feat: check recentassertions disallows assertion lag > 7 days

hledger check recentassertions (or flycheck-hledger if you enable this
check) will complain if any balance-asserted account does not have a
balance assertion within 7 days before its latest posting.  This aims
to prevent the situation where you are regularly updating your
journal, but forgetting to check your balances against the real world,
eventually requiring you to dig back through months of data to find
the error.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2022-07-31 07:02:55 +01:00
parent f82d3e27b8
commit 1ed8c20978
4 changed files with 146 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -6,32 +6,36 @@ others can be called only via the check command.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Hledger.Data.JournalChecks (
module Hledger.Data.JournalChecks.Ordereddates,
module Hledger.Data.JournalChecks.Uniqueleafnames,
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Safe (atMay)
import Safe (atMay, lastMay)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Hledger.Data.Errors
import Hledger.Data.Journal
import Hledger.Data.JournalChecks.Ordereddates
import Hledger.Data.JournalChecks.Uniqueleafnames
import Hledger.Data.Posting (isVirtual)
import Hledger.Data.Posting (isVirtual, postingDate, postingStatus)
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Amount (amountIsZero, amountsRaw, missingamt)
import Hledger.Data.Transaction (transactionPayee, showTransactionLineFirstPart)
import Hledger.Data.Transaction (transactionPayee, showTransactionLineFirstPart, showTransaction)
import Data.Time (Day, diffDays)
import Data.List.Extra
import Hledger.Utils (chomp, textChomp, sourcePosPretty)
-- | Check that all the journal's postings are to accounts with
-- account directives, returning an error message otherwise.
@ -158,3 +162,131 @@ journalCheckPayees j = mapM_ checkpayee (jtxns j)
col = T.length (showTransactionLineFirstPart t) + 2
col2 = col + T.length (transactionPayee t) - 1
-- | Information useful for checking the age and lag of an account's latest balance assertion.
data BalanceAssertionInfo = BAI {
baiAccount :: AccountName -- ^ the account
, baiLatestAssertionPosting :: Posting -- ^ the account's latest posting with a balance assertion
, baiLatestAssertionDate :: Day -- ^ the posting date
, baiLatestAssertionStatus :: Status -- ^ the posting status
, baiLatestPostingDate :: Day -- ^ the date of this account's latest posting with or without a balance assertion
-- | Given a list of postings to the same account,
-- if any of them contain a balance assertion,
-- calculate the last asserted and posted dates.
balanceAssertionInfo :: [Posting] -> Maybe BalanceAssertionInfo
balanceAssertionInfo ps =
case (mlatestp, mlatestassertp) of
(Just latestp, Just latestassertp) -> Just $
BAI{baiAccount = paccount latestassertp
,baiLatestAssertionDate = postingDate latestassertp
,baiLatestAssertionPosting = latestassertp
,baiLatestAssertionStatus = postingStatus latestassertp
,baiLatestPostingDate = postingDate latestp
_ -> Nothing
ps' = sortOn postingDate ps
mlatestp = lastMay ps'
mlatestassertp = lastMay $ filter (isJust.pbalanceassertion) ps
maxlag = 7
-- | The number of days between this balance assertion and the latest posting in its account.
baiLag BAI{..} = diffDays baiLatestPostingDate baiLatestAssertionDate
-- -- | The earliest balance assertion date which would satisfy the recentassertions check.
-- baiLagOkDate :: BalanceAssertionInfo -> Day
-- baiLagOkDate BAI{..} = addDays (-7) baiLatestPostingDate
-- | Check that all the journal's accounts with balance assertions have
-- an assertion no more than 7 days before their latest posting.
-- Today's date is provided for error messages.
journalCheckRecentAssertions :: Day -> Journal -> Either String ()
journalCheckRecentAssertions today j =
acctps = groupOn paccount $ sortOn paccount $ journalPostings j
acctassertioninfos = mapMaybe balanceAssertionInfo acctps
case mapM_ checkRecentAssertion acctassertioninfos of
Right () -> Right ()
Left (bai@BAI{..}, msg) -> Left errmsg
errmsg = chomp $ printf
(unlines [
-- "In balance-asserted account %s,",
"The recentassertions check is enabled, so accounts with balance assertions",
"must have an assertion no more than %d days before their latest posting date.",
"In account %s,",
(maybe "(no position)" -- shouldn't happen
(sourcePosPretty . baposition) $ pbalanceassertion baiLatestAssertionPosting)
(textChomp excerpt)
(_,_,_,excerpt) = makeBalanceAssertionErrorExcerpt baiLatestAssertionPosting
| baiLag bai > maxlag = unlines [
"Consider adding a more recent balance assertion for this account. Eg:",
printf "%s *\n %s $0 = $0 ; <- adjust" (show today) baiAccount
| otherwise = unlines [
"Consider marking this posting or transaction cleared. Eg:",
case ptransaction baiLatestAssertionPosting of
Nothing -> "(no transaction)" -- shouldn't happen
Just t -> T.unpack $ showTransaction t'
t' = t{tstatus=tstatus', tpostings=ps'}
-- clear just the posting if it was marked pending, otherwise clear the whole transaction
ispunmarked = pstatus baiLatestAssertionPosting == Unmarked
tstatus' = if ispunmarked then Cleared else tstatus t
pstatus' = if ispunmarked then Unmarked else Cleared
ps' = beforeps ++ [baiLatestAssertionPosting{pstatus=pstatus'}] ++ afterps
beforeps = takeWhile (/= baiLatestAssertionPosting) $ tpostings t
afterps = drop (length beforeps + 1) $ tpostings t
-- | Check that this latest assertion is close enough to the account's latest posting.
checkRecentAssertion :: BalanceAssertionInfo -> Either (BalanceAssertionInfo, String) ()
checkRecentAssertion bai@BAI{..}
| lag > maxlag =
Left (bai, printf (chomp $ unlines [
"the last balance assertion (%s) was %d days before"
,"the latest posting (%s)."
(show baiLatestAssertionDate) lag (show baiLatestPostingDate)
| baiLatestAssertionStatus /= Cleared =
Left (bai, printf "the last balance assertion's status is %s, should be * (cleared)"
(case baiLatestAssertionStatus of
Unmarked -> "unmarked" :: String
Pending -> "! (pending)"
Cleared -> "* (cleared)"))
| otherwise = Right ()
lag = baiLag bai
-- -- | Print the last balance assertion date & status of all accounts with balance assertions.
-- printAccountLastAssertions :: Day -> [BalanceAssertionInfo] -> IO ()
-- printAccountLastAssertions today acctassertioninfos = do
-- forM_ acctassertioninfos $ \BAI{..} -> do
-- putStr $ printf "%-30s %s %s, %d days ago\n"
-- baiAccount
-- (if baiLatestAssertionStatus==Unmarked then " " else show baiLatestAssertionStatus)
-- (show baiLatestAssertionDate)
-- (diffDays today baiLatestAssertionDate)

