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synced 2024-12-26 03:42:25 +03:00
web: add form ignores trailing blank fields
Empty final account/amount fields are now ignored. Empty fields followed by non-empty fields are not allowed.
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,16 +8,15 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Data.Either (lefts,rights)
import Data.List (intercalate, sort)
import qualified Data.List as L (head) -- qualified keeps dev & prod builds warning-free
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Parsec (digit, eof, many1, string)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Data hiding (num)
import Hledger.Read
import Hledger.Cli
import Hledger.Cli hiding (num)
-- | Handle a post from any of the edit forms.
@ -48,37 +47,30 @@ handleAdd = do
estrs = [edate, edesc, ejournal]
(errs1, [date,desc,journalpath]) = (lefts estrs, rights estrs) -- XXX irrefutable
(params,_) <- runRequestBody
-- mtrace params
let paramnamep s = do {string s; n <- many1 digit; eof; return (read n :: Int)}
acctparams = sort
[ (n,v) | (k,v) <- params
, let en = parsewith (paramnamep "account") $ T.unpack k
, isRight en
, let Right n = en
amtparams = sort
[ (n,v) | (k,v) <- params
, let en = parsewith (paramnamep "amount") $ T.unpack k
, isRight en
, let Right n = en
numberedParams s =
reverse $ dropWhile (T.null . snd) $ reverse $ sort
[ (n,v) | (k,v) <- params
, let en = parsewith (paramnamep s) $ T.unpack k
, isRight en
, let Right n = en
acctparams = numberedParams "account"
amtparams = numberedParams "amount"
num = length acctparams
paramErrs | not $ length amtparams `elem` [num, num-1] = ["different number of account and amount parameters"]
| otherwise = catMaybes
[if map fst acctparams == [1..num] then Nothing else Just "misnumbered account parameters"
,if map fst amtparams == [1..num] || map fst amtparams == [1..(num-1)] then Nothing else Just "misnumbered amount parameters"
paramErrs | map fst acctparams == [1..num] &&
map fst amtparams `elem` [[1..num], [1..num-1]] = []
| otherwise = ["malformed account/amount parameters"]
eaccts = map (parsewith (accountnamep <* eof) . strip . T.unpack . snd) acctparams
eamts = map (parseWithCtx nullctx (amountp <* eof) . strip . T.unpack . snd) amtparams
(accts, acctErrs) = (rights eaccts, map show $ lefts eaccts)
(amts', amtErrs) = (rights eamts, map show $ lefts eamts)
(amts', amtErrs) = (rights eamts, map show $ lefts eamts)
amts | length amts' == num = amts'
| otherwise = amts' ++ [missingamt]
-- if no errors so far, generate a transaction and balance it or get the error.
errs = errs1 ++ if null paramErrs then (acctErrs ++ amtErrs) else paramErrs
errs = errs1 ++ if not (null paramErrs) then paramErrs else (acctErrs ++ amtErrs)
et | not $ null errs = Left errs
| otherwise = either (\e -> Left ["unbalanced postings: " ++ (L.head $ lines e)]) Right
(balanceTransaction Nothing $ nulltransaction {
@ -86,7 +78,6 @@ handleAdd = do
,tpostings=[nullposting{paccount=acct, pamount=Mixed [amt]} | (acct,amt) <- zip accts amts]
-- display errors or add transaction
case et of
Left errs' -> do
Reference in New Issue
Block a user