tools: new makefile updates

The makefile now uses stack primarily.
The following updated rules are available:

$ make
Makefile:35: -------------------- hledger make rules --------------------
Makefile:37: make [help] -- list documented rules in this makefile. make -n RULE shows more detail.
Makefile:202: (INSTALLING:)
Makefile:204: make install -- download dependencies and install hledger executables to ~/.local/bin or equivalent (with stack)
Makefile:229: (BUILDING:)
Makefile:233: make build -- download dependencies and build hledger executables (with stack)
Makefile:302: make hledgerdev -- quickly build the hledger executable (with ghc and -DDEVELOPMENT)
Makefile:487: (TESTING:)
Makefile:495: make test -- run default tests
Makefile:541: make pkgtest -- run the test suites for each package
Makefile:548: make builtintest -- run tests built in to the hledger executable (subset of pkg tests)
Makefile:572: make functest -- run hledger functional tests with the stack build
Makefile:606: make haddocktest -- run haddock and make sure it succeeds
Makefile:787: (DOCUMENTATION:)
Makefile:895: make haddock -- generate haddock docs for the hledger packages
Makefile:974: (RELEASING:)
Makefile:1053: make setversion -- update all version strings to match .version
Makefile:1056: make setversionforce -- update all version strings even if .version seems unchanged
Makefile:1080: make tagrelease -- commit a release tag based on .version for each package
Makefile:1253: (MISCELLANEOUS:)
Makefile:1255: make usage -- show size of various dirs
Makefile:1260: make stackusage -- show size of stack working dirs
Makefile:1264: make cabalusage -- show size of cabal working dirs if any
Makefile:1268: make tag -- generate tag files for source code navigation (for emacs)
Makefile:1294: make clean -- default cleanup (ghc build leftovers)
Makefile:1297: make Clean -- thorough cleanup (stack/cabal/ghc builds and tags)
Makefile:1302: make cabalCMD -- run cabal CMD inside each hledger package directory
Makefile:1306: make all"CMD" -- run CMD inside each hledger package directory
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2015-07-12 12:03:43 -07:00
parent c83fcab8cb
commit 1dd51b3e8b

View File