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@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ data Check =
-- done on demand by check
| Ordereddates
| Payees
| Recentassertions
| Uniqueleafnames
deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Enum,Bounded)
@ -96,12 +97,14 @@ parseCheckArgument s =
-- on this journal with these options.
runCheck :: CliOpts -> Journal -> (Check,[String]) -> IO ()
runCheck CliOpts{reportspec_=ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts}} j (check,_) = do
d <- getCurrentDay
results = case check of
Accounts -> journalCheckAccounts j
Commodities -> journalCheckCommodities j
Ordereddates -> journalCheckOrdereddates (whichDate ropts) j
Payees -> journalCheckPayees j
Recentassertions -> journalCheckRecentAssertions d j
Uniqueleafnames -> journalCheckUniqueleafnames j
-- the other checks have been done earlier during withJournalDo
_ -> Right ()

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@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ They are more specialised and not desirable for everyone, therefore optional:
- **payees** - all payees used by transactions [have been declared](#declaring-payees)
- **recentassertions** - all accounts with balance assertions have a
(cleared) assertion no more than 7 days before their latest posting
- **uniqueleafnames** - all account leaf names are unique
### Custom checks

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@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ therefore optional:
- payees - all payees used by transactions have been declared
- recentassertions - all accounts with balance assertions have a
balance assertion, marked cleared, within 7 days of their latest
- uniqueleafnames - all account leaf names are unique
Custom checks