@ -97,18 +97,17 @@ Input
Usually the data file is in hledger's journal format, but it can be in
any of the supported file formats, which currently are:
Reader: Reads: Used for file exten-
Reader: Reads: Used for file extensions:
journal hledger journal files and some Ledger .journal .j .hledger
journals, for transactions .ledger
time- timeclock files, for precise time log- .timeclock
clock ging
timedot timedot files, for approximate time .timedot
csv CSV/SSV/TSV/character-separated values, .csv .ssv .tsv
for data import .csv.rules .ssv.rules
journal hledger journal files and some .journal .j .hledger .ledger
Ledger journals, for transac-
timeclock timeclock files, for precise .timeclock
time logging
timedot timedot files, for approximate .timedot
time logging
csv CSV/SSV/TSV/character-sepa- .csv .ssv .tsv .csv.rules
rated values, for data import .ssv.rules .tsv.rules
These formats are described in more detail below.
@ -494,16 +493,71 @@ Command line tips
and vice versa. (See eg #961).
Regular expressions
hledger uses regular expressions in a number of places:
A regular expression (regexp) is a small piece of text where certain
characters (like ., ^, $, +, *, (), |, [], \) have special meanings,
forming a tiny language for matching text precisely - very useful in
hledger and elsewhere. To learn all about them, visit regular-expres-
o query terms, on the command line and in the hledger-web search form:
REGEX, desc:REGEX, cur:REGEX, tag:...=REGEX
hledger supports regexps whenever you are entering a pattern to match
something, eg in query arguments, account aliases, CSV if rules,
hledger-web's search form, hledger-ui's / search, etc. You may need to
wrap them in quotes, especially at the command line (see Special char-
acters above). Here are some examples:
o CSV rules conditional blocks: if REGEX ...
Account name queries (quoted for command line use):
o account alias directive and --alias option: alias /REGEX/ = REPLACE-
Regular expression: Matches:
------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
bank assets:bank, assets:bank:savings, expenses:art:banksy, ...
:bank assets:bank:savings, expenses:art:banksy
:bank: assets:bank:savings
'^bank' none of those ( ^ matches beginning of text )
'bank$' assets:bank ( $ matches end of text )
'big \$ bank' big $ bank ( \ disables following character's special meaning )
'\bbank\b' assets:bank, assets:bank:savings ( \b matches word boundaries )
'(sav|check)ing' saving or checking ( (|) matches either alternative )
'saving|checking' saving or checking ( outer parentheses are not needed )
'savings?' saving or savings ( ? matches 0 or 1 of the preceding thing )
'my +bank' my bank, my bank, ... ( + matches 1 or more of the preceding thing )
'my *bank' mybank, my bank, my bank, ... ( * matches 0 or more of the preceding thing )
'b.nk' bank, bonk, b nk, ... ( . matches any character )
Some other queries:
desc:'amazon|amzn|audible' Amazon transactions
cur:EUR amounts with commodity symbol containing EUR
cur:'\$' amounts with commodity symbol containing $
cur:'^\$$' only $ amounts, not eg AU$ or CA$
cur:....? amounts with 4-or-more-character symbols
tag:.=202[1-3] things with any tag whose value contains 2021, 2022 or 2023
Account name aliases: accept . instead of : as account separator:
alias /\./=: replaces all periods in account names with colons
Show multiple top-level accounts combined as one:
--alias='/^[^:]+/=combined' ( [^:] matches any character other than : )
Show accounts with the second-level part removed:
--alias '/^([^:]+):[^:]+/ = \1'
match a top-level account and a second-level account
and replace those with just the top-level account
( \1 in the replacement text means "whatever was matched
by the first parenthesised part of the regexp"
CSV rules: match CSV records containing dining-related MCC codes:
if \?MCC581[124]
Match CSV records with a specific amount around the end/start of month:
if %amount \b3\.99
& %date (29|30|31|01|02|03)$
hledger's regular expressions
hledger's regular expressions come from the regex-tdfa library. If
they're not doing what you expect, it's important to know exactly what
they support:
@ -517,10 +571,10 @@ Command line tips
4. they also support GNU word boundaries (\b, \B, \<, \>)
5. they do not support backreferences; if you write \1, it will match
the digit 1. Except when doing text replacement, eg in account
aliases, where backreferences can be used in the replacement string
to reference capturing groups in the search regexp.
