mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 20:02:27 +03:00
distinguish query search criteria (like acct:) and query options (like inacct:)
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Currently used only by hledger-web.
module Hledger.Data.Matching
import Data.Either
import Data.List
-- import Data.Map (findWithDefault, (!))
import Data.Maybe
@ -47,61 +48,77 @@ data Matcher = MatchAny -- ^ always match
| MatchReal Bool Bool -- ^ match if "realness" (involves a real non-virtual account ?) has this value
| MatchEmpty Bool Bool -- ^ match if "emptiness" (amount is zero ?) has this value
| MatchDepth Bool Int -- ^ match if account depth is less than or equal to this value
-- XXX not sure if this belongs here
| MatchInAcct Bool String -- ^ a flag indicating account register mode
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | A query option changes a query's/report's behaviour and output in some way.
-- XXX could use regular cli Opts ?
data QueryOpt = QueryOptInAcct AccountName -- ^ show an account register focussed on this account
-- | QueryOptCostBasis -- ^ show amounts converted to cost where possible
-- | QueryOptEffectiveDate -- ^ show effective dates instead of actual dates
deriving (Show, Eq)
inAccount :: [QueryOpt] -> Maybe AccountName
inAccount [] = Nothing
inAccount (o:os) = case o of QueryOptInAcct a -> Just a; _ -> inAccount os
-- inAccount = msum . map f where f o = case o of (QueryOptInAcct a) -> Just a; _ -> Nothing
-- | Convert a query expression containing zero or more space-separated
-- search terms to a matcher and list of modifiers (TODO). A search term is either:
-- terms to a matcher and zero or more query options. A query term is either:
-- 1. a match criteria, used to select transactions. This is usually a prefixed pattern such as:
-- - acct:REGEXP
-- - date:PERIODEXP
-- - not:desc:REGEXP
-- 1. a search criteria, used to match transactions. This is usually a prefixed pattern such as:
-- acct:REGEXP
-- not:desc:REGEXP
-- 2. a modifier, that changes behaviour in some other way. There is currently one of these:
-- - inacct:FULLACCTNAME - should appear only once
-- 2. a query option, which changes behaviour in some way. There is currently one of these:
-- inacct:FULLACCTNAME - should appear only once
-- Multiple search criteria are AND'ed together.
-- When a pattern contains spaces, it or the whole term should be enclosed in single or double quotes.
-- Multiple terms are AND'ed together.
-- A reference date is required to interpret relative dates in period expressions.
-- parseMatcher :: Day -> String -> (Matcher,[Modifier])
parseMatcher :: Day -> String -> Matcher
parseMatcher refdate s = m
parseQuery :: Day -> String -> (Matcher,[QueryOpt])
parseQuery d s = (m,qopts)
m = case ms of [] -> MatchAny
(m:[]) -> m
ms -> MatchAnd ms
ms = map parseword $ words'' matcherprefixes s
terms = words'' prefixes s
(matchers, qopts) = partitionEithers $ map (parseMatcher d) terms
m = case matchers of [] -> MatchAny
(m':[]) -> m'
ms -> MatchAnd ms
-- keep synced with patterns below
matcherprefixes = map (++":") [
-- keep synced with patterns below, excluding "not"
prefixes = map (++":") [
defaultprefix = "acct"
parseword :: String -> Matcher
parseword ('n':'o':'t':':':s) = negateMatch $ parseMatcher refdate $ quoteIfSpaced s
parseword ('d':'e':'s':'c':':':s) = MatchDesc True s
parseword ('a':'c':'c':'t':':':s) = MatchAcct True s
parseword ('i':'n':'a':'c':'c':'t':':':s) = MatchInAcct True s
parseword ('i':'n':':':s) = MatchInAcct True s
parseword ('d':'a':'t':'e':':':s) =
case parsePeriodExpr refdate s of Left _ -> MatchNone -- XXX warn
Right (_,span) -> MatchDate True span
parseword ('e':'d':'a':'t':'e':':':s) =
case parsePeriodExpr refdate s of Left _ -> MatchNone -- XXX warn
Right (_,span) -> MatchEDate True span
parseword ('s':'t':'a':'t':'u':'s':':':s) = MatchStatus True $ parseStatus s
parseword ('r':'e':'a':'l':':':s) = MatchReal True $ parseBool s
parseword ('e':'m':'p':'t':'y':':':s) = MatchEmpty True $ parseBool s
parseword ('d':'e':'p':'t':'h':':':s) = MatchDepth True $ readDef 0 s
parseword "" = MatchAny
parseword s = parseword $ "acct:"++s
-- | Parse a single query term as either a matcher or a query option.
