site: download: more cleanup

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Simon Michael 2019-03-03 09:38:51 -08:00
parent c9011c166d
commit 08a75985a3

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@ -1,24 +1,11 @@
# Download
Here are the ways to install hledger, organised by platform, with the usually most up-to-date methods at the top.
Note the first three involve building from source, which is slower.
Please [send updates](index.html#helpfeedback) for
[this page](,
and help packagers keep their platform packages up to date.
hledger's usual release window is the first day or two of the month.
a. [Download a platform package](#a) (quick, may be out of date)
b. [Build the latest release with hledger-install](#b)
or [with stack](#b2)
or [with cabal](#b3) (slow, up to date)
c. [Build the development version with stack or cabal](#c) (slow, cutting edge)
<a name="a"></a>
## a. Download a packaged release for your platform
table { margin-left:1em; }
tr { /*border-top:thin solid #ddd;*/ border-bottom:thin solid #ddd; }
@ -45,29 +32,37 @@ a { white-space:nowrap; }
| | | Latest&nbsp;release&nbsp;is&nbsp;1.14.1<br>([release notes]( <!-- should be the latest release of the hledger package --> <!-- [![latest version](]( -->
| <br><big>**Multiplatform**</big> | | <br><small>*This method installs:*</small>
| [](#b1)<br><small>*Linux,&nbsp;Mac,&nbsp;WSL*</small> | <small>Requires bash. Builds the latest release from source, avoiding common pitfalls. In case of trouble, see [Building from source](#b).</small><br><span style="font-size:x-small;">**`curl -sO`**<br>**`less`** *# satisfy yourself that the script is safe*<br>**`bash`**</span> | <small>Latest release</small>
| [stack install](#b2)<br><small>*Linux,&nbsp;Mac,&nbsp;Windows*</small> | <small>Requires stack. See [Building from source](#b).</small><br> | <small>Latest release, or any version</small>
| [cabal install](#b3)<br><small>*Linux,&nbsp;Mac,&nbsp;Windows*</small> | <small>Requires cabal and GHC. See [Building from source](#b).</small><br> | <small>Latest release, or any version</small>
| <br><big>**Multiplatform**</big> | <br><small>*The first three build from source, which is slower. See [Building from source](#b).*</small> | <br><small>*This method installs:*</small>
| [hledger-install](#b1)<br><small>*Linux,&nbsp;Mac,&nbsp;WSL*</small><br><small>*Requires only bash.*</small> | <span style="font-size:small;">**`curl -sO`**<br>**`less`** *# satisfy yourself that the script is safe*<br>**`bash`**</span> | <small>Latest release</small>
| [stack install](#b2)<br><small>*Linux,&nbsp;Mac,&nbsp;Windows*</small> | <span style="font-size:small;">**`stack install --resolver=lts-13 hledger-lib-1.14 hledger-1.14.1 hledger-web-1.14 \`**<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;**`hledger-ui-1.14 brick-0.46 text-zipper-0.10.1 config-ini- data-clist- word-wrap-0.4.1`**</span> | <small>Latest release, or any version</small>
| [cabal install](#b3)<br><small>*Linux,&nbsp;Mac,&nbsp;Windows*</small> | <span style="font-size:small;">**`cabal v2-update && cabal v2-install hledger-1.14.1 hledger-ui-1.14 hledger-web-1.14`**</span> | <small>Latest release, or any version</small>
| [Docker][]<br><small>*Linux,&nbsp;Mac,&nbsp;Windows*</small> | **`docker pull dastapov/hledger`** ([readme](, [more images]( | 1.14.1
| [Nix][]<br><small>*Linux,&nbsp;Mac*</small> | **`nix-env -i hledger hledger-ui hledger-web`** | [![nixpkgs unstable](]( [![nixpkgs stable](](
| <br><big>**Mac**</big> |
| [Homebrew][] | **`brew install hledger`** | [![Homebrew](](
| <br><big>**Windows**</big> |
| [Linuxbrew][] | **`brew install hledger`** | [![Linuxbrew](](
| [Windows&nbsp;binaries][] | **[](** <!-- or [latest nightly dev build]( --><!-- <span class=warnings> [no hledger-ui](,[doesn't work on old windows ?](,[many files in PATH causing hangs]( --><!-- ,[appveyor builds failing]( </span>--> | 1.12
