mirror of
synced 2025-01-04 00:07:29 +03:00
extra: hledger-rewrite now takes arguments and is usable
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,45 +1,96 @@
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
hledger-rewrite [PATTERNS] [--add-posting "ACCT AMTEXPR"] ...
hledger-rewrite [PATTERNS] --add-posting "ACCT AMTEXPR" ...
Skeleton for a minimal generic rewriter of journal entries.
A start at a generic rewriter of journal entries.
Reads the default journal and prints the entries, like print,
Reads the default journal and prints the entries, like print,
but adds the specified postings to any entries matching PATTERNS.
but adds the specified postings to any entries matching PATTERNS.
Tested-with: hledger 0.22.2
hledger-rewrite.hs ^income --add-posting '(liabilities:tax) *.33' --add-posting '(reserve:gifts) $100'
hledger-rewrite.hs expenses:gifts --add-posting '(reserve:gifts) *-1"'
Note the single quotes to protect the dollar sign from bash, and the two spaces between account and amount.
See the command-line help for more details.
Currently does not work when invoked via "hledger rewrite".
Tested-with: hledger HEAD ~ 2014/2/4
import Hledger
-- hledger lib, cli and cmdargs utils
import Hledger.Cli
import Hledger.Cli
-- more utils for parsing
import Control.Applicative hiding (many)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
main = do
opts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts} <- getCliOpts (defCommandMode ["hledger-rewrite"])
cmdmode :: Mode RawOpts
d <- getCurrentDay
cmdmode = (defCommandMode ["hledger-rewrite"]) {
modeArgs = ([], Just $ argsFlag "[PATTERNS] --add-posting \"ACCT AMTEXPR\" ...")
q = queryFromOpts d ropts
,modeHelp = "show all journal entries, adding specified custom postings to matched ones"
-- parse added postings from args.. hard-coded here:
,modeGroupFlags = Group {
addps :: [(AccountName, Transaction -> MixedAmount)]
groupNamed = [("Input", inputflags)
addps = [
,("Reporting", reportflags)
("(Reserve)", (\t -> (t `firstAmountMatching` q) `divideMixedAmount` 10))
,("Misc", helpflags)
,groupUnnamed = [flagReq ["add-posting"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "add-posting" s opts) "\"ACCT AMTEXPR\""
"add a posting to ACCT (can be parenthesised) with amount generated by an expression, which is: a literal amount, or * followed by a decimal multiplier (which multiplies the entry's first amount matched by PATTERNS). Two spaces are required between account and amount."]
,groupHidden = []
type PostingExpr = (AccountName, AmountExpr)
data AmountExpr = AmountLiteral String | AmountMultiplier Quantity deriving (Show)
addPostingExprsFromOpts :: RawOpts -> [PostingExpr]
addPostingExprsFromOpts = map (either parseerror id . parseWithCtx nullctx postingexprp) . map stripquotes . listofstringopt "add-posting"
postingexprp = do
a <- accountnamep
spacenonewline >> many1 spacenonewline
aex <- amountexprp
many spacenonewline
return (a,aex)
amountexprp =
choice [
AmountMultiplier <$> (do char '*'
many spacenonewline
(q,_,_,_,_) <- numberp
return q)
,AmountLiteral <$> many anyChar
withJournalDo opts $ \opts j@Journal{jtxns=ts} -> do
amountExprRenderer :: Query -> AmountExpr -> (Transaction -> MixedAmount)
-- rewrite matched transactions
amountExprRenderer q aex =
let j' = j{jtxns=map (\t -> if q `matchesTransaction` t then rewriteTransaction t addps else t) ts}
case aex of
-- print' opts j'
AmountLiteral s -> either parseerror (const . mixed) $ parseWithCtx nullctx amountp s
-- print all transactions (without filtering)
AmountMultiplier n -> (`divideMixedAmount` (1 / n)) . (`firstAmountMatching` q)
putStr $ showTransactions ropts Any j'
firstAmountMatching :: Transaction -> Query -> MixedAmount
firstAmountMatching t q = pamount $ head $ filter (q `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t
rewriteTransaction :: Transaction -> [(AccountName, Transaction -> MixedAmount)] -> Transaction
rewriteTransaction :: Transaction -> [(AccountName, Transaction -> MixedAmount)] -> Transaction
rewriteTransaction t addps = t{tpostings=tpostings t ++ map (uncurry (generatePosting t)) addps}
rewriteTransaction t addps = t{tpostings=tpostings t ++ map (uncurry (generatePosting t)) addps}
generatePosting :: Transaction -> AccountName -> (Transaction -> MixedAmount) -> Posting
generatePosting :: Transaction -> AccountName -> (Transaction -> MixedAmount) -> Posting
generatePosting t acct amtfn = nullposting{paccount = accountNameWithoutPostingType acct
generatePosting t acct amtfn = nullposting{paccount = accountNameWithoutPostingType acct
,ptype = accountNamePostingType acct
,ptype = accountNamePostingType acct
,pamount = amtfn t
,pamount = amtfn t
,ptransaction = Just t
,ptransaction = Just t
firstAmountMatching :: Transaction -> Query -> MixedAmount
main = do
firstAmountMatching t q = pamount $ head $ filter (q `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t
opts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportopts_=ropts} <- getCliOpts cmdmode
d <- getCurrentDay
let q = queryFromOpts d ropts
addps = [(a, amountExprRenderer q aex) | (a, aex) <- addPostingExprsFromOpts rawopts]
withJournalDo opts $ \opts j@Journal{jtxns=ts} -> do
-- rewrite matched transactions
let j' = j{jtxns=map (\t -> if q `matchesTransaction` t then rewriteTransaction t addps else t) ts}
-- run the print command, showing all transactions
print' opts{reportopts_=ropts{query_=""}} j'
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