5. backreferences are supported when doing text replacement in account
aliases or CSV rules, where backreferences can be used in the re-
placement string to reference capturing groups in the search regexp.
Otherwise, if you write \1, it will match the digit 1.
6. they do not support mode modifiers ((?s)), character classes (\w,
\d), or anything else not mentioned above.
@ -568,7 +622,7 @@ Output
Some commands offer other kinds of output, not just text on the termi-
nal. Here are those commands and the formats currently supported:
- txt csv html json sql
- txt csv/tsv html json sql
aregister Y Y Y Y
balance Y 1 Y 1 Y 1,2 Y
@ -1132,7 +1186,7 @@ Journal
A decimal mark can be written as a period or a comma:
In the integer part of the quantity (left of the decimal mark), groups
of digits can optionally be separated by a digit group mark - a space,
@ -1143,21 +1197,15 @@ Journal
INR 9,99,99,999.00
1 000 000.9455
Note, a number containing a single digit group mark and no decimal mark
is ambiguous. Are these digit group marks or decimal marks ?
hledger is not biased towards period or comma decimal marks, so a num-
ber containing just one period or comma, like 1,000 or 1.000, is am-
biguous. In such cases hledger assumes it is a decimal mark, parsing
both of these as 1.
If you don't tell it otherwise, hledger will assume both of the above
are decimal marks, parsing both numbers as 1.
To prevent confusing parsing mistakes and undetected typos, especially
if your data contains digit group marks (eg, thousands separators), we
recommend explicitly declaring the decimal mark character in each jour-
nal file, using a directive at the top of the file. The decimal-mark
directive is best, otherwise commodity directives will also work.
These are described below.
To disambiguate these and ensure accurate number parsing, especially if
you use digit group marks, we recommend declaring the decimal mark.
You can declare it for each file with decimal-mark directives, or for
each commodity with commodity directives (described below).
Amounts in hledger have both a "quantity", which is a signed decimal
@ -1196,66 +1244,45 @@ Journal
Commodity display style
For the amounts in each commodity, hledger chooses a consistent display
style to use in most reports. (Exceptions: price amounts, and all
amounts displayed by the print command, are displayed with all of their
decimal digits visible.)
style (symbol placement, decimal mark and digit group marks, number of
decimal digits) to use in most reports. This is inferred as follows:
A commodity's display style is inferred as follows.
First, if there's a D directive declaring a default commodity, that
commodity symbol and amount format is applied to all no-symbol amounts
in the journal.
First, if a default commodity is declared with D, this commodity and
its style is applied to any no-symbol amounts in the journal.
Then each commodity's display style is determined from its commodity
directive. We recommend always declaring commodities with commodity
directives, since they help ensure consistent display styles and preci-
sions, and bring other benefits such as error checking for commodity
Then each commodity's style is inferred from one of the following, in
order of preference:
But if a commodity directive is not present, hledger infers a commod-
ity's display styles from its amounts as they are written in the jour-
nal (excluding cost amounts and amounts in periodic transaction rules
or auto posting rules). It uses
o The commodity directive for that commodity (including the no-symbol
commodity), if any.
o the symbol placement and decimal mark of the first amount seen
o The amounts in that commodity seen in the journal's transactions.
(Posting amounts only; prices and periodic or auto rules are ignored,
o the digit group marks of the first amount with digit group marks
o The built-in fallback style, which looks like this: $1000.00. (Sym-
bol on the left, period decimal mark, two decimal places.)
o and the maximum number of decimal digits seen across all amounts.
A style is inferred from journal amounts as follows:
And as fallback if no applicable amounts are found, it would use a de-
fault style, like $1000.00 (symbol on the left with no space, period as
decimal mark, and two decimal digits).
o Use the general style (decimal mark, symbol placement) of the first
o Use the first-seen digit group style (digit group mark, digit group
sizes), if any
o Use the maximum number of decimal places of all.
Cost amounts don't affect the commodity display style directly, but oc-
casionally they can do so indirectly (eg when a posting's amount is in-
ferred using a cost). If you find this causing problems, use a commod-
ity directive to fix the display style.
