dev: Amount: cleanups

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2023-11-06 02:29:25 -08:00
parent e035730afb
commit 1ae59ad0af

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@ -343,6 +343,7 @@ multiplyAmount :: Quantity -> Amount -> Amount
multiplyAmount n = transformAmount (*n)
-- | Invert an amount (replace its quantity q with 1/q).
-- (Its cost if any is not changed, currently.)
invertAmount :: Amount -> Amount
invertAmount a@Amount{aquantity=q} = a{aquantity=1/q}
@ -383,6 +384,13 @@ amountIsZero = testAmountAndTotalPrice (\Amount{aquantity=Decimal _ q} -> q == 0
-- representing an infinite decimal ?
amountHasMaxDigits :: Amount -> Bool
amountHasMaxDigits = (>= 255) . numDigitsInteger . decimalMantissa . aquantity
-- XXX this seems not always right. Eg:
-- ghci> let n = 100 / (3.0 :: Decimal)
-- decimalPlaces n
-- 255
-- numDigitsInteger $ decimalMantissa n
-- 257
-- | Set an amount's display precision, flipped.
withPrecision :: Amount -> AmountPrecision -> Amount
@ -456,20 +464,17 @@ amountDisplayPrecision a =
Precision n -> n
NaturalPrecision -> amountInternalPrecision a
-- | Set an amount's internal precision, ie rounds the Decimal representing
-- the amount's quantity to some number of decimal places.
-- | Set an amount's internal decimal precision as well as its display precision.
-- This rounds or pads its Decimal quantity to the specified number of decimal places.
-- Rounding is done with Data.Decimal's default roundTo function:
-- "If the value ends in 5 then it is rounded to the nearest even value (Banker's Rounding)".
-- Does not change the amount's display precision.
-- Intended mainly for internal use, eg when comparing amounts in tests.
setAmountInternalPrecision :: Word8 -> Amount -> Amount
setAmountInternalPrecision p a@Amount{ aquantity=q, astyle=s } = a{
astyle=s{asprecision=Precision p}
,aquantity=roundTo p q
aquantity=roundTo p q
,astyle=s{asprecision=Precision p}
-- | Set an amount's internal precision, flipped.
-- Intended mainly for internal use, eg when comparing amounts in tests.
-- | setAmountInternalPrecision with arguments flipped.
withInternalPrecision :: Amount -> Word8 -> Amount
withInternalPrecision = flip setAmountInternalPrecision