split more long transaction balancing errors into lines; refactor

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2020-05-29 16:31:15 -07:00
parent 924ec1c98d
commit 0a5fa33f9d
2 changed files with 24 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -340,8 +340,8 @@ transactionPostingBalances t = (sumPostings $ realPostings t
,sumPostings $ virtualPostings t
,sumPostings $ balancedVirtualPostings t)
-- | Check that this transaction would appear balanced to a human when displayed,
-- and return an appropriate error message otherwise.
-- | Check that this transaction would appear balanced to a human when displayed.
-- On success, returns the empty list, otherwise one or more error messages.
-- In more detail:
-- For the real postings, and separately for the balanced virtual postings:
@ -357,10 +357,8 @@ transactionPostingBalances t = (sumPostings $ realPostings t
-- 3. Does the amounts' sum appear non-zero when displayed ?
-- (using the given display styles if provided)
transactionCheckBalanced :: Maybe (M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle) -> Transaction -> Maybe String
transactionCheckBalanced mstyles t
| rsignsok && bvsignsok && rzerosum && bvzerosum = Nothing
| otherwise = Just msg
transactionCheckBalanced :: Maybe (M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle) -> Transaction -> [String]
transactionCheckBalanced mstyles t = errs
(rps, bvps) = (realPostings t, balancedVirtualPostings t)
canonicalise = maybe id canonicaliseMixedAmount mstyles
@ -388,11 +386,11 @@ transactionCheckBalanced mstyles t
| not bvsignsok = "balanced virtual postings all have the same sign"
| not bvzerosum = "balanced virtual postings' sum should be 0 but is: " ++ showMixedAmount bvsumcost
| otherwise = ""
msg = intercalate "\n" $ ["could not balance this transaction:"] ++ filter (not.null) [rmsg, bvmsg]
errs = filter (not.null) [rmsg, bvmsg]
-- | Legacy form of transactionCheckBalanced.
isTransactionBalanced :: Maybe (M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle) -> Transaction -> Bool
isTransactionBalanced mstyles = (==Nothing) . transactionCheckBalanced mstyles
isTransactionBalanced mstyles = null . transactionCheckBalanced mstyles
-- | Balance this transaction, ensuring that its postings
-- (and its balanced virtual postings) sum to 0,
@ -424,11 +422,19 @@ balanceTransactionHelper mstyles t = do
(t', inferredamtsandaccts) <-
inferBalancingAmount (fromMaybe M.empty mstyles) $ inferBalancingPrices t
case transactionCheckBalanced mstyles t' of
Nothing -> Right (txnTieKnot t', inferredamtsandaccts)
Just err -> Left $ annotateErrorWithTransaction t' err
[] -> Right (txnTieKnot t', inferredamtsandaccts)
errs -> Left $ transactionBalanceError t' errs
-- | Generate a transaction balancing error message, given the transaction
-- and one or more suberror messages.
transactionBalanceError :: Transaction -> [String] -> String
transactionBalanceError t errs =
annotateErrorWithTransaction t $
intercalate "\n" $ "could not balance this transaction:" : errs
annotateErrorWithTransaction :: Transaction -> String -> String
annotateErrorWithTransaction t s = unlines [showGenericSourcePos $ tsourcepos t, s, showTransaction t]
annotateErrorWithTransaction t s =
unlines [showGenericSourcePos $ tsourcepos t, s, rstrip $ showTransaction t]
-- | Infer up to one missing amount for this transactions's real postings, and
-- likewise for its balanced virtual postings, if needed; or return an error
@ -444,9 +450,13 @@ inferBalancingAmount ::
-> Either String (Transaction, [(AccountName, MixedAmount)])
inferBalancingAmount styles t@Transaction{tpostings=ps}
| length amountlessrealps > 1
= Left $ annotateErrorWithTransaction t "could not balance this transaction - can't have more than one real posting with no amount (remember to put 2 or more spaces before amounts)"
= Left $ transactionBalanceError t
["can't have more than one real posting with no amount"
,"(remember to put two or more spaces between account and amount)"]
| length amountlessbvps > 1
= Left $ annotateErrorWithTransaction t "could not balance this transaction - can't have more than one balanced virtual posting with no amount (remember to put 2 or more spaces before amounts)"
= Left $ transactionBalanceError t
["can't have more than one balanced virtual posting with no amount"
,"(remember to put two or more spaces between account and amount)"]
| otherwise
= let psandinferredamts = map inferamount ps
inferredacctsandamts = [(paccount p, amt) | (p, Just amt) <- psandinferredamts]

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@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ $ hledger -f - print -x
$ hledger -f journal:- print
>2 /could not balance this transaction - can't have more than one real posting with no amount/
>2 /can't have more than one real posting with no amount/
# 6. Two (or more) virtual postings with implicit amount cannot be balanced.