To summarise: each commodity's amounts will be normalised to (a) the
style declared by a commodity directive, or (b) the style of the first
posting amount in the journal, with the first-seen digit group style
and the maximum-seen number of decimal places. So if your reports are
showing amounts in a way you don't like, eg with too many decimal
places, use a commodity directive. Some examples:
# declare euro, dollar, bitcoin and no-symbol commodities and set their
# input number formats and output display styles:
commodity EUR 1.000,
commodity $1000.00
commodity 1000.00000000 BTC
commodity 1 000.
The inferred commodity style can be overridden by supplying a command
line option.
Finally, commodity styles can be overridden by the -c/--commodity-style
command line option.
Amounts are stored internally as decimal numbers with up to 255 decimal
places, and displayed with the number of decimal places specified by
the commodity display style. Note, hledger uses banker's rounding: it
rounds to the nearest even number, eg 0.5 displayed with zero decimal
places is "0").
places. They are displayed with their original journal precisions by
print and print-like reports, and rounded to their display precision
(the number of decimal digits specified by the commodity display style)
by other reports. When rounding, hledger uses banker's rounding (it
rounds to the nearest even digit). So eg 0.5 displayed with zero deci-
mal digits appears as "0".
After a posting amount, you can note its cost (when buying) or selling
@ -2084,84 +2111,76 @@ Journal
$ hledger accounts --alias assets=bassetts type:a
commodity directive
You can use commodity directives to declare your commodities. In fact
the commodity directive performs several functions at once:
The commodity directive performs several functions:
1. It declares commodities which may be used in the journal. This can
optionally be enforced, providing useful error checking. (Cf Com-
modity error checking)
1. It declares which commodity symbols may be used in the journal, en-
abling useful error checking with strict mode or the check command.
(See Commodity error checking below.)
2. It declares which decimal mark character (period or comma), to ex-
pect when parsing input - useful to disambiguate international num-
ber formats in your data. Without this, hledger will parse both
1,000 and 1.000 as 1. (Cf Amounts)
2. It declares the precision with which this commodity's amounts should
be compared when checking for balanced transactions.
3. It declares how to render the commodity's amounts when displaying
output - the decimal mark, any digit group marks, the number of dec-
imal places, symbol placement and so on. (Cf Commodity display
3. It declares how this commodity's amounts should be displayed, eg
their symbol placement, digit group mark if any, digit group sizes,
decimal mark (period or comma), and the number of decimal places.
(See Commodity display style above.)
You will run into one of the problems solved by commodity directives
sooner or later, so we recommend using them, for robust and predictable
parsing and display.
4. It sets which decimal mark (period or comma) to expect when parsing
subsequent amounts in this commodity (if there is no decimal-mark
directive in effect. See Decimal marks, digit group marks above.
For related dev discussion, see #793.)
Generally you should put them at the top of your journal file (since
for function 2, they affect only following amounts, cf #793).
Declaring commodities solves several common parsing/display problems,
so we recommend it. Generally you should put commodity directives at
the top of your journal file (because function 4 is position-sensi-
A commodity directive is just the word commodity followed by a sample
amount, like this:
Commodity directive syntax
A commodity directive is normally the word commodity followed by a sam-
ple amount (and optionally a comment). Only the amount's symbol and
format is significant. Eg:
commodity $1000.00
commodity 1,000.0000 AAAA ; optional same-line comment
commodity 1.000,00 EUR
commodity 1 000 000.0000 ; the no-symbol commodity
It may also be written on multiple lines, and use the format subdirec-
tive, as in Ledger. Note in this case the commodity symbol appears
twice; it must be the same in both places:
A commodity directive's sample amount must always include a period or
comma decimal mark (this rule helps disambiguate decimal marks and
digit group marks). If you don't want to show any decimal digits,
write the decimal mark at the end:
;commodity SYMBOL
commodity 1000. AAAA ; show AAAA with no decimals
Commodity symbols containing spaces, numbers, or punctuation must be
enclosed in double quotes, as usual:
commodity 1.0000 "AAAA 2023"
Commodity directives normally include a sample amount, but can declare
only a symbol (ie, just function 1 above):
commodity $
commodity INR
commodity "AAAA 2023"
commodity "" ; the no-symbol commodity
Commodity directives may also be written with an indented format subdi-
rective, as in Ledger. The symbol is repeated and must be the same in
both places. Other subdirectives are currently ignored:
; display indian rupees with currency name on the left,
; thousands, lakhs and crores comma-separated,
; period as decimal point, and two decimal places.
commodity INR
format INR 1,00,00,000.00
Other indented subdirectives are currently ignored.
