pkg: ui: use/require brick 1.0+ (#1889)

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2022-08-17 11:04:50 +01:00
parent b636eb78a9
commit 2a594b7fb7
11 changed files with 262 additions and 274 deletions

View File

@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ asDraw UIState{aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec}}
ishistorical = balanceaccum_ ropts == Historical
toplabel =
withAttr ("border" <> "filename") files
withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "filename") files
<+> toggles
<+> str (" account " ++ if ishistorical then "balances" else "changes")
<+> borderPeriodStr (if ishistorical then "at end of" else "in") (period_ ropts)
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ asDraw UIState{aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec}}
<+> borderDepthStr mdepth
<+> str (" ("++curidx++"/"++totidx++")")
<+> (if ignore_assertions_ . balancingopts_ $ inputopts_ copts
then withAttr ("border" <> "query") (str " ignoring balance assertions")
then withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str " ignoring balance assertions")
else str "")
files = case journalFilePaths j of
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ asDraw UIState{aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec}}
f:_ -> str $ takeFileName f
-- [f,_:[]] -> (withAttr ("border" <> "bold") $ str $ takeFileName f) <+> str " (& 1 included file)"
-- f:fs -> (withAttr ("border" <> "bold") $ str $ takeFileName f) <+> str (" (& " ++ show (length fs) ++ " included files)")
toggles = withAttr ("border" <> "query") $ str $ unwords $ concat [
toggles = withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") $ str $ unwords $ concat [
,if empty_ ropts then [] else ["nonzero"]
,uiShowStatus copts $ statuses_ ropts
@ -220,22 +220,24 @@ asDrawItem (acctwidth, balwidth) selected AccountsScreenItem{..} =
balspace = T.replicate (2 + balwidth - wbWidth balBuilder) " "
splitAmounts = foldr1 (<+>) . intersperse (str ", ") . map renderamt . T.splitOn ", " . wbToText
renderamt :: T.Text -> Widget Name
renderamt a | T.any (=='-') a = withAttr (sel $ "list" <> "balance" <> "negative") $ txt a
| otherwise = withAttr (sel $ "list" <> "balance" <> "positive") $ txt a
sel | selected = (<> "selected")
renderamt a | T.any (=='-') a = withAttr (sel $ attrName "list" <> attrName "balance" <> attrName "negative") $ txt a
| otherwise = withAttr (sel $ attrName "list" <> attrName "balance" <> attrName "positive") $ txt a
sel | selected = (<> attrName "selected")
| otherwise = id
asHandle :: UIState -> BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name (Next UIState)
asHandle ui0@UIState{
asHandle :: BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name UIState ()
asHandle ev = do
} ev = do
} <- get -- PARTIAL: should not fail
d = copts^.rsDay
nonblanks = V.takeWhile (not . T.null . asItemAccountName) $ _asList^.listElementsL
lastnonblankidx = max 0 (length nonblanks - 1)
journalspan = journalDateSpan False j
-- save the currently selected account, in case we leave this screen and lose the selection
@ -247,87 +249,81 @@ asHandle ui0@UIState{
case mode of
Minibuffer _ ed ->
case ev of
VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> continue $ closeMinibuffer ui
VtyEvent (EvKey KEnter []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $
VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> put $ closeMinibuffer ui
VtyEvent (EvKey KEnter []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $
case setFilter s $ closeMinibuffer ui of
Left bad -> showMinibuffer "Cannot compile regular expression" (Just bad) ui
Right ui' -> ui'
where s = chomp $ unlines $ map strip $ getEditContents ed
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui
VtyEvent ev -> do
ed' <- handleEditorEvent
#if MIN_VERSION_brick(0,72,0)
(VtyEvent ev)
continue $ ui{aMode=Minibuffer "filter" ed'}
AppEvent _ -> continue ui
MouseDown{} -> continue ui
MouseUp{} -> continue ui
VtyEvent ev -> do
ed' <- nestEventM' ed $ handleEditorEvent (VtyEvent ev)
put ui{aMode=Minibuffer "filter" ed'}
AppEvent _ -> return ()
MouseDown{} -> return ()
MouseUp{} -> return ()
Help ->
case ev of
-- VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw ui
-- VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui
_ -> helpHandle ui ev
_ -> helpHandle ev
Normal ->
case ev of
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt
-- EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl] -> do
VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> continue $ resetScreens d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c == '?' -> continue $ setMode Help ui
VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> put $ resetScreens d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c == '?' -> put $ setMode Help ui
-- XXX AppEvents currently handled only in Normal mode
-- XXX be sure we don't leave unconsumed events piling up
AppEvent (DateChange old _) | isStandardPeriod p && p `periodContainsDate` old ->
continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui
put $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui
p = reportPeriod ui
e | e `elem` [VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'g') []), AppEvent FileChange] ->
liftIO (uiReloadJournal copts d ui) >>= continue
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'I') []) -> continue $ uiCheckBalanceAssertions d (toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions ui)
liftIO (uiReloadJournal copts d ui) >>= put
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'I') []) -> put $ uiCheckBalanceAssertions d (toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions ui)
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'a') []) -> suspendAndResume $ clearScreen >> setCursorPosition 0 0 >> add copts j >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'A') []) -> suspendAndResume $ void (runIadd (journalFilePath j)) >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'E') []) -> suspendAndResume $ void (runEditor endPosition (journalFilePath j)) >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'B') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleConversionOp ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'V') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleValue ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '0') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 0) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '1') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 1) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '2') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 2) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '3') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 3) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '4') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 4) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '5') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 5) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '6') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 6) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '7') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 7) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '8') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 8) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '9') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 9) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '-') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ decDepth ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '_') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ decDepth ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c `elem` ['+','='] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ incDepth ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'T') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'B') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleConversionOp ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'V') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleValue ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '0') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 0) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '1') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 1) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '2') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 2) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '3') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 3) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '4') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 4) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '5') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 5) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '6') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 6) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '7') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 7) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '8') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 8) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '9') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 9) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '-') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ decDepth ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '_') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ decDepth ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c `elem` ['+','='] -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ incDepth ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'T') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui
-- display mode/query toggles
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'H') []) -> asCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleHistorical ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 't') []) -> asCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleTree ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c `elem` ['z','Z'] -> asCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleEmpty ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'R') []) -> asCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleReal ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'U') []) -> asCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleUnmarked ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'P') []) -> asCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ togglePending ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'C') []) -> asCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleCleared ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'F') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleForecast d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'H') []) -> modify (regenerateScreens j d . toggleHistorical) >> asCenterAndContinue
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 't') []) -> modify (regenerateScreens j d . toggleTree) >> asCenterAndContinue
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c `elem` ['z','Z'] -> modify (regenerateScreens j d . toggleEmpty) >> asCenterAndContinue
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'R') []) -> modify (regenerateScreens j d . toggleReal) >> asCenterAndContinue
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'U') []) -> modify (regenerateScreens j d . toggleUnmarked) >> asCenterAndContinue
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'P') []) -> modify (regenerateScreens j d . togglePending) >> asCenterAndContinue
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'C') []) -> modify (regenerateScreens j d . toggleCleared) >> asCenterAndContinue
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'F') []) -> modify (regenerateScreens j d . toggleForecast d)
VtyEvent (EvKey (KDown) [MShift]) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ shrinkReportPeriod d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KUp) [MShift]) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ growReportPeriod d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KRight) [MShift]) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ nextReportPeriod journalspan ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KLeft) [MShift]) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ previousReportPeriod journalspan ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '/') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ showMinibuffer "filter" Nothing ui
VtyEvent (EvKey k []) | k `elem` [KBS, KDel] -> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ resetFilter ui)
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveLeftEvents -> continue $ popScreen ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> scrollSelectionToMiddle _asList >> redraw ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KDown) [MShift]) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ shrinkReportPeriod d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KUp) [MShift]) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ growReportPeriod d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KRight) [MShift]) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ nextReportPeriod journalspan ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KLeft) [MShift]) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ previousReportPeriod journalspan ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '/') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ showMinibuffer "filter" Nothing ui
VtyEvent (EvKey k []) | k `elem` [KBS, KDel] -> (put $ regenerateScreens j d $ resetFilter ui)
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveLeftEvents -> put $ popScreen ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> scrollSelectionToMiddle _asList >> redraw
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui
-- enter register screen for selected account (if there is one),
@ -338,7 +334,7 @@ asHandle ui0@UIState{
-- MouseDown is sometimes duplicated,
-- just use it to move the selection
MouseDown _n BLeft _mods Location{loc=(_x,y)} | not $ (=="") clickedacct -> do
continue ui{aScreen=scr{_asList=listMoveTo y _asList}}
case scr of AccountsScreen{} -> put ui{aScreen=scr}; _ -> fail "" -- PARTIAL: should not happen
where clickedacct = maybe "" asItemAccountName $ listElements _asList !? y
-- and on MouseUp, enter the subscreen
MouseUp _n (Just BLeft) Location{loc=(_x,y)} | not $ (=="") clickedacct -> do
@ -347,42 +343,35 @@ asHandle ui0@UIState{
-- when selection is at the last item, DOWN scrolls instead of moving, until maximally scrolled
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveDownEvents, isBlankElement mnextelement -> do
vScrollBy (viewportScroll $ _asList^.listNameL) 1 >> continue ui
vScrollBy (viewportScroll $ _asList^.listNameL) 1 >> put ui
where mnextelement = listSelectedElement $ listMoveDown _asList
-- mouse scroll wheel scrolls the viewport up or down to its maximum extent,
-- pushing the selection when necessary.
