function over this and sub accounts.
mapAccounts :: (Account -> Account) -> Account -> Account
mapAccounts f a = f a{asubs = map (mapAccounts f) $ asubs a}
-- | Is the predicate true on any of this account or its subaccounts ?
anyAccounts :: (Account -> Bool) -> Account -> Bool
anyAccounts p a
| p a = True
| otherwise = any (anyAccounts p) $ asubs a
-- | Add subaccount-inclusive balances to an account tree.
-- -- , also noting
-- -- whether it has an interesting balance or interesting subs to help
-- -- with eliding later.
sumAccounts :: Account -> Account
sumAccounts a
| null $ asubs a = a{aibalance=aebalance a}
| otherwise = a{aibalance=ibal, asubs=subs}
subs = map sumAccounts $ asubs a
ibal = sum $ aebalance a : map aibalance subs
-- | Remove all subaccounts below a certain depth.
clipAccounts :: Int -> Account -> Account
clipAccounts 0 a = a{asubs=[]}
clipAccounts d a = a{asubs=subs}
subs = map (clipAccounts (d-1)) $ asubs a
-- | Remove all leaf accounts and subtrees matching a predicate.
pruneAccounts :: (Account -> Bool) -> Account -> Maybe Account
pruneAccounts p = headMay . prune
prune a
| null prunedsubs = if p a then [] else [a]
| otherwise = [a{asubs=prunedsubs}]
prunedsubs = concatMap prune $ asubs a
-- | Flatten an account tree into a list, which is sometimes
-- convenient. Note since accounts link to their parents/subs, the
-- account tree remains intact and can still be used. It's a tree/list!
flattenAccounts :: Account -> [Account]
flattenAccounts a = squish a []
where squish a as = a:Prelude.foldr squish as (asubs a)
-- | Filter an account tree (to a list).
filterAccounts :: (Account -> Bool) -> Account -> [Account]
filterAccounts p a
| p a = a : concatMap (filterAccounts p) (asubs a)
| otherwise = concatMap (filterAccounts p) (asubs a)
-- | Search an account list by name.
lookupAccount :: AccountName -> [Account] -> Maybe Account
lookupAccount a = find ((==a).aname)
-- debug helpers
printAccounts :: Account -> IO ()
printAccounts = putStrLn . showAccounts
showAccounts = unlines . map showAccountDebug . flattenAccounts
showAccountsBoringFlag = unlines . map (show . aboring) . flattenAccounts
showAccountDebug a = printf "%-25s %4s %4s %s"
(aname a)
(showMixedAmount $ aebalance a)
(showMixedAmount $ aibalance a)
(if aboring a then "b" else " ")
nullacct = Account "" [] nullmixedamt
tests_Hledger_Data_Account = TestList [
@ -10,11 +10,9 @@ hierarchy.
module Hledger.Data.AccountName
import Data.List
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Tree
import Test.HUnit
import Text.Printf
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Utils
@ -42,8 +40,11 @@ accountNameDrop n = accountNameFromComponents . drop n . accountNameComponents
-- | ["a:b:c","d:e"] -> ["a","a:b","a:b:c","d","d:e"]
expandAccountNames :: [AccountName] -> [AccountName]
expandAccountNames as = nub $ concatMap expand as
where expand = map accountNameFromComponents . tail . inits . accountNameComponents
expandAccountNames as = nub $ concatMap expandAccountName as
-- | "a:b:c" -> ["a","a:b","a:b:c"]
expandAccountName :: AccountName -> [AccountName]
expandAccountName = map accountNameFromComponents . tail . inits . accountNameComponents
-- | ["a:b:c","d:e"] -> ["a","d"]
topAccountNames :: [AccountName] -> [AccountName]
@ -72,83 +73,15 @@ subAccountNamesFrom accts a = filter (`isSubAccountNameOf` a) accts
-- | Convert a list of account names to a tree.
accountNameTreeFrom :: [AccountName] -> Tree AccountName
accountNameTreeFrom = accountNameTreeFrom1
accountNameTreeFrom1 accts =
Node "top" (accounttreesfrom (topAccountNames accts))
accountNameTreeFrom accts =
Node "root" (accounttreesfrom (topAccountNames accts))
accounttreesfrom :: [AccountName] -> [Tree AccountName]
accounttreesfrom [] = []
accounttreesfrom as = [Node a (accounttreesfrom $ subs a) | a <- as]
subs = subAccountNamesFrom (expandAccountNames accts)
nullaccountnametree = Node "top" []
accountNameTreeFrom2 accts =
Node "top" $ unfoldForest (\a -> (a, subs a)) $ topAccountNames accts
subs = subAccountNamesFrom allaccts
allaccts = expandAccountNames accts
-- subs' a = subsmap ! a
-- subsmap :: Map AccountName [AccountName]
-- subsmap = Data.Map.fromList [(a, subAccountNamesFrom allaccts a) | a <- allaccts]
accountNameTreeFrom3 accts =
Node "top" $ forestfrom allaccts $ topAccountNames accts
-- drop accts from the list of potential subs as we add them to the tree
forestfrom :: [AccountName] -> [AccountName] -> Forest AccountName
forestfrom subaccts accts =
[let subaccts' = subaccts \\ accts in Node a $ forestfrom subaccts' (subAccountNamesFrom subaccts' a) | a <- accts]
allaccts = expandAccountNames accts
-- a more efficient tree builder from Cale Gibbard
newtype Tree' a = T (Map a (Tree' a))
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
mergeTrees :: (Ord a) => Tree' a -> Tree' a -> Tree' a
mergeTrees (T m) (T m') = T (M.unionWith mergeTrees m m')
emptyTree = T M.empty
pathtree :: [a] -> Tree' a
pathtree [] = T M.empty
pathtree (x:xs) = T (M.singleton x (pathtree xs))
fromPaths :: (Ord a) => [[a]] -> Tree' a
fromPaths = foldl' mergeTrees emptyTree . map pathtree
-- the above, but trying to build Tree directly
-- mergeTrees' :: (Ord a) => Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
-- mergeTrees' (Node m ms) (Node m' ms') = Node undefined (ms `union` ms')
-- emptyTree' = Node "top" []
-- pathtree' :: [a] -> Tree a
-- pathtree' [] = Node undefined []
-- pathtree' (x:xs) = Node x [pathtree' xs]
-- fromPaths' :: (Ord a) => [[a]] -> Tree a
-- fromPaths' = foldl' mergeTrees' emptyTree' . map pathtree'
-- converttree :: [AccountName] -> Tree' AccountName -> [Tree AccountName]
-- converttree parents (T m) = [Node (accountNameFromComponents $ parents ++ [a]) (converttree (parents++[a]) b) | (a,b) <- M.toList m]
-- accountNameTreeFrom4 :: [AccountName] -> Tree AccountName
-- accountNameTreeFrom4 accts = Node "top" (converttree [] $ fromPaths $ map accountNameComponents accts)
converttree :: Tree' AccountName -> [Tree AccountName]
converttree (T m) = [Node a (converttree b) | (a,b) <- M.toList m]
expandTreeNames :: Tree AccountName -> Tree AccountName
expandTreeNames (Node x ts) = Node x (map (treemap (\n -> accountNameFromComponents [x,n]) . expandTreeNames) ts)
accountNameTreeFrom4 :: [AccountName] -> Tree AccountName
accountNameTreeFrom4 = Node "top" . map expandTreeNames . converttree . fromPaths . map accountNameComponents
nullaccountnametree = Node "root" []
-- | Elide an account name to fit in the specified width.