@ -1,13 +1,41 @@
# hledger project makefile. A restart after Makefile.old.
# hledger project makefile
# This is a reboot of Makefile.old. The old rules are commented out below,
# to be removed or updated over the next while.
# Users of this makefile: hledger developers, contributors, probably not end-users.
# Every user-relevant rule in this makefile should use def-help to define
# a help string. Use "make help" to see the available rules.
# Supplementary tools:
# - stack, installs dependencies and drives cabal & ghc
# - shelltestrunner (latest version from hackage or possibly git), runs functional tests
# - hasktags, generates tag files for code navigation
# Kinds of hledger builds:
# - stack build: built with stack
# (hledger/.stack-work/dist/ARCH/CABAL/build/hledger/hledger,
# .stack-work/install/ARCH/SNAPSHOT/GHC/bin/hledger, installs to ~/.local/bin)
# - cabal build: built with cabal (and maybe a sandbox)
# (hledger/dist/build/hledger/hledger, installs to ~/.cabal/bin)
# - ghc build: built quickly with ghc only, unoptimised, with DEVELOPMENT flag
# (bin/hledgerdev)
# This makefile mostly uses stack to get things done (slow but robust).
# Secondarily it uses ghc directly to do some developer tasks (faster).
# # Also if needed it uses cabal directly for a few tasks.
# import def-help* functions for documenting make rules. See the file for usage.
# def-help* functions for documenting make rules. See the file for usage.
default: help \
$(call def-help,help,\
list all documented rules in this makefile\
$(call def-help-section, hledger make rules )
help2: \
$(call def-help,[help], list documented rules in this makefile. make -n RULE shows more detail. )
@ -36,99 +64,90 @@ default: help \
# PRINT=lpr
# GHC=ghc
# GHCI=ghci
# GHCPKG=ghc-pkg
# HADDOCK=haddock
# CABAL=cabal
# CABALINSTALL=cabal install -w $(GHC)
# TESTFRAMEWORKOPTS=-j16 --hide-successes
# SHELLTEST=cabal exec -- shelltest --execdir -- $(TESTFRAMEWORKOPTS)
# -j16 sometimes gives "commitAndReleaseBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)" but seems harmless
SHELLTESTOPTS=--execdir -- -j16 --hide-successes
# run shell tests using the executable specified in tests
# run shell tests using the stack build
SHELLTESTSTK=stack exec -- shelltest $(SHELLTESTOPTS)
#SHELLTESTSTK=shelltest -w `stack exec which hledger` $(SHELLTESTOPTS)
# # used for make auto,
# SP=sp
# hledger-lib \
# hledger \
# hledger-web
hledger-lib \
hledger \
# -ihledger-lib \
# -ihledger \
# -ihledger-web \
# -ihledger-web/app
-ihledger-lib \
-ihledger \
-ihledger-web \
# MAIN=hledger/app/hledger-cli.hs
# # all source files in the project (plus a few strays like Setup.hs & hlint.hs)
# hledger/*hs \
# hledger/Hledger/*hs \
# hledger/Hledger/*/*hs \
# hledger-*/*hs \
# hledger-*/Hledger/*hs \
# hledger-*/Hledger/*/*hs \
# hledger-web/app/*.hs \
# hledger-web/Handler/*.hs \
# hledger-web/Hledger/*.hs \
# hledger-web/Settings/*.hs
# all source files in the project (plus a few strays like Setup.hs & hlint.hs)
hledger/*hs \
hledger/Hledger/*hs \
hledger/Hledger/*/*hs \
hledger-*/*hs \
hledger-*/Hledger/*hs \
hledger-*/Hledger/*/*hs \
hledger-web/app/*.hs \
hledger-web/Handler/*.hs \
hledger-web/Hledger/*.hs \
# # # a more careful list suitable for for haddock-all
# # hledger-lib/Hledger.hs \
# # hledger-lib/Hledger/*hs \
# # hledger-lib/Hledger/*/*hs \
# # hledger/Hledger/*hs \
# # hledger/Hledger/*/*hs \
# # hledger-web/Application.hs \
# # hledger-web/Foundation.hs \
# # hledger-web/Hledger/*hs \
# # hledger-web/Hledger/*/*hs \
# # hledger-web/Import.hs \
# # hledger-web/Settings.hs \
# # hledger-web/Settings/*hs \
# # hledger-web/app/*hs \
hledger/hledger.cabal \
# hledger/hledger.cabal \
# hledger-*/*.cabal
hledger-web/templates/* \
hledger-web/static/*.js \
# hledger-web/templates/* \
# hledger-web/static/*.js \
# hledger-web/static/*.css
# doc/*.md
# # files which should be updated when the version changes
# doc/ \
# files which should be updated when the version changes
doc/ \
# # file(s) which require recompilation for a build to have an up-to-date version string
# VERSIONSOURCEFILE=hledger/Hledger/Cli/Version.hs
# # master file defining the current release/build version
# VERSIONFILE=.version
# master file defining the current release/build version
# # two or three-part version string, whatever's in VERSION
# VERSION:=$(shell cat $(VERSIONFILE))
# two or three-part version string, whatever's in VERSION
VERSION:=$(shell cat $(VERSIONFILE))
