make: clean out old stuff

[ci skip]
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2019-02-03 15:56:57 -08:00
parent 47f3ebf25a
commit 1ff2516a84
2 changed files with 26 additions and 1826 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# One of two project scripts files (Makefile, Shake.hs).
# This one is usually the simplest to use.
# This one was a reboot of Makefile.old.
# It is probably used by hledger developers/contributors but not end-users.
# It requires GNU Make (
# Also, some rules require:
# - stack (, installs libs and runs ghc)
@ -10,53 +11,43 @@
# - hpack (hackage/stackage, generates cabal files from package.yaml files)
# - site/hakyll-std/hakyll-std (generic site-building hakyll script)
# - perl
# WARNING: don't edit this with IDEA, it rewrites CLEANUPCHANGES below
# This was a reboot of Makefile.old. The old rules were commented out below,
# to be removed or updated over the next while.
# Target users: hledger developers, contributors, probably not end-users.
# Kinds of hledger builds:
# - stack build: built with stack
# (hledger/.stack-work/dist/ARCH/CABAL/build/hledger/hledger,
# .stack-work/install/ARCH/SNAPSHOT/GHC/bin/hledger, installs to ~/.local/bin)
# - cabal build: built with cabal (and maybe a sandbox)
# - cabal (v1) build: built with cabal (and maybe a sandbox)
# (hledger/dist/build/hledger/hledger, installs to ~/.cabal/bin)
# - ghc build: built quickly with ghc only, unoptimised, with DEVELOPMENT flag
# (bin/hledgerdev)
# - ghc-only build: built quickly with ghc only, unoptimised, with DEVELOPMENT flag
# (hledgerdev)
# This makefile mostly uses stack to get things done (slow but robust).
# Secondarily it uses ghc directly to do some developer tasks (faster).
# # Also if needed it uses cabal directly for a few tasks.
# It may sometimes (still ?) use ghc only, or cabal, when easier.
# XXX do we need this ?
#.SHELLFLAGS="-O extglob -c" # example
# help system
# Every user-relevant rule in this makefile should use def-help to define
# a help string. Use "make help" to see the available rules.
# def-help* functions for documenting make rules. See the file for usage.
# This defines the def-help* functions for describing make rules
# (see this file for usage details), and a default "help" rule.
# Every user-relevant rule in this makefile should use def-help to
# describe itself.
$(call def-help-heading,Main make rules in the hledger project.)
$(call def-help-heading,(not always entirely up to date))
$(call def-help-heading,---------------------------------------)
$(call def-help-heading, )
add-to-help-1: $(call def-help,[help], list documented rules in this makefile )
# Show all this makefile's rule descriptions on "make" or "make help";
# or just matching descriptions on "make help-SUBSTR" or "make SUBSTR-help".
$(call def-help-heading,Main rules in the hledger project Makefile:)
$(call def-help-subheading,HELP:)
dummy1: $(call def-help,[help], list documented rules in this makefile )
help-%: $(call def-help,help-SECTION, list documented rules containing some string )
make help 2>&1 | grep -i $*
%-help: $(call def-help,SECTION-help, same but easier to type (can append "-help" to any "make RULE") )
@make help 2>&1 | grep -i $*
add-to-help-2: $(call def-help,RULE -n, show what RULE would do )
dummy2: $(call def-help,RULE -n, show what RULE would do )
@ -200,51 +191,17 @@ WARNINGS:=\
-fno-warn-orphans \
-fno-warn-type-defaults \
# # For ghc-only dev builds of hledger-web: enable the language
# # extensions specified in hledger-web.cabal, except for some which are
# # not compatible with hledger-lib and hledger, or little-used; those
# # are enabled with source file pragmas instead. Note: compilation
# # warnings and errors might differ between ghc-only and cabal builds.
# -XCPP \
# -XMultiParamTypeClasses \
# -XQuasiQuotes \
# -XRecordWildCards \
# -XTemplateHaskell \
# # -XOverloadedStrings \
# # -XNoImplicitPrelude \
# # -XTypeFamilies \
# # -XGADTs \
# # -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving \
# # -XFlexibleContexts \
# # -XEmptyDataDecls \
# # -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
# if you have need to try building in less memory
# ghc builds need the macro definitions generated by cabal
# from cabal's dist or dist-sandbox dir, hopefully there's just one
# ghc-only builds need the macro definitions generated by cabal
# from cabal's dist or dist-sandbox dir, hopefully there's just one:
#CABALMACROSFLAGS=-optP-include -optP hledger/dist*/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h
