dev: refactor table rendering code

- Consolidate some table rendering helpers in Balance.hs
- Rename, document for clarity
- Extract parameters for controlling table borders
- hlint suggestions
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2024-06-12 03:13:58 +01:00
parent 1260a68596
commit 1a242c1264
6 changed files with 387 additions and 379 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Hledger.Reports.BudgetReport (
@ -10,9 +9,6 @@ module Hledger.Reports.BudgetReport (
-- * Helpers
-- * Tests
@ -21,25 +17,16 @@ module Hledger.Reports.BudgetReport (
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Data.Decimal (roundTo)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List (find, partition, transpose, foldl', maximumBy, intercalate)
import Data.List (find, partition, maximumBy, intercalate)
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes, isJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Safe (minimumDef)
--import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
--import Lucid as L
import qualified Text.Tabular.AsciiWide as Tab
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Utils
@ -62,17 +49,6 @@ type BudgetReportRow = PeriodicReportRow DisplayName BudgetCell
-- | A full budget report table.
type BudgetReport = PeriodicReport DisplayName BudgetCell
-- A BudgetCell's data values rendered for display - the actual change amount,
-- the budget goal amount if any, and the corresponding goal percentage if possible.
type BudgetDisplayCell = (WideBuilder, Maybe (WideBuilder, Maybe WideBuilder))
-- | A row of rendered budget data cells.
type BudgetDisplayRow = [BudgetDisplayCell]
-- | An amount render helper for the budget report. Renders each commodity separately.
type BudgetShowAmountsFn = MixedAmount -> [WideBuilder]
-- | A goal percentage calculating helper for the budget report.
type BudgetCalcPercentagesFn = Change -> BudgetGoal -> [Maybe Percentage]
_brrShowDebug :: BudgetReportRow -> String
_brrShowDebug (PeriodicReportRow dname budgetpairs _tot _avg) =
unwords [
@ -279,280 +255,6 @@ combineBudgetAndActual ropts j
totActualByPeriod = Map.fromList $ zip actualperiods actualtots :: Map DateSpan Change
budget b = if mixedAmountLooksZero b then Nothing else Just b
-- | Render a budget report as plain text suitable for console output.
budgetReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> TL.Text
budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr = TB.toLazyText $
TB.fromText title <> TB.fromText "\n\n" <>
balanceReportTableAsText ropts (budgetReportAsTable ropts budgetr)
title = "Budget performance in " <> showDateSpan (periodicReportSpan budgetr)
<> (case conversionop_ of
Just ToCost -> ", converted to cost"
_ -> "")
<> (case value_ of
Just (AtThen _mc) -> ", valued at posting date"
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> ", valued at period ends"
Just (AtNow _mc) -> ", current value"
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> ", valued at " <> showDate d
Nothing -> "")
<> ":"
-- | Build a 'Table' from a multi-column balance report.
budgetReportAsTable :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> Tab.Table Text Text WideBuilder
budgetReportAsTable ReportOpts{..} (PeriodicReport spans items totrow) =
maybetransposetable $
addtotalrow $
(Tab.Group Tab.NoLine $ map Tab.Header accts)
(Tab.Group Tab.NoLine $ map Tab.Header colheadings)
| transpose_ = \(Tab.Table rh ch vals) -> Tab.Table ch rh (transpose vals)
| otherwise = id
| no_total_ = id
| otherwise = let rh = Tab.Group Tab.NoLine . replicate (length totalrows) $ Tab.Header ""
ch = Tab.Header [] -- ignored
in (flip (Tab.concatTables Tab.SingleLine) $ Tab.Table rh ch totalrows)
colheadings = ["Commodity" | layout_ == LayoutBare]
++ map (reportPeriodName balanceaccum_ spans) spans
++ [" Total" | row_total_]
++ ["Average" | average_]
(accts, rows, totalrows) =
,maybecommcol itemscs $ showcells texts
,maybecommcol totrowcs $ showtotrow totrowtexts)
-- If --layout=bare, prepend a commodities column.
maybecommcol :: [WideBuilder] -> [[WideBuilder]] -> [[WideBuilder]]
maybecommcol cs
| layout_ == LayoutBare = zipWith (:) cs
| otherwise = id
showcells, showtotrow :: [[BudgetDisplayCell]] -> [[WideBuilder]]
(showcells, showtotrow) =
(maybetranspose . map (zipWith showBudgetDisplayCell widths) . maybetranspose
,maybetranspose . map (zipWith showBudgetDisplayCell totrowwidths) . maybetranspose)
-- | Combine a BudgetDisplayCell's rendered values into a "[PERCENT of GOAL]" rendering,
-- respecting the given widths.
showBudgetDisplayCell :: (Int, Int, Int) -> BudgetDisplayCell -> WideBuilder
showBudgetDisplayCell (actualwidth, budgetwidth, percentwidth) (actual, mbudget) =
flip WideBuilder (actualwidth + totalbudgetwidth) $
toPadded actual <> maybe emptycell showBudgetGoalAndPercentage mbudget
toPadded (WideBuilder b w) = (TB.fromText . flip T.replicate " " $ actualwidth - w) <> b
(totalpercentwidth, totalbudgetwidth) =
let totalpercentwidth' = if percentwidth == 0 then 0 else percentwidth + 5
in ( totalpercentwidth'
, if budgetwidth == 0 then 0 else budgetwidth + totalpercentwidth' + 3
emptycell :: TB.Builder
emptycell = TB.fromText $ T.replicate totalbudgetwidth " "
showBudgetGoalAndPercentage :: (WideBuilder, Maybe WideBuilder) -> TB.Builder
showBudgetGoalAndPercentage (goal, perc) =
let perct = case perc of
Nothing -> T.replicate totalpercentwidth " "
Just pct -> T.replicate (percentwidth - wbWidth pct) " " <> wbToText pct <> "% of "
in TB.fromText $ " [" <> perct <> T.replicate (budgetwidth - wbWidth goal) " " <> wbToText goal <> "]"
-- | Build a list of widths for each column.
