mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 04:13:11 +03:00
ui: In account screen, elide amounts which go past the specified width.
Also leave at least 15 spaces width for account names.
This commit is contained in:
@ -100,10 +100,8 @@ asInit d reset ui@UIState{
AccountsScreenItem{asItemIndentLevel = indent
AccountsScreenItem{asItemIndentLevel = indent
,asItemAccountName = fullacct
,asItemAccountName = fullacct
,asItemDisplayAccountName = replaceHiddenAccountsNameWith "All" $ if tree_ ropts then shortacct else fullacct
,asItemDisplayAccountName = replaceHiddenAccountsNameWith "All" $ if tree_ ropts then shortacct else fullacct
,asItemRenderedAmounts = map showAmountWithoutPrice amts
,asItemMixedAmount = Just bal
amts = amounts . normaliseMixedAmountSquashPricesForDisplay $ mixedAmountStripPrices bal
displayitems = map displayitem items
displayitems = map displayitem items
-- blanks added for scrolling control, cf RegisterScreen.
-- blanks added for scrolling control, cf RegisterScreen.
-- XXX Ugly. Changing to 0 helps when debugging.
-- XXX Ugly. Changing to 0 helps when debugging.
@ -111,7 +109,7 @@ asInit d reset ui@UIState{
AccountsScreenItem{asItemIndentLevel = 0
AccountsScreenItem{asItemIndentLevel = 0
,asItemAccountName = ""
,asItemAccountName = ""
,asItemDisplayAccountName = ""
,asItemDisplayAccountName = ""
,asItemRenderedAmounts = []
,asItemMixedAmount = Nothing
@ -144,10 +142,10 @@ asDraw UIState{aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec}}
maxbalwidthseen =
maxbalwidthseen =
-- ltrace "maxbalwidthseen" $
-- ltrace "maxbalwidthseen" $
V.maximum $ V.map (\AccountsScreenItem{..} -> sum (map strWidth asItemRenderedAmounts) + 2 * (length asItemRenderedAmounts - 1)) displayitems
V.maximum $ V.map (maybe 0 (wbWidth . showMixedAmountB oneLine) . asItemMixedAmount) displayitems
maxbalwidth =
maxbalwidth =
-- ltrace "maxbalwidth" $
-- ltrace "maxbalwidth" $
max 0 (availwidth - 2 - 4) -- leave 2 whitespace plus least 4 for accts
max 0 (availwidth - 2 - 15) -- leave 2 whitespace plus at least 15 for accts
balwidth =
balwidth =
-- ltrace "balwidth" $
-- ltrace "balwidth" $
min maxbalwidth maxbalwidthseen
min maxbalwidth maxbalwidthseen
@ -229,24 +227,17 @@ asDrawItem (acctwidth, balwidth) selected AccountsScreenItem{..} =
-- c <- getContext
-- c <- getContext
-- let showitem = intercalate "\n" . balanceReportItemAsText defreportopts fmt
-- let showitem = intercalate "\n" . balanceReportItemAsText defreportopts fmt
render $
render $
addamts asItemRenderedAmounts $
txt (fitText (Just acctwidth) (Just acctwidth) True True $ T.replicate (asItemIndentLevel) " " <> asItemDisplayAccountName) <+>
str (T.unpack $ fitText (Just acctwidth) (Just acctwidth) True True $ T.replicate (asItemIndentLevel) " " <> asItemDisplayAccountName) <+>
txt balspace <+>
str " " <+>
splitAmounts balBuilder
str (balspace asItemRenderedAmounts)
balspace as = replicate n ' '
balBuilder = maybe mempty showamt asItemMixedAmount
where n = max 0 (balwidth - (sum (map strWidth as) + 2 * (length as - 1)))
showamt = showMixedAmountB oneLine{displayMinWidth=Just balwidth, displayMaxWidth=Just balwidth}
addamts :: [String] -> Widget Name -> Widget Name
balspace = T.replicate (2 + balwidth - wbWidth balBuilder) " "
addamts [] w = w
splitAmounts = foldr1 (<+>) . intersperse (str ", ") . map renderamt . T.splitOn ", " . wbToText
addamts [a] w = (<+> renderamt a) w
renderamt :: T.Text -> Widget Name
-- foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
renderamt a | T.any (=='-') a = withAttr (sel $ "list" <> "balance" <> "negative") $ txt a
-- foldl' (Widget -> String -> Widget) -> Widget -> [String] -> Widget
| otherwise = withAttr (sel $ "list" <> "balance" <> "positive") $ txt a
addamts (a:as) w = foldl' addamt (addamts [a] w) as
addamt :: Widget Name -> String -> Widget Name
addamt w a = ((<+> renderamt a) . (<+> str ", ")) w
renderamt :: String -> Widget Name
renderamt a | '-' `elem` a = withAttr (sel $ "list" <> "balance" <> "negative") $ str a
| otherwise = withAttr (sel $ "list" <> "balance" <> "positive") $ str a
sel | selected = (<> "selected")
sel | selected = (<> "selected")
| otherwise = id
| otherwise = id
@ -133,12 +133,11 @@ data Screen =
-- | An item in the accounts screen's list of accounts and balances.
-- | An item in the accounts screen's list of accounts and balances.
data AccountsScreenItem = AccountsScreenItem {
data AccountsScreenItem = AccountsScreenItem {
asItemIndentLevel :: Int -- ^ indent level
asItemIndentLevel :: Int -- ^ indent level
,asItemAccountName :: AccountName -- ^ full account name
,asItemAccountName :: AccountName -- ^ full account name
,asItemDisplayAccountName :: AccountName -- ^ full or short account name to display
,asItemDisplayAccountName :: AccountName -- ^ full or short account name to display
,asItemRenderedAmounts :: [String] -- ^ rendered amounts
,asItemMixedAmount :: Maybe MixedAmount -- ^ mixed amount to display
} deriving (Show)
deriving (Show)
-- | An item in the register screen's list of transactions in the current account.
-- | An item in the register screen's list of transactions in the current account.
data RegisterScreenItem = RegisterScreenItem {
data RegisterScreenItem = RegisterScreenItem {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user