lib: remove old code for include file parse errors

This commit is contained in:
Alex Chen 2018-09-29 22:43:39 -06:00
parent 31d4e930e7
commit 26369c28a3

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ module Text.Megaparsec.Custom (
-- * Constructing custom parse errors
-- * Pretty-printing custom parse errors
@ -64,10 +63,6 @@ data CustomErr
= ErrorFailAt SourcePos -- Starting position
Pos -- Ending position (column; same line as start)
String -- Error message
-- | Attach a source file to a parse error (for error reporting from
-- include files, e.g. with the 'region' parser combinator)
| ErrorWithSource Text -- Source file contents
(ParseError Char CustomErr) -- The original
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- We require an 'Ord' instance for 'CustomError' so that they may be
@ -79,7 +74,6 @@ deriving instance (Ord c, Ord e) => Ord (ParseError c e)
instance ShowErrorComponent CustomErr where
showErrorComponent (ErrorFailAt _ _ errMsg) = errMsg
showErrorComponent (ErrorWithSource _ e) = parseErrorTextPretty e
--- * Constructing custom parse errors
@ -107,13 +101,6 @@ parseErrorAtRegion startPos endPos msg =
then endCol' else startCol
in ErrorFailAt startPos endCol msg
-- | Attach a source file to a parse error. Intended for use with the
-- 'region' parser combinator.
withSource :: Text -> ParseError Char CustomErr -> ParseError Char CustomErr
withSource s e =
FancyError (errorPos e) $ S.singleton $ ErrorCustom $ ErrorWithSource s e
--- * Pretty-printing custom parse errors
@ -127,9 +114,6 @@ customParseErrorPretty :: Text -> ParseError Char CustomErr -> String
customParseErrorPretty source err = case findCustomError err of
Nothing -> customParseErrorPretty' source err pos1
Just (ErrorWithSource customSource customErr) ->
customParseErrorPretty customSource customErr
Just (ErrorFailAt sourcePos col errMsg) ->
let newPositionStack = sourcePos NE.:| NE.tail (errorPos err)
errorIntervalLength = mkPos $ max 1 $
@ -200,6 +184,7 @@ data FinalParseErrorBundle' e = FinalParseErrorBundle'
type FinalParseErrorBundle = FinalParseErrorBundle' CustomErr
--- * Constructing and throwing final parse errors
-- | Convert a "regular" parse error into a "final" parse error.
@ -229,6 +214,7 @@ finalCustomFailure
:: (MonadParsec e s m, MonadError (FinalParseError' e) m) => e -> m a
finalCustomFailure = finalFancyFailure . S.singleton . ErrorCustom
--- * Handling errors from include files with "final" parse errors
-- Some care must be taken for sources to be attached to the right parse
@ -268,6 +254,7 @@ attachSource filePath sourceText finalParseError =
{ sourceFileStack = filePath NE.<| sourceFileStack bundle
--- * Pretty-printing final parse errors
-- | Pretty-print a "final" parse error: print the stack of include files,