-- When --transpose is used, the totals row must be included in this list.
widths :: [(Int, Int, Int)]
widths = zip3 actualwidths budgetwidths percentwidths
actualwidths = map (maximum' . map first3 ) $ cols
budgetwidths = map (maximum' . map second3) $ cols
percentwidths = map (maximum' . map third3 ) $ cols
catcolumnwidths = foldl' (zipWith (++)) $ repeat []
cols = maybetranspose $ catcolumnwidths $ map (cellswidth . rowToBudgetCells) items ++ [cellswidth $ rowToBudgetCells totrow]
cellswidth :: [BudgetCell] -> [[(Int, Int, Int)]]
cellswidth row =
let cs = budgetCellsCommodities row
(showmixed, percbudget) = mkBudgetDisplayFns cs
disp = showcell showmixed percbudget
budgetpercwidth = wbWidth *** maybe 0 wbWidth
cellwidth (am, bm) = let (bw, pw) = maybe (0, 0) budgetpercwidth bm in (wbWidth am, bw, pw)
in map (map cellwidth . disp) row
totrowwidths :: [(Int, Int, Int)]
| transpose_ = drop (length texts) widths
| otherwise = widths
| transpose_ = transpose
| otherwise = id
(accts', itemscs, texts) = unzip3 $ concat shownitems
shownitems :: [[(AccountName, WideBuilder, BudgetDisplayRow)]]
shownitems =
map (\i ->
addacctcolumn = map (\(cs, cvals) -> (renderacct i, cs, cvals))
isunbudgetedrow = displayFull (prrName i) == unbudgetedAccountName
in addacctcolumn $ showrow isunbudgetedrow $ rowToBudgetCells i)
-- FIXME. Have to check explicitly for which to render here, since
-- budgetReport sets accountlistmode to ALTree. Find a principled way to do
-- this.
renderacct row = case accountlistmode_ of
ALTree -> T.replicate ((prrDepth row - 1)*2) " " <> prrDisplayName row
ALFlat -> accountNameDrop (drop_) $ prrFullName row
(totrowcs, totrowtexts) = unzip $ concat showntotrow
showntotrow :: [[(WideBuilder, BudgetDisplayRow)]]
showntotrow = [showrow False $ rowToBudgetCells totrow]
-- | Get the data cells from a row or totals row, maybe adding
-- the row total and/or row average depending on options.
rowToBudgetCells :: PeriodicReportRow a BudgetCell -> [BudgetCell]
rowToBudgetCells (PeriodicReportRow _ as rowtot rowavg) = as
++ [rowtot | row_total_ && not (null as)]
++ [rowavg | average_ && not (null as)]
-- | Render a row's data cells as "BudgetDisplayCell"s, and a rendered list of commodity symbols.
-- Also requires a flag indicating whether this is the special <unbudgeted> row.
-- (The types make that hard to check here.)
showrow :: Bool -> [BudgetCell] -> [(WideBuilder, BudgetDisplayRow)]
showrow isunbudgetedrow cells =
cs = budgetCellsCommodities cells
-- #2071 If there are no commodities - because there are no actual or goal amounts -
-- the zipped list would be empty, causing this row not to be shown.
-- But rows like this sometimes need to be shown to preserve the account tree structure.
-- So, ensure 0 will be shown as actual amount(s).
-- Unfortunately this disables boring parent eliding, as if --no-elide had been used.
-- (Just turning on --no-elide higher up doesn't work right.)
-- Note, no goal amount will be shown for these rows,
-- whereas --no-elide is likely to show a goal amount aggregated from children.
cs1 = if null cs && not isunbudgetedrow then [""] else cs
(showmixed, percbudget) = mkBudgetDisplayFns cs1
zip (map wbFromText cs1) $
transpose $
map (showcell showmixed percbudget)
budgetCellsCommodities :: [BudgetCell] -> [CommoditySymbol]
budgetCellsCommodities = S.toList . foldl' S.union mempty . map budgetCellCommodities
budgetCellCommodities :: BudgetCell -> S.Set CommoditySymbol
budgetCellCommodities (am, bm) = f am `S.union` f bm
where f = maybe mempty maCommodities
-- | Render a "BudgetCell"'s amounts as "BudgetDisplayCell"s (one per commodity).
showcell :: BudgetShowAmountsFn -> BudgetCalcPercentagesFn -> BudgetCell -> BudgetDisplayRow
showcell showCommodityAmounts calcCommodityPercentages (mactual, mbudget) =
zip actualamts budgetinfos
actual = fromMaybe nullmixedamt mactual
actualamts = showCommodityAmounts actual
budgetinfos =
case mbudget of
Nothing -> repeat Nothing
Just goal -> map Just $ showGoalAmountsAndPercentages goal
showGoalAmountsAndPercentages :: MixedAmount -> [(WideBuilder, Maybe WideBuilder)]
showGoalAmountsAndPercentages goal = zip amts mpcts
amts = showCommodityAmounts goal
mpcts = map (showrounded <$>) $ calcCommodityPercentages actual goal
where showrounded = wbFromText . T.pack . show . roundTo 0
-- | Make budget info display helpers that adapt to --layout=wide.
mkBudgetDisplayFns :: [CommoditySymbol] -> (BudgetShowAmountsFn, BudgetCalcPercentagesFn)
mkBudgetDisplayFns cs = case layout_ of
LayoutWide width ->
( pure . showMixedAmountB oneLineNoCostFmt{displayMaxWidth=width, displayColour=color_}
, \a -> pure . percentage a)
_ -> ( showMixedAmountLinesB noCostFmt{displayCommodity=layout_/=LayoutBare, displayCommodityOrder=Just cs, displayMinWidth=Nothing, displayColour=color_}
, \a b -> map (percentage' a b) cs)
-- | Calculate the percentage of actual change to budget goal to show, if any.
