;shake setversion also updates cabal files; update help

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2020-12-15 10:15:06 -08:00
parent 105f7d2944
commit 12d17efcd0

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack script --compile --resolver lts-16.25
{- stack script --resolver lts-16.25 --compile
--package base-prelude
--package directory
--package extra
@ -67,33 +67,34 @@ usage =
,"./Shake.hs [CMD [ARGS]] run CMD, compiling this script first if needed"
,"./Shake [CMD [ARGS]] run CMD, using the compiled version of this script"
,"./Shake [help] show this help"
,"./Shake setversion [VER] [PKGS] [--commit]"
," update version strings from */.version (or VER)"
,"./Shake cmdhelp [--commit]"
," update help text for hledger CLI commands"
,"./Shake manuals [--commit]"
," update txt/man/info/web manuals for all packages"
,"./Shake cabalfiles [-c] update */*.cabal files from */package.yaml"
,"./Shake setversion [VER] [PKGS] [-c]"
," update versions in source files to */.version or VER"
," and update */*.cabal files"
,"./Shake cmdhelp [-c] update hledger CLI commands' help texts"
,"./Shake manuals [-c] update all packages' txt/man/info/web manuals"
-- ,"./Shake webmanuals update just the web manuals"
,"./Shake changelogs [--commit] [--dry-run]"
," update */CHANGES.md, adding new commits & headings"
,"./Shake cabalfiles [--commit]"
," update */*.cabal from */package.yaml"
,"./Shake update [--commit]"
," update all the above, eg after setversion"
,"./Shake changelogs [-c] [-n/--dry-run]"
," update CHANGES.md files, adding new commits & headings"
,"./Shake update [-c] update all the above, eg after setversion"
,"./Shake build [PKGS] build hledger packages and their embedded docs"
,"./Shake clean remove generated texts, manuals"
,"./Shake Clean also remove object files, Shake's cache"
,"./Shake FILE build any individual file"
,"./Shake --help list Shake's options (--color, --rebuild, etc.)"
,"Keep Shake option arguments adjacent to their flag."
,"./Shake --help list shake build options (--color, --rebuild, etc."
," Keep shake option arguments adjacent to their flag.)"
,"See comments in Shake.hs for more detailed descriptions."
,"Add -c/--commit to have commands commit their changes."
,"Add -V/-VV/-VVV to see more verbose output."
,"Add -B, with nothing immediately after it, to force rebuilding."
-- setversion: update cabal files
-- ,"./Shake releasebranch create a new release branch, bump master to next dev version (.99)"
-- ,"./Shake majorversion bump to the next major version project-wide, update affected files"
-- ,"./Shake minorversion PKGS.. bump one or more packages to their next minor version project-wide, update affected files"
-- ,"./Shake docs update program docs: help, manuals, changelogs"
-- ,"./Shake relnotes [PKGS] finalise changelogs, create draft release notes"
-- ,"./Shake releasebranch create a new release branch, bump master to next dev version (.99)"
-- ,"./Shake majorversion bump to the next major version project-wide, update affected files"
-- ,"./Shake minorversion PKGS bump one or more packages to their next minor version project-wide, update affected files"
-- ,"./Shake docs update program docs: help, manuals, changelogs"
-- ,"./Shake relnotes finalise changelogs, create draft release notes"
-- groff = "groff -c" ++ " -Wall" -- see "groff" below
makeinfo = "makeinfo" ++ " --no-warn" -- silence makeinfo warnings - comment out to see them
@ -149,6 +150,7 @@ main = do
(shakearg, ruleargs) = splitAt 1 args
shakeargs = shakeopts ++ shakearg
-- print (opts,args,shakeopts,shakearg,shakeargs,ruleopts,ruleargs)
withArgs shakeargs $ shakeArgs shakeOptions{
-- ,shakeReport=[".shake.html"]
@ -247,9 +249,23 @@ main = do
-- Update all packages' version strings based on the version saved in PKG/.version.
-- If a version number is provided as first argument, save that in the .version files first.
-- Regenerate .cabal files from package.yaml files, using stack build --dry-run.