Remember that if the commodity symbol contains spaces, numbers, or
punctuation, it must be enclosed in double quotes (cf Commodity).
The amount's quantity does not matter; only the format is significant.
It must include a decimal mark - either a period or a comma - followed
by 0 or more decimal digits.
A few more examples:
# number formats for $, EUR, INR and the no-symbol commodity:
commodity $1,000.00
commodity EUR 1.000,00
commodity INR 9,99,99,999.0
commodity 1 000 000.
Note hledger normally uses banker's rounding, so 0.5 displayed with
zero decimal digits is "0". (More at Commodity display style.)
Even in the presence of commodity directives, the commodity display
style can still be overridden by supplying a command line option.
an unsupported subdirective ; ignored by hledger
Commodity error checking
In strict mode, enabled with the -s/--strict flag, hledger will report
an error if a commodity symbol is used that has not been declared by a
commodity directive. This works similarly to account error checking,
see the notes there for more details.
Note, this disallows amounts without a commodity symbol, because cur-
rently it's not possible (?) to declare the "no-symbol" commodity with
a directive. This is one exception for convenience: zero amounts are
always allowed to have no commodity symbol.
In strict mode (-s/--strict) (or when you run hledger check commodi-
ties), hledger will report an error if an undeclared commodity symbol
is used. (With one exception: zero amounts are always allowed to have
no commodity symbol.) It works like account error checking (described
decimal-mark directive
You can use a decimal-mark directive - usually one per file, at the top
@ -3012,9 +3031,9 @@ CSV
To assign a value to a hledger field, write the field name (any of the
standard hledger field/pseudo-field names, defined below), a space,
followed by a text value on the same line. This text value may inter-
polate CSV fields, referenced by their 1-based position in the CSV
record (%N), or by the name they were given in the fields list (%CSV-
polate CSV fields, referenced either by their 1-based position in the
CSV record (%N) or by the name they were given in the fields list
(%CSVFIELD), and regular expression match groups (\N).
Some examples:
@ -3264,7 +3283,29 @@ CSV
o When a matcher is preceded by ampersand (&) it will be AND'ed with
the previous matcher (both of them must match).
There's not yet an easy syntax to negate a matcher.
When a matcher is preceded by an exclamation mark (!), the matcher will
be negated, ie it will exclude CSV records that match.
Match groups
Matchers can define match groups: parenthesised portions of the regular
expression which are available for reference in field assignments.
Groups are enclosed in regular parentheses (( and )) and can be nested.
Each group is available in field assignments using the token \N, where
N is an index into the match groups for this conditional block (e.g.
\1, \2, etc.).
Example: Warp credit card payment postings to the beginning of the
billing period (Month start), to match how they are presented in state-
ments, using posting dates:
if %date (....-..)-..
comment2 date:\1-01
Another example: Read the expense account from the CSV field, but throw
away a prefix:
if %account1 liabilities:family:(expenses:.*)
account1 \1
if table
"if tables" are an alternative to if blocks; they can express many
@ -3277,18 +3318,21 @@ CSV
<empty line>
The first character after if is taken to be the separator for the rest
of the table. It should be a non-alphanumeric character like , or |
that does not appear anywhere else in the table. (Note: it is unre-
lated to the CSV file's separator.) Whitespace can be used in the
matcher lines for readability, but not in the if line currently. The
table must be terminated by an empty line (or end of file). Each line
must contain the same number of separators; empty values are allowed.
The first character after if is taken to be this if table's field sepa-
rator. It is unrelated to the separator used in the CSV file. It
should be a non-alphanumeric character like , or | that does not appear
anywhere else in the table (it should not be used in field names or
matchers or values, and it cannot be escaped with a backslash).
The above means: try all of the matchers; whenever a matcher succeeds,
assign all of the values on that line to the corresponding hledger
fields; later lines can overrider earlier ones. It is equivalent to
this sequence of if blocks:
Each line must contain the same number of separators; empty values are
allowed. Whitespace can be used in the matcher lines for readability
(but not in the if line, currently). The table must be terminated by
an empty line (or end of file).
An if table like the above is interpreted as follows: try all of the
matchers; whenever a matcher succeeds, assign all of the values on that
line to the corresponding hledger fields; later lines can overrider
earlier ones. It is equivalent to this sequence of if blocks:
@ -4165,6 +4209,53 @@ Timedot
A sample.timedot file.
Amount formatting, parseability
If you're wondering why your print report sometimes shows trailing dec-
imal marks, even when there are no decimal digits; it does this to dis-
ambiguate ambiguous amounts (amounts which have one digit group mark
and no decimal digits), allowing them to be re-parsed reliably.
More generally: hledger output falls into three rough categories, which
format amounts a little bit differently to suit different consumers:
1. "hledger-readable output" - should be readable by hledger (and by
o This is produced by reports that show full journal entries: print,
import, close, rewrite etc.
o It shows amounts with their original journal precisions, which may
not be consistent.
o It adds a trailing decimal mark when needed to avoid showing ambigu-
ous amounts.
o It can be parsed reliably (by hledger and ledger2beancount at least,
but perhaps not by Ledger..)
2. "human-readable output" - usually for humans
o This is produced by all other reports.
o It shows amounts with standard display precisions, which will be con-
sistent within each commodity.
o It shows ambiguous amounts unmodified.
o It can be parsed reliably in the context of a known report (when you
know decimals are consistently not being shown, you can assume a sin-
gle mark is a digit group mark).
3. "machine-readable output" - usually for other software
o This is produced by all reports when an output format like csv, tsv,
json, or sql is selected.
o It shows amounts as 1 or 2 do, but without digit group marks.
o It can be parsed reliably (if needed, the decimal mark can be changed
with -c/--commodity-style).
Time periods
Report start & end date
By default, most hledger reports will show the full span of time repre-
@ -5127,21 +5218,29 @@ Value reporting
Valuation date
Since market prices can change from day to day, market value reports
have a valuation date (or more than one), which determines which market
prices will be used.
Market prices can change from day to day. hledger will use the prices
on a particular valuation date (or on more than one date). By default
hledger uses "end" dates for valuation. More specifically:
For single period reports, if an explicit report end date is specified,
that will be used as the valuation date; otherwise the valuation date
is the journal's end date.
o For single period reports (including normal print and register re-
For multiperiod reports, each column/period is valued on the last day
of the period, by default.
o If an explicit report end date is specified, that is used
o Otherwise the latest transaction date or P directive date is used
(even if it's in the future)
o For multiperiod reports, each period is valued on its last day.
This can be customised with the --value option described below, which
can select either "then", "end", "now", or "custom" dates. (Note, this
has a bug in hledger-ui <=1.31: turning on valuation with the V key al-
ways resets it to "end".)
Finding market price
To convert a commodity A to its market value in another commodity B,
hledger looks for a suitable market price (exchange rate) as follows,
in this order of preference :
in this order of preference:
1. A declared market price or inferred market price: A's latest market
price in B on or before the valuation date as declared by a P direc-
@ -5422,38 +5521,6 @@ Value reporting
(a) 1 B
You may need to explicitly set a commodity's display style, when re-
verse prices are used. Eg this output might be surprising:
P 2000-01-01 A 2B
a 1B
$ hledger print -x -X A
a 0
b 0
Explanation: because there's no amount or commodity directive specify-
ing a display style for A, 0.5A gets the default style, which shows no
decimal digits. Because the displayed amount looks like zero, the com-
modity symbol and minus sign are not displayed either. Adding a com-
modity directive sets a more useful display style for A:
P 2000-01-01 A 2B
commodity 0.00A
a 1B
$ hledger print -X A
a 0.50A
b -0.50A
Interaction of valuation and queries
When matching postings based on queries in the presence of valuation,
the following happens.
@ -5901,18 +5968,22 @@ PART 4: COMMANDS
--align-all flag.
This command also supports the output destination and output format op-
tions. The output formats supported are txt, csv, and json.
tions. The output formats supported are txt, csv, tsv, and json.
aregister and custom posting dates
Transactions whose date is outside the report period can still be
shown, if they have a posting to this account dated inside the report
period. (And in this case it's the posting date that is shown.) This
ensures that aregister can show an accurate historical running balance,
matching the one shown by register -H with the same arguments.
aregister and posting dates
aregister always shows one line (and date and amount) per transaction.