# from stack's dist dir, hopefully there's just one. If not (after cabal upgrade), will get warnings. Maybe obsolete ?
# or from stack's dist dir:
#CABALMACROSFLAGS=-optP-include -optP hledger/.stack-work/dist/*/*/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h
# PROFBUILDFLAGS:=-prof -fprof-auto -osuf hs_p
# # sp needs different quoting:
# LINUXRELEASEBUILDFLAGS:=-DMAKE $(WARNINGS) $(INCLUDEPATHS) -O2 -static -optl-static -optl-pthread
# AUTOBUILD=$(SP) --no-exts --no-default-map $(GHC) -O0 $(GHCMEMFLAGS)
# # get an accurate binary filename for the current source and platform, slow but reliable. Avoid := here.
# BINARYFILENAME=$(shell touch $(VERSIONSOURCEFILE); runhaskell -ihledger -ihledger-lib $(MAIN) --binary-filename)
# # some other thing for linux binary filenames
# RELEASEBINARYSUFFIX=$(shell echo "-$(VERSION)-`uname`-`arch`" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
TIME=$(shell date +"%Y%m%d%H%M")
MONTHYEAR=$(shell date +'%B %Y')
@ -256,26 +213,6 @@ install: \
$(call def-help,install, download dependencies and install hledger executables to ~/.local/bin or equivalent (with stack))
$(STACK) install
# cabal-install: \
# $(call def-help,cabal-install,\
# cabal install the main hledger packages and all their dependencies\
# in the sandbox if any; otherwise in the users package db\
# )
# $(CABALINSTALL) $(patsubst %,./%,$(PACKAGES)) $(EXTRAINSTALLARGS) --enable-tests
# cabal-install-deps: \
# $(call def-help,cabal-install-deps,\
# cabal install the dependencies for the main hledger packages, but not the hledger packages \
# )
# $(CABALINSTALL) $(patsubst %,./%,$(PACKAGES)) $(EXTRAINSTALLARGS) --enable-tests --only-dependencies
# # uninstall: \
# # $(call def-help,uninstall,\
# # unregister all packages, assuming they are defined lowest-dependency first\
# # avoids some reinstall noise when repeatedly doing make install\
# # )
# # -for p in $(call reverse,$(PACKAGES)); do $(GHCPKG) unregister $$p; done
$(call def-help-subheading,BUILDING:)
@ -293,23 +230,6 @@ build: \
# @($(SHELLTEST) checks \
# && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
# auto: auto---version \
# $(call def-help,auto,\
# auto-recompile and run (something, eg --help or unit tests) whenever a module changes\
# )
# auto-%: sp \
# $(call def-help,auto-%,\
# \
# )
# $(AUTOBUILD) $(MAIN) -o bin/hledgerdev $(AUTOBUILDFLAGS) --run $*
# autoweb: sp link-web-dirs \
# $(call def-help,autoweb,\
# \
# )
# $(AUTOBUILD) hledger-web/app/main.hs -o bin/hledger-webdev $(AUTOBUILDFLAGS) $(WEBLANGEXTS) --run -B --port 5001 --base-url http://localhost:5001 -f webtest.j
link-web-dirs: config messages static templates \
$(call def-help,link-web-dirs,\
@ -339,35 +259,8 @@ templates: \
ln -sf hledger-web/$@
# sp: \
# $(call def-help,sp,\
# check for sp and explain how to get it if not found.\
# )
# @/usr/bin/env which sp >/dev/null || \
# (echo '"sp" is required for auto-compilation. darcs get, make it (cabal install-ing any needed packages) and add it to your PATH'; exit 1)
# force a compile even if binary exists, since we don't specify dependencies for these
.PHONY: bin/hledgerdev bin/hledgerprof # bin/hledger-webdev
# NB requires cabal macros generated by cabal build in hledger/
bin/hledgerdev hledgerdev: \
$(call def-help,hledgerdev, build an unoptimised "bin/hledgerdev" executable quickly (with ghc) )
$(GHC) $(MAIN) -o bin/hledgerdev $(BUILDFLAGS)
# bin/hledgerdev.ghc-%: $(SOURCEFILES) \
# $(call def-help,bin/hledgerdev.ghc-%,\
# build a GHC-version-specific hledger binary without disturbing with other GHC version builds\
# )
# ghc-$* $(MAIN) -o $@ $(BUILDFLAGS) -outputdir .ghc-$*
# bin/hledgerdev.ghcall: \
# bin/hledgerdev.ghc-7.6.1 \
# bin/hledgerdev.ghc-7.4.1 \
# bin/hledgerdev.ghc-7.2.2 \
# bin/hledgerdev.ghc-7.0.4 \
# $(call def-help,bin/hledgerdev.ghcall,\
# build hledger with the main supported GHC versions\
# )
.PHONY: bin/hledgerprof bin/hledgercov
hledgerprof: \
$(call def-help,hledgerprof, build "hledgerprof" for profiling (with stack) )
@ -375,19 +268,6 @@ hledgerprof: \
cp `$(STACK) exec which hledger`{,prof}
@echo to profile, use $(STACK) exec -- hledgerprof ...