-- If valuing at cost, both amounts are converted to cost before comparing.
-- A percentage will not be shown if:
-- - actual or goal are not the same, single, commodity
-- - the goal is zero
percentage :: Change -> BudgetGoal -> Maybe Percentage
percentage actual budget =
case (costedAmounts actual, costedAmounts budget) of
([a], [b]) | (acommodity a == acommodity b || amountLooksZero a) && not (amountLooksZero b)
-> Just $ 100 * aquantity a / aquantity b
_ -> Nothing
costedAmounts = case conversionop_ of
Just ToCost -> amounts . mixedAmountCost
_ -> amounts
-- | Like percentage, but accept multicommodity actual and budget amounts,
-- and extract the specified commodity from both.
percentage' :: Change -> BudgetGoal -> CommoditySymbol -> Maybe Percentage
percentage' am bm c = case ((,) `on` find ((==) c . acommodity) . amounts) am bm of
(Just a, Just b) -> percentage (mixedAmount a) (mixedAmount b)
_ -> Nothing
-- XXX generalise this with multiBalanceReportAsCsv ?
-- | Render a budget report as CSV. Like multiBalanceReportAsCsv,
-- but includes alternating actual and budget amount columns.
budgetReportAsCsv :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> [[Text]]
(PeriodicReport colspans items totrow)
= (if transpose_ then transpose else id) $
-- heading row
("Account" :
["Commodity" | layout_ == LayoutBare ]
++ concatMap (\spn -> [showDateSpan spn, "budget"]) colspans
++ concat [["Total" ,"budget"] | row_total_]
++ concat [["Average","budget"] | average_]
) :
-- account rows
concatMap (rowAsTexts prrFullName) items
-- totals row
++ concat [ rowAsTexts (const "Total:") totrow | not no_total_ ]
flattentuples tups = concat [[a,b] | (a,b) <- tups]
showNorm = maybe "" (wbToText . showMixedAmountB oneLineNoCostFmt)
rowAsTexts :: (PeriodicReportRow a BudgetCell -> Text)
-> PeriodicReportRow a BudgetCell
-> [[Text]]
rowAsTexts render row@(PeriodicReportRow _ as (rowtot,budgettot) (rowavg, budgetavg))
| layout_ /= LayoutBare = [render row : map showNorm vals]
| otherwise =
joinNames . zipWith (:) cs -- add symbols and names
. transpose -- each row becomes a list of Text quantities
. map (map wbToText . showMixedAmountLinesB dopts . fromMaybe nullmixedamt)
$ vals
cs = S.toList . foldl' S.union mempty . map maCommodities $ catMaybes vals
dopts = oneLineNoCostFmt{displayCommodity=layout_ /= LayoutBare, displayCommodityOrder=Just cs, displayMinWidth=Nothing}
vals = flattentuples as
++ concat [[rowtot, budgettot] | row_total_]
++ concat [[rowavg, budgetavg] | average_]
joinNames = map (render row :)
-- tests
tests_BudgetReport = testGroup "BudgetReport" [

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@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ module Hledger.Reports.MultiBalanceReport (
-- -- * Tests
@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List (sortOn, transpose)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.Map (Map)
@ -52,11 +51,6 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Time.Calendar (fromGregorian)
import Safe (lastDef, minimumMay)
import Data.Default (def)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import qualified Text.Tabular.AsciiWide as Tab
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Query
import Hledger.Utils hiding (dbg3,dbg4,dbg5)
@ -594,33 +588,13 @@ periodChanges start amtmap =
cumulativeSum :: Account -> Map DateSpan Account -> Map DateSpan Account
cumulativeSum start = snd . M.mapAccum (\a b -> let s = sumAcct a b in (s, s)) start
-- | Given a table representing a multi-column balance report (for example,
-- made using 'balanceReportAsTable'), render it in a format suitable for
-- console output. Amounts with more than two commodities will be elided
-- unless --no-elide is used.
balanceReportTableAsText :: ReportOpts -> Tab.Table T.Text T.Text WideBuilder -> TB.Builder
balanceReportTableAsText ReportOpts{..} =
Tab.renderTableByRowsB def{Tab.tableBorders=False, Tab.prettyTable=pretty_} renderCh renderRow
| layout_ /= LayoutBare || transpose_ = fmap (Tab.textCell Tab.TopRight)
| otherwise = zipWith ($) (Tab.textCell Tab.TopLeft : repeat (Tab.textCell Tab.TopRight))
renderRow (rh, row)
| layout_ /= LayoutBare || transpose_ =
(Tab.textCell Tab.TopLeft rh, fmap (Tab.Cell Tab.TopRight . pure) row)
| otherwise =
(Tab.textCell Tab.TopLeft rh, zipWith ($) (Tab.Cell Tab.TopLeft : repeat (Tab.Cell Tab.TopRight)) (fmap pure row))
-- tests
tests_MultiBalanceReport = testGroup "MultiBalanceReport" [
amt0 = Amount {acommodity="$", aquantity=0, acost=Nothing,
astyle=AmountStyle {ascommodityside = L, ascommodityspaced = False, asdigitgroups = Nothing,
amt0 = Amount {acommodity="$", aquantity=0, acost=Nothing,
astyle=AmountStyle {ascommodityside = L, ascommodityspaced = False, asdigitgroups = Nothing,
asdecimalmark = Just '.', asprecision = Precision 2, asrounding = NoRounding}}
(rspec,journal) `gives` r = do
let rspec' = rspec{_rsQuery=And [queryFromFlags $ _rsReportOpts rspec, _rsQuery rspec]}

View File

@ -145,9 +145,7 @@ renderRow topts = toLazyText . renderRowB topts
-- | A version of renderRow which returns the underlying Builder.
