clarify that amount arithmetic does not handle multiple commodities

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2011-04-22 13:44:08 +00:00
parent 137cc8292e
commit 091ec4e51f
2 changed files with 33 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ sameSignNonZero is | null nzs = ([], 1)
-- | Convert all quantities of MixedAccount to a single commodity
amountValue :: MixedAmount -> Double
amountValue = quantity . convertMixedAmountTo unknown
amountValue = quantity . convertMixedAmountToSimilarCommodity unknown
-- | Generate a tree of account names together with their balances.
-- The balance of account is decremented by the balance of its subaccounts

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@ -38,11 +38,13 @@ price-discarding arithmetic which ignores and discards prices.
-- XXX due for review/rewrite
module Hledger.Data.Amount (
@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.Amount (
@ -85,41 +88,42 @@ instance Num Amount where
abs (Amount c q p) = Amount c (abs q) p
signum (Amount c q p) = Amount c (signum q) p
fromInteger i = Amount (comm "") (fromInteger i) Nothing
(+) = amountop (+)
(-) = amountop (-)
(*) = amountop (*)
(+) = similarAmountsOp (+)
(-) = similarAmountsOp (-)
(*) = similarAmountsOp (*)
instance Num MixedAmount where
fromInteger i = Mixed [Amount (comm "") (fromInteger i) Nothing]
negate (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map negateAmountPreservingPrice as
where negateAmountPreservingPrice a = (-a){price=price a}
(+) (Mixed as) (Mixed bs) = normaliseMixedAmount $ Mixed $ as ++ bs
(*) = error' "programming error, mixed amounts do not support multiplication"
abs = error' "programming error, mixed amounts do not support abs"
signum = error' "programming error, mixed amounts do not support signum"
negateAmountPreservingPrice a = (-a){price=price a}
-- | Apply a binary arithmetic operator to two amounts, after converting
-- the first to the commodity (and display precision) of the second in a
-- simplistic way. This should be used only for two amounts in the same
-- commodity, since the conversion rate is assumed to be 1.
-- NB preserving the second commodity is preferred since sum and other
-- folds start with the no-commodity zero amount.
similarAmountsOp :: (Double -> Double -> Double) -> Amount -> Amount -> Amount
similarAmountsOp op a (Amount bc bq _) =
Amount bc (quantity (convertAmountToSimilarCommodity bc a) `op` bq) Nothing
-- | Apply a binary arithmetic operator to two amounts, converting to the
-- second one's commodity (and display precision), discarding any price
-- information. (Using the second commodity is best since sum and other
-- folds start with a no-commodity amount.)
amountop :: (Double -> Double -> Double) -> Amount -> Amount -> Amount
amountop op a@(Amount _ _ _) (Amount bc bq _) =
Amount bc (quantity (convertAmountTo bc a) `op` bq) Nothing
-- | Convert an amount to the specified commodity, assuming an exchange rate of 1.
convertAmountToSimilarCommodity :: Commodity -> Amount -> Amount
convertAmountToSimilarCommodity c (Amount _ q _) = Amount c q Nothing
-- | Convert an amount to the specified commodity using the appropriate
-- exchange rate (which is currently always 1).
convertAmountTo :: Commodity -> Amount -> Amount
convertAmountTo c2 (Amount c1 q _) = Amount c2 (q * conversionRate c1 c2) Nothing
-- | Convert mixed amount to the specified commodity
convertMixedAmountTo :: Commodity -> MixedAmount -> Amount
convertMixedAmountTo c2 (Mixed ams) = Amount c2 total Nothing
-- | Convert a mixed amount to the specified commodity, assuming an exchange rate of 1.
convertMixedAmountToSimilarCommodity :: Commodity -> MixedAmount -> Amount
convertMixedAmountToSimilarCommodity c (Mixed as) = Amount c total Nothing
total = sum . map (quantity . convertAmountTo c2) $ ams
total = sum $ map (quantity . convertAmountToSimilarCommodity c) as
-- | Convert an amount to the commodity of its saved price, if any. Note
-- that although the price is a MixedAmount, only its first Amount is used.
-- | Convert an amount to the commodity of its saved price, if any. Notes:
-- - price amounts must be MixedAmounts with exactly one component Amount (or there will be a runtime error)
-- - price amounts should be positive, though this is not currently enforced
costOfAmount :: Amount -> Amount
costOfAmount a@(Amount _ q price)
| isNothing price = a
@ -397,7 +401,7 @@ amountopPreservingHighestPrecision :: (Double -> Double -> Double) -> Amount ->
amountopPreservingHighestPrecision op a@(Amount ac@Commodity{precision=ap} _ _) (Amount bc@Commodity{precision=bp} bq _) =
Amount c q Nothing
q = quantity (convertAmountTo bc a) `op` bq
q = quantity (convertAmountToSimilarCommodity bc a) `op` bq
c = if ap > bp then ac else bc
@ -450,6 +454,10 @@ tests_Hledger_Data_Amount = TestList [
(a1 + a3) `is` Amount (comm "$") 0 Nothing
(a2 + a3) `is` Amount (comm "$") (-2.46) Nothing
(a3 + a3) `is` Amount (comm "$") (-2.46) Nothing
-- arithmetic with different commodities currently assumes conversion rate 1:
let a4 = euros (-1.23)
assertBool "" $ isZeroAmount (a1 + a4)
sum [a2,a3] `is` Amount (comm "$") (-2.46) Nothing
sum [a3,a3] `is` Amount (comm "$") (-2.46) Nothing
sum [a1,a2,a3,-a3] `is` Amount (comm "$") 0 Nothing