# # the number of commits since the last tag
# PATCHLEVEL:=$(shell git describe --long | awk -F - '{print $$2}')
# # the number of commits since the last_release tag
# #PATCHLEVEL:=$(shell git rev-list last_release..HEAD | wc -l)
# # build flags
# # comment the below to see more warnings
# -Wall \
# -fno-warn-unused-do-bind \
# -fno-warn-name-shadowing \
# -fno-warn-missing-signatures \
# -fno-warn-orphans \
# -fno-warn-type-defaults \
# flags for ghc builds
-Wall \
-fno-warn-unused-do-bind \
-fno-warn-name-shadowing \
-fno-warn-missing-signatures \
-fno-warn-orphans \
-fno-warn-type-defaults \
# # For ghc-only dev builds of hledger-web: enable the language
# # extensions specified in hledger-web.cabal, except for some which are
@ -153,12 +172,14 @@ default: help \
# # include the macro definitions generated by cabal build,
# # from either dist or dist-sandbox (hopefully you don't have both)
# CABALMACROSFLAGS=-optP-include -optP hledger/dist*/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h
# ghc builds need the macro definitions generated by cabal
# from cabal's dist or dist-sandbox, hopefully there's just one
#CABALMACROSFLAGS=-optP-include -optP hledger/dist*/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h
# from stack's dist, hopefully there's just one
CABALMACROSFLAGS=-optP-include -optP hledger/.stack-work/dist/*/*/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h
# PROFBUILDFLAGS:=-prof -fprof-auto -osuf hs_p
# # sp needs different quoting:
@ -178,7 +199,11 @@ default: help \
# $(call def-help-section,INSTALLING)
$(call def-help-subsection,INSTALLING:)
install: \
$(call def-help,install, download dependencies and install hledger executables to ~/.local/bin or equivalent (with stack))
stack install
# cabal-install: \
# $(call def-help,cabal-install,\
@ -200,24 +225,15 @@ default: help \
# # )
# # -for p in $(call reverse,$(PACKAGES)); do $(GHCPKG) unregister $$p; done
# # utility function
# reverse = $(if $(wordlist 2,2,$(1)),$(call reverse,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1))) $(firstword $(1)),$(1))
# cabal%: \
# $(call def-help,cabalCMD,\
# run cabal CMD inside each hledger package directory\
# )
# for p in $(PACKAGES); do (echo doing cabal $* in $$p; cd $$p; cabal $*; echo); done
# # # run a command in all hledger package dirs
# # all%:
# # for p in $(PACKAGES); do (echo doing $* in $$p; cd $$p; $*); done
# $(call def-help-section,DEVELOPER BUILDS)
$(call def-help-subsection,BUILDING:)
build: \
$(call def-help,build, download dependencies and build hledger executables (with stack))
stack build
# check-setup: \
# $(call def-help,check-setup,\
# run some tests to validate the development environment\
@ -282,12 +298,10 @@ default: help \
# # force a compile even if binary exists, since we don't specify dependencies for these
# .PHONY: bin/hledgerdev bin/hledger-prof bin/hledgeropt bin/hledger-webdev
# bin/hledgerdev: \
# $(call def-help,bin/hledgerdev,\
# build hledger developer binary, ie as quickly as possible\
# requires cabal macros, generated by doing a cabal build in hledger/\
# )
# $(GHC) $(MAIN) -o bin/hledgerdev $(BUILDFLAGS)
# NB requires cabal macros generated by cabal build in hledger/
bin/hledgerdev hledgerdev: \
$(call def-help,hledgerdev, quickly build the hledger executable (with ghc and -DDEVELOPMENT) )
$(GHC) $(MAIN) -o bin/hledgerdev $(BUILDFLAGS)
# bin/hledgerdev.ghc-%: $(SOURCEFILES) \
# $(call def-help,bin/hledgerdev.ghc-%,\
@ -472,7 +486,7 @@ default: help \
# $(GHC) tools/generatejournal.hs
# $(call def-help-section,TESTING)
$(call def-help-subsection,TESTING:)
# packdeps: \
# $(call def-help,packdeps,\
@ -480,10 +494,8 @@ default: help \
# )
# for p in $(PACKAGES); do packdeps $$p/$$p.cabal; done
# test: codetest \
# $(call def-help,test,\
# run default tests; ie codetest\
# )
test: pkgtest builtintest functest \
$(call def-help,test, run default tests )
# test-ghc-%: # bin/hledgerdev.ghc-$* \
# $(call def-help,test-ghc-%,\
@ -527,47 +539,49 @@ default: help \
# )
# hlint --hint=hlint --report=hlint.html $(SOURCEFILES)
# unittest: bin/hledgerdev \
# $(call def-help,unittest,\
# run built-in unit tests\
# )
# @echo unit tests:
#@echo package tests:
pkgtest: \
$(call def-help,pkgtest, run the test suites for each package )
@(stack test \
&& echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
# NB ensure hledger executable is current (eg do pkgtest first)
#@echo "built-in tests (hledger cli unit tests)":
builtintest: \
$(call def-help,builtintest, run tests built in to the hledger executable (subset of pkg tests) )
@(stack exec hledger test \
&& echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
# builtintestghc: bin/hledgerdev \
# $(call def-help,builtintest, run built-in unit tests with ghc build )
# @(bin/hledgerdev test \
# && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
# unittest-%: bin/hledgerdev \
# $(call def-help,unittest-PAT,\
# run built-in unit tests whose name contains PAT\
# )
# @echo unit tests:
# builtintestghc-%: bin/hledgerdev \
# $(call def-help,builtintest-PAT, run built-in unit tests whose name contains PAT )
# @(bin/hledgerdev test $* \
# && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
# # unittest-standalone: tools/unittest \
# # $(call def-help,unittest-standalone,\
# # XXX doesnt rebuild on hledger source changes\
# # )
# # @echo unit tests (standalone):
# # @(tools/unittest \
# # && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
# # unittest-interpreted: \
# # $(call def-help,unittest-interpreted,\
# # run unit tests without waiting for compilation\
# # )
# # @echo "unit tests (interpreted)":
# # @(run$(GHC) $(MAIN) test \
# # && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
# # shelltest -j16 sometimes gives "commitAndReleaseBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)" here but seems harmless
# functest: bin/hledgerdev tests/addons/hledger-addon \
# $(call def-help,functest,\
# run functional tests; requires shelltestrunner >= 0.9 from hackage\
# builtintestghc-interpreted: \
# $(call def-help,builtintest-interpreted,\
# run built-in unit tests without waiting for compilation\
# )
# @echo functional tests:
# @(COLUMNS=80 PATH=`pwd`/bin:$(PATH) $(SHELLTEST) tests \
# @echo "builtin tests (interpreted)":
# @(run$(GHC) $(MAIN) test \
# && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
# NB ensure hledger executable is current (eg do pkgtest first)
functest: tests/addons/hledger-addon \
$(call def-help,functest, run hledger functional tests with the stack build )
@(COLUMNS=80 PATH=`pwd`/bin:$(PATH) $(SHELLTESTSTK) tests \
&& echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
#@echo functional tests:
functestdef: bin/hledgerdev tests/addons/hledger-addon \
$(call def-help-hide,functestdef, run hledger functional tests with the hledger in PATH )
@(COLUMNS=80 PATH=`pwd`/bin:$(PATH) $(SHELLTEST) tests \
&& echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
# ADDONEXTS=pl py rb sh hs lhs rkt exe com bat
# tests/addons/hledger-addon: \
# $(call def-help,tests/addons/hledger-addon,\
@ -591,12 +605,10 @@ default: help \
# @for f in $(DOCTESTFILES); do \
# (tools/doctest $$f && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED ; done
# haddocktest: \
# $(call def-help,haddocktest,\
# make sure we have no haddock errors\
# )
# @(make --quiet haddock \
# && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
haddocktest: \
$(call def-help,haddocktest, run haddock and make sure it succeeds )
@(make --quiet haddock \
&& echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
# warningstest: \
# $(call def-help,warningstest,\
@ -774,7 +786,7 @@ default: help \
# tools/generatejournal 100000 1000 10 >$@
# $(call def-help-section,DOCUMENTATION)
$(call def-help-subsection,DOCUMENTATION:)
# docs: site codedocs \
# $(call def-help,docs,\
@ -883,7 +895,7 @@ HADDOCKFLAGS= \
--ghc-options='-optP-P' \
haddock: \
$(call def-help,haddock,build haddock docs for hledger packages)
$(call def-help,haddock, generate haddock docs for the hledger packages )
stack haddock --no-haddock-deps --no-keep-going # && echo OK
# stack -v haddock --no-haddock-deps --no-keep-going # && echo OK
@ -961,8 +973,8 @@ haddock: \
# # hoogle --convert=main.txt --output=default.hoo
# $(call def-help-section,RELEASING)
# cf developer guide -> how to -> major/minor release
$(call def-help-subsection,RELEASING:)
#$(call def-help-subsection,see also developer guide -> how to -> do a release)