But sometimes transactions have postings with different dates. Also,
not all of a transaction's postings may be within the report period.
To resolve this, aregister shows the earliest of the transaction's date
and posting dates that is in-period, and the sum of the in-period post-
ings. In other words it will show a combined line item with just the
earliest date, and the running balance will (temporarily, until the
transaction's last posting) be inaccurate. Use register -H if you need
to see the individual postings.
To filter strictly by transaction date instead, add the --txn-dates
flag. If you use this flag and some of your postings have custom
dates, it's probably best to assume the running balance is wrong.
There is also a --txn-dates flag, which filters strictly by transaction
date, ignoring posting dates. This too can cause an inaccurate running
@ -5996,9 +6067,9 @@ PART 4: COMMANDS
o commodities displayed on the same line or multiple lines (--layout)
This command supports the output destination and output format options,
with output formats txt, csv, json, and (multi-period reports only:)
html. In txt output in a colour-supporting terminal, negative amounts
are shown in red.
with output formats txt, csv, tsv, json, and (multi-period reports
only:) html. In txt output in a colour-supporting terminal, negative
amounts are shown in red.
The --related/-r flag shows the balance of the other postings in the
transactions of the postings which would normally be shown.
@ -6970,8 +7041,8 @@ PART 4: COMMANDS
This command also supports the output destination and output format op-
tions The output formats supported are txt, csv, html, and (experimen-
tal) json.
tions The output formats supported are txt, csv, tsv, html, and (exper-
imental) json.
@ -7018,8 +7089,8 @@ PART 4: COMMANDS
sign flipped.
This command also supports the output destination and output format op-
tions The output formats supported are txt, csv, html, and (experimen-
tal) json.
tions The output formats supported are txt, csv, tsv, html, and (exper-
imental) json.
@ -7066,8 +7137,8 @@ PART 4: COMMANDS
not:receivable, but with smarter account detection.
This command also supports the output destination and output format op-
tions The output formats supported are txt, csv, html, and (experimen-
tal) json.
tions The output formats supported are txt, csv, tsv, html, and (exper-
imental) json.
Check for various kinds of errors in your data.
@ -7481,10 +7552,10 @@ PART 4: COMMANDS
$ hledger help -m journal # show it with man, even if info is installed
Read new transactions added to each FILE since last run, and add them
to the journal. Or with --dry-run, just print the transactions that
would be added. Or with --catchup, just mark all of the FILEs' trans-
actions as imported, without actually importing any.
Read new transactions added to each FILE provided as arguments since
last run, and add them to the journal. Or with --dry-run, just print
the transactions that would be added. Or with --catchup, just mark all
of the FILEs' current transactions as imported, without importing them.
This command may append new transactions to the main journal file
(which should be in journal format). Existing transactions are not
@ -7501,14 +7572,14 @@ PART 4: COMMANDS
common import source, and these docs focus on that case.
As a convenience import does deduplication while reading transactions.
This does not mean "ignore transactions that look the same", but rather
"ignore transactions that have been seen before". This is intended for
when you are periodically importing foreign data which may contain al-
ready-imported transactions. So eg, if every day you download bank CSV
files containing redundant data, you can safely run hledger import
bank.csv and only new transactions will be imported. (import is idem-
import does time-based deduplication, to detect only the new transac-
tions since the last successful import. (This does not mean "ignore
transactions that look the same", but rather "ignore transactions that
have been seen before".) This is intended for when you are periodi-
cally importing downloaded data, which may overlap with previous down-
loads. Eg if every week (or every day) you download a bank's last
three months of CSV data, you can safely run hledger import thebank.csv
each time and only new transactions will be imported.
Since the items being read (CSV records, eg) often do not come with
unique identifiers, hledger detects new transactions by date, assuming
@ -7528,10 +7599,12 @@ PART 4: COMMANDS
be the ones affected).
hledger remembers the latest date processed in each input file by sav-
ing a hidden ".latest" state file in the same directory. Eg when read-
ing finance/bank.csv, it will look for and update the finance/.lat-
est.bank.csv state file. The format is simple: one or more lines con-
taining the same ISO-format date (YYYY-MM-DD), meaning "I have
ing a hidden ".latest.FILE" file in FILE's directory (after a succesful
Eg when reading finance/bank.csv, it will look for and update the fi-
nance/.latest.bank.csv state file. The format is simple: one or more
lines containing the same ISO-format date (YYYY-MM-DD), meaning "I have
processed transactions up to this date, and this many of them on that
date." Normally you won't see or manipulate these state files yourself.
