;lib: refactor

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2020-10-19 09:09:38 -07:00
parent 2761324404
commit 291a35d8b4

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@ -116,47 +116,45 @@ anonymiseByOpts opts =
-- a somewhat complicated way; see the hledger manual -> Periodic transactions.
journalAddForecast :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO Journal
journalAddForecast CliOpts{inputopts_=iopts, reportopts_=ropts} j = do
today <- getCurrentDay
-- "They can start no earlier than: the day following the latest normal transaction in the journal (or today if there are none)."
mjournalend = dbg2 "journalEndDate" $ journalEndDate False j -- ignore secondary dates
forecastbeginDefault = dbg2 "forecastbeginDefault" $ fromMaybe today mjournalend
-- "They end on or before the specified report end date, or 180 days from today if unspecified."
mspecifiedend <- snd . dbg2 "specifieddates" <$> specifiedStartEndDates ropts
forecastendDefault = dbg2 "forecastendDefault" $ fromMaybe (addDays 180 today) mspecifiedend
forecastspan = dbg2 "forecastspan" $
(fromMaybe nulldatespan $ dbg2 "forecastspan flag" $ forecast_ ropts)
(DateSpan (Just forecastbeginDefault) (Just forecastendDefault))
forecasttxns =
[ txnTieKnot t | pt <- jperiodictxns j
, t <- runPeriodicTransaction pt forecastspan
, spanContainsDate forecastspan (tdate t)
-- With --auto enabled, transaction modifiers are also applied to forecast txns
forecasttxns' =
(if auto_ iopts then either error' id . modifyTransactions today (jtxnmodifiers j) else id) -- PARTIAL:
journalBalanceTransactions' iopts j =
either error' id $ journalBalanceTransactions assrt j -- PARTIAL:
where assrt = not . ignore_assertions_ $ iopts
journalAddForecast CliOpts{inputopts_=iopts, reportopts_=ropts} j =
case forecast_ ropts of
Nothing -> return j
Just _ -> do
let j' = journalBalanceTransactions' iopts j{ jtxns = concat [jtxns j, forecasttxns'] }
-- Display styles were applied early.. apply them again to ensure the forecasted
-- transactions are also styled. XXX Possible optimisation: style just the forecasttxns.
case journalApplyCommodityStyles j' of
Left e -> error' e -- PARTIAL:
Right j'' -> return j''
today <- getCurrentDay
-- "They can start no earlier than: the day following the latest normal transaction in the journal (or today if there are none)."
mjournalend = dbg2 "journalEndDate" $ journalEndDate False j -- ignore secondary dates
forecastbeginDefault = dbg2 "forecastbeginDefault" $ fromMaybe today mjournalend
-- "They end on or before the specified report end date, or 180 days from today if unspecified."
mspecifiedend <- snd . dbg2 "specifieddates" <$> specifiedStartEndDates ropts
forecastendDefault = dbg2 "forecastendDefault" $ fromMaybe (addDays 180 today) mspecifiedend
forecastspan = dbg2 "forecastspan" $
(fromMaybe nulldatespan $ dbg2 "forecastspan flag" $ forecast_ ropts)
(DateSpan (Just forecastbeginDefault) (Just forecastendDefault))
forecasttxns =
[ txnTieKnot t | pt <- jperiodictxns j
, t <- runPeriodicTransaction pt forecastspan
, spanContainsDate forecastspan (tdate t)
-- With --auto enabled, transaction modifiers are also applied to forecast txns
forecasttxns' =
(if auto_ iopts then either error' id . modifyTransactions today (jtxnmodifiers j) else id) -- PARTIAL:
j' = either error' id $ journalBalanceTransactions (not . ignore_assertions_ $ iopts) -- PARTIAL:
j{jtxns=concat [jtxns j, forecasttxns']}
-- Display styles were applied early.. apply them again to ensure the forecasted
-- transactions are also styled. XXX Possible optimisation: style just the forecasttxns.
j'' = either error' id $ journalApplyCommodityStyles j' -- PARTIAL:
return j''
-- | Write some output to stdout or to a file selected by --output-file.
-- If the file exists it will be overwritten.