# # Version numbering. See also .version and Version.hs.
@ -1040,51 +1052,36 @@ haddock: \
# # )
# # darcs record -m "bump version" $(VERSIONFILE) $(VERSIONSENSITIVEFILES)
# $(call def-help,setversion,\
# update the version string in local files. This should be run immediately\
# after editing the VERSION file.\
# )
$(call def-help,setversion, update all version strings to match $(VERSIONFILE) )
# Setversion: \
# $(call def-help,Setversion,\
# re-update version string even if it seems unchanged\
# )
# touch $(VERSIONFILE); make setversion
$(call def-help,setversionforce, update all version strings even if $(VERSIONFILE) seems unchanged)
touch $(VERSIONFILE); make setversion
# hledger-lib/hledger-lib.cabal: $(VERSIONFILE) \
# $(call def-help,hledger-lib/hledger-lib.cabal,\
# update the version in this file when $(VERSIONFILE) has changed \
# )
# perl -p -e "s/(^ *version:) *.*/\1 $(VERSION)/" -i $@
hledger-lib/hledger-lib.cabal: $(VERSIONFILE) \
$(call def-help-hide,hledger-lib/hledger-lib.cabal, update the version in this file )
perl -p -e "s/(^ *version:) *.*/\1 $(VERSION)/" -i $@
# hledger/hledger.cabal: $(VERSIONFILE) \
# $(call def-help,hledger/hledger.cabal,\
# update the version in this file when $(VERSIONFILE) has changed \
# )
# perl -p -e "s/(^ *version:) *.*/\1 $(VERSION)/" -i $@
# perl -p -e "s/(^[ ,]*hledger(-lib)? *[>=]=) *.*/\1 $(VERSION)/" -i $@
# perl -p -e "s/(-DVERSION=\")[^\"]+/\$${1}$(VERSION)/" -i $@
hledger/hledger.cabal: $(VERSIONFILE) \
$(call def-help-hide,hledger/hledger.cabal, update the version in this file )
perl -p -e "s/(^ *version:) *.*/\1 $(VERSION)/" -i $@
perl -p -e "s/(^[ ,]*hledger(-lib)? *[>=]=) *.*/\1 $(VERSION)/" -i $@
perl -p -e "s/(-DVERSION=\")[^\"]+/\$${1}$(VERSION)/" -i $@
# hledger-web/hledger-web.cabal: $(VERSIONFILE) \
# $(call def-help,hledger-web/hledger-web.cabal,\
# update the version in this file when $(VERSIONFILE) has changed \
# )
# perl -p -e "s/(^ *version:) *.*/\1 $(VERSION)/" -i $@
# perl -p -e "s/(^[ ,]*hledger(-lib|-web)? *[>=]=) *.*/\1 $(VERSION)/" -i $@
# perl -p -e "s/(-DVERSION=\")[^\"]+/\$${1}$(VERSION)/" -i $@
hledger-web/hledger-web.cabal: $(VERSIONFILE) \
$(call def-help-hide,hledger-web/hledger-web.cabal, update the version in this file )
perl -p -e "s/(^ *version:) *.*/\1 $(VERSION)/" -i $@
perl -p -e "s/(^[ ,]*hledger(-lib|-web)? *[>=]=) *.*/\1 $(VERSION)/" -i $@
perl -p -e "s/(-DVERSION=\")[^\"]+/\$${1}$(VERSION)/" -i $@
# doc/ $(VERSIONFILE) \
# $(call def-help,hledger-web/hledger-web.cabal,\
# update the version in this file when $(VERSIONFILE) has changed \
# )
# perl -p -e "s/(^Version:) +[0-9.]+/\1 $(VERSION)/" -i $@
$(call def-help-hide,doc/, update the version in this file )
perl -p -e "s/(^Version:) +[0-9.]+/\1 $(VERSION)/" -i $@
# tagrelease: \
# $(call def-help,tagrelease,\
# commit a release tag based on $(VERSIONFILE) for each package\
# )
# for p in $(PACKAGES); do git tag $$p-$(VERSION); done
tagrelease: \
$(call def-help,tagrelease, commit a release tag based on $(VERSIONFILE) for each package )
for p in $(PACKAGES); do git tag $$p-$(VERSION); done
# hackageupload-dry: \
# $(call def-help,hackageupload-dry,\
@ -1255,48 +1252,66 @@ haddock: \
# @echo
# $(call def-help-section,MISCELLANEOUS)
$(call def-help-subsection,MISCELLANEOUS:)
# tag: emacstags \
# $(call def-help,tag,\
# generate tag files for source code navigation; currently just emacs\
# )
usage: cabalusage stackusage \
$(call def-help,usage, show size of various dirs )
du -sh .git bin data doc extra
du -sh .