renderRowB:: TableOpts -> Header Cell -> Builder
renderRowB topts h = renderColumns topts is h
where is = map cellWidth $ headerContents h
renderRowB topts h = renderColumns topts ws h where ws = map cellWidth $ headerContents h
verticalBar :: Bool -> Char
verticalBar pretty = if pretty then '│' else '|'

View File

@ -253,26 +253,29 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Balance (
) where
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Data.Decimal (roundTo)
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.List (transpose, transpose)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (find, transpose, foldl')
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Data.Time (addDays, fromGregorian)
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C (flagNone, flagReq, flagOpt)
import Lucid as L hiding (value_)
import Safe (headMay, maximumMay)
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide
(Align(..), Cell(..), Table(..), TableOpts(..), cellWidth, concatTables,
renderColumns, renderRowB, textCell)
import qualified Text.Tabular.AsciiWide as Tab
(Header(..), Align(..), Properties(..), Cell(..), Table(..), TableOpts(..),
cellWidth, concatTables, renderColumns, renderRowB, renderTableByRowsB, textCell)
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
@ -444,7 +447,7 @@ balanceReportAsCsv opts (items, total) =
balanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReport -> TB.Builder
balanceReportAsText opts ((items, total)) = case layout_ opts of
LayoutBare | iscustom -> error' "Custom format not supported with commodity columns" -- PARTIAL:
LayoutBare -> balanceReportAsText' opts ((items, total))
LayoutBare -> bareLayoutBalanceReportAsText opts ((items, total))
_ -> unlinesB ls <> unlinesB (if no_total_ opts then [] else [overline, totalLines])
(ls, sizes) = unzip $ map (balanceReportItemAsText opts) items
@ -460,11 +463,14 @@ balanceReportAsText opts ((items, total)) = case layout_ opts of
overlinewidth = if iscustom then sum (map maximum' $ transpose sizes) else 20
overline = TB.fromText $ T.replicate overlinewidth "-"
-- | Render a single-column balance report as plain text in commodity-column mode
balanceReportAsText' :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReport -> TB.Builder
balanceReportAsText' opts ((items, total)) =
unlinesB . fmap (renderColumns def{tableBorders=False} sizes . Tab.Group Tab.NoLine . fmap Tab.Header) $
ls ++ concat [[[overline], totalline] | not (no_total_ opts)]
-- | Render a single-column balance report as plain text with a separate commodity column (--layout=bare)
bareLayoutBalanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReport -> TB.Builder
bareLayoutBalanceReportAsText opts ((items, total)) =
unlinesB .
(renderColumns def{tableBorders=singleColumnTableOuterBorder} sizes .
Group singleColumnTableInterColumnBorder . map Header) $
ls ++ concat [[[overline], totalline] | not (no_total_ opts)]
render (_, acctname, dep, amt) =
[ Cell TopRight damts
@ -479,6 +485,8 @@ balanceReportAsText' opts ((items, total)) =
sizes = fromMaybe 0 . maximumMay . map cellWidth <$>
transpose ([totalline | not (no_total_ opts)] ++ ls)
overline = Cell TopLeft . pure . wbFromText . flip T.replicate "-" . fromMaybe 0 $ headMay sizes
singleColumnTableOuterBorder = False
singleColumnTableInterColumnBorder = NoLine
@ -499,21 +507,31 @@ balanceReportItemAsText :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReportItem -> (TB.Builder, [Int]
balanceReportItemAsText opts (_, accountName, dep, amt) =
renderBalanceReportItem opts (accountName, dep, amt)
-- | Render a balance report item using the given StringFormat, generating one or more lines of text.
-- | Render a balance report item, using the StringFormat specified by --format.
renderBalanceReportItem :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> (TB.Builder, [Int])
renderBalanceReportItem opts (acctname, dep, total) =
case format_ opts of
OneLine comps -> renderRow' $ render True True comps
TopAligned comps -> renderRow' $ render True False comps
BottomAligned comps -> renderRow' $ render False False comps
OneLine comps -> renderRowFromComponents $ renderComponents True True comps
TopAligned comps -> renderRowFromComponents $ renderComponents True False comps
BottomAligned comps -> renderRowFromComponents $ renderComponents False False comps
renderRow' is = ( renderRowB def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False}
. Tab.Group Tab.NoLine $ map Tab.Header is
, map cellWidth is )
-- Combine the rendered component cells horizontally, as a possibly multi-line text (builder),
-- aligned in borderless columns (? XXX). Also returns the rendered width of each cell.
renderRowFromComponents :: [Cell] -> (TB.Builder, [Int])
renderRowFromComponents cs =
( renderRowB def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False} . Group NoLine $ map Header cs
, map cellWidth cs
render topaligned oneline = map (renderComponent topaligned oneline opts (acctname, dep, total))
-- Render each of the given StringFormat components for the balance report item,
-- returning each as a Cell.
renderComponents :: Bool -> Bool -> [StringFormatComponent] -> [Cell]
renderComponents topaligned oneline = map (renderComponent topaligned oneline opts (acctname, dep, total))
-- | Render one StringFormat component for a balance report item.
-- Render one StringFormat component for a balance report item.
