fix: fix multi-file account display order; improve file read logging (#1909)

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2022-08-14 08:45:59 +01:00
parent 4be4525b90
commit 1f08a8a94e
4 changed files with 71 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.Journal (
-- * Filtering
@ -98,11 +99,13 @@ module Hledger.Data.Journal (
-- * Misc
-- * Tests
@ -117,7 +120,7 @@ import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT)
import Data.Char (toUpper, isDigit)
import Data.Default (Default(..))
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List ((\\), find, foldl', sortBy, union)
import Data.List ((\\), find, foldl', sortBy, union, intercalate)
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, mapMaybe, maybeToList)
@ -141,6 +144,7 @@ import Hledger.Data.Transaction
import Hledger.Data.TransactionModifier
import Hledger.Data.Valuation
import Hledger.Query
import System.FilePath (takeFileName)
-- | A parser of text that runs in some monad, keeping a Journal as state.
@ -188,9 +192,7 @@ instance Show Journal where
-- The semigroup instance for Journal is useful for two situations.
-- 1. concatenating finalised journals, eg with multiple -f options:
-- FIRST <> SECOND. The second's list fields are appended to the
-- first's, map fields are combined, transaction counts are summed,
-- the parse state of the second is kept.
-- 2. merging a child parsed journal, eg with the include directive:
-- CHILD <> PARENT. A parsed journal's data is in reverse order, so
@ -198,9 +200,21 @@ instance Show Journal where
-- Note that (<>) is right-biased, so nulljournal is only a left identity.
-- In particular, this prevents Journal from being a monoid.
instance Semigroup Journal where
j1 <> j2 =
instance Semigroup Journal where j1 <> j2 = j1 `journalConcat` j2
-- | Merge two journals into one.
-- Transaction counts are summed, map fields are combined,
-- the second's list fields are appended to the first's,
-- the second's parse state is kept.
journalConcat :: Journal -> Journal -> Journal
journalConcat j1 j2 =
f1 = takeFileName $ journalFilePath j1
f2 = maybe "(unknown)" takeFileName $ headMay $ jincludefilestack j2 -- XXX more accurate than journalFilePath for some reason
dbgJournalAcctDeclOrder ("journalConcat: " <> f1 <> " <> " <> f2 <> ", acct decls renumbered: ") $
journalRenumberAccountDeclarations $
dbgJournalAcctDeclOrder ("journalConcat: " <> f1 <> " <> " <> f2 <> ", acct decls : ") $
Journal {
jparsedefaultyear = jparsedefaultyear j2
,jparsedefaultcommodity = jparsedefaultcommodity j2
@ -228,13 +242,33 @@ instance Semigroup Journal where
,jlastreadtime = max (jlastreadtime j1) (jlastreadtime j2)
-- | Renumber all the account declarations. Call this after combining two journals into one,
-- so that account declarations have a total order again.
-- | Renumber all the account declarations. This is useful to call when
-- finalising or concatenating Journals, to give account declarations
-- a total order across files.
journalRenumberAccountDeclarations :: Journal -> Journal
journalRenumberAccountDeclarations j = j{jdeclaredaccounts=jdas'}
jdas' = [(a, adi{adideclarationorder=n}) | (n, (a,adi)) <- zip [1..] $ jdeclaredaccounts j]
-- XXX the per-file declaration order saved during parsing is discarded; it seems unneeded
-- the per-file declaration order saved during parsing is discarded,
-- it seems unneeded except perhaps for debugging
-- | Debug log the ordering of a journal's account declarations
-- (at debug level 5+).