# emacstags: \
# $(call def-help,emacstags,\
# \
# )
# -@rm -f TAGS; hasktags -e $(SOURCEFILES) $(WEBFILES) $(CABALFILES) $(DOCFILES) Makefile
stackusage: \
$(call def-help,stackusage, show size of stack working dirs )
-du -shc `find . -name '.stack*'`
# cleanghc: \
# $(call def-help,cleanghc,\
# remove object files etc. left over from non-cabal developer builds\
# )
# rm -rf `find . -name "*.o" -o -name "*.hi" -o -name "*~" | grep -vE '(virthualenv|cabal-sandbox)'`
cabalusage: \
$(call def-help,cabalusage, show size of cabal working dirs if any )
-du -shc */dist* 2>/dev/null
# cleanbin: \
# $(call def-help,cleanbin,\
# remove non-cabal executables\
# )
# rm -f bin/hledgerdev bin/hledgerdev.ghc*
tag: emacstags \
$(call def-help,tag, generate tag files for source code navigation (for emacs) )
# cleantags: \
# $(call def-help,cleantags,\
# remove tag files\
# )
# rm -f TAGS tags
-@rm -f TAGS; hasktags -e $(SOURCEFILES) $(WEBFILES) $(CABALFILES) $(DOCFILES) Makefile
# clean: cleanghc \
# $(call def-help,clean,\
# default cleanup - ghc object files\
# )
cleantags: \
$(call def-help-hide,cleantags, remove tag files )
rm -f TAGS tags
# Clean: cleanghc cabalclean cleanbin cleantags \
# $(call def-help,Clean,\
# thorough cleanup - cabal and non-cabal builds and tags \
# )
stackclean: \
$(call def-help-hide,stackclean, remove .stack-work/* in packages (but not in project) )
stack clean
Stackclean: \
$(call def-help-hide,Stackclean, remove all stack working dirs )
stack clean
cleanghco: \
$(call def-help-hide,cleanghc, remove ghc build leftovers )
rm -rf `find . -name "*.o" -o -name "*.hi" -o -name "*~" | grep -vE '(virthualenv|cabal-sandbox)'`
cleanghc: cleanghco \
$(call def-help-hide,cleanghc, remove ghc builds )
rm -f bin/hledgerdev bin/hledgerdev.ghc*
clean: cleanghco \
$(call def-help,clean, default cleanup (ghc build leftovers) )
Clean: stackclean cabalclean cleanghc cleantags \
$(call def-help,Clean, thorough cleanup (stack/cabal/ghc builds and tags) )
# reverse = $(if $(wordlist 2,2,$(1)),$(call reverse,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1))) $(firstword $(1)),$(1))
cabal%: \
$(call def-help,cabalCMD, run cabal CMD inside each hledger package directory )
for p in $(PACKAGES); do (cd $$p; cabal $*); done
all%: \
$(call def-help,all"CMD", run CMD inside each hledger package directory )
for p in $(PACKAGES); do (cd $$p; $*); done
$(call def-help-section,------------------)