| <br><big>**GNU/Linux**</big> |
| [Linuxbrew][] | **`brew install hledger`** | [![Linuxbrew](](
| [Arch][] | **`pacman -S hledger hledger-ui hledger-web`** | [![Arch](](
| [Debian][] | **`sudo apt install hledger hledger-ui hledger-web`** | [![Debian Unstable](]( [![Debian Testing](]( [![Debian Stable](]( [![Debian Oldstable](](
| [Fedora][] | **`sudo dnf install hledger`** <br>or (more complete & current):<br>**`sudo dnf copr enable kefah/HLedger && sudo dnf install hledger`** | [![Fedora Rawhide](]( [![Fedora 29](]( [![Fedora 28](]( [![Fedora 27](]( [![Fedora 26](](
| [Fedora][] | **`sudo dnf install hledger`** <br><small>*or (more complete & current):*</small><br>**`sudo dnf copr enable kefah/HLedger && sudo dnf install hledger`** | [![Fedora Rawhide](]( [![Fedora 29](]( [![Fedora 28](]( [![Fedora 27](]( [![Fedora 26](](
| [Gentoo][] | **`sudo layman -a haskell && sudo emerge hledger hledger-ui hledger-web`** | 1.13.2
| [Ubuntu][] | **`sudo apt install hledger hledger-ui hledger-web`** | [![Ubuntu 19.04](]( [![Ubuntu 18.10](]( [![Ubuntu 18.04](]( [![Ubuntu 17.10](]( [![Ubuntu 16.04](]( [![Ubuntu 14.04](]( [![Ubuntu 12.04](](
| [Void][] | **`xbps-install -S hledger hledger-ui hledger-web`** | [![Void Linux x86_64](](
| <br><big>**BSD**</big> |
| OpenBSD | Ports: **[](** <br>Third-party binaries: **[OpenBSD6.3/amd64](** | 1.10
| <br><big>**Other**</big> |
| [Sandstorm][]<br><small>*Community/private cloud platform*</small> | **[hledger-web Sandstorm app](** <!-- <br><span class=warnings>[features needed](</span> --> | 1.9.2
| [Homebrew][]/[Linuxbrew][]<br><small>*Mac,&nbsp;Linux,&nbsp;Windows*</small> | **`brew install hledger`** | [![Homebrew](]( [![Linuxbrew](](
@ -173,19 +168,25 @@ You can often run `stack upgrade` to upgrade it.
64-bit Windows users should choose the 64-bit version of stack.
The following command installs the main hledger packages;
**`stack install --resolver=lts-13 hledger-lib-1.14 hledger-1.14.1 hledger-ui-1.14 brick-0.46 text-zipper-0.10.1 config-ini- data-clist- word-wrap-0.4.1 hledger-web-1.14 hledger-api-1.14`**\
**`stack install --resolver=lts-13 hledger-lib-1.14 hledger-1.14.1 hledger-web-1.14 \`**\
&nbsp;&nbsp;**`hledger-ui-1.14 brick-0.46 text-zipper-0.10.1 config-ini- data-clist- word-wrap-0.4.1`**\
You can save some time by omitting the optional [hledger-ui](, [hledger-web]( and/or [hledger-api]( packages.
(On Windows, hledger-ui is not available.)
To estimate the build time, add `--dry-run`.
If needed, you can save some time by omitting the
[hledger-web]( and
[hledger-ui]( packages
(and hledger-ui's extra dependencies: brick, text-zipper, config-ini etc.)
On Windows, hledger-ui is not available.
To estimate the build time remaining, add `--dry-run`.
Some other [add-on tools](/hledger.html#third-party-add-ons) like
and [hledger-interest](
can be installed like so:
**`stack install --resolver=lts-13 hledger-lib-1.14 hledger-diff- hledger-iadd-1.3.9 brick-0.46 text-zipper-0.10.1 config-ini- data-clist- word-wrap-0.4.1 hledger-interest-1.5.3`**\
**`stack install --resolver=lts-13 hledger-lib-1.14 hledger-1.14.1 hledger-api-1.14 hledger-diff- \`**\
&nbsp;&nbsp;**`hledger-interest-1.5.3 hledger-iadd-1.3.9 brick-0.46 text-zipper-0.10.1 config-ini- data-clist- word-wrap-0.4.1`**\
<a name="b3"></a>
@ -194,7 +195,8 @@ can be installed like so:
[cabal]( is the other Haskell build tool. If you're a cabal expert, use it in the usual way, eg:
**`cabal v2-update`**\
**`cabal v2-install hledger-1.14.1 hledger-ui-1.14 hledger-web-1.14 hledger-api-1.14 [hledger-diff- hledger-iadd-1.3.9 hledger-interest-1.5.3]`**\
**`cabal v2-install hledger-1.14.1 hledger-ui-1.14 hledger-web-1.14 \`**\
&nbsp;&nbsp;**`hledger-api-1.14 hledger-diff- hledger-iadd-1.3.9 hledger-interest-1.5.3`**\
### Set up PATH