dbgJournalAcctDeclOrder :: String -> Journal -> Journal
dbgJournalAcctDeclOrder prefix
| debugLevel >= 5 = traceWith ((prefix++) . showAcctDeclsSummary . jdeclaredaccounts)
| otherwise = id
showAcctDeclsSummary :: [(AccountName,AccountDeclarationInfo)] -> String
showAcctDeclsSummary adis
| length adis < (2*num+2) = "[" <> showadis adis <> "]"
| otherwise =
"[" <> showadis (take num adis) <> " ... " <> showadis (takelast num adis) <> "]"
num = 3
showadis = intercalate ", " . map showadi
showadi (a,adi) = "("<>show (adideclarationorder adi)<>","<>T.unpack a<>")"
takelast n = reverse . take n . reverse
instance Default Journal where
def = nulljournal

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ import Safe (headDef)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getHomeDirectory)
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>), splitDirectories, splitFileName)
import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>), splitDirectories, splitFileName, takeFileName)
import System.Info (os)
import System.IO (hPutStr, stderr)
@ -139,9 +139,8 @@ type PrefixedFilePath = FilePath
-- since hledger 1.17, we prefer predictability.)
readJournal :: InputOpts -> Maybe FilePath -> Text -> ExceptT String IO Journal
readJournal iopts mpath txt = do
let r :: Reader IO =
fromMaybe JournalReader.reader $ findReader (mformat_ iopts) mpath
dbg6IO "trying reader" (rFormat r)
let r :: Reader IO = fromMaybe JournalReader.reader $ findReader (mformat_ iopts) mpath
dbg6IO "readJournal: trying reader" (rFormat r)
rReadFn r iopts (fromMaybe "(string)" mpath) txt
-- | Read a Journal from this file, or from stdin if the file path is -,
@ -161,7 +160,9 @@ readJournalFile iopts prefixedfile = do
(mfmt, f) = splitReaderPrefix prefixedfile
iopts' = iopts{mformat_=asum [mfmt, mformat_ iopts]}
liftIO $ requireJournalFileExists f
t <- liftIO $ readFileOrStdinPortably f
t <-
traceAt 6 ("readJournalFile: "++takeFileName f) $
liftIO $ readFileOrStdinPortably f
-- <- T.readFile f -- or without line ending translation, for testing
j <- readJournal iopts' (Just f) t
if new_ iopts

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@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ import Hledger.Query (Query(..), filterQuery, parseQueryTerm, queryEndDate, quer
import Hledger.Reports.ReportOptions (ReportOpts(..), queryFromFlags, rawOptsToReportOpts)
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Read.InputOptions
import System.FilePath (takeFileName)
--- ** doctest setup
-- $setup
@ -324,6 +325,10 @@ journalFinalise iopts@InputOpts{..} f txt pj = do
>>= journalBalanceTransactions balancingopts_ -- Balance all transactions and maybe check balance assertions.
<&> (if infer_equity_ then journalAddInferredEquityPostings else id) -- Add inferred equity postings, after balancing and generating auto postings
<&> journalInferMarketPricesFromTransactions -- infer market prices from commodity-exchanging transactions
<&> traceAt 6 ("journalFinalise: " <> takeFileName f) -- debug logging
<&> dbgJournalAcctDeclOrder ("journalFinalise: " <> takeFileName f <> " acct decls : ")
<&> journalRenumberAccountDeclarations
<&> dbgJournalAcctDeclOrder ("journalFinalise: " <> takeFileName f <> " acct decls renumbered: ")
when strict_ $ do
journalCheckAccounts j -- If in strict mode, check all postings are to declared accounts
journalCheckCommodities j -- and using declared commodities

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@ -187,9 +187,7 @@ reader = Reader
parse :: InputOpts -> FilePath -> Text -> ExceptT String IO Journal
parse iopts f = parseAndFinaliseJournal journalp' iopts f
journalp' =
-- debug logging for account display order
dbgJournalAcctDeclOrder (takeFileName f <> " acct decls: ") <$> do
journalp' = do
-- reverse parsed aliases to ensure that they are applied in order given on commandline
mapM_ addAccountAlias (reverse $ aliasesFromOpts iopts)
@ -300,39 +298,35 @@ includedirectivep = do
when (filepath `elem` parentfilestack) $ ("Cyclic include: " ++ filepath)
childInput <- lift $ readFilePortably filepath
`orRethrowIOError` (show parentpos ++ " reading " ++ filepath)
childInput <-
traceAt 6 ("parseChild: "++takeFileName filepath) $
lift $ readFilePortably filepath
`orRethrowIOError` (show parentpos ++ " reading " ++ filepath)
let initChildj = newJournalWithParseStateFrom filepath parentj
-- Choose a reader/parser based on the file path prefix or file extension,
-- defaulting to JournalReader. Duplicating readJournal a bit here.