# bin/hledgerprof: \
# $(call def-help,bin/hledgerprof,\
# build the "production" cabal build with profiling enabled.\
# )
# rm -f bin/hledgerprof
# cabal install --enable-profiling --ghc-options=-fprof-auto ./hledger-lib ./hledger \
# && mv $(CABALINSTALLDIR)/bin/hledger bin/hledgerprof
# # build the dev build with profiling enabled.
# # not working with cabal sandbox
# # bin/hledgerdev-prof:
hledgercov: \
$(call def-help,hledgercov, build "bin/hledgercov" for coverage reports (with ghc) )
$(GHC) $(MAIN) -fhpc -o bin/hledgercov -outputdir .hledgercovobjs $(BUILDFLAGS)
@ -397,14 +277,6 @@ dev: dev.hs $(SOURCEFILES) \
$(call def-help,dev, build the dev.hs script for quick experiments (with ghc) )
$(STACK) ghc -- $(CABALMACROSFLAGS) -ihledger-lib dev.hs \
# dev0: dev.hs $(SOURCEFILES) \
# $(call def-help,dev, build the dev.hs script for quick experiments (with ghc -O0) )
# $(STACK) ghc -- -O0 $(CABALMACROSFLAGS) -ihledger-lib dev.hs -o dev0 \
# dev2: dev.hs $(SOURCEFILES) \
# $(call def-help,dev, build the dev.hs script for quick experiments (with ghc -O2) )
# $(STACK) ghc -- -O2 $(CABALMACROSFLAGS) -ihledger-lib dev.hs -o dev2 \
# to get profiling deps installed, first do something like:
# stack build --library-profiling hledger-lib timeit criterion
devprof: dev.hs $(SOURCEFILES) \
@ -426,130 +298,6 @@ dev-heap-upload:
curl -F "file=@devprof-hc.hp" -F "title='hledger parser'"
curl -F "file=@devprof-hr.hp" -F "title='hledger parser'"
# # build other executables quickly
# bin/hledger-webdev: link-web-dirs \
# $(call def-help,bin/hledger-webdev,\
# \
# )
# $(GHC) -o $@ $(BUILDFLAGS) $(WEBLANGEXTS) hledger-web/app/main.hs
# bin/hledger-web-production: \
# $(call def-help,bin/hledger-web-production,\
# \
# )
# $(GHC) -o $@ $(BUILDFLAGS) $(WEBLANGEXTS) hledger-web/app/main.hs
# linuxbinaries: linuxbinary-hledger \
# linuxbinary-hledger-web \
# $(call def-help,linuxbinaries,\
# build portable releaseable binaries for gnu/linux\
# )
# @echo 'Please check the binaries look portable, then make compressbinaries:'
# -file bin/*`arch`
# linuxbinary-hledger: \
# $(call def-help,linuxbinary-hledger,\
# work around for inconsistently-named (why ?) hledger/app/hledger-cli.hs\
# )
# $(GHC) hledger/app/hledger-cli.hs -o bin/$*$(RELEASEBINARYSUFFIX) $(LINUXRELEASEBUILDFLAGS)
# linuxbinary-%: \
# $(call def-help,linuxbinary-%,\
# \
# )
# macbinaries: macbinary-hledger \
# macbinary-hledger-web \
# $(call def-help,macbinaries,\
# \
# )
# @echo 'Please check the binaries are portable, then make compressbinaries'
# otool -L bin/*`arch`
# macbinary-%: \
# $(call def-help,macbinary-%,\
# build a deployable mac binary for the specified hledger package, munging\
# the link command to use only standard osx libs. Specifically we link\
# without the non-standard GMP framework, which causes no apparent harm.\
# Clunky, does the link twice.\
# )
# BINARY=`echo $(BINARYFILENAME) | sed -e 's/hledger/$*/'` ; \
# LINKCMD=`$(GHC) -v $*/$*.hs $(MACRELEASEBUILDFLAGS) -o bin/$$BINARY 2>&1 | egrep "bin/gcc.*bin/$$BINARY"` ; \
# PORTABLELINKCMD=`echo $$LINKCMD | sed -e 's/ -framework GMP//'` ; \
# windowsbinaries: install \
# $(call def-help,windowsbinaries,\
# Run this on a windows machine or in a wine session, and probably in a\
# separate copy of the repo (hledger-win).