parseMatcher :: Day -> String -> Either Matcher QueryOpt
parseMatcher _ ('i':'n':'a':'c':'c':'t':':':s) = Right $ QueryOptInAcct s
parseMatcher d ('n':'o':'t':':':s) = case parseMatcher d $ quoteIfSpaced s of
Left m -> Left $ negateMatcher m
Right _ -> Left MatchAny -- not:somequeryoption will be ignored
parseMatcher _ ('d':'e':'s':'c':':':s) = Left $ MatchDesc True s
parseMatcher _ ('a':'c':'c':'t':':':s) = Left $ MatchAcct True s
parseMatcher d ('d':'a':'t':'e':':':s) =
case parsePeriodExpr d s of Left _ -> Left MatchNone -- XXX should warn
Right (_,span) -> Left $ MatchDate True span
parseMatcher d ('e':'d':'a':'t':'e':':':s) =
case parsePeriodExpr d s of Left _ -> Left MatchNone -- XXX should warn
Right (_,span) -> Left $ MatchEDate True span
parseMatcher _ ('s':'t':'a':'t':'u':'s':':':s) = Left $ MatchStatus True $ parseStatus s
parseMatcher _ ('r':'e':'a':'l':':':s) = Left $ MatchReal True $ parseBool s
parseMatcher _ ('e':'m':'p':'t':'y':':':s) = Left $ MatchEmpty True $ parseBool s
parseMatcher _ ('d':'e':'p':'t':'h':':':s) = Left $ MatchDepth True $ readDef 0 s
parseMatcher _ "" = Left $ MatchAny
parseMatcher d s = parseMatcher d $ defaultprefix++":"++s
parseStatus "*" = True
parseStatus _ = False
parseStatus "*" = True
parseStatus _ = False
parseBool s = s `elem` ["t","true","1","on"]
parseBool s = s `elem` ["t","true","1","on"]
-- | Quote-and-prefix-aware version of words - don't split on spaces which
-- are inside quotes, including quotes which may have one of the specified
@ -131,20 +148,19 @@ words'' prefixes = fromparse . parsewith maybeprefixedquotedphrases -- XXX
-- matcher = undefined
-- | Convert a match expression to its inverse.
negateMatch :: Matcher -> Matcher
negateMatch MatchAny = MatchNone
negateMatch MatchNone = MatchAny
negateMatch (MatchOr ms) = MatchAnd $ map negateMatch ms
negateMatch (MatchAnd ms) = MatchOr $ map negateMatch ms
negateMatch (MatchAcct sense arg) = MatchAcct (not sense) arg
negateMatch (MatchDesc sense arg) = MatchDesc (not sense) arg
negateMatch (MatchInAcct sense arg) = MatchInAcct (not sense) arg
negateMatch (MatchDate sense arg) = MatchDate (not sense) arg
negateMatch (MatchEDate sense arg) = MatchEDate (not sense) arg
negateMatch (MatchStatus sense arg) = MatchStatus (not sense) arg
negateMatch (MatchReal sense arg) = MatchReal (not sense) arg
negateMatch (MatchEmpty sense arg) = MatchEmpty (not sense) arg
negateMatch (MatchDepth sense arg) = MatchDepth (not sense) arg
negateMatcher :: Matcher -> Matcher
negateMatcher MatchAny = MatchNone
negateMatcher MatchNone = MatchAny
negateMatcher (MatchOr ms) = MatchAnd $ map negateMatcher ms
negateMatcher (MatchAnd ms) = MatchOr $ map negateMatcher ms
negateMatcher (MatchAcct sense arg) = MatchAcct (not sense) arg
negateMatcher (MatchDesc sense arg) = MatchDesc (not sense) arg
negateMatcher (MatchDate sense arg) = MatchDate (not sense) arg
negateMatcher (MatchEDate sense arg) = MatchEDate (not sense) arg
negateMatcher (MatchStatus sense arg) = MatchStatus (not sense) arg
negateMatcher (MatchReal sense arg) = MatchReal (not sense) arg
negateMatcher (MatchEmpty sense arg) = MatchEmpty (not sense) arg
negateMatcher (MatchDepth sense arg) = MatchDepth (not sense) arg
-- | Does the match expression match this posting ?
