parsing: make bad date parse error more reliable

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2011-05-31 19:49:37 +00:00
parent c562412964
commit 1f24e025da

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@ -372,11 +372,12 @@ ledgerdate = do
datestr <- many1 $ choice' [digit, datesepchar]
let dateparts = wordsBy (`elem` datesepchars) datestr
currentyear <- getYear
let [y,m,d] = case (dateparts,currentyear) of
([m,d],Just y) -> [show y,m,d]
([_,_],Nothing) -> fail $ "partial date "++datestr++" found, but the current year is unknown"
_ -> dateparts
maybedate = fromGregorianValid (read y) (read m) (read d)
[y,m,d] <- case (dateparts,currentyear) of
([m,d],Just y) -> return [show y,m,d]
([_,_],Nothing) -> fail $ "partial date "++datestr++" found, but the current year is unknown"
([y,m,d],_) -> return [y,m,d]
_ -> fail $ "bad date: " ++ datestr
let maybedate = fromGregorianValid (read y) (read m) (read d)
case maybedate of
Nothing -> fail $ "bad date: " ++ datestr
Just date -> return date
@ -715,6 +716,11 @@ tests_Hledger_Read_JournalReader = TestList [
assertParse (parseWithCtx nullctx ledgercommentline " \t; x\n")
assertParse (parseWithCtx nullctx ledgercommentline ";x")
,"ledgerdate" ~: do
assertParse (parseWithCtx nullctx ledgerdate "2011/1/1")
assertParseFailure (parseWithCtx nullctx ledgerdate "1/1")
assertParse (parseWithCtx nullctx{ctxYear=Just 2011} ledgerdate "1/1")
,"ledgerDefaultYear" ~: do
assertParse (parseWithCtx nullctx ledgerDefaultYear "Y 2010\n")
assertParse (parseWithCtx nullctx ledgerDefaultYear "Y 10001\n")