-- From the ledger 2.6 news:
@ -199,10 +132,10 @@ isAccountRegex s = take 1 s == "^" && (take 5 $ reverse s) == ")$|:("
tests_Hledger_Data_AccountName = TestList
"accountNameTreeFrom" ~: do
accountNameTreeFrom ["a"] `is` Node "top" [Node "a" []]
accountNameTreeFrom ["a","b"] `is` Node "top" [Node "a" [], Node "b" []]
accountNameTreeFrom ["a","a:b"] `is` Node "top" [Node "a" [Node "a:b" []]]
accountNameTreeFrom ["a:b:c"] `is` Node "top" [Node "a" [Node "a:b" [Node "a:b:c" []]]]
accountNameTreeFrom ["a"] `is` Node "root" [Node "a" []]
accountNameTreeFrom ["a","b"] `is` Node "root" [Node "a" [], Node "b" []]
accountNameTreeFrom ["a","a:b"] `is` Node "root" [Node "a" [Node "a:b" []]]
accountNameTreeFrom ["a:b:c"] `is` Node "root" [Node "a" [Node "a:b" [Node "a:b:c" []]]]
,"expandAccountNames" ~:
expandAccountNames ["assets:cash","assets:checking","expenses:vacation"] `is`
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ module Hledger.Data.Journal (
-- * Querying
@ -43,7 +42,6 @@ module Hledger.Data.Journal (
-- * Misc
@ -53,7 +51,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.Journal (
import Data.List
import Data.Map (findWithDefault, (!), toAscList)
import Data.Map (findWithDefault)
import Data.Ord
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.LocalTime
@ -67,7 +65,6 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.AccountName
import Hledger.Data.Account()
import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Commodity
import Hledger.Data.Dates
@ -477,209 +474,6 @@ isnegativepat = (negateprefix `isPrefixOf`)
abspat pat = if isnegativepat pat then drop (length negateprefix) pat else pat
-- | Calculate the account tree and all account balances from a journal's
-- postings, returning the results for efficient lookup.
journalAccountInfo :: Journal -> (Tree AccountName, Map.Map AccountName Account)
journalAccountInfo j = (ant, amap)
(ant, psof, _, inclbalof) = (groupPostings . journalPostings) j
amap = Map.fromList [(a, acctinfo a) | a <- flatten ant]
acctinfo a = Account a (psof a) (inclbalof a)
tests_journalAccountInfo = [
"journalAccountInfo" ~: do
let (t,m) = journalAccountInfo samplejournal
assertEqual "account tree"
(Node "top" [
Node "assets" [
Node "assets:bank" [
Node "assets:bank:checking" [],
Node "assets:bank:saving" []
Node "assets:cash" []
Node "expenses" [
Node "expenses:food" [],
Node "expenses:supplies" []
Node "income" [
Node "income:gifts" [],
Node "income:salary" []
Node "liabilities" [
Node "liabilities:debts" []
(\(e,a) -> assertEqual "" e a)
(zip [
("assets",Account "assets" [] (Mixed [dollars (-1)]))
,("assets:bank",Account "assets:bank" [] (Mixed [dollars 1]))
,("assets:bank:checking",Account "assets:bank:checking" [
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars 1]),
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars 1]),
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars (-1)]),
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars (-1)]),
] (Mixed [nullamt]))
,("assets:bank:saving",Account "assets:bank:saving" [
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars 1]),
] (Mixed [dollars 1]))
,("assets:cash",Account "assets:cash" [
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars (-2)]),
] (Mixed [dollars (-2)]))
,("expenses",Account "expenses" [] (Mixed [dollars 2]))
,("expenses:food",Account "expenses:food" [
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars 1]),
] (Mixed [dollars 1]))
,("expenses:supplies",Account "expenses:supplies" [
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars 1]),
] (Mixed [dollars 1]))
,("income",Account "income" [] (Mixed [dollars (-2)]))
,("income:gifts",Account "income:gifts" [
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars (-1)]),
] (Mixed [dollars (-1)]))
,("income:salary",Account "income:salary" [
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars (-1)]),
] (Mixed [dollars (-1)]))
,("liabilities",Account "liabilities" [] (Mixed [dollars 1]))
,("liabilities:debts",Account "liabilities:debts" [
Posting {
pamount=(Mixed [dollars 1]),
] (Mixed [dollars 1]))
,("top",Account "top" [] (Mixed [nullamt]))
(toAscList m)
-- | Given a list of postings, return an account name tree and three query
-- functions that fetch postings, subaccount-excluding-balance and
-- subaccount-including-balance by account name.
groupPostings :: [Posting] -> (Tree AccountName,
(AccountName -> [Posting]),
(AccountName -> MixedAmount),
(AccountName -> MixedAmount))
groupPostings ps = (ant, psof, exclbalof, inclbalof)
anames = sort $ nub $ map paccount ps
ant = accountNameTreeFrom $ expandAccountNames anames
allanames = flatten ant
pmap = Map.union (postingsByAccount ps) (Map.fromList [(a,[]) | a <- allanames])
psof = (pmap !)
balmap = Map.fromList $ flatten $ calculateBalances ant psof
exclbalof = fst . (balmap !)
inclbalof = snd . (balmap !)
-- | Add subaccount-excluding and subaccount-including balances to a tree
-- of account names somewhat efficiently, given a function that looks up
-- transactions by account name.
calculateBalances :: Tree AccountName -> (AccountName -> [Posting]) -> Tree (AccountName, (MixedAmount, MixedAmount))
calculateBalances ant psof = addbalances ant
addbalances (Node a subs) = Node (a,(bal,bal+subsbal)) subs'
bal = sumPostings $ psof a
subsbal = sum $ map (snd . snd . root) subs'
subs' = map addbalances subs
-- | Convert a list of postings to a map from account name to that
-- account's postings.
postingsByAccount :: [Posting] -> Map.Map AccountName [Posting]
postingsByAccount ps = m'
sortedps = sortBy (comparing paccount) ps
groupedps = groupBy (\p1 p2 -> paccount p1 == paccount p2) sortedps
m' = Map.fromList [(paccount $ head g, g) | g <- groupedps]
-- debug helpers
-- traceAmountPrecision a = trace (show $ map (precision . commodity) $ amounts a) a
-- tracePostingsCommodities ps = trace (show $ map ((map (precision . commodity) . amounts) . pamount) ps) ps
@ -885,11 +679,10 @@ Right samplejournal = journalBalanceTransactions $ Journal
(TOD 0 0)
tests_Hledger_Data_Journal = TestList $
-- [
-- "query standard account types" ~:
-- do
-- let j = journal1
-- journalBalanceSheetAccountNames j `is` ["assets","assets:a","equity","equity:q","equity:q:qq","liabilities","liabilities:l"]
-- journalProfitAndLossAccountNames j `is` ["expenses","expenses:e","income","income:i"]
-- ]
@ -9,90 +9,73 @@ balances, and postings in each account.