-- Returns a Cell, containing 0 or more lines of text (as builders).
renderComponent :: Bool -> Bool -> ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> StringFormatComponent -> Cell
renderComponent _ _ _ _ (FormatLiteral s) = textCell TopLeft s
renderComponent topaligned oneline opts (acctname, dep, total) (FormatField ljust mmin mmax field) = case field of
@ -545,12 +563,12 @@ multiBalanceReportAsCsv opts@ReportOpts{..} report = maybeTranspose allRows
allRows = case layout_ of
LayoutTidy -> rows -- tidy csv should not include totals or averages
_ -> rows ++ totals
(rows, totals) = multiBalanceReportAsCsvOrHtml False opts report
(rows, totals) = multiBalanceReportAsCsvHelper False opts report
maybeTranspose = if transpose_ then transpose else id
-- Helper used for both CSV and HTML rendering.
multiBalanceReportAsCsvOrHtml :: Bool -> ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> (CSV, CSV)
multiBalanceReportAsCsvOrHtml ishtml opts@ReportOpts{..} (PeriodicReport colspans items tr) =
-- Helper for CSV (and HTML) rendering.
multiBalanceReportAsCsvHelper :: Bool -> ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> (CSV, CSV)
multiBalanceReportAsCsvHelper ishtml opts@ReportOpts{..} (PeriodicReport colspans items tr) =
(headers : concatMap fullRowAsTexts items, totalrows)
headers = "account" : case layout_ of
@ -558,9 +576,8 @@ multiBalanceReportAsCsvOrHtml ishtml opts@ReportOpts{..} (PeriodicReport colspan
LayoutBare -> "commodity" : dateHeaders
_ -> dateHeaders
dateHeaders = map showDateSpan colspans ++ ["total" | row_total_] ++ ["average" | average_]
fullRowAsTexts row = map (showName row :) $ rowAsText opts colspans row
showName = accountNameDrop drop_ . prrFullName
where showName = accountNameDrop drop_ . prrFullName
| no_total_ = mempty
| otherwise = map ("total" :) $ rowAsText opts colspans tr
@ -585,7 +602,7 @@ multiBalanceReportHtmlRows ropts mbr =
-- TODO: should the commodity_column be displayed as a subaccount in this case as well?
(headingsrow:bodyrows, mtotalsrows)
| transpose_ ropts = error' "Sorry, --transpose with HTML output is not yet supported" -- PARTIAL:
| otherwise = multiBalanceReportAsCsvOrHtml True ropts mbr
| otherwise = multiBalanceReportAsCsvHelper True ropts mbr
(multiBalanceReportHtmlHeadRow ropts headingsrow
,map (multiBalanceReportHtmlBodyRow ropts) bodyrows
@ -676,7 +693,7 @@ multiBalanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> TL.Text
multiBalanceReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} r = TB.toLazyText $
TB.fromText title
<> TB.fromText "\n\n"
<> balanceReportTableAsText ropts (balanceReportAsTable ropts r)
<> multiBalanceReportTableAsText ropts (multiBalanceReportAsTable ropts r)
title = mtitle <> " in " <> showDateSpan (periodicReportSpan r) <> valuationdesc <> ":"
@ -707,14 +724,14 @@ multiBalanceReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} r = TB.toLazyText $
_ -> False
-- | Build a 'Table' from a multi-column balance report.
balanceReportAsTable :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> Table T.Text T.Text WideBuilder
balanceReportAsTable opts@ReportOpts{summary_only_, average_, row_total_, balanceaccum_}
multiBalanceReportAsTable :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> Table T.Text T.Text WideBuilder
multiBalanceReportAsTable opts@ReportOpts{summary_only_, average_, row_total_, balanceaccum_}
(PeriodicReport spans items tr) =
maybetranspose $
addtotalrow $
(Tab.Group Tab.NoLine $ map Tab.Header (concat accts))
(Tab.Group Tab.NoLine $ map Tab.Header colheadings)
(Group multiColumnTableInterRowBorder $ map Header (concat accts))
(Group multiColumnTableInterColumnBorder $ map Header colheadings)
(concat rows)
totalscolumn = row_total_ && balanceaccum_ `notElem` [Cumulative, Historical]
@ -732,11 +749,13 @@ balanceReportAsTable opts@ReportOpts{summary_only_, average_, row_total_, balanc
| no_total_ opts = id
| otherwise =
let totalrows = multiBalanceRowAsTableText opts tr
rh = Tab.Group Tab.NoLine . replicate (length totalrows) $ Tab.Header ""
ch = Tab.Header [] -- ignored
in (flip (concatTables Tab.SingleLine) $ Table rh ch totalrows)
rowhdrs = Group NoLine . replicate (length totalrows) $ Header ""
colhdrs = Header [] -- unused, concatTables will discard
in (flip (concatTables SingleLine) $ Table rowhdrs colhdrs totalrows)
maybetranspose | transpose_ opts = \(Table rh ch vals) -> Table ch rh (transpose vals)
| otherwise = id
multiColumnTableInterRowBorder = NoLine
multiColumnTableInterColumnBorder = NoLine
multiBalanceRowAsWbs :: AmountFormat -> ReportOpts -> [DateSpan] -> PeriodicReportRow a MixedAmount -> [[WideBuilder]]
multiBalanceRowAsWbs bopts ReportOpts{..} colspans (PeriodicReportRow _ as rowtot rowavg) =
@ -789,6 +808,321 @@ multiBalanceRowAsHtmlText opts colspans = fmap (fmap wbToText) . multiBalanceRow
multiBalanceRowAsTableText :: ReportOpts -> PeriodicReportRow a MixedAmount -> [[WideBuilder]]
multiBalanceRowAsTableText opts = multiBalanceRowAsWbs oneLineNoCostFmt{displayColour=color_ opts} opts []
-- | Given a table representing a multi-column balance report,
-- render it in a format suitable for console output.