\
# Builds and gather deployable binaries for windows, if cygwin tools are\
# present and all packages are buildable. Otherwise, cabal install each\
# package and gather the binaries by hand.\
# )
# cp ~/.cabal/bin/hledger.exe bin/`echo $(BINARYFILENAME) | dos2unix`
# -cp ~/.cabal/bin/hledger-web.exe bin/`echo $(BINARYFILENAME) | sed -e 's/hledger/hledger-web/' | dos2unix`
# @echo 'Please check the binaries are portable, then make compressbinaries'
# ls -l bin/*`arch`
# wine-cmd: \
# $(call def-help,wine-cmd,\
# various ways of getting a wine shell\
# command-line windows command prompt. Works eg in an emacs shell buffer.\
# )
# wine cmd
# wine-cmd2: \
# $(call def-help,wine-cmd2,\
# as above but try to cd somewhere useful (doesnt work), also ctrl-d exits quickly\
# )
# (echo c:; echo cd \\mingw\\msys\\1.0; cat) | wine cmd
# wine-cmd-window: \
# $(call def-help,wine-cmd-window,\
# windows command prompt in a new window\
# )
# wineconsole cmd &
# wine-mintty: \
# $(call def-help,wine-mintty,\
# msys bash shell in a mintty window\
# )
# wine c:/mingw/msys/1.0/bin/mintty - &
# compressbinaries: \
# $(call def-help,compressbinaries,\
# \
# )
# cd bin; for f in *-windows-*.exe ; do echo zipping $$f; rm -f $$; zip $$ $$f; done
# # for f in bin/*-{linux,mac-}* ; do echo gzipping $$f; gzip -q $$f >$$f.gz; done
# # gzip bin/*`arch`
# tools/unittest: tools/unittest.hs \
# $(call def-help,tools/unittest,\
# build the standalone unit test runner. Requires test-framework, which\
# may not work on windows.\
# )
# $(GHC) -threaded -O2 tools/unittest.hs
# tools/doctest: tools/doctest.hs \
# $(call def-help,tools/doctest,\
# build the doctest runner\
# )
# $(GHC) tools/doctest.hs
# tools/criterionbench: tools/criterionbench.hs \
# $(call def-help,tools/criterionbench,\
# build the criterion-based benchmark runner. Requires criterion.\
# )
# $(GHC) tools/criterionbench.hs
# tools/progressionbench: tools/progressionbench.hs \
# $(call def-help,tools/progressionbench,\
# build the progression-based benchmark runner. Requires progression.\
# )
# $(GHC) tools/progressionbench.hs
tools/generatejournal: tools/generatejournal.hs \
$(call def-help,tools/generatejournal, build the generatejournal tool )
@ -880,150 +628,14 @@ quickheap-%: hledgerprof samplejournals \
# )
# $(VIEWHTML) doc/profs/coverage/index.html
# # XXX with a sandbox, use sandbox-repl-* instead
# repl-lib:\
# $(call def-help,repl-lib, start a cabal REPL and load the hledger-lib package)
# (cd hledger-lib; cabal repl)
# repl-cli:\
# $(call def-help,repl-cli, start a cabal REPL and load the hledger package)
# (cd hledger; cabal repl exe:hledger)
# repl-web:\
# $(call def-help,repl-web, start a cabal REPL and load the hledger-web package)
# (cd hledger-web; cabal repl exe:hledger-web)
$(call def-help-subheading,DOCUMENTATION:)
# docs: site codedocs \
# $(call def-help,docs,\
# rebuild all docs\
# )
# cleandocs: site-clean \
# $(call def-help,cleandocs,\
# \
# )
hakyll-std site/hakyll-std/hakyll-std: \
site/hakyll-std/hakyll-std.hs \
site/hakyll-std/TableOfContents.hs \
$(call def-help,hakyll-std, build a generic hakyll site builder script )
cd site/hakyll-std; ./hakyll-std.hs
site-build: site/hakyll-std/hakyll-std site/ \
