shake mandates: update .date.m4 source files to current month/year

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2021-03-18 07:21:51 -07:00
parent 941574423a
commit 0c56d3ffa3

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@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ usage =
," update versions in source files to */.version or VER"
," and update */*.cabal files"
,"./Shake cmdhelp [-c] update hledger CLI commands' help texts"
,"./Shake mandates update the date shown in some manual formats"
,"./Shake manuals [-c] update all packages' txt/man/info/web manuals"
-- ,"./Shake webmanuals update just the web manuals"
,"./Shake changelogs [-c] [-n/--dry-run]"
@ -390,6 +391,14 @@ main = do
let msg = ";update manuals"
cmd Shell gitcommit ("-m '"++msg++"' --") packagemandatem4s nroffmanuals infomanuals txtmanuals
-- Update the dates to show in man pages, to the current month and year.
-- Currently must be run manually when needed.
-- Dates are stored in PKG/.date.m4, and are committed along with manuals by Shake manuals -c.
phony "mandates" $ do
date <- chomp . fromStdout <$> (cmd Shell "date +'%B %Y'" :: Action (Stdout String))
forM_ packagemandatem4s $ \f -> do
cmd_ Shell ["perl","-pi","-e","'s/(.*)\\{\\{.*}}(.*)$/\\1\\{\\{"++date++"}}\\2/'",f]
-- Generate nroff man pages suitable for man output, from the source.
-- Also updates the _monthyear_ macro to current month and year in hledger*/.date.m4.
phony "nroffmanuals" $ need nroffmanuals
@ -777,3 +786,8 @@ isReleaseVersion s = isVersion s && not (isDevVersion s)
-- | Does this string look like a git commit hash ?
-- Ie a sequence of 7 or more numbers or letters.
isCommitHash s = length s > 6 && all isAlphaNum s
-- | Remove all trailing newlines/carriage returns.
chomp :: String -> String
chomp = reverse . dropWhile (`elem` "\r\n") . reverse