-- (used by "cabalfiles" and "setversion")
let docabalfiles = do
-- stack can fail to update cabal files with zero exit status,
-- so we need to to check stderr, and specifically for the error message
-- since all output goes there
err <- fromStderr <$> (cmd Shell "stack build --dry-run" :: Action (Stderr String))
when ("was generated with a newer version of hpack" `isInfixOf` err) $
liftIO $ putStr err >> exitFailure
when commit $ do
let msg = ";update cabal files"
cmd Shell gitcommit ("-m '"++msg++"' --") cabalfiles
-- Update version strings in most "source" files to match what's in PKG/.version.
-- If a version number is provided as first argument, save that in PKG/.version files first.
-- If one or more subdirectories are provided as arguments, save/update only those.
-- Also regenerates .cabal files from package.yaml files.
-- See also CONTRIBUTING.md > Version numbers.
phony "setversion" $ do
@ -261,7 +277,7 @@ main = do
-- if a version was provided, update .version files in the specified directories
let specifiedversionfiles = map (</> ".version") specifieddirs
case mver of
Just v -> liftIO $ forM_ specifiedversionfiles $ \f -> writeFile f (v++"\n")
Just v -> liftIO $ forM_ specifiedversionfiles $ flip maybeWriteFile (v++"\n")
Nothing -> return ()
-- update "source" files depending on .version in the specified packages
@ -284,6 +300,8 @@ main = do
cmd Shell gitcommit ("-m '"++msg++"' --") specifiedversionfiles dependents
-- PKG/.version.m4 <- PKG/.version, just updates the _version_ macro
"hledger*/.version.m4" %> \out -> do
let versionfile = takeDirectory out </> ".version"
@ -356,6 +374,8 @@ main = do
-- $(call def-help,tagrelease, commit a release tag based on $(VERSIONFILE) for each package )
-- for p in $(PACKAGES); do git tag -f $$p-$(VERSION); done
phony "cabalfiles" $ docabalfiles
-- Generate the manuals in plain text, nroff, info, and markdown formats.
@ -498,6 +518,7 @@ main = do
-- build [PKGS]
-- Build some or all hledger packages, after generating any doc
-- files they embed or import.
-- This may also update .cabal files from package.yaml files, and/or install haskell deps.
phony "build" $ do
pkgs | null args = packages
@ -508,18 +529,6 @@ main = do
| pkg <- pkgs
-- regenerate .cabal files from package.yaml's, using stack (also installs deps)
phony "cabalfiles" $ do
-- can fail to update cabal files, with zero exit status; need
-- to check stderr, and only for error message since all
-- output goes there
err <- fromStderr <$> (cmd Shell "stack build --dry-run" :: Action (Stderr String))
when ("was generated with a newer version of hpack" `isInfixOf` err) $
liftIO $ putStr err >> exitFailure
when commit $ do
let msg = ";update cabal files"
cmd Shell gitcommit ("-m '"++msg++"' --") cabalfiles
-- regenerate Hledger/Cli/Commands/*.txt from the .md source files for CLI help
phony "cmdhelp" $ do
need commandtxts
@ -589,9 +598,9 @@ main = do
-- The old changelog heading is removed if it was a dev heading;
-- new commits in PKG not prefixed with semicolon are added;
-- and a suitable new heading is added (a release heading if the
-- package has a release version set, otherwise a dev heading
-- with the current HEAD revision).
-- and a suitable new heading is added: a release heading if
-- the package version looks like a release version, otherwise
-- a dev heading with the current HEAD revision.
-- With --dry-run, print new content to stdout instead of
-- updating the changelog.
@ -703,6 +712,12 @@ dropDirectory2 = dropDirectory1 . dropDirectory1
readFileStrictly :: FilePath -> IO String
readFileStrictly f = readFile f >>= \s -> C.evaluate (length s) >> return s
-- Write new content to a file, only if it's different.
maybeWriteFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
maybeWriteFile f new = do
old <- readFileStrictly f
when (old /= new) $ writeFile f new
-- | Get the current local date.
getCurrentDay :: IO Day
getCurrentDay = do