MouseDown name btn _mods _loc | btn `elem` [BScrollUp, BScrollDown] -> do
let scrollamt = if btn==BScrollUp then -1 else 1
list' <- listScrollPushingSelection name _asList (asListSize _asList) scrollamt
continue ui{aScreen=scr{_asList=list'}}
list' <- nestEventM' _asList $ listScrollPushingSelection name (asListSize _asList) scrollamt
case scr of AccountsScreen{} -> put ui{aScreen=scr{_asList=list'}}; _ -> fail "" -- PARTIAL: should not fail
-- if page down or end leads to a blank padding item, stop at last non-blank
VtyEvent e@(EvKey k []) | k `elem` [KPageDown, KEnd] -> do
list <- handleListEvent e _asList
list <- nestEventM' _asList $ handleListEvent e
if isBlankElement $ listSelectedElement list
then do
let list' = listMoveTo lastnonblankidx list
scrollSelectionToMiddle list'
continue ui{aScreen=scr{_asList=list'}}
case scr of AccountsScreen{} -> put ui{aScreen=scr{_asList=list'}}; _ -> fail "" -- PARTIAL: should not fail
continue ui{aScreen=scr{_asList=list}}
case scr of AccountsScreen{} -> put ui{aScreen=scr{_asList=list}}; _ -> fail "" -- PARTIAL: should not fail
-- fall through to the list's event handler (handles up/down)
VtyEvent ev -> do
newitems <- handleListEvent (normaliseMovementKeys ev) _asList
continue $ ui{aScreen=scr & asList .~ newitems
& asSelectedAccount .~ selacct
list' <- nestEventM' _asList $ handleListEvent (normaliseMovementKeys ev)
put $ ui{aScreen=scr & asList .~ list' & asSelectedAccount .~ selacct }
MouseDown{} -> continue ui
MouseUp{} -> continue ui
AppEvent _ -> continue ui
journalspan = journalDateSpan False j
asHandle _ _ = error "event handler called with wrong screen type, should not happen" -- PARTIAL:
MouseDown{} -> put ui
MouseUp{} -> put ui
AppEvent _ -> put ui
asEnterRegister d selacct ui = do
rsCenterAndContinue $
@ -399,8 +388,9 @@ asSetSelectedAccount _ s = s
isBlankElement mel = ((asItemAccountName . snd) <$> mel) == Just ""
asCenterAndContinue ui = do
scrollSelectionToMiddle $ _asList $ aScreen ui
continue ui
asCenterAndContinue :: EventM Name UIState ()
asCenterAndContinue = do
ui <- get
scrollSelectionToMiddle (_asList $ aScreen ui)
asListSize = V.length . V.takeWhile ((/="").asItemAccountName) . listElements

View File

@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ esDraw UIState{aopts=UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts}
_ -> [maincontent]
maincontent = Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
render $ defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel $ withAttr "error" $ str $ esError
render $ defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel $ withAttr (attrName "error") $ str $ esError
toplabel =
withAttr ("border" <> "bold") (str "Oops. Please fix this problem then press g to reload")
withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "bold") (str "Oops. Please fix this problem then press g to reload")
-- <+> (if ignore_assertions_ copts then withAttr ("border" <> "query") (str " ignoring") else str " not ignoring")
bottomlabel = quickhelp
@ -75,44 +75,42 @@ esDraw UIState{aopts=UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts}
esDraw _ = error "draw function called with wrong screen type, should not happen" -- PARTIAL:
esHandle :: UIState -> BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name (Next UIState)
esHandle ui@UIState{aScreen=ErrorScreen{..}
esHandle :: BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name UIState ()
esHandle ev = do
ev =
} <- get
case mode of
Help ->
case ev of
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui
_ -> helpHandle ui ev
_ -> helpHandle ev
_ -> do
let d = copts^.rsDay
case ev of
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt ui
VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> continue $ uiCheckBalanceAssertions d $ resetScreens d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c `elem` ['h','?'] -> continue $ setMode Help ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt
VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> put $ uiCheckBalanceAssertions d $ resetScreens d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c `elem` ['h','?'] -> put $ setMode Help ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'E') []) -> suspendAndResume $ void (runEditor pos f) >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j (popScreen ui)
(pos,f) = case parsewithString hledgerparseerrorpositionp esError of
Right (f,l,c) -> (Just (l, Just c),f)
Left _ -> (endPosition, journalFilePath j)
e | e `elem` [VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'g') []), AppEvent FileChange] ->
liftIO (uiReloadJournal copts d (popScreen ui)) >>= continue . uiCheckBalanceAssertions d
liftIO (uiReloadJournal copts d (popScreen ui)) >>= put . uiCheckBalanceAssertions d
-- (ej, _) <- liftIO $ journalReloadIfChanged copts d j
-- case ej of
-- Left err -> continue ui{aScreen=s{esError=err}} -- show latest parse error
-- Right j' -> continue $ regenerateScreens j' d $ popScreen ui -- return to previous screen, and reload it
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'I') []) -> continue $ uiCheckBalanceAssertions d (popScreen $ toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions ui)
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'I') []) -> put $ uiCheckBalanceAssertions d (popScreen $ toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions ui)
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui
_ -> continue ui
esHandle _ _ = error "event handler called with wrong screen type, should not happen" -- PARTIAL:
_ -> return ()
-- | Parse the file name, line and column number from a hledger parse error message, if possible.