-- Amounts with more than two commodities will be elided unless --no-elide is used.
multiBalanceReportTableAsText :: ReportOpts -> Table T.Text T.Text WideBuilder -> TB.Builder
multiBalanceReportTableAsText ReportOpts{..} = renderTableByRowsB tableopts renderCh renderRow
tableopts = def{tableBorders=multiColumnTableOuterBorder, prettyTable=pretty_}
multiColumnTableOuterBorder = False
renderCh :: [Text] -> [Cell]
| layout_ /= LayoutBare || transpose_ = fmap (textCell TopRight)
| otherwise = zipWith ($) (textCell TopLeft : repeat (textCell TopRight))
renderRow :: (Text, [WideBuilder]) -> (Cell, [Cell])
renderRow (rh, row)
| layout_ /= LayoutBare || transpose_ =
(textCell TopLeft rh, fmap (Cell TopRight . pure) row)
| otherwise =
(textCell TopLeft rh, zipWith ($) (Cell TopLeft : repeat (Cell TopRight)) (fmap pure row))
-- A BudgetCell's data values rendered for display - the actual change amount,
-- the budget goal amount if any, and the corresponding goal percentage if possible.
type BudgetDisplayCell = (WideBuilder, Maybe (WideBuilder, Maybe WideBuilder))
-- | A row of rendered budget data cells.
type BudgetDisplayRow = [BudgetDisplayCell]
-- | An amount render helper for the budget report. Renders each commodity separately.
type BudgetShowAmountsFn = MixedAmount -> [WideBuilder]
-- | A goal percentage calculating helper for the budget report.
type BudgetCalcPercentagesFn = Change -> BudgetGoal -> [Maybe Percentage]
-- | Render a budget report as plain text suitable for console output.
budgetReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> TL.Text
budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr = TB.toLazyText $
TB.fromText title <> TB.fromText "\n\n" <>
multiBalanceReportTableAsText ropts (budgetReportAsTable ropts budgetr)
title = "Budget performance in " <> showDateSpan (periodicReportSpan budgetr)
<> (case conversionop_ of
Just ToCost -> ", converted to cost"
_ -> "")
<> (case value_ of
Just (AtThen _mc) -> ", valued at posting date"
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> ", valued at period ends"
Just (AtNow _mc) -> ", current value"
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> ", valued at " <> showDate d
Nothing -> "")
<> ":"
-- | Build a 'Table' from a multi-column balance report.
budgetReportAsTable :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> Table Text Text WideBuilder
budgetReportAsTable ReportOpts{..} (PeriodicReport spans items totrow) =
maybetransposetable $
addtotalrow $
(Group NoLine $ map Header accts)
(Group NoLine $ map Header colheadings)
| transpose_ = \(Table rh ch vals) -> Table ch rh (transpose vals)
| otherwise = id
| no_total_ = id
| otherwise =
rowhdrs = Group NoLine . replicate (length totalrows) $ Header ""
colhdrs = Header [] -- ignored by concatTables
(flip (concatTables SingleLine) $ Table rowhdrs colhdrs totalrows) -- XXX ?
colheadings = ["Commodity" | layout_ == LayoutBare]
++ map (reportPeriodName balanceaccum_ spans) spans
++ [" Total" | row_total_]
++ ["Average" | average_]
(accts, rows, totalrows) =
,maybecommcol itemscs $ showcells texts
,maybecommcol totrowcs $ showtotrow totrowtexts)
-- If --layout=bare, prepend a commodities column.
maybecommcol :: [WideBuilder] -> [[WideBuilder]] -> [[WideBuilder]]
maybecommcol cs
| layout_ == LayoutBare = zipWith (:) cs
| otherwise = id
showcells, showtotrow :: [[BudgetDisplayCell]] -> [[WideBuilder]]
(showcells, showtotrow) =
(maybetranspose . map (zipWith showBudgetDisplayCell widths) . maybetranspose
,maybetranspose . map (zipWith showBudgetDisplayCell totrowwidths) . maybetranspose)
-- | Combine a BudgetDisplayCell's rendered values into a "[PERCENT of GOAL]" rendering,
-- respecting the given widths.
showBudgetDisplayCell :: (Int, Int, Int) -> BudgetDisplayCell -> WideBuilder
showBudgetDisplayCell (actualwidth, budgetwidth, percentwidth) (actual, mbudget) =
flip WideBuilder (actualwidth + totalbudgetwidth) $
toPadded actual <> maybe emptycell showBudgetGoalAndPercentage mbudget
toPadded (WideBuilder b w) = (TB.fromText . flip T.replicate " " $ actualwidth - w) <> b
(totalpercentwidth, totalbudgetwidth) =
let totalpercentwidth' = if percentwidth == 0 then 0 else percentwidth + 5
in ( totalpercentwidth'
, if budgetwidth == 0 then 0 else budgetwidth + totalpercentwidth' + 3
emptycell :: TB.Builder
emptycell = TB.fromText $ T.replicate totalbudgetwidth " "
showBudgetGoalAndPercentage :: (WideBuilder, Maybe WideBuilder) -> TB.Builder
showBudgetGoalAndPercentage (goal, perc) =
let perct = case perc of
Nothing -> T.replicate totalpercentwidth " "
Just pct -> T.replicate (percentwidth - wbWidth pct) " " <> wbToText pct <> "% of "
in TB.fromText $ " [" <> perct <> T.replicate (budgetwidth - wbWidth goal) " " <> wbToText goal <> "]"
-- | Build a list of widths for each column.
-- When --transpose is used, the totals row must be included in this list.
widths :: [(Int, Int, Int)]
widths = zip3 actualwidths budgetwidths percentwidths
actualwidths = map (maximum' . map first3 ) $ cols
budgetwidths = map (maximum' . map second3) $ cols
percentwidths = map (maximum' . map third3 ) $ cols
catcolumnwidths = foldl' (zipWith (++)) $ repeat []
cols = maybetranspose $ catcolumnwidths $ map (cellswidth . rowToBudgetCells) items ++ [cellswidth $ rowToBudgetCells totrow]
cellswidth :: [BudgetCell] -> [[(Int, Int, Int)]]
cellswidth row =
let cs = budgetCellsCommodities row
(showmixed, percbudget) = mkBudgetDisplayFns cs
disp = showcell showmixed percbudget
budgetpercwidth = wbWidth *** maybe 0 wbWidth
cellwidth (am, bm) = let (bw, pw) = maybe (0, 0) budgetpercwidth bm in (wbWidth am, bw, pw)
in map (map cellwidth . disp) row
totrowwidths :: [(Int, Int, Int)]
| transpose_ = drop (length texts) widths
| otherwise = widths
| transpose_ = transpose
| otherwise = id
(accts', itemscs, texts) = unzip3 $ concat shownitems
shownitems :: [[(AccountName, WideBuilder, BudgetDisplayRow)]]
shownitems =
map (\i ->
addacctcolumn = map (\(cs, cvals) -> (renderacct i, cs, cvals))
isunbudgetedrow = displayFull (prrName i) == unbudgetedAccountName
in addacctcolumn $ showrow isunbudgetedrow $ rowToBudgetCells i)
-- FIXME. Have to check explicitly for which to render here, since
-- budgetReport sets accountlistmode to ALTree. Find a principled way to do
-- this.
renderacct row = case accountlistmode_ of
ALTree -> T.replicate ((prrDepth row - 1)*2) " " <> prrDisplayName row
ALFlat -> accountNameDrop (drop_) $ prrFullName row
(totrowcs, totrowtexts) = unzip $ concat showntotrow
showntotrow :: [[(WideBuilder, BudgetDisplayRow)]]
showntotrow = [showrow False $ rowToBudgetCells totrow]
-- | Get the data cells from a row or totals row, maybe adding
-- the row total and/or row average depending on options.
rowToBudgetCells :: PeriodicReportRow a BudgetCell -> [BudgetCell]
rowToBudgetCells (PeriodicReportRow _ as rowtot rowavg) = as
++ [rowtot | row_total_ && not (null as)]
++ [rowavg | average_ && not (null as)]
-- | Render a row's data cells as "BudgetDisplayCell"s, and a rendered list of commodity symbols.
-- Also requires a flag indicating whether this is the special <unbudgeted> row.
-- (The types make that hard to check here.)
showrow :: Bool -> [BudgetCell] -> [(WideBuilder, BudgetDisplayRow)]
showrow isunbudgetedrow cells =
cs = budgetCellsCommodities cells
-- #2071 If there are no commodities - because there are no actual or goal amounts -
-- the zipped list would be empty, causing this row not to be shown.
-- But rows like this sometimes need to be shown to preserve the account tree structure.
-- So, ensure 0 will be shown as actual amount(s).
-- Unfortunately this disables boring parent eliding, as if --no-elide had been used.
-- (Just turning on --no-elide higher up doesn't work right.)
-- Note, no goal amount will be shown for these rows,
-- whereas --no-elide is likely to show a goal amount aggregated from children.
cs1 = if null cs && not isunbudgetedrow then [""] else cs
(showmixed, percbudget) = mkBudgetDisplayFns cs1
zip (map wbFromText cs1) $
transpose $
map (showcell showmixed percbudget)
budgetCellsCommodities :: [BudgetCell] -> [CommoditySymbol]
budgetCellsCommodities = S.toList . foldl' S.union mempty . map budgetCellCommodities
budgetCellCommodities :: BudgetCell -> S.Set CommoditySymbol
budgetCellCommodities (am, bm) = f am `S.union` f bm
where f = maybe mempty maCommodities
-- | Render a "BudgetCell"'s amounts as "BudgetDisplayCell"s (one per commodity).
showcell :: BudgetShowAmountsFn -> BudgetCalcPercentagesFn -> BudgetCell -> BudgetDisplayRow
showcell showCommodityAmounts calcCommodityPercentages (mactual, mbudget) =
zip actualamts budgetinfos
actual = fromMaybe nullmixedamt mactual
actualamts = showCommodityAmounts actual
budgetinfos =
case mbudget of
Nothing -> repeat Nothing
Just goal -> map Just $ showGoalAmountsAndPercentages goal
showGoalAmountsAndPercentages :: MixedAmount -> [(WideBuilder, Maybe WideBuilder)]
showGoalAmountsAndPercentages goal = zip amts mpcts
amts = showCommodityAmounts goal
mpcts = map (showrounded <$>) $ calcCommodityPercentages actual goal
where showrounded = wbFromText . T.pack . show . roundTo 0
-- | Make budget info display helpers that adapt to --layout=wide.
mkBudgetDisplayFns :: [CommoditySymbol] -> (BudgetShowAmountsFn, BudgetCalcPercentagesFn)
mkBudgetDisplayFns cs = case layout_ of
LayoutWide width ->
( pure . showMixedAmountB oneLineNoCostFmt{displayMaxWidth=width, displayColour=color_}
, \a -> pure . percentage a)
_ -> ( showMixedAmountLinesB noCostFmt{displayCommodity=layout_/=LayoutBare, displayCommodityOrder=Just cs, displayMinWidth=Nothing, displayColour=color_}
, \a b -> map (percentage' a b) cs)
-- | Calculate the percentage of actual change to budget goal to show, if any.
-- If valuing at cost, both amounts are converted to cost before comparing.
-- A percentage will not be shown if:
-- - actual or goal are not the same, single, commodity
-- - the goal is zero
percentage :: Change -> BudgetGoal -> Maybe Percentage
percentage actual budget =
case (costedAmounts actual, costedAmounts budget) of
([a], [b]) | (acommodity a == acommodity b || amountLooksZero a) && not (amountLooksZero b)
-> Just $ 100 * aquantity a / aquantity b
_ -> Nothing
costedAmounts = case conversionop_ of
Just ToCost -> amounts . mixedAmountCost
_ -> amounts
-- | Like percentage, but accept multicommodity actual and budget amounts,
-- and extract the specified commodity from both.
percentage' :: Change -> BudgetGoal -> CommoditySymbol -> Maybe Percentage
percentage' am bm c = case ((,) `on` find ((==) c . acommodity) . amounts) am bm of
(Just a, Just b) -> percentage (mixedAmount a) (mixedAmount b)
_ -> Nothing
-- XXX generalise this with multiBalanceReportAsCsv ?
-- | Render a budget report as CSV. Like multiBalanceReportAsCsv,
-- but includes alternating actual and budget amount columns.
budgetReportAsCsv :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> [[Text]]
(PeriodicReport colspans items totrow)
= (if transpose_ then transpose else id) $
-- heading row
("Account" :
["Commodity" | layout_ == LayoutBare ]
++ concatMap (\spn -> [showDateSpan spn, "budget"]) colspans
++ concat [["Total" ,"budget"] | row_total_]
++ concat [["Average","budget"] | average_]
) :
-- account rows
concatMap (rowAsTexts prrFullName) items
-- totals row
++ concat [ rowAsTexts (const "Total:") totrow | not no_total_ ]
flattentuples tups = concat [[a,b] | (a,b) <- tups]
showNorm = maybe "" (wbToText . showMixedAmountB oneLineNoCostFmt)
rowAsTexts :: (PeriodicReportRow a BudgetCell -> Text)
-> PeriodicReportRow a BudgetCell
-> [[Text]]
rowAsTexts render row@(PeriodicReportRow _ as (rowtot,budgettot) (rowavg, budgetavg))
| layout_ /= LayoutBare = [render row : map showNorm vals]
| otherwise =
joinNames . zipWith (:) cs -- add symbols and names
. transpose -- each row becomes a list of Text quantities
. map (map wbToText . showMixedAmountLinesB dopts . fromMaybe nullmixedamt)
$ vals
cs = S.toList . foldl' S.union mempty . map maCommodities $ catMaybes vals
dopts = oneLineNoCostFmt{displayCommodity=layout_ /= LayoutBare, displayCommodityOrder=Just cs, displayMinWidth=Nothing}
vals = flattentuples as
++ concat [[rowtot, budgettot] | row_total_]
++ concat [[rowavg, budgetavg] | average_]
joinNames = map (render row :)
-- tests
tests_Balance = testGroup "Balance" [
testGroup "balanceReportAsText" [

View File

@ -325,10 +325,10 @@ interestSum referenceDay cf rate = sum $ map go cf
calculateCashFlow :: WhichDate -> [Transaction] -> Query -> CashFlow
calculateCashFlow wd trans query =
[ (postingDateOrDate2 wd p, pamount p) | p <- filter (matchesPosting query) (concatMap realPostings trans), maIsNonZero (pamount p) ]
[ (postingDateOrDate2 wd p, pamount p) | p <- concatMap (filter (matchesPosting query) . realPostings) trans, maIsNonZero (pamount p) ]
total :: [Transaction] -> Query -> MixedAmount
total trans query = sumPostings . filter (matchesPosting query) $ concatMap realPostings trans
total trans query = sumPostings (concatMap (filter (matchesPosting query) . realPostings) trans)
unMix :: MixedAmount -> Quantity
unMix a =

View File

@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ compoundBalanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> CompoundPeriodicReport DisplayName
compoundBalanceReportAsText ropts (CompoundPeriodicReport title _colspans subreports totalsrow) =
TB.toLazyText $
TB.fromText title <> TB.fromText "\n\n" <>
balanceReportTableAsText ropts bigtablewithtotalsrow
multiBalanceReportTableAsText ropts bigtablewithtotalsrow
bigtable =
case map (subreportAsTable ropts) subreports of
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ compoundBalanceReportAsText ropts (CompoundPeriodicReport title _colspans subrep
-- ]
coltotalslines = multiBalanceRowAsTableText ropts totalsrow
totalstable = Table
totalstable = Table
(Group NoLine $ map Header $ "Net:" : replicate (length coltotalslines - 1) "") -- row headers
(Header []) -- column headers, concatTables will discard these
coltotalslines -- cell values
@ -257,11 +257,11 @@ compoundBalanceReportAsText ropts (CompoundPeriodicReport title _colspans subrep
tophdrs -- column headers
([]:cells) -- cell values
Table lefthdrs tophdrs cells = balanceReportAsTable ropts1 r
Table lefthdrs tophdrs cells = multiBalanceReportAsTable ropts1 r
tableSubreportTitleBottomBorder = SingleLine
tableInterSubreportBorder = DoubleLine
tableGrandTotalsTopBorder = DoubleLine
tableSubreportTitleBottomBorder = SingleLine
tableInterSubreportBorder = DoubleLine
tableGrandTotalsTopBorder = DoubleLine
-- | Render a compound balance report as CSV.
-- Subreports' CSV is concatenated, with the headings rows replaced by a
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ compoundBalanceReportAsCsv ropts (CompoundPeriodicReport title colspans subrepor
map (length . prDates . second3) subreports
| no_total_ ropts || length subreports == 1 = id
| otherwise = (++ fmap ("Net:" : ) (multiBalanceRowAsCsvText ropts colspans totalrow))
| otherwise = (++ map ("Net:" : ) (multiBalanceRowAsCsvText ropts colspans totalrow))
-- | Render a compound balance report as HTML.
compoundBalanceReportAsHtml :: ReportOpts -> CompoundPeriodicReport DisplayName MixedAmount -> Html ()