ui: refactor, try to clarify toggles' help

Consistent ordering with most-used toggles first, more intuitive wording
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2018-11-04 13:27:50 -08:00
parent 1e7760a2c7
commit 12d3ba6fc0
3 changed files with 30 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -216,23 +216,13 @@ asDraw UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}
Minibuffer ed -> minibuffer ed
_ -> quickhelp
selectedstr = withAttr ("border" <> "selected") . str
quickhelp = borderKeysStr' [
("?", str "help")
,("RIGHT", str "register")
,if ishistorical
then selectedstr "historical" <+> str "/period"
else str "historical/" <+> selectedstr "period")
,if tree_ ropts
then str "flat/" <+> selectedstr "tree"
else selectedstr "flat" <+> str "/tree")
,if presentorfuture_ uopts == PFFuture
then str "present/" <+> selectedstr "future"
else selectedstr "present" <+> str "/future")
-- ,("RIGHT", str "register")
,("-+", str "depth")
,("T", renderToggle (tree_ ropts) "flat" "tree")
,("H", renderToggle (not ishistorical) "end-bals" "changes")
,("F", renderToggle (presentorfuture_ uopts == PFFuture) "present" "future")
--,("/", "filter")
--,("DEL", "unfilter")
--,("ESC", "cancel/top")

View File

@ -225,24 +225,13 @@ rsDraw UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}
Minibuffer ed -> minibuffer ed
_ -> quickhelp
selectedstr = withAttr ("border" <> "query") . str
quickhelp = borderKeysStr' [
("?", str "help")
,("LEFT", str "back")
,("RIGHT", str "transaction")
,if ishistorical
then selectedstr "historical" <+> str "/period"
else str "historical/" <+> selectedstr "period")
-- rsForceInclusive may override, but use tree_ here to ensure a visible toggle effect
,if tree_ ropts
then str "flat/" <+> selectedstr "tree"
else selectedstr "flat" <+> str "/tree")
,if presentorfuture_ uopts == PFFuture
then str "present/" <+> selectedstr "future"
else selectedstr "present" <+> str "/future")
-- ,("RIGHT", str "transaction")
,("T", renderToggle (tree_ ropts) "flat(-subs)" "tree(+subs)") -- rsForceInclusive may override, but use tree_ to ensure a visible toggle effect
,("H", renderToggle (not ishistorical) "historical" "period")
,("F", renderToggle (presentorfuture_ uopts == PFFuture) "present" "future")
-- ,("a", "add")
-- ,("g", "reload")
-- ,("q", "quit")

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module Hledger.UI.UIUtils (
@ -48,6 +49,15 @@ import Hledger.UI.UIState
-- ui
-- | Wrap a widget in the default hledger-ui screen layout.
defaultLayout :: Widget Name -> Widget Name -> Widget Name -> Widget Name
defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel =
topBottomBorderWithLabels (str " "<+>toplabel<+>str " ") (str " "<+>bottomlabel<+>str " ") .
margin 1 0 Nothing
-- topBottomBorderWithLabel2 label .
-- padLeftRight 1 -- XXX should reduce inner widget's width by 2, but doesn't
-- "the layout adjusts... if you use the core combinators"
-- | Draw the help dialog, called when help mode is active.
helpDialog :: CliOpts -> Widget Name
helpDialog _copts =
@ -64,7 +74,7 @@ helpDialog _copts =
withAttr ("help" <> "heading") $ str "Navigation"
,renderKey ("UP/DOWN/PUP/PDN/HOME/END/emacs/vi keys", "")
,str " move selection"
,renderKey ("RIGHT", "show more detail")
,renderKey ("RIGHT", "show account txns, txn detail")
,renderKey ("LEFT ", "go back")
,renderKey ("ESC ", "cancel or reset")
,str " "
@ -76,11 +86,11 @@ helpDialog _copts =
,withAttr ("help" <> "heading") $ str "Accounts screen"
,renderKey ("-+0123456789 ", "set depth limit")
,renderKey ("T ", "toggle tree/flat mode")
,renderKey ("H ", "period change/historical end balance")
,renderKey ("H ", "historical end balance/period change")
,str " "
,withAttr ("help" <> "heading") $ str "Register screen"
,renderKey ("T ", "toggle subaccount txns\n(and accounts screen tree/flat mode)")
,renderKey ("H ", "show period total/historical total")
,renderKey ("H ", "show historical total/period total")
,str " "
,padLeft (Pad 1) $ padRight (Pad 0) $
@ -95,7 +105,7 @@ helpDialog _copts =
,str " "
,withAttr ("help" <> "heading") $ str "Help"
,renderKey ("? ", "toggle this help")
,renderKey ("pmi ", "(with help showing)\nshow manual in pager/man/info")
,renderKey ("pmi ", "(with this help open)\nshow manual in pager/man/info")
,str " "
,withAttr ("help" <> "heading") $ str "Other"
,renderKey ("a ", "add transaction (hledger add)")
@ -149,15 +159,6 @@ minibuffer ed =
[txt "filter: ", renderEditor True ed]
-- | Wrap a widget in the default hledger-ui screen layout.
defaultLayout :: Widget Name -> Widget Name -> Widget Name -> Widget Name
defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel =
topBottomBorderWithLabels (str " "<+>toplabel<+>str " ") (str " "<+>bottomlabel<+>str " ") .
margin 1 0 Nothing
-- topBottomBorderWithLabel2 label .
-- padLeftRight 1 -- XXX should reduce inner widget's width by 2, but doesn't
-- "the layout adjusts... if you use the core combinators"
borderQueryStr :: String -> Widget Name
borderQueryStr "" = str ""
borderQueryStr qry = str " matching " <+> withAttr ("border" <> "query") (str qry)
@ -182,6 +183,14 @@ borderKeysStr' keydescs =
-- sep = str " | "
sep = str " "
-- | Render the two states of a toggle, highlighting the active one.
renderToggle :: Bool -> String -> String -> Widget Name
renderToggle isright l r =
let bold = withAttr ("border" <> "selected") in
if isright
then str (l++"/") <+> bold (str r)
else bold (str l) <+> str ("/"++r)
-- temporary shenanigans:
-- | Convert the special account name "*" (from balance report with depth limit 0) to something clearer.