But if needed, you can delete them to reset the state (making all
@ -7622,8 +7695,8 @@ PART 4: COMMANDS
sign flipped.
This command also supports the output destination and output format op-
tions The output formats supported are txt, csv, html, and (experimen-
tal) json.
tions The output formats supported are txt, csv, tsv, html, and (exper-
imental) json.
List the unique notes that appear in transactions.
@ -7660,11 +7733,20 @@ PART 4: COMMANDS
Person A
Print market price directives from the journal. With --infer-market-
prices, generate additional market prices from costs. With --infer-re-
verse-prices, also generate market prices by inverting known prices.
Prices can be filtered by a query. Price amounts are displayed with
their full precision.
Print the market prices declared with P directives. With --infer-mar-
ket-prices, also show any additional prices inferred from costs. With
--show-reverse, also show additional prices inferred by reversing known
Price amounts are always displayed with their full precision, except
for reverse prices which are limited to 8 decimal digits.
Prices can be filtered by a date:, cur: or amt: query.
Generally if you run this command with --infer-market-prices --show-re-
verse, it will show the same prices used internally to calculate value
reports. But if in doubt, you can inspect those directly by running
the value report with --debug=2.
Show transaction journal entries, sorted by date.
@ -7672,26 +7754,14 @@ PART 4: COMMANDS
The print command displays full journal entries (transactions) from the
journal file, sorted by date (or with --date2, by secondary date).
Amounts are shown mostly normalised to commodity display style, eg the
placement of commodity symbols will be consistent. All of their deci-
mal places are shown, as in the original journal entry (with one alter-
ation: in some cases trailing zeroes are added.)
Amounts are shown right-aligned within each transaction (but not across
all transactions).
Directives and inter-transaction comments are not shown, currently.
This means the print command is somewhat lossy, and if you are using it
to reformat your journal you should take care to also copy over the di-
rectives and file-level comments.
to reformat/regenerate your journal you should take care to also copy
over the directives and inter-transaction comments.
$ hledger print
2008/01/01 income
assets:bank:checking $1
income:salary $-1
$ hledger print -f examples/sample.journal date:200806
2008/06/01 gift
assets:bank:checking $1
income:gifts $-1
@ -7705,13 +7775,56 @@ PART 4: COMMANDS
expenses:supplies $1
assets:cash $-2
2008/12/31 * pay off
liabilities:debts $1
assets:bank:checking $-1
print explicitness
Normally, whether posting amounts are implicit or explicit is pre-
served. For example, when an amount is omitted in the journal, it will
not appear in the output. Similarly, if a conversion cost is implied
but not written, it will not appear in the output.
You can use the -x/--explicit flag to force explicit display of all
amounts and costs. This can be useful for troubleshooting or for mak-
ing your journal more readable and robust against data entry errors.
-x is also implied by using any of -B,-V,-X,--value.
The -x/--explicit flag will cause any postings with a multi-commodity
amount (which can arise when a multi-commodity transaction has an im-
plicit amount) to be split into multiple single-commodity postings,
keeping the output parseable.
print amount style
Amounts are shown right-aligned within each transaction (but not
aligned across all transactions; you can do that with ledger-mode in
Amounts will be (mostly) normalised to their commodity display style:
their symbol placement, decimal mark, and digit group marks will be
made consistent. By default, decimal digits are shown as they are
written in the journal.
With the --round option, print will try increasingly hard to display
decimal digits according to the commodity display styles:
o --round=none show amounts with original precisions (default)
o --round=soft add/remove decimal zeros in amounts (except costs)
o --round=hard round amounts (except costs), possibly hiding signifi-
cant digits
o --round=all round all amounts and costs
soft is good for non-lossy cleanup, formatting amounts more consis-
tently where it's safe to do so.
hard and all can cause print to show invalid unbalanced journal en-
tries; they may be useful eg for stronger cleanup, with manual fixups
when needed.
print parseability
print's output is usually a valid hledger journal, and you can process
it again with a second hledger command. This can be useful for certain
kinds of search, eg:
kinds of search (though the same can be achieved with expr: queries
# Show running total of food expenses paid from cash.
# -f- reads from stdin. -I/--ignore-assertions is sometimes needed.
@ -7726,36 +7839,41 @@ PART 4: COMMANDS
o Account aliases can generate bad account names.