module Hledger.Data.Ledger
import Data.Map (Map, findWithDefault, fromList)
import Data.Tree
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Safe (headDef)
import Test.HUnit
import Text.Printf
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Account (nullacct)
import Hledger.Data.AccountName
import Hledger.Data.Account
import Hledger.Data.Journal
import Hledger.Data.Posting
import Hledger.Query
instance Show Ledger where
show l = printf "Ledger with %d transactions, %d accounts\n%s"
(length (jtxns $ ledgerJournal l) +
length (jmodifiertxns $ ledgerJournal l) +
length (jperiodictxns $ ledgerJournal l))
show l = printf "Ledger with %d transactions, %d accounts\n" --"%s"
(length (jtxns $ ljournal l) +
length (jmodifiertxns $ ljournal l) +
length (jperiodictxns $ ljournal l))
(length $ ledgerAccountNames l)
(showtree $ ledgerAccountNameTree l)
-- (showtree $ ledgerAccountNameTree l)
nullledger :: Ledger
nullledger = Ledger{
ledgerJournal = nulljournal,
ledgerAccountNameTree = nullaccountnametree,
ledgerAccountMap = fromList []
nullledger = Ledger {
ljournal = nulljournal,
laccounts = []
-- | Filter a journal's transactions as specified, and then process them
-- to derive a ledger containing all balances, the chart of accounts,
-- canonicalised commodities etc.
journalToLedger :: Query -> Journal -> Ledger
journalToLedger q j = nullledger{ledgerJournal=j',ledgerAccountNameTree=t,ledgerAccountMap=amap}
where j' = filterJournalPostings q j
(t, amap) = journalAccountInfo j'
tests_journalToLedger = [
"journalToLedger" ~: do
assertEqual "" (0) (length $ ledgerPostings $ journalToLedger Any nulljournal)
assertEqual "" (11) (length $ ledgerPostings $ journalToLedger Any samplejournal)
assertEqual "" (6) (length $ ledgerPostings $ journalToLedger (Depth 2) samplejournal)
-- | Filter a journal's transactions with the given query, then derive a
-- ledger containing the chart of accounts and balances. If the query
-- includes a depth limit, that will affect the ledger's journal but not
-- the account tree.
ledgerFromJournal :: Query -> Journal -> Ledger
ledgerFromJournal q j = nullledger{ljournal=j'', laccounts=as}
(q',depthq) = (filterQuery (not . queryIsDepth) q, filterQuery queryIsDepth q)
j' = filterJournalPostings q' j
as = accountsFromPostings $ journalPostings j'
j'' = filterJournalPostings depthq j'
-- | List a ledger's account names.
ledgerAccountNames :: Ledger -> [AccountName]
ledgerAccountNames = drop 1 . flatten . ledgerAccountNameTree
ledgerAccountNames = drop 1 . map aname . laccounts
-- | Get the named account from a ledger.
ledgerAccount :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Account
ledgerAccount l a = findWithDefault nullacct a $ ledgerAccountMap l
ledgerAccount :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Maybe Account
ledgerAccount l a = lookupAccount a $ laccounts l
-- | List a ledger's accounts, in tree order
ledgerAccounts :: Ledger -> [Account]
ledgerAccounts = drop 1 . flatten . ledgerAccountTree 9999
-- | Get this ledger's root account, which is a dummy "root" account
-- above all others. This should always be first in the account list,
-- if somehow not this returns a null account.
ledgerRootAccount :: Ledger -> Account
ledgerRootAccount = headDef nullacct . laccounts
-- | List a ledger's top-level accounts, in tree order
-- | List a ledger's top-level accounts (the ones below the root), in tree order.
ledgerTopAccounts :: Ledger -> [Account]
ledgerTopAccounts = map root . branches . ledgerAccountTree 9999
ledgerTopAccounts = asubs . head . laccounts
-- | List a ledger's bottom-level (subaccount-less) accounts, in tree order
-- | List a ledger's bottom-level (subaccount-less) accounts, in tree order.
ledgerLeafAccounts :: Ledger -> [Account]
ledgerLeafAccounts = leaves . ledgerAccountTree 9999
ledgerLeafAccounts = filter (null.asubs) . laccounts
-- | Accounts in ledger whose name matches the pattern, in tree order.
ledgerAccountsMatching :: [String] -> Ledger -> [Account]
ledgerAccountsMatching pats = filter (matchpats pats . aname) . ledgerAccounts
-- | List a ledger account's immediate subaccounts
ledgerSubAccounts :: Ledger -> Account -> [Account]
ledgerSubAccounts l Account{aname=a} =
map (ledgerAccount l) $ filter (`isSubAccountNameOf` a) $ ledgerAccountNames l
ledgerAccountsMatching pats = filter (matchpats pats . aname) . laccounts
-- | List a ledger's postings, in the order parsed.
ledgerPostings :: Ledger -> [Posting]
ledgerPostings = journalPostings . ledgerJournal
-- | Get a ledger's tree of accounts to the specified depth.
ledgerAccountTree :: Int -> Ledger -> Tree Account
ledgerAccountTree depth l = treemap (ledgerAccount l) $ treeprune depth $ ledgerAccountNameTree l
-- | Get a ledger's tree of accounts rooted at the specified account.
ledgerAccountTreeAt :: Ledger -> Account -> Maybe (Tree Account)
ledgerAccountTreeAt l acct = subtreeat acct $ ledgerAccountTree 9999 l
ledgerPostings = journalPostings . ljournal
-- | The (fully specified) date span containing all the ledger's (filtered) transactions,
-- or DateSpan Nothing Nothing if there are none.
@ -100,9 +83,16 @@ ledgerDateSpan :: Ledger -> DateSpan
ledgerDateSpan = postingsDateSpan . ledgerPostings
-- | All commodities used in this ledger, as a map keyed by symbol.
ledgerCommodities :: Ledger -> Map String Commodity
ledgerCommodities = journalCanonicalCommodities . ledgerJournal
ledgerCommodities :: Ledger -> M.Map String Commodity
ledgerCommodities = journalCanonicalCommodities . ljournal
tests_ledgerFromJournal = [
"ledgerFromJournal" ~: do
assertEqual "" (0) (length $ ledgerPostings $ ledgerFromJournal Any nulljournal)
assertEqual "" (11) (length $ ledgerPostings $ ledgerFromJournal Any samplejournal)
assertEqual "" (6) (length $ ledgerPostings $ ledgerFromJournal (Depth 2) samplejournal)
tests_Hledger_Data_Ledger = TestList $
@ -11,23 +11,10 @@ Here is an overview of the hledger data model:
> Ledger -- a ledger is derived from a journal, by applying a filter specification and doing some further processing. It contains..
> Journal -- a filtered copy of the original journal, containing only the transactions and postings we are interested in
> Tree AccountName -- all accounts named by the journal's transactions, as a hierarchy
> Map AccountName Account -- the postings, and resulting balances, in each account
> [Account] -- all accounts, in tree order beginning with a "root" account", with their balances and sub/parent accounts
For more detailed documentation on each type, see the corresponding modules.