$(call def-help,site-build, generate the website with hakyll-std )
-cd site; hakyll-std/hakyll-std build
site/ wiki/ \
$(call def-help,site/, update home page with ./wiki/_Sidebar content )
(sed -ne '1,/<!-- WIKICONTENT -->/ p' site/ ; \
sed -ne '/^#.*Cookbook/,$$ p' wiki/ \
| perl -p \
-e 's/\[\[([^\|]*)\|([^\]]*)\]\]/[\1](https:\/\/\/simonmichael\/hledger\/wiki\/\2)/g;' \
-e 's/\[\[([^\]]*)\]\]/[\1](https:\/\/\/simonmichael\/hledger\/wiki\/\1)/g;' \
-e 's/^# >/##/;' \
; \
sed -ne '/<!-- ENDWIKICONTENT -->/,$$ p' site/ ) \
> site/$$$$ && \
mv site/$$$$ site/
site/ \
$(call def-help,site/, update home page with ./wiki/_Sidebar content and commit and do a git push if changed )
git diff --quiet site/ && \
make -s site/ && \
( git diff --quiet site/ || (git commit -q -m 'site: home: update from wiki' -m '[ci skip]' site/ && git push) )
site-clean: site/hakyll-std/hakyll-std \
$(call def-help,site-clean, remove hakyll-generated files (& take down the website) ) #cleanolddocs
-cd site; hakyll-std/hakyll-std clean
# rm -rf site/_site/*
# regenerate html whenever markdown files change (and serve it on port 8000)
# XXX hakyll preview/watch often fail to notice changes in large files
# XXX can get confused when docs are generated concurrently by a Shake command
# XXX individual file updates loses the stylesheets for some reason
# more robust: "ls site/*.md | entr ./Shake website" and reload file:///Users/simon/src/hledger/site/_site/docs.html
site-preview: site/hakyll-std/hakyll-std \
$(call def-help,site-preview, run a hakyll server to preview the website ) #site/site
-cd site; hakyll-std/hakyll-std watch # -h
$(call def-help-subheading,DOCUMENTATION: (see also Shake.hs))
site-livereload: \
$(call def-help,site-livereload, open a browser on the latest site html and reload the page whenever it is saved )
(sleep 1; open http://localhost:8001) &
livereloadx -p 8001 --static site/_site
# site-view: site \
# $(call def-help,site-view,\
# \
# )
# $(VIEWHTML) site/_site/index.html
# # site-auto:
# # cd site; $(AUTOBUILD) site.hs -o site $(PREFERMACUSRLIBFLAGS) --run preview
# # ensure some old doc versions are in place:
# #olddocs: doc/0.22 doc/0.21
# #doc/0.23:
# # (cd doc; git archive --prefix doc/0.23/ tags/0.23 'doc/') | tar xf -
# # doc/0.22:
# # git archive --prefix doc/0.22/ tags/0.22 '' | tar xf -
# # doc/0.21:
# # git archive --prefix doc/0.21/ tags/0.21.3 '' | tar xf -
# # cleanolddocs:
# # cd doc; rm -rf 0.22 0.21
# pdf: codepdf \
# $(call def-help,pdf,\
# \
# ) #docspdf
# # generate pdf versions of main docs
# # docspdf:
# # -for d in $(DOCFILES); do (cd site && ln -sf ../$$d && pandoc $$d -w pdf && rm -f $$d); done
# # # format all code as a pdf for offline reading
# # ENSCRIPT=enscript -q --header='$$n|$$D{%+}|Page $$% of $$=' --highlight=haskell --line-numbers --font=Courier6 --color -o-
# # codepdf:
# # $(ENSCRIPT) --pretty-print=makefile hledger.cabal >
# # $(ENSCRIPT) --pretty-print=makefile Makefile >
# # $(ENSCRIPT) --pretty-print=haskell $(SOURCEFILES) >
# # cat | ps2pdf - >code.pdf
# # # view all docs and code as pdf
# # viewall: pdf
# # $(VIEWPDF) $(PDFS)
# # # print all docs and code for offline reading
# # printall: pdf
# # $(PRINT) $(PDFS)
# pushdocs: push \
# $(call def-help,pushdocs,\
# push latest docs etc. and update the site\
# )
# ssh 'make -C/repos/hledger docs'
# EXES=hledger hledger-vty hledger-web
# savehelp: \
# $(call def-help,savehelp,\
# dump all executables command line help into files for review\
# )
# for e in $(EXES); do $$e --help >.HELP_$$e; done
# codedocs: haddock hscolour coverage \
# $(call def-help,codedocs,\
# generate api & other code docs\
# ) #sourcegraph #hoogle
# cf
# --ghc-options=-optP-P is a workaround for
@ -1041,43 +653,12 @@ haddock: \