Normally, the journal entry's explicit or implicit amount style is pre-
served. For example, when an amount is omitted in the journal, it will
not appear in the output. Similarly, when a cost is implied but not
written, it will not appear in the output. You can use the -x/--ex-
plicit flag to make all amounts and costs explicit, which can be useful
for troubleshooting or for making your journal more readable and robust
against data entry errors. -x is also implied by using any of
print, other features
With -B/--cost, amounts with costs are shown converted to cost.
Note, -x/--explicit will cause postings with a multi-commodity amount
(these can arise when a multi-commodity transaction has an implicit
amount) to be split into multiple single-commodity postings, keeping
the output parseable.
With --new, print shows only transactions it has not seen on a previous
run. This uses the same deduplication system as the import command.
(See import's docs for details.)
With -B/--cost, amounts with costs are converted to cost using that
price. This can be used for troubleshooting.
With -m DESC/--match=DESC, print does a fuzzy search for one recent
transaction whose description is most similar to DESC. DESC should
contain at least two characters. If there is no similar-enough match,
no transaction will be shown and the program exit code will be non-
With --new, hledger prints only transactions it has not seen on a pre-
vious run. This uses the same deduplication system as the import com-
mand. (See import's docs for details.)
With -m DESC/--match=DESC, print shows one recent transaction whose de-
scription is most similar to DESC. DESC should contain at least two
characters. If there is no similar-enough match, no transaction will
be shown and the program exit code will be non-zero.
print output format
This command also supports the output destination and output format op-
tions The output formats supported are txt, csv, and (experimental)
json and sql.
tions The output formats supported are txt, beancount, csv, tsv, json
and sql.
Experimental: The beancount format tries to produce Beancount-compati-
ble output. It is very basic and may require additional manual fixups:
o Transaction and postings with unmarked status are converted to
cleared (`*``) status.
o Transactions' payee and or note are wrapped in double quotes.
o Transaction tags are copied to Beancount #tag format.
o Account name parts are capitalised, and if the first account name
part is not one of Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Income, or Expenses,
"Equity:" is prepended.
o The $ commodity symbol is converted to USD.
o An open directive is generated for each account used, on the earliest
transaction date.
Here's an example of print's CSV output:
@ -7912,8 +8030,8 @@ PART 4: COMMANDS
$ hledger reg -w $COLUMNS,40 # use terminal width, & description width 40
This command also supports the output destination and output format op-
tions The output formats supported are txt, csv, and (experimental)
tions The output formats supported are txt, csv, tsv, and (experimen-
tal) json.
Print all transactions, rewriting the postings of matched transactions.
@ -8372,7 +8490,7 @@ PART 5: COMMON TASKS
On unix and mac, running these commands in the terminal will work for
many people; adapt as needed:
$ echo 'export LEDGER_FILE=~/finance/2023.journal` >> ~/.profile
$ echo 'export LEDGER_FILE=~/finance/2023.journal' >> ~/.profile
$ source ~/.profile
When correctly configured, in a new terminal window env | grep
@ -8759,6 +8877,12 @@ BUGS
$ echo "export LANG=en_US.utf8" >>~/.profile
# close and re-open terminal window
If you are using Nix (not NixOS) for GHC and Hledger, you might need to
set the LOCALE_ARCHIVE variable:
$ echo "export LOCALE_ARCHIVE=${glibcLocales}/lib/locale/locale-archive" >>~/.profile
# close and re-open terminal window
COMPATIBILITY ISSUES: hledger gives an error with my Ledger file
Not all of Ledger's journal file syntax or feature set is supported.
See hledger and Ledger for full details.
@ -8781,4 +8905,4 @@ LICENSE
hledger(1), hledger-ui(1), hledger-web(1), ledger(1)
hledger-1.31.99 September 2023 HLEDGER(1)
hledger-1.31.99 November 2023 HLEDGER(1)