Evolution of transaction\/entry\/posting terminology:
- ledger 2: entries contain transactions
- hledger 0.4: Entrys contain RawTransactions (which are flattened to Transactions)
- ledger 3: transactions contain postings
- hledger 0.5: LedgerTransactions contain Postings (which are flattened to Transactions)
- hledger 0.8: Transactions contain Postings (referencing Transactions..)
module Hledger.Data.Types
@ -35,9 +22,7 @@ where
import Control.Monad.Error (ErrorT)
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.Tree
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.Time (ClockTime)
@ -99,7 +84,7 @@ data Posting = Posting {
ptype :: PostingType,
ptags :: [Tag],
ptransaction :: Maybe Transaction -- ^ this posting's parent transaction (co-recursive types).
-- Tying this knot gets tedious, Maybe makes it easier/optional.
-- Tying this knot gets tedious, Maybe makes it easier/optional.
-- The equality test for postings ignores the parent transaction's
@ -115,7 +100,7 @@ data Transaction = Transaction {
tdescription :: String,
tcomment :: String, -- ^ this transaction's non-tag comment lines, as a single non-indented string
ttags :: [Tag],
tpostings :: [Posting], -- ^ this transaction's postings (co-recursive types).
tpostings :: [Posting], -- ^ this transaction's postings
tpreceding_comment_lines :: String
} deriving (Eq)
@ -248,15 +233,23 @@ data FormatString =
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Ledger = Ledger {
ledgerJournal :: Journal,
ledgerAccountNameTree :: Tree AccountName,
ledgerAccountMap :: Map.Map AccountName Account
-- | An account, with name, balances and links to parent/subaccounts
-- which let you walk up or down the account tree.
data Account = Account {
aname :: AccountName,
apostings :: [Posting], -- ^ postings in this account
abalance :: MixedAmount -- ^ sum of postings in this account and subaccounts
} -- deriving (Eq) XXX
aname :: AccountName, -- ^ this account's full name
aebalance :: MixedAmount, -- ^ this account's balance, excluding subaccounts
asubs :: [Account], -- ^ sub-accounts
-- derived from the above:
aibalance :: MixedAmount, -- ^ this account's balance, including subaccounts
aparent :: Maybe Account, -- ^ parent account
aboring :: Bool -- ^ used in the accounts report to label elidable parents
-- | A Ledger has the journal it derives from, and the accounts
-- derived from that. Accounts are accessible both list-wise and
-- tree-wise, since each one knows its parent and subs; the first
-- account is the root of the tree and always exists.
data Ledger = Ledger {
ljournal :: Journal,
laccounts :: [Account]
@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ module Hledger.Reports (
-- * Tests
@ -51,6 +50,7 @@ where
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
-- import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Ord
import Data.Time.Calendar
-- import Data.Tree
@ -151,6 +151,9 @@ clearedValueFromOpts ReportOpts{..} | cleared_ = Just True
| uncleared_ = Just False
| otherwise = Nothing
-- depthFromOpts :: ReportOpts -> Int
-- depthFromOpts opts = min (fromMaybe 99999 $ depth_ opts) (queryDepth $ queryFromOpts nulldate opts)
-- | Report which date we will report on based on --effective.
whichDateFromOpts :: ReportOpts -> WhichDate
whichDateFromOpts ReportOpts{..} = if effective_ then EffectiveDate else ActualDate
@ -284,6 +287,297 @@ postingsReport opts q j = -- trace ("q: "++show q++"\nq': "++show q') $
| otherwise = requestedspan `spanIntersect` matchedspan
startbal = sumPostings precedingps
totallabel = "Total"
balancelabel = "Balance"
-- | Generate postings report line items.
postingsReportItems :: [Posting] -> Posting -> Int -> MixedAmount -> (MixedAmount -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount) -> [PostingsReportItem]
postingsReportItems [] _ _ _ _ = []
postingsReportItems (p:ps) pprev d b sumfn = i:(postingsReportItems ps p d b' sumfn)
i = mkpostingsReportItem isfirst p' b'
p' = p{paccount=clipAccountName d $ paccount p}
isfirst = ptransaction p /= ptransaction pprev
b' = b `sumfn` pamount p
-- | Generate one postings report line item, given a flag indicating
-- whether to include transaction info, the posting, and the current
-- running balance.
mkpostingsReportItem :: Bool -> Posting -> MixedAmount -> PostingsReportItem
mkpostingsReportItem False p b = (Nothing, p, b)
mkpostingsReportItem True p b = (ds, p, b)
where ds = case ptransaction p of Just (Transaction{tdate=da,tdescription=de}) -> Just (da,de)
Nothing -> Just (nulldate,"")
-- | Date-sort and split a list of postings into three spans - postings matched
-- by the given display expression, and the preceding and following postings.
postingsMatchingDisplayExpr :: Maybe String -> [Posting] -> ([Posting],[Posting],[Posting])
postingsMatchingDisplayExpr d ps = (before, matched, after)
sorted = sortBy (comparing postingDate) ps
(before, rest) = break (displayExprMatches d) sorted
(matched, after) = span (displayExprMatches d) rest
-- | Does this display expression allow this posting to be displayed ?
-- Raises an error if the display expression can't be parsed.
displayExprMatches :: Maybe String -> Posting -> Bool
displayExprMatches Nothing _ = True
displayExprMatches (Just d) p = (fromparse $ parsewith datedisplayexpr d) p
-- | Parse a hledger display expression, which is a simple date test like
-- "d>[DATE]" or "d<=[DATE]", and return a "Posting"-matching predicate.
datedisplayexpr :: GenParser Char st (Posting -> Bool)
datedisplayexpr = do
char 'd'
op <- compareop
char '['
(y,m,d) <- smartdate
char ']'
let date = parsedate $ printf "%04s/%02s/%02s" y m d
test op = return $ (`op` date) . postingDate
case op of
"<" -> test (<)
"<=" -> test (<=)
"=" -> test (==)
"==" -> test (==)
">=" -> test (>=)
">" -> test (>)
_ -> mzero
compareop = choice $ map (try . string) ["<=",">=","==","<","=",">"]
-- -- | Clip the account names to the specified depth in a list of postings.
-- depthClipPostings :: Maybe Int -> [Posting] -> [Posting]
-- depthClipPostings depth = map (depthClipPosting depth)
-- -- | Clip a posting's account name to the specified depth.
-- depthClipPosting :: Maybe Int -> Posting -> Posting
-- depthClipPosting Nothing p = p
-- depthClipPosting (Just d) p@Posting{paccount=a} = p{paccount=clipAccountName d a}
-- XXX confusing, refactor
-- | Convert a list of postings into summary postings. Summary postings
-- are one per account per interval and aggregated to the specified depth
-- if any.
summarisePostingsByInterval :: Interval -> Int -> Bool -> DateSpan -> [Posting] -> [Posting]
summarisePostingsByInterval interval depth empty reportspan ps = concatMap summarisespan $ splitSpan interval reportspan
summarisespan s = summarisePostingsInDateSpan s depth empty (postingsinspan s)
postingsinspan s = filter (isPostingInDateSpan s) ps
tests_summarisePostingsByInterval = [
"summarisePostingsByInterval" ~: do
summarisePostingsByInterval (Quarters 1) 99999 False (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) [] ~?= []
-- | Given a date span (representing a reporting interval) and a list of
-- postings within it: aggregate the postings so there is only one per
-- account, and adjust their date/description so that they will render
-- as a summary for this interval.
-- As usual with date spans the end date is exclusive, but for display
-- purposes we show the previous day as end date, like ledger.
-- When a depth argument is present, postings to accounts of greater
-- depth are aggregated where possible.
