a new version numbering system, more automated and hopefully usable

See comments in Makefile. The major.minor[.bugfix] release version is
defined there, then "make" and "make release" should take care of
everything. Excerpt:

Goals and constraints for version numbering:
1 automation, robustness, simplicity, platform independence
2 cabal versions must be all-numeric
3 release versions should be concise
4 releases should have a corresponding darcs tag
5 development builds should have a precise version appearing in --version
6 development builds should generate cabal packages with non-confusing versions
7 would like a way to mark builds/releases as alpha or beta
8 would like to easily darcs get the .0 even with bugfix releases present
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2009-02-26 17:37:46 +00:00
parent 15239ecf96
commit 20ef2dde04
3 changed files with 94 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ BENCHEXES=hledger ledger
BUILD=ghc --make hledger.hs -o hledger -O
build: tag
build: setbuildversion tag
BUILDO2=ghc --make hledger.hs -o hledgero2 -O2 -fvia-C
@ -58,10 +58,79 @@ send:
darcs push joyful.com:/repos/hledger
# version numbering, releasing etc.
# Places where hledger's version number makes an appearance:
# hledger --version
# the darcs release tag
# the cabal file
# the hackage pages and tarball filenames
# Goals and constraints for version numbering:
# 1 automation, robustness, simplicity, platform independence
# 2 cabal versions must be all-numeric
# 3 release versions should be concise
# 4 releases should have a corresponding darcs tag
# 5 development builds should have a precise version appearing in --version
# 6 development builds should generate cabal packages with non-confusing versions
# 7 would like a way to mark builds/releases as alpha or beta
# 8 would like to easily darcs get the .0 even with bugfix releases present
# Current plan:
# - Update the release version below, and record, before and/or after
# "make release".
# - The release version looks like major.minor[.bugfix]. bugfix is 0 (and
# elided) for a normal release, or 1..n for a bugfix release, or if
# desired may be set to 98 meaning an alpha for the forthcoming release
# or 99 meaning a beta. This is propagated during "make release".
# - The development build version is the non-elided release version plus
# the number of patches added since the last release, ie
# major.minor.bugfix.patches. This is propagated during "make".
# - The release tag is the non-elided release version.
# build a cabal release, tag the repo and upload to hackage
VERSION=`egrep 'version *=' Options.hs | perl -pe 's/.*"(.*?)"/\1/'`
cabal sdist && darcs tag $(VERSION) && cabal upload dist/hledger-$(VERSION).tar.gz
# don't forget to first update and record RELEASE, if needed
release: check setreleaseversion tagrelease sdist #upload
ifeq ($(shell ghc -e "length (filter (=='.') \"$(RELEASE)\")"), 1)
# pre-release checks - cabal is happy, the code builds, tests pass..
cabal check
cabal configure
cabal build
dist/build/hledger/hledger test 2>&1 | tail -1 | grep -q 'Errors: 0 Failures: 1'
# set the precise build version in local files, but don't record.
# This is used for development builds ("make").
(export BUILD=$(RELEASE3).`expr \`darcs changes --count --from-tag=.\` - 1` \
&& perl -p -e "s/(^version *= *)\".*?\"/\1\"$$BUILD\"/" -i Options.hs \
&& perl -p -e "s/(^Version: *) .*/\1 $$BUILD/" -i hledger.cabal \
# set the release version in local files (which should not have other
# pending edits!), and record.
perl -p -e "s/(^version *= *)\".*?\"/\1\"$(RELEASE)\"/" -i Options.hs \
&& perl -p -e "s/(^Version: *) .*/\1 $(RELEASE)/" -i hledger.cabal \
&& darcs record -a -m "bump version" Options.hs hledger.cabal
darcs tag $(RELEASE3)
cabal sdist
cabal upload dist/hledger-$(RELEASE).tar.gz
rm -f TAGS; hasktags -e *hs Ledger/*hs

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@ -27,9 +27,26 @@ configmsg = if null configflags
then ""
else " with " ++ intercalate ", " configflags
version = "0.3.x"
progname = "hledger"
versionmsg = progname ++ " " ++ version ++ configmsg ++ "\n"
-- updated by makefile, see notes there
version = "0.3.98"
versionstr = prettify $ splitAtElement '.' version
prettify (major:minor:bugfix:patches:[]) =
printf "%s.%s%s%s%s" major minor bugfix' patches' desc
| bugfix `elem` ["0"{-,"98","99"-}] = ""
| otherwise = "."++bugfix
| patches/="0" = " + "++patches++" patches"
| otherwise = ""
| bugfix=="98" = " (alpha)"
| bugfix=="99" = " (beta)"
| otherwise = ""
prettify s = intercalate "." s
versionmsg = progname ++ " " ++ versionstr ++ configmsg ++ "\n"
ledgerpath = "~/.ledger"
ledgerenvvar = "LEDGER"
timeprogname = "hours"

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Name: hledger
Version: 0.3
-- updated by makefile, see notes there
Version: 0.3.98
Category: Finance
Synopsis: A ledger-compatible text-based accounting tool.
Description: hledger is a haskell clone of John Wiegley's "ledger" text-based