fix: config file: pass only post-cmd and cmd-specific conf opts to addons

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2024-06-24 13:23:41 +01:00
parent 3345adb2fc
commit 0c9b704bcc

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@ -242,10 +242,13 @@ main = withGhcDebug' $ do
conf <- getConf
genargsfromconf = confLookup "general" conf
supportedgenargsfromconf = dropUnsupportedOpts effectivemode genargsfromconf
| isaddoncmd = []
| otherwise = dropUnsupportedOpts effectivemode genargsfromconf
excludedgenargsfromconf = genargsfromconf \\ supportedgenargsfromconf
cmdargsfromconf = if null cmd then [] else confLookup cmd conf
dbgIO1 "extra general args from config file" genargsfromconf
dbgIO1 "excluded general args from config file not supported by this command" $ genargsfromconf \\ supportedgenargsfromconf
dbgIO1 "excluded general args from config file, not supported by this command" excludedgenargsfromconf
dbgIO1 "extra command args from config file" cmdargsfromconf
@ -324,14 +327,18 @@ main = withGhcDebug' $ do
-- all other builtin commands - read the journal and if successful run the command with it
| otherwise -> withJournalDo opts $ cmdaction opts
-- external addon command found - run it, passing all arguments except the command name.
-- It will do its own command line parsing and journal reading.
-- external addon command found - run it, passing
-- 1. any cli arguments written after the command name, except "--"
-- 2. and any command-specific opts from the config file.
-- Arguments written before the command name, and general opts from the config file,
-- are not passed since we can't be sure they're supported.
| isaddoncmd -> do
let addonargs = cliargsbeforecmd ++ filter (/="--") cliargsaftercmd
let shellcmd = printf "%s-%s %s" progname cmd (unwords' addonargs) :: String
addonargs = cmdargsfromconf <> filter (/="--") cliargsaftercmd
shellcmd = printf "%s-%s %s" progname cmd (unwords' addonargs) :: String
dbgIO "addon command selected" cmd
dbgIO "addon command arguments" (map quoteIfNeeded addonargs)
dbgIO1 "running shell command" shellcmd
dbgIO1 "running" shellcmd
system shellcmd >>= exitWith
-- deprecated command found