matchesPosting :: Matcher -> Posting -> Bool
@ -156,11 +172,6 @@ matchesPosting (MatchDesc True r) p = regexMatchesCI r $ maybe "" tdescription $
matchesPosting (MatchDesc False r) p = not $ (MatchDesc True r) `matchesPosting` p
matchesPosting (MatchAcct True r) p = regexMatchesCI r $ paccount p
matchesPosting (MatchAcct False r) p = not $ (MatchAcct True r) `matchesPosting` p
matchesPosting (MatchInAcct True _) _ = True
-- case ptransaction p of
-- Just t -> (MatchAcct True r) `matchesTransaction` t && (MatchAcct False r) `matchesPosting` p
-- Nothing -> False
-- matchesPosting (MatchInAcct False r) p = not $ (MatchInAcct True r) `matchesPosting` p
matchesPosting (MatchDate True span) p =
case d of Just d' -> spanContainsDate span d'
Nothing -> False
@ -183,7 +194,6 @@ matchesTransaction (MatchDesc True r) t = regexMatchesCI r $ tdescription t
matchesTransaction (MatchDesc False r) t = not $ (MatchDesc True r) `matchesTransaction` t
matchesTransaction m@(MatchAcct True _) t = any (m `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t
matchesTransaction (MatchAcct False r) t = not $ (MatchAcct True r) `matchesTransaction` t
matchesTransaction (MatchInAcct sense r) t = (MatchAcct sense r) `matchesTransaction` t
matchesTransaction (MatchDate True span) t = spanContainsDate span $ tdate t
matchesTransaction (MatchDate False span) t = not $ (MatchDate True span) `matchesTransaction` t
matchesTransaction (MatchEDate True span) Transaction{teffectivedate=Just d} = spanContainsDate span d
@ -200,38 +210,34 @@ matchesAccount (MatchOr ms) a = any (`matchesAccount` a) ms
matchesAccount (MatchAnd ms) a = all (`matchesAccount` a) ms
matchesAccount (MatchAcct True r) a = regexMatchesCI r a
matchesAccount (MatchAcct False r) a = not $ (MatchAcct True r) `matchesAccount` a
matchesAccount (MatchInAcct True r) a = (MatchAcct True r) `matchesAccount` a
matchesAccount _ _ = False
-- | Does the match expression include an "in:" clause specifying this account ?
-- For now, does a case-insensitive exact string match on the full account name.
-- XXX perhaps in: should be handled separately.
matchesInAccount :: Matcher -> AccountName -> Bool
matchesInAccount (MatchAny) _ = True
matchesInAccount (MatchNone) _ = False
matchesInAccount (MatchOr ms) a = any (`matchesInAccount` a) ms
matchesInAccount (MatchAnd ms) a = all (`matchesInAccount` a) ms
matchesInAccount (MatchInAcct True s) a = lowercase s == lowercase a -- regexMatchesCI r a
matchesInAccount (MatchInAcct False s) a = not $ (MatchInAcct True s) `matchesInAccount` a
matchesInAccount _ _ = True
-- | Which account is specified by an in:ACCT in the match expression, if any ?
matcherInAccount :: Matcher -> Maybe AccountName
matcherInAccount (MatchOr ms) = case catMaybes $ map matcherInAccount ms of
[a] -> Just a
(a:as@(_:_)) -> if all (==a) as then Just a else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
matcherInAccount (MatchAnd ms) = headDef Nothing $ map Just $ catMaybes $ map matcherInAccount ms
matcherInAccount (MatchInAcct True a) = Just a
matcherInAccount _ = Nothing
-- | What start date does this matcher specify, if any ?
-- If the matcher is an OR expression, returns the earliest of the alternatives.
matcherStartDate :: Matcher -> Maybe Day
matcherStartDate (MatchOr ms) = earliestMaybeDate $ map matcherStartDate ms
matcherStartDate (MatchAnd ms) = latestMaybeDate $ map matcherStartDate ms
matcherStartDate (MatchDate True (DateSpan (Just d) _)) = Just d
matcherStartDate _ = Nothing
-- When the flag is true, look for a starting effective date instead.
matcherStartDate :: Bool -> Matcher -> Maybe Day
matcherStartDate effective (MatchOr ms) = earliestMaybeDate $ map (matcherStartDate effective) ms
matcherStartDate effective (MatchAnd ms) = latestMaybeDate $ map (matcherStartDate effective) ms
matcherStartDate False (MatchDate True (DateSpan (Just d) _)) = Just d
matcherStartDate True (MatchEDate True (DateSpan (Just d) _)) = Just d
matcherStartDate _ _ = Nothing
-- | Does this matcher specify a start date and nothing else (that would
-- filter postings prior to the date) ?
-- When the flag is true, look for a starting effective date instead.
matcherIsStartDateOnly :: Bool -> Matcher -> Bool
matcherIsStartDateOnly _ MatchAny = False
matcherIsStartDateOnly _ MatchNone = False
matcherIsStartDateOnly effective (MatchOr ms) = and $ map (matcherIsStartDateOnly effective) ms
matcherIsStartDateOnly effective (MatchAnd ms) = and $ map (matcherIsStartDateOnly effective) ms
matcherIsStartDateOnly False (MatchDate _ (DateSpan (Just _) _)) = True
matcherIsStartDateOnly True (MatchEDate _ (DateSpan (Just _) _)) = True
matcherIsStartDateOnly _ _ = False
-- | Does this matcher match everything ?
matcherIsNull MatchAny = True
matcherIsNull (MatchAnd []) = True
matcherIsNull _ = False
-- | What is the earliest of these dates, where Nothing is earliest ?
earliestMaybeDate :: [Maybe Day] -> Maybe Day
@ -252,16 +258,16 @@ tests_Hledger_Data_Matching :: Test
tests_Hledger_Data_Matching = TestList
"parseMatcher" ~: do
"parseQuery" ~: do
let d = parsedate "2011/1/1"
parseMatcher d "a" `is` (MatchAcct True "a")
parseMatcher d "acct:a" `is` (MatchAcct True "a")
parseMatcher d "acct:a desc:b" `is` (MatchAnd [MatchAcct True "a", MatchDesc True "b"])
parseMatcher d "\"acct:expenses:autres d\233penses\"" `is` (MatchAcct True "expenses:autres d\233penses")
parseMatcher d "not:desc:'a b'" `is` (MatchDesc False "a b")
parseQuery d "a" `is` (MatchAcct True "a", [])
parseQuery d "acct:a" `is` (MatchAcct True "a", [])
parseQuery d "acct:a desc:b" `is` (MatchAnd [MatchAcct True "a", MatchDesc True "b"], [])
parseQuery d "\"acct:expenses:autres d\233penses\"" `is` (MatchAcct True "expenses:autres d\233penses", [])
parseQuery d "not:desc:'a b'" `is` (MatchDesc False "a b", [])
parseMatcher d "inacct:a desc:b" `is` (MatchAnd [MatchInAcct True "a", MatchDesc True "b"])
parseMatcher d "inacct:a inacct:b" `is` (MatchAnd [MatchInAcct True "a", MatchInAcct True "b"])
parseQuery d "inacct:a desc:b" `is` (MatchDesc True "b", [QueryOptInAcct "b"])
parseQuery d "inacct:a inacct:b" `is` (MatchAny, [QueryOptInAcct "a"])
,"matchesAccount" ~: do
assertBool "positive acct match" $ matchesAccount (MatchAcct True "b:c") "a:bb:c:d"
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