fix a regression balancing a transaction containing different prices

And try to clarify amount arithmetic a bit more. More to come I expect.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2011-09-03 21:27:37 +00:00
parent 27e4fec943
commit 1de9cc1d80
2 changed files with 31 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ instance Show MixedAmount where show = showMixedAmount
instance Num MixedAmount where
fromInteger i = Mixed [Amount (comm "") (fromInteger i) Nothing]
negate (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map negate as
(+) (Mixed as) (Mixed bs) = normaliseMixedAmount $ Mixed $ as ++ bs
(+) (Mixed as) (Mixed bs) = normaliseMixedAmountPreservingPrice $ Mixed $ as ++ bs
(*) = error' "programming error, mixed amounts do not support multiplication"
abs = error' "programming error, mixed amounts do not support abs"
signum = error' "programming error, mixed amounts do not support signum"
@ -275,26 +275,36 @@ nullmixedamt = Mixed []
missingamt :: MixedAmount
missingamt = Mixed [Amount unknown{symbol="AUTO"} 0 Nothing]
-- | Simplify a mixed amount by removing redundancy in its component amounts,
-- as follows:
-- 1. combine amounts which have the same commodity, discarding all but the first's price.
-- 2. remove zero amounts
-- 3. if there are no amounts at all, add a single zero amount
-- | Simplify a mixed amount's component amounts: combine amounts with the
-- same commodity and price, remove any zero amounts, and replace an empty
-- amount list with a single zero amount.
normaliseMixedAmountPreservingPrice :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
normaliseMixedAmountPreservingPrice (Mixed as) = Mixed as''
as'' = if null nonzeros then [nullamt] else nonzeros
(_,nonzeros) = partition (\a -> isReallyZeroAmount a && Mixed [a] /= missingamt) as'
as' = map sumAmountsUsingFirstPrice $ group $ sort as
sort = sortBy (\a1 a2 -> compare (sym a1,price a1) (sym a2,price a2))
group = groupBy (\a1 a2 -> sym a1 == sym a2 && price a1 == price a2)
sym = symbol . commodity
-- | Simplify a mixed amount's component amounts: combine amounts with the
-- same commodity, remove any zero amounts, and replace an empty amount
-- list with a single zero amount. Unlike normaliseMixedAmountPreservingPrice,
-- this one discards all but the first price encountered in each commodity.
-- (This is used more for display than arithmetic, but seems a bit odd. XXX)
normaliseMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
normaliseMixedAmount (Mixed as) = Mixed as''
as'' = if null nonzeros then [nullamt] else nonzeros
(_,nonzeros) = partition (\a -> isReallyZeroAmount a && Mixed [a] /= missingamt) as'
as' = map sumAmountsDiscardingAllButFirstPrice $ group $ sort as
as' = map sumAmountsUsingFirstPrice $ group $ sort as
sort = sortBy (\a1 a2 -> compare (sym a1) (sym a2))
group = groupBy (\a1 a2 -> sym a1 == sym a2)
sym = symbol . commodity
sumAmountsDiscardingAllButFirstPrice [] = nullamt
sumAmountsDiscardingAllButFirstPrice as = (sum as){price=price $ head as}
sumAmountsUsingFirstPrice [] = nullamt
sumAmountsUsingFirstPrice as = (sum as){price=price $ head as}
-- | Get a mixed amount's component amounts.
amounts :: MixedAmount -> [Amount]

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# this should balance
bin/hledger -f - print
a 1h @ $10
b 1h @ $20
c $-30
>>>2 !/could not balance/
>>>= 0