let r = fromMaybe reader $ findReader Nothing (Just prefixedpath)
parser = rParser r
dbg6IO "trying reader" (rFormat r)
dbg6IO "parseChild: trying reader" (rFormat r)
-- Parse the file (of whichever format) to a Journal, with file path and source text attached.
updatedChildj <- (journalAddFile (filepath, childInput)) <$>
updatedChildj <- journalAddFile (filepath, childInput) <$>
parseIncludeFile parser initChildj filepath childInput
-- Merge this child journal into the parent journal using Journal's Semigroup instance
-- (with lots of debug logging for troubleshooting account display order).
-- Merge this child journal into the parent journal
-- (with debug logging for troubleshooting account display order).
-- The parent journal is the second argument to journalConcat; this means
-- its parse state is kept, and its lists are appended to child's (which
-- ultimately produces the right list order, because parent's and child's
-- lists are in reverse order at this stage. Cf #1909).
parentj' =
dbgJournalAcctDeclOrder (" " <> parentfilename <> " acct decls now : ")
-- The child journal has not yet been finalises and its lists are still reversed.
-- To help calculate account declaration order across files (#1909),
-- unreverse just the acct declarations without disturbing anything else.
-- XXX still shows wrong order in some cases
reverseAcctDecls $
dbgJournalAcctDeclOrder (childfilename <> " include file acct decls: ") updatedChildj
dbgJournalAcctDeclOrder (" " <> parentfilename <> " acct decls were: ") parentj
dbgJournalAcctDeclOrder ("parseChild: child " <> childfilename <> " acct decls: ") updatedChildj
dbgJournalAcctDeclOrder ("parseChild: parent " <> parentfilename <> " acct decls: ") parentj
reverseAcctDecls j = j{jdeclaredaccounts = reverse $ jdeclaredaccounts j}
childfilename = takeFileName filepath
parentfilename = maybe "" takeFileName $ headMay $ jincludefilestack parentj -- more accurate than journalFilePath parentj somehow
@ -352,22 +346,6 @@ includedirectivep = do
,jincludefilestack = filepath : jincludefilestack j
dbgJournalAcctDeclOrder :: String -> Journal -> Journal
dbgJournalAcctDeclOrder prefix
| debugLevel >= 5 = traceWith ((prefix++) . showAcctDeclsSummary . jdeclaredaccounts)
| otherwise = id
showAcctDeclsSummary :: [(AccountName,AccountDeclarationInfo)] -> String
showAcctDeclsSummary adis
| length adis < (2*num+2) = "[" <> showadis adis <> "]"
| otherwise =
"[" <> showadis (take num adis) <> " ... " <> showadis (takelast num adis) <> "]"
num = 3
showadis = intercalate ", " . map showadi
showadi (a,adi) = "("<>show (adideclarationorder adi)<>","<>T.unpack a<>")"
takelast n = reverse . take n . reverse
-- | Lift an IO action into the exception monad, rethrowing any IO
-- error with the given message prepended.
orRethrowIOError :: MonadIO m => IO a -> String -> TextParser m a
@ -443,10 +421,7 @@ addAccountDeclaration (a,cmt,tags,pos) = do
d = (a, nullaccountdeclarationinfo{
adicomment = cmt
,aditags = tags
-- this restarts from 1 in each file, which is not that useful
-- when there are multiple files; so it gets renumbered
-- automatically when combining Journals with <>
,adideclarationorder = length decls + 1
,adideclarationorder = length decls + 1 -- gets renumbered when Journals are finalised or merged
,adisourcepos = pos