start a scripts directory for user scripting examples

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2011-05-26 22:58:55 +00:00
parent b344f797d3
commit 218e1c2f39
6 changed files with 199 additions and 0 deletions

scripts/README Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Scripting examples for hledger users - shell aliases, make rules, hledger-lib scripts..

scripts/accountnames.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
-- list the default journal's chart of accounts in --flat style
import Hledger.Read
import Hledger.Data
main = do
j <- myJournal
let l = journalToLedger nullfilterspec{empty=True} j
mapM_ putStrLn (accountnames l)

scripts/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
# some hledger-related bash aliases
# time
# all in one big journal:
#export TIMELOG=~/personal/time.journal
alias hours="hledger -f $TIMELOG"
alias today='hours -p today'
alias yesterday='hours -p yesterday'
alias thisweek='hours -p thisweek'
alias lastweek='hours -p lastweek'
alias thismonth='hours -p thismonth'
alias lastmonth='hours -p lastmonth'
alias thisyear='hours -p thisyear'
alias lastyear='hours -p lastyear'
alias janhours="hours -p jan"
alias febhours="hours -p feb"
alias marhours="hours -p mar"
alias aprhours="hours -p apr"
alias mayhours="hours -p may"
alias junhours="hours -p jun"
alias julhours="hours -p jul"
alias aughours="hours -p aug"
alias sephours="hours -p sep"
alias octhours="hours -p oct"
alias novhours="hours -p nov"
alias dechours="hours -p dec"
alias 2008hours="hours -p 2008"
alias 2009hours="hours -p 2009"
alias 2010hours="hours -p 2010"
alias 2011hours="hours -p 2011"
alias 2012hours="hours -p 2012"
alias 2013hours="hours -p 2013"
alias 2014hours="hours -p 2014"
alias 2015hours="hours -p 2015"
alias weeklyhours="hours -p 'weekly this year' register --empty"
alias monthlyhours="hours -p 'monthly this year' register --empty"
alias weeklybillablehours="weeklyhours jobs not:unbilled --depth 3"
alias monthlybillablehours="monthlyhours jobs not:unbilled --depth 3"
# money
# one journal per year, included by current and all journals:
#export LEDGER_FILE=~/personal/current.journal
#export LEDGER_FILE=~/personal/all.journal
alias jan="hledger -p jan"
alias feb="hledger -p feb"
alias mar="hledger -p mar"
alias apr="hledger -p apr"
alias may="hledger -p may"
alias jun="hledger -p jun"
alias jul="hledger -p jul"
alias aug="hledger -p aug"
alias sep="hledger -p sep"
alias oct="hledger -p oct"
alias nov="hledger -p nov"
alias dec="hledger -p dec"
alias 2006='hledger -f ~/personal/2006.journal'
alias 2007='hledger -f ~/personal/2007.journal'
alias 2008='hledger -f ~/personal/2008.journal'
alias 2009='hledger -f ~/personal/2009.journal'
alias 2010='hledger -f ~/personal/2010.journal'
alias 2011='hledger -f ~/personal/2011.journal'
alias 2012='hledger -f ~/personal/2012.journal'
alias 2013='hledger -f ~/personal/2013.journal'
alias 2014='hledger -f ~/personal/2014.journal'
alias 2015='hledger -f ~/personal/2015.journal'
alias all='hledger -f ~/personal/all.journal'
alias household='hledger -f ~/personal/household.journal'
alias add='hledger add'
alias bankbalances='hledger bal assets:bank liabilities:credit -E'
alias cashflow="hledger balance '^assets:(bank|cash)'"
alias incexp="hledger balance '(^income|^expenses|^equity:draw)'"
# show activity in these accounts this and last month
alias cash="hledger -d 'd>=[last month]' reg 'assets:cash' -B"
alias checking="hledger -d 'd>=[last month]' reg 'assets:bank:wells fargo:checking' -B"
# show daily cleared checking balance - for reconciling with online bank statement
alias checkingcleared="checking --cleared --period 'daily to tomorrow'"
# show checking balance from today forward
alias checkingfuture="checking -d 'd>=[yesterday]'"
# generate a chart and view it in emacs
function chart () {
hledger chart $* && emacsclient -n hledger.png
# old ledger 2.6 scripts
function BalanceSheet() {
echo "Balance sheet as of `date`"
echo "totals include sub-accounts"
ledger -n --balance-format '%10T %2_%-a\n' --display "l<=3" --basis --subtotal $* balance assets
ledger -n --balance-format '%10T %2_%-a\n' --display "l<=3" --basis --subtotal $* balance liabilities
ledger -nE --balance-format '%10T %2_%-a\n' --display "l<=4" --basis --subtotal $* balance equity
echo "`ledger --balance-format '%10T %2_%-a\n' --basis $* balance liabilities equity | tail -1`liabilities + equity"
ledger --balance-format '%10T %2_%-a\n' --basis $* balance assets liabilities | tail -2
function IncomeStatement() {
echo "Income statement for `date +%Y` as of `date`"
echo "totals include sub-accounts"
ledger -n --balance-format '%10(-T) %2_%-a\n' --display "l<=3" --basis --subtotal $* balance income
ledger -n --balance-format '%10(-T) %2_%-a\n' --display "l<=2" --basis --subtotal $* balance expenses -equity
ledger --balance-format '%10(-T) %2_%-a\n' --basis $* balance income expenses -equity | tail -2
# function CashflowStatement () {
# echo "Cashflow statement for `date +%Y`"
# #echo "(totals include sub-accounts)"
# echo
# cat <<EOF
# cash flows from operating activities
# net income as on income statement
# add: depreciation
# add: allowance for doubtful accounts
# deduct: increase in inventory
# deduct: increase in prepaid expenses
# deduct: decrease in accounts payable
# cash flows from investing activities
# cash received from investments sold
# less: cash paid for store equipment
# cash flows from financing activities
# cash paid for dividends
# Increase in cash:
# Cash at the beginning of the year:
# Cash at the end of the year:
# }

scripts/all.journal Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
; all years
!include 2006.journal
!include 2007.journal
!include 2008.journal
!include 2009.journal
!include 2010.journal
!include 2011.journal

scripts/current.journal Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
; current/recent years
;!include 2010.journal
!include 2011.journal

scripts/makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# some hledger-related make scripts
YEAR:=$(shell date +%Y)
MONTH:=$(shell date +%m)
MONTHS:=$(shell ghc -e "(putStr . unwords . map show) [1..$(MONTH)]")
MONTHS2:=$(shell ghc -e "(putStr . unwords . map show) [2..$(MONTH)]")
# convert latest bank csv downloads to journal files
mint.journal \
WellsFargoChecking1.journal \
WellsFargoSavings2.journal \
WellsFargoSavings3.journal \
WellsFargoCreditCard4.journal \
convert-csv: move-csv $(BANKJOURNALS)
# move and rename any newly downloaded bank csv files
@(F=$(DOWNLOADDIR)/transactions.csv; [ -e $$F ] && (mv $$F mint.csv; echo new mint.csv found) || exit 0)
@(F=$(DOWNLOADDIR)/Checking1.csv; [ -e $$F ] && (mv $$F WellsFargoChecking1.csv; echo new WellsFargoChecking1.csv found) || exit 0)
@(F=$(DOWNLOADDIR)/Savings2.csv; [ -e $$F ] && (mv $$F WellsFargoSavings2.csv; echo new WellsFargoSavings2.csv found) || exit 0)
@(F=$(DOWNLOADDIR)/Savings3.csv; [ -e $$F ] && (mv $$F WellsFargoSavings3.csv; echo new WellsFargoSavings3.csv found) || exit 0)
@(F=$(DOWNLOADDIR)/CreditCard4.csv; [ -e $$F ] && (mv $$F WellsFargoCreditCard4.csv; echo new WellsFargoCreditCard4.csv found) || exit 0)
@(F=$(DOWNLOADDIR)/Download.csv; [ -e $$F ] && (mv $$F Paypal.csv; echo new Paypal.csv found) || exit 0)
# convert a csv to a journal using the similarly named rules file
%.journal: %.csv %.rules
$(HLEDGER) convert $< >$@
touch '$@'