# )
# $(VIEWHTML) hledger/dist/doc/html/hledger/index.html
# #
# HSCOLOUR=HsColour -css
# hscolour: site/api/src site/api/src/hscolour.css \
# $(call def-help,hscolour,\
# \
# )
# for f in $(HADDOCKSOURCEFILES); do \
# $(HSCOLOUR) -anchor $$f -osite/api/src/`echo $$f | sed -e's%[^/]*/%%' | sed -e's%/%-%g' | sed -e's%\.hs$$%.html%'` ; \
# done
# site/api/src/hscolour.css: site/api/src \
# $(call def-help,site/api/src/hscolour.css,\
# \
# )
# $(HSCOLOUR) -print-css >site/api/src/hscolour.css
# site/api/src: \
# $(call def-help,site/api/src,\
# \
# )
# mkdir -p site/api/src
# sourcegraph: \
# $(call def-help,sourcegraph,\
# \
# )
# for p in $(PACKAGES); do (cd $$p; SourceGraph $$p.cabal); done
# # # generate external api docs for each package
# # allhaddock: cabalhaddock\ --hyperlink-source\ --executables
# # # generate internal code docs for each package
# # allhaddockinternal: cabalhaddock\ --hyperlink-source\ --executables\ --internal
# # # generate hoogle indices for each package
# # allhoogle: cabalhaddock\ --hoogle\ --executables
# #set up the hoogle web interface
# ## We munge haddock and hoogle into a rough but useful framed layout.
# ## For this to work the hoogle cgi must be built with base target "main".
@ -1263,39 +844,6 @@ hackageupload: \
$(call def-help,hackageupload, upload all packages to hackage )
for p in $(PACKAGES); do stack upload $$p; done
# RSYNC=rsync
# pushprofs: \
# $(call def-help,pushprofs,\
# push any new profiles and benchmark results to the public site\
# beware, results will vary depending on which machine generated them\
# )
# $(RSYNC) -azP doc/profs/
# pullprofs: \
# $(call def-help,pullprofs,\
# fetch any new profiles and benchmark results from the public site\
# )
# $(RSYNC) -azP doc/profs/
# compressbinary: \
# $(call def-help,compressbinary,\
# compress the just-built platform binary. make hledgerPLATFORM first. Use\
# the win variant on windows.\
# )
# gzip -9 bin/$(BINARYFILENAME)
# compressbinarywin: \
# $(call def-help,compressbinarywin,\
# \
# )
# cd bin; zip -9 $(BINARYFILENAME).zip $(BINARYFILENAME)
# # push the last-updated platform binary to the public download directory
# # pushlatestbinary:
# # cd bin; $(RSYNC) -aP `ls -t | head -2`
# showreleasestats stats: \
# showreleasedays \
# showunreleasedchangecount \
@ -1484,10 +1032,6 @@ cleanghco: \
$(call def-help-hide,cleanghc, remove ghc build leftovers )
rm -rf `find . -name "*.o" -o -name "*.hi" -o -name "*.dyn_o" -o -name "*.dyn_hi" -o -name "*~" | grep -vE '\.(stack-work|cabal-sandbox|virthualenv)'`
cleanghc: cleanghco \
$(call def-help-hide,cleanghc, remove ghc builds )
rm -f bin/hledgerdev bin/hledgerdev.ghc*
clean: cleanghco \
$(call def-help,clean, default cleanup (ghc build leftovers) )

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff