change comm: to sym: and require a match on the whole symbol

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2013-09-09 15:26:45 -07:00
parent 957f57a07b
commit 060d1fdd1b
4 changed files with 24 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -953,8 +953,7 @@ A query term can be any of the following:
- `REGEX` - match account names by this regular expression
- `acct:REGEX` - same as above
- `code:REGEX` - match by transaction code (eg check number)
- `comm:REGEX` - match by commodity symbol
- `desc:REGEX` - match transaction descriptions by regular expression
- `desc:REGEX` - match transaction descriptions
- `date:PERIODEXPR` - match dates within the specified [period](#period-expressions)
- `date2:PERIODEXPR` - as above, but match secondary dates
- `tag:NAME[=REGEX]` - match by (exact, case sensitive) [tag](#tags) name, and optionally match the tag value by regular expression
@ -963,6 +962,7 @@ A query term can be any of the following:
- `real:1` or `real:0` - match real/virtual-ness
- `empty:1` or `empty:0` - match if amount is/is not zero
- `amt:N` or `amt:=N`, `amt:<N`, `amt:>N` - match postings with a single-commodity amount equal to, less than, or greater than N. (Multi-commodity amounts are always matched.)
- `sym:REGEX` - match (whole) commodity symbols
- `not:` before any of the above negates the match

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ title: hledger news
## unreleased
- queries: `comm:REGEXP` matches commodity symbols which match REGEXP
- queries: `sym:REGEXP` matches (whole) commodity symbols
- queries: `amt` now uses the = operator by default, eg amt:50 finds amounts equal to 50
- don't break when there are non-ascii characters in CSV files
- csv: add the `include` directive, useful for factoring out common rules used with multiple CSV files

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.AccountName
import Hledger.Data.Amount (nullamt, usd)
import Hledger.Data.Amount (amount, usd)
import Hledger.Data.Dates
import Hledger.Data.Posting
import Hledger.Data.Transaction
@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ data Query = Any -- ^ always match
| Or [Query] -- ^ match if any of these match
| And [Query] -- ^ match if all of these match
| Code String -- ^ match if code matches this regexp
| Comm String -- ^ match if the commodity symbol matches this regexp
| Desc String -- ^ match if description matches this regexp
| Acct String -- ^ match postings whose account matches this regexp
| Date DateSpan -- ^ match if primary date in this date span
@ -65,6 +64,7 @@ data Query = Any -- ^ always match
| Status Bool -- ^ match if cleared status has this value
| Real Bool -- ^ match if "realness" (involves a real non-virtual account ?) has this value
| Amt Ordering Quantity -- ^ match if the amount's numeric quantity is less than/greater than/equal to some value
| Sym String -- ^ match if the entire commodity symbol is matched by this regexp
| Empty Bool -- ^ if true, show zero-amount postings/accounts which are usually not shown
-- more of a query option than a query criteria ?
| Depth Int -- ^ match if account depth is less than or equal to this value
@ -177,12 +177,12 @@ prefixes = map (++":") [
@ -209,7 +209,6 @@ parseQueryTerm d ('n':'o':'t':':':s) = case parseQueryTerm d s of
Left m -> Left $ Not m
Right _ -> Left Any -- not:somequeryoption will be ignored
parseQueryTerm _ ('c':'o':'d':'e':':':s) = Left $ Code s
parseQueryTerm _ ('c':'o':'m':'m':':':s) = Left $ Comm s
parseQueryTerm _ ('d':'e':'s':'c':':':s) = Left $ Desc s
parseQueryTerm _ ('a':'c':'c':'t':':':s) = Left $ Acct s
parseQueryTerm d ('d':'a':'t':'e':':':s) =
@ -223,6 +222,7 @@ parseQueryTerm _ ('r':'e':'a':'l':':':s) = Left $ Real $ parseBool s
parseQueryTerm _ ('a':'m':'t':':':s) = Left $ Amt op q where (op, q) = parseAmountTest s
parseQueryTerm _ ('e':'m':'p':'t':'y':':':s) = Left $ Empty $ parseBool s
parseQueryTerm _ ('d':'e':'p':'t':'h':':':s) = Left $ Depth $ readDef 0 s
parseQueryTerm _ ('s':'y':'m':':':s) = Left $ Sym s
parseQueryTerm _ ('t':'a':'g':':':s) = Left $ Tag n v where (n,v) = parseTag s
parseQueryTerm _ "" = Left $ Any
parseQueryTerm d s = parseQueryTerm d $ defaultprefix++":"++s
@ -503,7 +503,6 @@ matchesPosting (None) _ = False
matchesPosting (Or qs) p = any (`matchesPosting` p) qs
matchesPosting (And qs) p = all (`matchesPosting` p) qs
matchesPosting (Code r) p = regexMatchesCI r $ maybe "" tcode $ ptransaction p
matchesPosting (Comm r) Posting{pamount=Mixed as} = any (regexMatchesCI r) $ map acommodity as
matchesPosting (Desc r) p = regexMatchesCI r $ maybe "" tdescription $ ptransaction p
matchesPosting (Acct r) p = regexMatchesCI r $ paccount p
matchesPosting (Date span) p = span `spanContainsDate` postingDate p
@ -516,6 +515,7 @@ matchesPosting (Amt op n) Posting{pamount=a} = compareMixedAmount op n a
-- matchesPosting (Empty False) Posting{pamount=a} = True
-- matchesPosting (Empty True) Posting{pamount=a} = isZeroMixedAmount a
matchesPosting (Empty _) _ = True
matchesPosting (Sym r) Posting{pamount=Mixed as} = any (regexMatchesCI $ "^" ++ r ++ "$") $ map acommodity as
matchesPosting (Tag n Nothing) p = isJust $ lookupTagByName n $ postingAllTags p
matchesPosting (Tag n (Just v)) p = isJust $ lookupTagByNameAndValue (n,v) $ postingAllTags p
-- matchesPosting _ _ = False
@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ matchesPosting (Tag n (Just v)) p = isJust $ lookupTagByNameAndValue (n,v) $ pos
-- | Is this simple mixed amount's quantity less than, equal to, or greater than this number ?
-- For complext mixed amounts (with multiple commodities), this is always true.
compareMixedAmount :: Ordering -> Quantity -> MixedAmount -> Bool
compareMixedAmount op q (Mixed []) = compareMixedAmount op q (Mixed [nullamt])
compareMixedAmount op q (Mixed []) = compareMixedAmount op q (Mixed [amount])
-- compareMixedAmount op q (Mixed [a]) = strace (compare (strace $ aquantity a) (strace q)) == op
compareMixedAmount op q (Mixed [a]) = compare (aquantity a) q == op
compareMixedAmount _ _ _ = True
@ -544,17 +544,20 @@ tests_matchesPosting = [
assertBool "real:1 on real posting" $ (Real True) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptype=RegularPosting}
assertBool "real:1 on virtual posting fails" $ not $ (Real True) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptype=VirtualPosting}
assertBool "real:1 on balanced virtual posting fails" $ not $ (Real True) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptype=BalancedVirtualPosting}
assertBool "" $ (Acct "'b") `matchesPosting` nullposting{paccount="'b"}
assertBool "" $ not $ (Tag "a" (Just "r$")) `matchesPosting` nullposting
assertBool "" $ (Tag "foo" Nothing) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptags=[("foo","")]}
assertBool "" $ (Tag "foo" Nothing) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptags=[("foo","baz")]}
assertBool "" $ (Tag "foo" (Just "a")) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptags=[("foo","bar")]}
assertBool "" $ not $ (Tag "foo" (Just "a$")) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptags=[("foo","bar")]}
assertBool "" $ not $ (Tag " foo " (Just "a")) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptags=[("foo","bar")]}
assertBool "" $ not $ (Tag "foo foo" (Just " ar ba ")) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptags=[("foo foo","bar bar")]}
assertBool "a" $ (Acct "'b") `matchesPosting` nullposting{paccount="'b"}
assertBool "b" $ not $ (Tag "a" (Just "r$")) `matchesPosting` nullposting
assertBool "c" $ (Tag "foo" Nothing) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptags=[("foo","")]}
assertBool "d" $ (Tag "foo" Nothing) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptags=[("foo","baz")]}
assertBool "e" $ (Tag "foo" (Just "a")) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptags=[("foo","bar")]}
assertBool "f" $ not $ (Tag "foo" (Just "a$")) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptags=[("foo","bar")]}
assertBool "g" $ not $ (Tag " foo " (Just "a")) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptags=[("foo","bar")]}
assertBool "h" $ not $ (Tag "foo foo" (Just " ar ba ")) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptags=[("foo foo","bar bar")]}
-- a tag match on a posting also sees inherited tags
assertBool "" $ (Tag "txntag" Nothing) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptransaction=Just nulltransaction{ttags=[("txntag","")]}}
assertBool "" $ (Comm "$") `matchesPosting` nullposting{pamount=Mixed [usd 1]}
assertBool "i" $ (Tag "txntag" Nothing) `matchesPosting` nullposting{ptransaction=Just nulltransaction{ttags=[("txntag","")]}}
assertBool "j" $ not $ (Sym "$") `matchesPosting` nullposting{pamount=Mixed [usd 1]} -- becomes "^$$", ie testing for null symbol
assertBool "k" $ (Sym "\\$") `matchesPosting` nullposting{pamount=Mixed [usd 1]} -- have to quote $ for regexpr
assertBool "l" $ (Sym "shekels") `matchesPosting` nullposting{pamount=Mixed [amount{acommodity="shekels"}]}
assertBool "m" $ not $ (Sym "shek") `matchesPosting` nullposting{pamount=Mixed [amount{acommodity="shekels"}]}
-- | Does the match expression match this transaction ?
@ -565,7 +568,6 @@ matchesTransaction (None) _ = False
matchesTransaction (Or qs) t = any (`matchesTransaction` t) qs
matchesTransaction (And qs) t = all (`matchesTransaction` t) qs
matchesTransaction (Code r) t = regexMatchesCI r $ tcode t
matchesTransaction q@(Comm _) t = any (q `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t
matchesTransaction (Desc r) t = regexMatchesCI r $ tdescription t
matchesTransaction q@(Acct _) t = any (q `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t
matchesTransaction (Date span) t = spanContainsDate span $ tdate t
@ -575,6 +577,7 @@ matchesTransaction (Real v) t = v == hasRealPostings t
matchesTransaction q@(Amt _ _) t = any (q `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t
matchesTransaction (Empty _) _ = True
matchesTransaction (Depth d) t = any (Depth d `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t
matchesTransaction q@(Sym _) t = any (q `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t
matchesTransaction (Tag n Nothing) t = isJust $ lookupTagByName n $ transactionAllTags t
matchesTransaction (Tag n (Just v)) t = isJust $ lookupTagByNameAndValue (n,v) $ transactionAllTags t

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@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ searchform VD{..} = [hamlet|
Transactions/postings may additionally be filtered by
acct:REGEXP (target account), #
code:REGEXP (transaction code), #
comm:REGEXP (commodity symbol), #
desc:REGEXP (description), #
date:PERIODEXP (date), #
date2:PERIODEXP (secondary date), #
@ -105,6 +104,7 @@ searchform VD{..} = [hamlet|
real:BOOL (real/virtual-ness), #
empty:BOOL (is amount zero), #
amt:N, amt:<N, amt:>N (test magnitude of single-commodity amount).
sym:REGEXP (commodity symbol), #
Prepend not: to negate, enclose multi-word patterns in quotes, multiple search terms are AND'ed.