-- The showempty flag includes spans with no postings and also postings
-- with 0 amount.
summarisePostingsInDateSpan :: DateSpan -> Int -> Bool -> [Posting] -> [Posting]
summarisePostingsInDateSpan (DateSpan b e) depth showempty ps
| null ps && (isNothing b || isNothing e) = []
| null ps && showempty = [summaryp]
| otherwise = summaryps'
summaryp = summaryPosting b' ("- "++ showDate (addDays (-1) e'))
b' = fromMaybe (maybe nulldate postingDate $ headMay ps) b
e' = fromMaybe (maybe (addDays 1 nulldate) postingDate $ lastMay ps) e
summaryPosting date desc = nullposting{ptransaction=Just nulltransaction{tdate=date,tdescription=desc}}
summaryps' = (if showempty then id else filter (not . isZeroMixedAmount . pamount)) summaryps
summaryps = [summaryp{paccount=a,pamount=balance a} | a <- clippedanames]
clippedanames = nub $ map (clipAccountName depth) anames
anames = sort $ nub $ map paccount ps
-- aggregate balances by account, like ledgerFromJournal, then do depth-clipping
accts = accountsFromPostings ps
balance a = maybe nullmixedamt bal $ lookupAccount a accts
bal = if isclipped a then aibalance else aebalance
isclipped a = accountNameLevel a >= depth
-- | A transactions report includes a list of transactions
-- (posting-filtered and unfiltered variants), a running balance, and some
-- other information helpful for rendering a register view (a flag
-- indicating multiple other accounts and a display string describing
-- them) with or without a notion of current account(s).
type TransactionsReport = (String -- label for the balance column, eg "balance" or "total"
,[TransactionsReportItem] -- line items, one per transaction
type TransactionsReportItem = (Transaction -- the corresponding transaction
,Transaction -- the transaction with postings to the current account(s) removed
,Bool -- is this a split, ie more than one other account posting
,String -- a display string describing the other account(s), if any
,MixedAmount -- the amount posted to the current account(s) (or total amount posted)
,MixedAmount -- the running balance for the current account(s) after this transaction
triDate (t,_,_,_,_,_) = tdate t
triBalance (_,_,_,_,_,Mixed a) = case a of [] -> "0"
(Amount{quantity=q}):_ -> show q
-- | Select transactions from the whole journal for a transactions report,
-- with no \"current\" account. The end result is similar to
-- "postingsReport" except it uses queries and transaction-based report
-- items and the items are most recent first. Used by eg hledger-web's
-- journal view.
journalTransactionsReport :: ReportOpts -> Journal -> Query -> TransactionsReport
journalTransactionsReport _ Journal{jtxns=ts} m = (totallabel, items)
ts' = sortBy (comparing tdate) $ filter (not . null . tpostings) $ map (filterTransactionPostings m) ts
items = reverse $ accountTransactionsReportItems m Nothing nullmixedamt id ts'
-- XXX items' first element should be the full transaction with all postings
-- | Select transactions within one or more \"current\" accounts, and make a
-- transactions report relative to those account(s). This means:
-- 1. it shows transactions from the point of view of the current account(s).
-- The transaction amount is the amount posted to the current account(s).
-- The other accounts' names are provided.
-- 2. With no transaction filtering in effect other than a start date, it
-- shows the accurate historical running balance for the current account(s).
-- Otherwise it shows a running total starting at 0.
-- Currently, reporting intervals are not supported, and report items are
-- most recent first. Used by eg hledger-web's account register view.
accountTransactionsReport :: ReportOpts -> Journal -> Query -> Query -> TransactionsReport
accountTransactionsReport opts j m thisacctquery = (label, items)
-- transactions affecting this account, in date order
ts = sortBy (comparing tdate) $ filter (matchesTransaction thisacctquery) $ jtxns $
journalSelectingDateFromOpts opts $ journalSelectingAmountFromOpts opts j
-- starting balance: if we are filtering by a start date and nothing else,
-- the sum of postings to this account before that date; otherwise zero.
(startbal,label) | queryIsNull m = (nullmixedamt, balancelabel)
| queryIsStartDateOnly (effective_ opts) m = (sumPostings priorps, balancelabel)
| otherwise = (nullmixedamt, totallabel)
priorps = -- ltrace "priorps" $
filter (matchesPosting
(-- ltrace "priormatcher" $
And [thisacctquery, tostartdatequery]))
$ transactionsPostings ts
tostartdatequery = Date (DateSpan Nothing startdate)
startdate = queryStartDate (effective_ opts) m
items = reverse $ accountTransactionsReportItems m (Just thisacctquery) startbal negate ts
-- | Generate transactions report items from a list of transactions,
-- using the provided query and current account queries, starting balance,
-- sign-setting function and balance-summing function.
accountTransactionsReportItems :: Query -> Maybe Query -> MixedAmount -> (MixedAmount -> MixedAmount) -> [Transaction] -> [TransactionsReportItem]
accountTransactionsReportItems _ _ _ _ [] = []
accountTransactionsReportItems query thisacctquery bal signfn (t:ts) =
-- This is used for both accountTransactionsReport and journalTransactionsReport,
-- which makes it a bit overcomplicated
case i of Just i' -> i':is
Nothing -> is
tmatched@Transaction{tpostings=psmatched} = filterTransactionPostings query t
(psthisacct,psotheracct) = case thisacctquery of Just m -> partition (matchesPosting m) psmatched
Nothing -> ([],psmatched)
numotheraccts = length $ nub $ map paccount psotheracct
amt = negate $ sum $ map pamount psthisacct
acct | isNothing thisacctquery = summarisePostings psmatched -- journal register
| numotheraccts == 0 = "transfer between " ++ summarisePostingAccounts psthisacct
| otherwise = prefix ++ summarisePostingAccounts psotheracct
where prefix = maybe "" (\b -> if b then "from " else "to ") $ isNegativeMixedAmount amt
(i,bal') = case psmatched of
[] -> (Nothing,bal)
_ -> (Just (t, tmatched, numotheraccts > 1, acct, a, b), b)
a = signfn amt
b = bal + a
is = accountTransactionsReportItems query thisacctquery bal' signfn ts
-- | Generate a short readable summary of some postings, like
-- "from (negatives) to (positives)".
summarisePostings :: [Posting] -> String
summarisePostings ps =
case (summarisePostingAccounts froms, summarisePostingAccounts tos) of
("",t) -> "to "++t
(f,"") -> "from "++f
(f,t) -> "from "++f++" to "++t
(froms,tos) = partition (fromMaybe False . isNegativeMixedAmount . pamount) ps
-- | Generate a simplified summary of some postings' accounts.
summarisePostingAccounts :: [Posting] -> String
summarisePostingAccounts = intercalate ", " . map accountLeafName . nub . map paccount
filterTransactionPostings :: Query -> Transaction -> Transaction
filterTransactionPostings m t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=filter (m `matchesPosting`) ps}
-- | An accounts report is a list of account names (full and short
-- variants) with their balances, appropriate indentation for rendering as
-- a hierarchy, and grand total.
type AccountsReport = ([AccountsReportItem] -- line items, one per account
,MixedAmount -- total balance of all accounts
type AccountsReportItem = (AccountName -- full account name
,AccountName -- short account name for display (the leaf name, prefixed by any boring parents immediately above)
,Int -- how many steps to indent this account (0-based account depth excluding boring parents)
,MixedAmount) -- account balance, includes subs unless --flat is present
-- | Select accounts, and get their balances at the end of the selected
-- period, and misc. display information, for an accounts report.
accountsReport :: ReportOpts -> Query -> Journal -> AccountsReport
accountsReport opts q j = (items, total)
l = ledgerFromJournal q $ journalSelectingDateFromOpts opts $ journalSelectingAmountFromOpts opts j
accts = clipAccounts (queryDepth q) $ ledgerRootAccount l
| flat_ opts = filterzeros $ tail $ flattenAccounts accts
| otherwise = filter (not.aboring) $ tail $ flattenAccounts $ markboring $ prunezeros accts
filterzeros | empty_ opts = id
| otherwise = filter (not . isZeroMixedAmount . aebalance)
prunezeros | empty_ opts = id
| otherwise = fromMaybe nullacct . pruneAccounts (isZeroMixedAmount.aibalance)
markboring | no_elide_ opts = id
| otherwise = markBoringParentAccounts
items = map (accountsReportItem opts) accts'
total = sum [amt | (_,_,depth,amt) <- items, depth==0]
-- | In an account tree with zero-balance leaves removed, mark the
-- elidable parent accounts (those with one subaccount and no balance
-- of their own).
markBoringParentAccounts :: Account -> Account
markBoringParentAccounts = tieAccountParents . mapAccounts mark
mark a | length (asubs a) == 1 && isZeroMixedAmount (aebalance a) = a{aboring=True}
| otherwise = a
accountsReportItem :: ReportOpts -> Account -> AccountsReportItem
accountsReportItem opts a@Account{aname=name, aibalance=ibal}
| flat_ opts = (name, name, 0, ibal)
| otherwise = (name, elidedname, depth, ibal)
elidedname = accountNameFromComponents (adjacentboringparentnames ++ [accountLeafName name])
adjacentboringparentnames = reverse $ map (accountLeafName.aname) $ takeWhile aboring $ parents
depth = length $ filter (not.aboring) parents
parents = init $ parentAccounts a
tests_postingsReport = [
"postingsReport" ~: do
@ -450,284 +744,6 @@ tests_postingsReport = [
totallabel = "Total"
balancelabel = "Balance"
-- | Generate postings report line items.
postingsReportItems :: [Posting] -> Posting -> Int -> MixedAmount -> (MixedAmount -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount) -> [PostingsReportItem]
postingsReportItems [] _ _ _ _ = []
postingsReportItems (p:ps) pprev d b sumfn = i:(postingsReportItems ps p d b' sumfn)
i = mkpostingsReportItem isfirst p' b'
p' = p{paccount=clipAccountName d $ paccount p}
isfirst = ptransaction p /= ptransaction pprev
b' = b `sumfn` pamount p
-- | Generate one postings report line item, given a flag indicating
-- whether to include transaction info, the posting, and the current
-- running balance.
mkpostingsReportItem :: Bool -> Posting -> MixedAmount -> PostingsReportItem
mkpostingsReportItem False p b = (Nothing, p, b)
mkpostingsReportItem True p b = (ds, p, b)
where ds = case ptransaction p of Just (Transaction{tdate=da,tdescription=de}) -> Just (da,de)
Nothing -> Just (nulldate,"")
-- | Date-sort and split a list of postings into three spans - postings matched
-- by the given display expression, and the preceding and following postings.
postingsMatchingDisplayExpr :: Maybe String -> [Posting] -> ([Posting],[Posting],[Posting])
postingsMatchingDisplayExpr d ps = (before, matched, after)
sorted = sortBy (comparing postingDate) ps
(before, rest) = break (displayExprMatches d) sorted
(matched, after) = span (displayExprMatches d) rest
-- | Does this display expression allow this posting to be displayed ?
-- Raises an error if the display expression can't be parsed.
displayExprMatches :: Maybe String -> Posting -> Bool
displayExprMatches Nothing _ = True
displayExprMatches (Just d) p = (fromparse $ parsewith datedisplayexpr d) p
-- | Parse a hledger display expression, which is a simple date test like
-- "d>[DATE]" or "d<=[DATE]", and return a "Posting"-matching predicate.
datedisplayexpr :: GenParser Char st (Posting -> Bool)
datedisplayexpr = do
char 'd'
op <- compareop
char '['
(y,m,d) <- smartdate
char ']'
let date = parsedate $ printf "%04s/%02s/%02s" y m d
test op = return $ (`op` date) . postingDate
case op of
"<" -> test (<)
"<=" -> test (<=)
"=" -> test (==)
"==" -> test (==)
">=" -> test (>=)
">" -> test (>)
_ -> mzero
compareop = choice $ map (try . string) ["<=",">=","==","<","=",">"]
-- -- | Clip the account names to the specified depth in a list of postings.
-- depthClipPostings :: Maybe Int -> [Posting] -> [Posting]
-- depthClipPostings depth = map (depthClipPosting depth)
-- -- | Clip a posting's account name to the specified depth.
-- depthClipPosting :: Maybe Int -> Posting -> Posting
-- depthClipPosting Nothing p = p
-- depthClipPosting (Just d) p@Posting{paccount=a} = p{paccount=clipAccountName d a}
-- XXX confusing, refactor
-- | Convert a list of postings into summary postings. Summary postings
-- are one per account per interval and aggregated to the specified depth
-- if any.
summarisePostingsByInterval :: Interval -> Int -> Bool -> DateSpan -> [Posting] -> [Posting]
summarisePostingsByInterval interval depth empty reportspan ps = concatMap summarisespan $ splitSpan interval reportspan
summarisespan s = summarisePostingsInDateSpan s depth empty (postingsinspan s)
postingsinspan s = filter (isPostingInDateSpan s) ps
tests_summarisePostingsByInterval = [
"summarisePostingsByInterval" ~: do
summarisePostingsByInterval (Quarters 1) 99999 False (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) [] ~?= []
-- | Given a date span (representing a reporting interval) and a list of
-- postings within it: aggregate the postings so there is only one per
-- account, and adjust their date/description so that they will render
-- as a summary for this interval.
-- As usual with date spans the end date is exclusive, but for display
-- purposes we show the previous day as end date, like ledger.
-- When a depth argument is present, postings to accounts of greater
-- depth are aggregated where possible.
-- The showempty flag includes spans with no postings and also postings
-- with 0 amount.
summarisePostingsInDateSpan :: DateSpan -> Int -> Bool -> [Posting] -> [Posting]
summarisePostingsInDateSpan (DateSpan b e) depth showempty ps
| null ps && (isNothing b || isNothing e) = []
| null ps && showempty = [summaryp]
| otherwise = summaryps'
summaryp = summaryPosting b' ("- "++ showDate (addDays (-1) e'))
b' = fromMaybe (maybe nulldate postingDate $ headMay ps) b
e' = fromMaybe (maybe (addDays 1 nulldate) postingDate $ lastMay ps) e
summaryPosting date desc = nullposting{ptransaction=Just nulltransaction{tdate=date,tdescription=desc}}
summaryps' = (if showempty then id else filter (not . isZeroMixedAmount . pamount)) summaryps
summaryps = [summaryp{paccount=a,pamount=balancetoshowfor a} | a <- clippedanames]
anames = sort $ nub $ map paccount ps
-- aggregate balances by account, like journalToLedger, then do depth-clipping
(_,_,exclbalof,inclbalof) = groupPostings ps
clippedanames = nub $ map (clipAccountName depth) anames
isclipped a = accountNameLevel a >= depth
balancetoshowfor a =
(if isclipped a then inclbalof else exclbalof) (if null a then "top" else a)
-- | A transactions report includes a list of transactions
-- (posting-filtered and unfiltered variants), a running balance, and some
-- other information helpful for rendering a register view (a flag
-- indicating multiple other accounts and a display string describing
-- them) with or without a notion of current account(s).
type TransactionsReport = (String -- label for the balance column, eg "balance" or "total"
,[TransactionsReportItem] -- line items, one per transaction
type TransactionsReportItem = (Transaction -- the corresponding transaction
,Transaction -- the transaction with postings to the current account(s) removed
,Bool -- is this a split, ie more than one other account posting
,String -- a display string describing the other account(s), if any
,MixedAmount -- the amount posted to the current account(s) (or total amount posted)
,MixedAmount -- the running balance for the current account(s) after this transaction
triDate (t,_,_,_,_,_) = tdate t
triBalance (_,_,_,_,_,Mixed a) = case a of [] -> "0"
(Amount{quantity=q}):_ -> show q
-- | Select transactions from the whole journal for a transactions report,
-- with no \"current\" account. The end result is similar to
-- "postingsReport" except it uses queries and transaction-based report
-- items and the items are most recent first. Used by eg hledger-web's
-- journal view.
journalTransactionsReport :: ReportOpts -> Journal -> Query -> TransactionsReport
journalTransactionsReport _ Journal{jtxns=ts} m = (totallabel, items)
ts' = sortBy (comparing tdate) $ filter (not . null . tpostings) $ map (filterTransactionPostings m) ts
items = reverse $ accountTransactionsReportItems m Nothing nullmixedamt id ts'
-- XXX items' first element should be the full transaction with all postings
-- | Select transactions within one or more \"current\" accounts, and make a
-- transactions report relative to those account(s). This means:
-- 1. it shows transactions from the point of view of the current account(s).
-- The transaction amount is the amount posted to the current account(s).
-- The other accounts' names are provided.
-- 2. With no transaction filtering in effect other than a start date, it
-- shows the accurate historical running balance for the current account(s).
-- Otherwise it shows a running total starting at 0.
-- Currently, reporting intervals are not supported, and report items are
-- most recent first. Used by eg hledger-web's account register view.
accountTransactionsReport :: ReportOpts -> Journal -> Query -> Query -> TransactionsReport
accountTransactionsReport opts j m thisacctquery = (label, items)
-- transactions affecting this account, in date order
ts = sortBy (comparing tdate) $ filter (matchesTransaction thisacctquery) $ jtxns $
journalSelectingDateFromOpts opts $ journalSelectingAmountFromOpts opts j
-- starting balance: if we are filtering by a start date and nothing else,
-- the sum of postings to this account before that date; otherwise zero.
(startbal,label) | queryIsNull m = (nullmixedamt, balancelabel)
| queryIsStartDateOnly (effective_ opts) m = (sumPostings priorps, balancelabel)
| otherwise = (nullmixedamt, totallabel)
priorps = -- ltrace "priorps" $
filter (matchesPosting
(-- ltrace "priormatcher" $
And [thisacctquery, tostartdatequery]))
$ transactionsPostings ts
tostartdatequery = Date (DateSpan Nothing startdate)
startdate = queryStartDate (effective_ opts) m
items = reverse $ accountTransactionsReportItems m (Just thisacctquery) startbal negate ts
-- | Generate transactions report items from a list of transactions,
-- using the provided query and current account queries, starting balance,
-- sign-setting function and balance-summing function.
accountTransactionsReportItems :: Query -> Maybe Query -> MixedAmount -> (MixedAmount -> MixedAmount) -> [Transaction] -> [TransactionsReportItem]
accountTransactionsReportItems _ _ _ _ [] = []
accountTransactionsReportItems query thisacctquery bal signfn (t:ts) =
-- This is used for both accountTransactionsReport and journalTransactionsReport,
-- which makes it a bit overcomplicated
case i of Just i' -> i':is
Nothing -> is
tmatched@Transaction{tpostings=psmatched} = filterTransactionPostings query t
(psthisacct,psotheracct) = case thisacctquery of Just m -> partition (matchesPosting m) psmatched
Nothing -> ([],psmatched)
numotheraccts = length $ nub $ map paccount psotheracct
amt = negate $ sum $ map pamount psthisacct
acct | isNothing thisacctquery = summarisePostings psmatched -- journal register
| numotheraccts == 0 = "transfer between " ++ summarisePostingAccounts psthisacct
| otherwise = prefix ++ summarisePostingAccounts psotheracct
where prefix = maybe "" (\b -> if b then "from " else "to ") $ isNegativeMixedAmount amt
(i,bal') = case psmatched of
[] -> (Nothing,bal)
_ -> (Just (t, tmatched, numotheraccts > 1, acct, a, b), b)
a = signfn amt
b = bal + a
is = accountTransactionsReportItems query thisacctquery bal' signfn ts
-- | Generate a short readable summary of some postings, like
-- "from (negatives) to (positives)".
summarisePostings :: [Posting] -> String
summarisePostings ps =
case (summarisePostingAccounts froms, summarisePostingAccounts tos) of
("",t) -> "to "++t
(f,"") -> "from "++f
(f,t) -> "from "++f++" to "++t
(froms,tos) = partition (fromMaybe False . isNegativeMixedAmount . pamount) ps
-- | Generate a simplified summary of some postings' accounts.
summarisePostingAccounts :: [Posting] -> String
summarisePostingAccounts = intercalate ", " . map accountLeafName . nub . map paccount
filterTransactionPostings :: Query -> Transaction -> Transaction
filterTransactionPostings m t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=filter (m `matchesPosting`) ps}
-- | An accounts report is a list of account names (full and short
-- variants) with their balances, appropriate indentation for rendering as
-- a hierarchy, and grand total.
type AccountsReport = ([AccountsReportItem] -- line items, one per account
,MixedAmount -- total balance of all accounts
type AccountsReportItem = (AccountName -- full account name
,AccountName -- short account name for display (the leaf name, prefixed by any boring parents immediately above)
,Int -- how many steps to indent this account (0-based account depth excluding boring parents)
,MixedAmount) -- account balance, includes subs unless --flat is present
-- | Select accounts, and get their balances at the end of the selected
-- period, and misc. display information, for an accounts report.
accountsReport :: ReportOpts -> Query -> Journal -> AccountsReport
accountsReport opts q j = (items, total)
-- don't do depth filtering until the end
q1 = filterQuery (not . queryIsDepth) q
q2 = filterQuery queryIsDepth q
l = journalToLedger q1 $ journalSelectingDateFromOpts opts $ journalSelectingAmountFromOpts opts j
acctnames = filter (q2 `matchesAccount`) $ ledgerAccountNames l
interestingaccts | no_elide_ opts = acctnames
| otherwise = filter (isInteresting opts l) acctnames
items = map mkitem interestingaccts
total = sum $ map abalance $ ledgerTopAccounts l
-- | Get data for one balance report line item.
mkitem :: AccountName -> AccountsReportItem
mkitem a = (a, adisplay, indent, abal)
adisplay | flat_ opts = a
| otherwise = accountNameFromComponents $ reverse (map accountLeafName ps) ++ [accountLeafName a]
where ps = takeWhile boring parents where boring = not . (`elem` interestingparents)
indent | flat_ opts = 0
| otherwise = length interestingparents
interestingparents = filter (`elem` interestingaccts) parents
parents = parentAccountNames a
abal | flat_ opts = exclusiveBalance acct
| otherwise = abalance acct
where acct = ledgerAccount l a
tests_accountsReport =
let (opts,journal) `gives` r = do
let (eitems, etotal) = r
@ -971,53 +987,13 @@ Right samplejournal2 = journalBalanceTransactions $ Journal
(TOD 0 0)
exclusiveBalance :: Account -> MixedAmount
exclusiveBalance = sumPostings . apostings
-- | Is the named account considered interesting for this ledger's accounts report,
-- following the eliding style of ledger's balance command ?
isInteresting :: ReportOpts -> Ledger -> AccountName -> Bool
isInteresting opts l a | flat_ opts = isInterestingFlat opts l a
| otherwise = isInterestingIndented opts l a
-- | Determine whether an account should get its own line in the --flat balance report.
isInterestingFlat :: ReportOpts -> Ledger -> AccountName -> Bool
isInterestingFlat opts l a = notempty || emptyflag
acct = ledgerAccount l a
notempty = not $ isZeroMixedAmount $ exclusiveBalance acct
emptyflag = empty_ opts
-- | Determine whether an account should get its own line in the indented
-- balance report. Cf Balance module doc.
isInterestingIndented :: ReportOpts -> Ledger -> AccountName -> Bool
isInterestingIndented opts l a
| numinterestingsubs == 1 && samebalanceassub && not atmaxdepth = False
| numinterestingsubs < 2 && zerobalance && not emptyflag = False
| otherwise = True
atmaxdepth = accountNameLevel a == depthFromOpts opts
emptyflag = empty_ opts
acct = ledgerAccount l a
zerobalance = isZeroMixedAmount inclbalance where inclbalance = abalance acct
samebalanceassub = isZeroMixedAmount exclbalance where exclbalance = sumPostings $ apostings acct
numinterestingsubs = length $ filter isInterestingTree subtrees
isInterestingTree = treeany (isInteresting opts l . aname)
subtrees = map (fromJust . ledgerAccountTreeAt l) $ ledgerSubAccounts l $ ledgerAccount l a
tests_isInterestingIndented = [
"isInterestingIndented" ~: do
let (opts, journal, acctname) `gives` r = isInterestingIndented opts l acctname `is` r
where l = journalToLedger (queryFromOpts nulldate opts) journal
-- tests_isInterestingIndented = [
-- "isInterestingIndented" ~: do
-- let (opts, journal, acctname) `gives` r = isInterestingIndented opts l acctname `is` r
-- where l = ledgerFromJournal (queryFromOpts nulldate opts) journal
(defreportopts, samplejournal, "expenses") `gives` True
depthFromOpts :: ReportOpts -> Int
depthFromOpts opts = min (fromMaybe 99999 $ depth_ opts) (queryDepth $ queryFromOpts nulldate opts)
-- (defreportopts, samplejournal, "expenses") `gives` True
-- ]
tests_Hledger_Reports :: Test
tests_Hledger_Reports = TestList $
@ -1026,7 +1002,7 @@ tests_Hledger_Reports = TestList $
++ tests_entriesReport
++ tests_summarisePostingsByInterval
++ tests_postingsReport
++ tests_isInterestingIndented
-- ++ tests_isInterestingIndented
++ tests_accountsReport
++ [
-- ,"summarisePostingsInDateSpan" ~: do
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Error (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.LocalTime
@ -237,6 +238,8 @@ splitAtElement e l =
-- trees
-- standard tree helpers
root = rootLabel
subs = subForest
branches = subForest
@ -291,6 +294,25 @@ showtree = unlines . filter (regexMatches "[^ \\|]") . lines . drawTree . treema
showforest :: Show a => Forest a -> String
showforest = concatMap showtree
-- | An efficient-to-build tree suggested by Cale Gibbard, probably
-- better than accountNameTreeFrom.
newtype FastTree a = T (M.Map a (FastTree a))
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
emptyTree = T M.empty
mergeTrees :: (Ord a) => FastTree a -> FastTree a -> FastTree a
mergeTrees (T m) (T m') = T (M.unionWith mergeTrees m m')
treeFromPath :: [a] -> FastTree a
treeFromPath [] = T M.empty
treeFromPath (x:xs) = T (M.singleton x (treeFromPath xs))
treeFromPaths :: (Ord a) => [[a]] -> FastTree a
treeFromPaths = foldl' mergeTrees emptyTree . map treeFromPath
-- debugging
-- | trace (print on stdout at runtime) a showable expression
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ accountsReportAsHtml _ vd@VD{..} (items',total) =
l = journalToLedger Any j
l = ledgerFromJournal Any j
inacctmatcher = inAccountQuery qopts
allaccts = isNothing inacctmatcher
items = items' -- maybe items' (\m -> filter (matchesAccount m . \(a,_,_,_)->a) items') showacctmatcher
@ -133,11 +133,6 @@ tests_Hledger_Cli = TestList
,"show hours" ~: showAmount (hours 1) ~?= "1.0h"
,"subAccounts" ~: do
let l = journalToLedger Any samplejournal
a = ledgerAccount l "assets"
map aname (ledgerSubAccounts l a) `is` ["assets:bank","assets:cash"]
@ -539,7 +534,7 @@ journal7 = Journal
(TOD 0 0)
ledger7 = journalToLedger Any journal7
ledger7 = ledgerFromJournal Any journal7
-- journal8_str = unlines
-- ["2008/1/1 test "
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import System.IO ( stderr, hPutStrLn, hPutStr )
import System.IO.Error
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Printf
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable (find)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Hledger
@ -88,9 +87,9 @@ getTransaction j opts defaultDate = do
date = fixSmartDate today $ fromparse $ (parse smartdate "" . lowercase) datestr
accept x = x == "." || (not . null) x &&
if no_new_accounts_ opts
then isJust $ Foldable.find (== x) ant
then x `elem` existingaccts
else True
where (ant,_,_,_) = groupPostings $ journalPostings j
existingaccts = journalAccountNames j
getpostingsandvalidate = do
ps <- getPostings (PostingState j accept True bestmatchpostings) []
let t = nulltransaction{tdate=date
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ stats :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
stats CliOpts{reportopts_=reportopts_} j = do
d <- getCurrentDay
let q = queryFromOpts d reportopts_
l = journalToLedger q j
l = ledgerFromJournal q j
reportspan = (ledgerDateSpan l) `orDatesFrom` (queryDateSpan False q)
intervalspans = splitSpan (intervalFromOpts reportopts_) reportspan
showstats = showLedgerStats l d
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ showLedgerStats l today span =
-- Days since last transaction : %(recentelapsed)s
j = ledgerJournal l
j = ljournal l
path = journalFilePath j
ts = sortBy (comparing tdate) $ filter (spanContainsDate span . tdate) $ jtxns j
as = nub $ map paccount $ concatMap tpostings ts
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