-- Temporary, we should keep the original parse error location. XXX

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
-- TODO: brick 1 support
hledger-ui - a hledger add-on providing a curses-style interface.
Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Simon Michael <>
@ -159,11 +161,11 @@ runBrickUi uopts@UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts@CliOpts{inputopts_=_iopts,reportspec_=rs
brickapp :: App UIState AppEvent Name
brickapp = App {
appStartEvent = return
appStartEvent = return ()
, appAttrMap = const $ fromMaybe defaultTheme $ getTheme =<< uoTheme uopts'
, appChooseCursor = showFirstCursor
, appHandleEvent = \ui ev -> sHandle (aScreen ui) ui ev
, appDraw = \ui -> sDraw (aScreen ui) ui
, appHandleEvent = sHandle (aScreen ui)
, appDraw = sDraw (aScreen ui)
-- print (length (show ui)) >> exitSuccess -- show any debug output to this point & quit

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
module Hledger.UI.RegisterScreen
@ -199,7 +198,7 @@ rsDraw UIState{aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec}}
-- inclusive = tree_ ropts || rsForceInclusive
toplabel =
withAttr ("border" <> "bold") (str $ T.unpack $ replaceHiddenAccountsNameWith "All" rsAccount)
withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "bold") (str $ T.unpack $ replaceHiddenAccountsNameWith "All" rsAccount)
-- <+> withAttr ("border" <> "query") (str $ if inclusive then "" else " exclusive")
<+> togglefilters
<+> str " transactions"
@ -212,7 +211,7 @@ rsDraw UIState{aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec}}
<+> str "/"
<+> total
<+> str ")"
<+> (if ignore_assertions_ . balancingopts_ $ inputopts_ copts then withAttr ("border" <> "query") (str " ignoring balance assertions") else str "")
<+> (if ignore_assertions_ . balancingopts_ $ inputopts_ copts then withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str " ignoring balance assertions") else str "")
togglefilters =
case concat [
@ -221,7 +220,7 @@ rsDraw UIState{aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec}}
,if empty_ ropts then [] else ["nonzero"]
] of
[] -> str ""
fs -> withAttr ("border" <> "query") (str $ " " ++ intercalate ", " fs)
fs -> withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str $ " " ++ intercalate ", " fs)
cur = str $ case rsList ^. listSelectedL of
Nothing -> "-"
Just i -> show (i + 1)
@ -271,20 +270,21 @@ rsDrawItem (datewidth,descwidth,acctswidth,changewidth,balwidth) selected Regist
changeAmt = wbToText rsItemChangeAmount
balanceAmt = wbToText rsItemBalanceAmount
changeattr | T.any (=='-') changeAmt = sel $ "list" <> "amount" <> "decrease"
| otherwise = sel $ "list" <> "amount" <> "increase"
balattr | T.any (=='-') balanceAmt = sel $ "list" <> "balance" <> "negative"
| otherwise = sel $ "list" <> "balance" <> "positive"
sel | selected = (<> "selected")
changeattr | T.any (=='-') changeAmt = sel $ attrName "list" <> attrName "amount" <> attrName "decrease"
| otherwise = sel $ attrName "list" <> attrName "amount" <> attrName "increase"
balattr | T.any (=='-') balanceAmt = sel $ attrName "list" <> attrName "balance" <> attrName "negative"
| otherwise = sel $ attrName "list" <> attrName "balance" <> attrName "positive"
sel | selected = (<> attrName "selected")
| otherwise = id
rsHandle :: UIState -> BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name (Next UIState)
rsHandle ui@UIState{
rsHandle :: BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name UIState ()
rsHandle ev = do
} ev = do
} <- get
d = copts^.rsDay
journalspan = journalDateSpan False j
@ -294,50 +294,44 @@ rsHandle ui@UIState{
case mode of
Minibuffer _ ed ->
case ev of
VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> continue $ closeMinibuffer ui
VtyEvent (EvKey KEnter []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $
VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> modify closeMinibuffer
VtyEvent (EvKey KEnter []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $
case setFilter s $ closeMinibuffer ui of
Left bad -> showMinibuffer "Cannot compile regular expression" (Just bad) ui
Right ui' -> ui'
where s = chomp . unlines . map strip $ getEditContents ed
-- VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '/') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ showMinibuffer ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw ui
-- VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '/') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ showMinibuffer ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui
VtyEvent ev -> do
ed' <- handleEditorEvent
#if MIN_VERSION_brick(0,72,0)
(VtyEvent ev)
continue $ ui{aMode=Minibuffer "filter" ed'}
AppEvent _ -> continue ui
MouseDown{} -> continue ui
MouseUp{} -> continue ui
ed' <- nestEventM' ed $ handleEditorEvent (VtyEvent ev)
put ui{aMode=Minibuffer "filter" ed'}
AppEvent _ -> return ()
MouseDown{} -> return ()
MouseUp{} -> return ()
Help ->
case ev of
-- VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw ui
-- VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui
_ -> helpHandle ui ev
_ -> helpHandle ev
Normal ->
case ev of
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt ui
VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> continue $ resetScreens d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c == '?' -> continue $ setMode Help ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt
VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> put $ resetScreens d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c == '?' -> put $ setMode Help ui
AppEvent (DateChange old _) | isStandardPeriod p && p `periodContainsDate` old ->
continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui
put $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui
p = reportPeriod ui
e | e `elem` [VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'g') []), AppEvent FileChange] ->
liftIO (uiReloadJournal copts d ui) >>= continue
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'I') []) -> continue $ uiCheckBalanceAssertions d (toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions ui)
liftIO (uiReloadJournal copts d ui) >>= put
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'I') []) -> put $ uiCheckBalanceAssertions d (toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions ui)
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'a') []) -> suspendAndResume $ clearScreen >> setCursorPosition 0 0 >> add copts j >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'A') []) -> suspendAndResume $ void (runIadd (journalFilePath j)) >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'T') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'T') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'E') []) -> suspendAndResume $ void (runEditor pos f) >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui
(pos,f) = case listSelectedElement rsList of
@ -357,78 +351,76 @@ rsHandle ui@UIState{
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'C') []) -> rsCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleCleared ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'F') []) -> rsCenterAndContinue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleForecast d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '/') []) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ showMinibuffer "filter" Nothing ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KDown) [MShift]) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ shrinkReportPeriod d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KUp) [MShift]) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ growReportPeriod d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KRight) [MShift]) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ nextReportPeriod journalspan ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KLeft) [MShift]) -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ previousReportPeriod journalspan ui
VtyEvent (EvKey k []) | k `elem` [KBS, KDel] -> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ resetFilter ui)
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> scrollSelectionToMiddle rsList >> redraw ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '/') []) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ showMinibuffer "filter" Nothing ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KDown) [MShift]) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ shrinkReportPeriod d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KUp) [MShift]) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ growReportPeriod d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KRight) [MShift]) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ nextReportPeriod journalspan ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KLeft) [MShift]) -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ previousReportPeriod journalspan ui
VtyEvent (EvKey k []) | k `elem` [KBS, KDel] -> (put $ regenerateScreens j d $ resetFilter ui)
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> scrollSelectionToMiddle rsList >> redraw
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui
-- exit screen on LEFT
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveLeftEvents -> continue $ popScreen ui
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveLeftEvents -> put $ popScreen ui
-- or on a click in the app's left margin. This is a VtyEvent since not in a clickable widget.
VtyEvent (EvMouseUp x _y (Just BLeft)) | x==0 -> continue $ popScreen ui
VtyEvent (EvMouseUp x _y (Just BLeft)) | x==0 -> put $ popScreen ui
-- or on clicking a blank list item.
MouseUp _ (Just BLeft) Location{loc=(_,y)} | clickeddate == "" -> continue $ popScreen ui
MouseUp _ (Just BLeft) Location{loc=(_,y)} | clickeddate == "" -> put $ popScreen ui
where clickeddate = maybe "" rsItemDate $ listElements rsList !? y
-- enter transaction screen on RIGHT
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveRightEvents ->
case listSelectedElement rsList of
Just _ -> continue $ screenEnter d transactionScreen{tsAccount=rsAccount} ui
Nothing -> continue ui
Just _ -> put $ screenEnter d transactionScreen{tsAccount=rsAccount} ui
Nothing -> put ui
-- or on transaction click
-- MouseDown is sometimes duplicated,
-- just use it to move the selection
MouseDown _n BLeft _mods Location{loc=(_x,y)} | not $ (=="") clickeddate -> do
continue $ ui{aScreen=s{rsList=listMoveTo y rsList}}
put $ ui{aScreen=s{rsList=listMoveTo y rsList}}
where clickeddate = maybe "" rsItemDate $ listElements rsList !? y
-- and on MouseUp, enter the subscreen
MouseUp _n (Just BLeft) Location{loc=(_x,y)} | not $ (=="") clickeddate -> do
continue $ screenEnter d transactionScreen{tsAccount=rsAccount} ui
put $ screenEnter d transactionScreen{tsAccount=rsAccount} ui
where clickeddate = maybe "" rsItemDate $ listElements rsList !? y
-- when selection is at the last item, DOWN scrolls instead of moving, until maximally scrolled
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveDownEvents, isBlankElement mnextelement -> do
vScrollBy (viewportScroll $ rsList ^. listNameL) 1 >> continue ui
vScrollBy (viewportScroll $ rsList ^. listNameL) 1 >> put ui
where mnextelement = listSelectedElement $ listMoveDown rsList
-- mouse scroll wheel scrolls the viewport up or down to its maximum extent,
-- pushing the selection when necessary.
MouseDown name btn _mods _loc | btn `elem` [BScrollUp, BScrollDown] -> do
let scrollamt = if btn==BScrollUp then -1 else 1
list' <- listScrollPushingSelection name rsList (rsListSize rsList) scrollamt
continue ui{aScreen=s{rsList=list'}}
list' <- nestEventM' rsList $ listScrollPushingSelection name (rsListSize rsList) scrollamt
put ui{aScreen=s{rsList=list'}}
-- if page down or end leads to a blank padding item, stop at last non-blank
VtyEvent e@(EvKey k []) | k `elem` [KPageDown, KEnd] -> do
list <- handleListEvent e rsList
list <- nestEventM' rsList $ handleListEvent e
if isBlankElement $ listSelectedElement list
then do
let list' = listMoveTo lastnonblankidx list
scrollSelectionToMiddle list'
continue ui{aScreen=s{rsList=list'}}
put ui{aScreen=s{rsList=list'}}
continue ui{aScreen=s{rsList=list}}
put ui{aScreen=s{rsList=list}}
-- fall through to the list's event handler (handles other [pg]up/down events)
VtyEvent ev -> do
let ev' = normaliseMovementKeys ev
newitems <- handleListEvent ev' rsList
continue ui{aScreen=s{rsList=newitems}}
newitems <- nestEventM' rsList $ handleListEvent ev'
put ui{aScreen=s{rsList=newitems}}
MouseDown{} -> continue ui
MouseUp{} -> continue ui
AppEvent _ -> continue ui
rsHandle _ _ = error "event handler called with wrong screen type, should not happen" -- PARTIAL:
MouseDown{} -> put ui
MouseUp{} -> put ui
AppEvent _ -> put ui
isBlankElement mel = ((rsItemDate . snd) <$> mel) == Just ""
rsCenterAndContinue ui = do
scrollSelectionToMiddle $ rsList $ aScreen ui
continue ui
put ui
rsListSize = V.length . V.takeWhile ((/="").rsItemDate) . listElements

View File

@ -65,42 +65,42 @@ select = black `on` selectbg
themesList :: [(String, AttrMap)]
themesList = [
("default", attrMap (black `on` white) [
("border" , white `on` black & dim)
,("border" <> "bold" , currentAttr & bold)
,("border" <> "depth" , active)
,("border" <> "filename" , currentAttr)
,("border" <> "key" , active)
,("border" <> "minibuffer" , white `on` black & bold)
,("border" <> "query" , active)
,("border" <> "selected" , active)
,("error" , fg red)
,("help" , white `on` black & dim)
,("help" <> "heading" , fg yellow)
,("help" <> "key" , active)
-- ,("list" , black `on` white)
-- ,("list" <> "amount" , currentAttr)
,("list" <> "amount" <> "decrease" , fg red)
-- ,("list" <> "amount" <> "increase" , fg green)
,("list" <> "amount" <> "decrease" <> "selected" , red `on` selectbg & bold)
-- ,("list" <> "amount" <> "increase" <> "selected" , green `on` selectbg & bold)
,("list" <> "balance" , currentAttr & bold)
,("list" <> "balance" <> "negative" , fg red)
,("list" <> "balance" <> "positive" , fg black)
,("list" <> "balance" <> "negative" <> "selected" , red `on` selectbg & bold)
,("list" <> "balance" <> "positive" <> "selected" , select & bold)
,("list" <> "selected" , select)
-- ,("list" <> "accounts" , white `on` brightGreen)
-- ,("list" <> "selected" , black `on` brightYellow)
(attrName "border" , white `on` black & dim)
,(attrName "border" <> attrName "bold" , currentAttr & bold)
,(attrName "border" <> attrName "depth" , active)
,(attrName "border" <> attrName "filename" , currentAttr)
,(attrName "border" <> attrName "key" , active)
,(attrName "border" <> attrName "minibuffer" , white `on` black & bold)
,(attrName "border" <> attrName "query" , active)
,(attrName "border" <> attrName "selected" , active)
,(attrName "error" , fg red)
,(attrName "help" , white `on` black & dim)
,(attrName "help" <> attrName "heading" , fg yellow)
,(attrName "help" <> attrName "key" , active)
-- ,(attrName "list" , black `on` white)
-- ,(attrName "list" <> attrName "amount" , currentAttr)
,(attrName "list" <> attrName "amount" <> attrName "decrease" , fg red)
-- ,(attrName "list" <> attrName "amount" <> attrName "increase" , fg green)
,(attrName "list" <> attrName "amount" <> attrName "decrease" <> attrName "selected" , red `on` selectbg & bold)
-- ,(attrName "list" <> attrName "amount" <> attrName "increase" <> attrName "selected" , green `on` selectbg & bold)
,(attrName "list" <> attrName "balance" , currentAttr & bold)
,(attrName "list" <> attrName "balance" <> attrName "negative" , fg red)
,(attrName "list" <> attrName "balance" <> attrName "positive" , fg black)
,(attrName "list" <> attrName "balance" <> attrName "negative" <> attrName "selected" , red `on` selectbg & bold)
,(attrName "list" <> attrName "balance" <> attrName "positive" <> attrName "selected" , select & bold)
,(attrName "list" <> attrName "selected" , select)
-- ,(attrName "list" <> attrName "accounts" , white `on` brightGreen)
-- ,(attrName "list" <> attrName "selected" , black `on` brightYellow)
,("greenterm", attrMap (green `on` black) [
("list" <> "selected" , black `on` green)
(attrName "list" <> attrName "selected" , black `on` green)
,("terminal", attrMap defAttr [
("border" , white `on` black),
("list" , defAttr),
("list" <> "selected" , defAttr & reverseVideo)
(attrName "border" , white `on` black),
(attrName "list" , defAttr),
(attrName "list" <> attrName "selected" , defAttr & reverseVideo)

View File

@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ tsDraw UIState{aopts=UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec@ReportSpec
-- <+> str (" ("++show i++" of "++show (length nts)++" in "++acct++")")
<+> (str $ "#" ++ show (tindex t))
<+> str " ("
<+> withAttr ("border" <> "bold") (str $ show i)
<+> withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "bold") (str $ show i)
<+> str (" of "++show (length nts))
<+> togglefilters
<+> borderQueryStr (unwords . map (quoteIfNeeded . T.unpack) $ querystring_ ropts)
<+> str (" in "++T.unpack (replaceHiddenAccountsNameWith "All" acct)++")")
<+> (if ignore_assertions_ . balancingopts_ $ inputopts_ copts then withAttr ("border" <> "query") (str " ignoring balance assertions") else str "")
<+> (if ignore_assertions_ . balancingopts_ $ inputopts_ copts then withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str " ignoring balance assertions") else str "")
togglefilters =
case concat [
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ tsDraw UIState{aopts=UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec@ReportSpec
,if empty_ ropts then [] else ["nonzero"]
] of
[] -> str ""
fs -> withAttr ("border" <> "query") (str $ " " ++ intercalate ", " fs)
fs -> withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str $ " " ++ intercalate ", " fs)
bottomlabel = quickhelp
-- case mode of
@ -141,20 +141,20 @@ tsDraw UIState{aopts=UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec@ReportSpec
tsDraw _ = error "draw function called with wrong screen type, should not happen" -- PARTIAL:
tsHandle :: UIState -> BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name (Next UIState)
tsHandle ui@UIState{aScreen=TransactionScreen{tsTransaction=(i,t), tsTransactions=nts}
tsHandle :: BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name UIState ()
tsHandle ev = do
ui@UIState{aScreen=TransactionScreen{tsTransaction=(i,t), tsTransactions=nts}
ev =
} <- get
case mode of
Help ->
case ev of
-- VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw ui
-- VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui
_ -> helpHandle ui ev
_ -> helpHandle ev
_ -> do
@ -162,49 +162,47 @@ tsHandle ui@UIState{aScreen=TransactionScreen{tsTransaction=(i,t), tsTransaction
(iprev,tprev) = maybe (i,t) ((i-1),) $ lookup (i-1) nts
(inext,tnext) = maybe (i,t) ((i+1),) $ lookup (i+1) nts
case ev of
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt ui
VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> continue $ resetScreens d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c == '?' -> continue $ setMode Help ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt
VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> put $ resetScreens d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c == '?' -> put $ setMode Help ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'E') []) -> suspendAndResume $ void (runEditor pos f) >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui
(pos,f) = case tsourcepos t of
(SourcePos f l1 c1,_) -> (Just (unPos l1, Just $ unPos c1),f)
AppEvent (DateChange old _) | isStandardPeriod p && p `periodContainsDate` old ->
continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui
put $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui
p = reportPeriod ui
e | e `elem` [VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'g') []), AppEvent FileChange] -> do
-- plog (if e == AppEvent FileChange then "file change" else "manual reload") "" `seq` return ()
ej <- liftIO . runExceptT $ journalReload copts
case ej of
Left err -> continue $ screenEnter d errorScreen{esError=err} ui
Right j' -> continue $ regenerateScreens j' d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'I') []) -> continue $ uiCheckBalanceAssertions d (toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions ui)
Left err -> put $ screenEnter d errorScreen{esError=err} ui
Right j' -> put $ regenerateScreens j' d ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'I') []) -> put $ uiCheckBalanceAssertions d (toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions ui)
-- for toggles that may change the current/prev/next transactions,
-- we must regenerate the transaction list, like the g handler above ? with regenerateTransactions ? TODO WIP
-- EvKey (KChar 'E') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleEmpty ui
-- EvKey (KChar 'C') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleCleared ui
-- EvKey (KChar 'R') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleReal ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'B') []) -> continue . regenerateScreens j d $ toggleConversionOp ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'V') []) -> continue . regenerateScreens j d $ toggleValue ui
-- EvKey (KChar 'E') [] -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleEmpty ui
-- EvKey (KChar 'C') [] -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleCleared ui
-- EvKey (KChar 'R') [] -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleReal ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'B') []) -> put . regenerateScreens j d $ toggleConversionOp ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'V') []) -> put . regenerateScreens j d $ toggleValue ui
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveUpEvents -> continue $ tsSelect iprev tprev ui
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveDownEvents -> continue $ tsSelect inext tnext ui
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveUpEvents -> put $ tsSelect iprev tprev ui
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveDownEvents -> put $ tsSelect inext tnext ui
-- exit screen on LEFT
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveLeftEvents -> continue . popScreen $ tsSelect i t ui -- Probably not necessary to tsSelect here, but it's safe.
VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveLeftEvents -> put . popScreen $ tsSelect i t ui -- Probably not necessary to tsSelect here, but it's safe.
-- or on a click in the app's left margin.
VtyEvent (EvMouseUp x _y (Just BLeft)) | x==0 -> continue . popScreen $ tsSelect i t ui
VtyEvent (EvMouseUp x _y (Just BLeft)) | x==0 -> put . popScreen $ tsSelect i t ui
-- or on clicking the blank area below the transaction.
MouseUp _ (Just BLeft) Location{loc=(_,y)} | y+1 > numentrylines -> continue . popScreen $ tsSelect i t ui
MouseUp _ (Just BLeft) Location{loc=(_,y)} | y+1 > numentrylines -> put . popScreen $ tsSelect i t ui
where numentrylines = length (T.lines $ showTxn ropts rspec j t) - 1
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw ui
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui
_ -> continue ui
tsHandle _ _ = error "event handler called with wrong screen type, should not happen" -- PARTIAL:
_ -> return ()
-- | Select a new transaction and update the previous register screen
tsSelect i t ui@UIState{aScreen=s@TransactionScreen{}} = case aPrevScreens ui of

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Brick.defaultMain brickapp st
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ data Screen =
AccountsScreen {
sInit :: Day -> Bool -> UIState -> UIState -- ^ function to initialise or update this screen's state
,sDraw :: UIState -> [Widget Name] -- ^ brick renderer for this screen
,sHandle :: UIState -> BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name (Next UIState) -- ^ brick event handler for this screen
,sHandle :: BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name UIState () -- ^ brick event handler for this screen
-- state fields.These ones have lenses:
,_asList :: List Name AccountsScreenItem -- ^ list widget showing account names & balances
,_asSelectedAccount :: AccountName -- ^ a backup of the account name from the list widget's selected item (or "")
@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ data Screen =
| RegisterScreen {
sInit :: Day -> Bool -> UIState -> UIState
,sDraw :: UIState -> [Widget Name]
,sHandle :: UIState -> BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name (Next UIState)
,sHandle :: BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name UIState ()
,rsList :: List Name RegisterScreenItem -- ^ list widget showing transactions affecting this account
,rsAccount :: AccountName -- ^ the account this register is for
@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ data Screen =
| TransactionScreen {
sInit :: Day -> Bool -> UIState -> UIState
,sDraw :: UIState -> [Widget Name]
,sHandle :: UIState -> BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name (Next UIState)
,sHandle :: BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name UIState ()
,tsTransaction :: NumberedTransaction -- ^ the transaction we are currently viewing, and its position in the list
,tsTransactions :: [NumberedTransaction] -- ^ list of transactions we can step through
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ data Screen =
| ErrorScreen {
sInit :: Day -> Bool -> UIState -> UIState
,sDraw :: UIState -> [Widget Name]
,sHandle :: UIState -> BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name (Next UIState)
,sHandle :: BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name UIState ()
,esError :: String -- ^ error message to show
@ -154,6 +155,10 @@ data RegisterScreenItem = RegisterScreenItem {
deriving (Show)
instance MonadFail (EventM Name UIState) where fail _ = wrongScreenTypeError
wrongScreenTypeError = error' "handler called with wrong screen type, should not happen"
type NumberedTransaction = (Integer, Transaction)
-- dummy monoid instance needed make lenses work with List fields not common across constructors

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import Brick.Widgets.Border
import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style
import Brick.Widgets.Dialog
import Brick.Widgets.Edit
import Brick.Widgets.List (List, listSelectedL, listNameL, listItemHeightL, listSelected, listMoveDown, listMoveUp, GenericList, Splittable)
import Brick.Widgets.List (List, listSelectedL, listNameL, listItemHeightL, listSelected, listMoveDown, listMoveUp, GenericList)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.List
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ suspendSignal :: IO ()
suspendSignal = return ()
import System.Posix.Signals
import Data.Vector (Vector)
suspendSignal :: IO ()
suspendSignal = raiseSignal sigSTOP
@ -68,12 +69,12 @@ suspendSignal = raiseSignal sigSTOP
-- like control-z in bash, returning to the original shell prompt,
-- and when resumed, continue where we left off.
-- On windows, does nothing.
suspend :: s -> EventM a (Next s)
suspend :: Ord a => s -> EventM a s ()
suspend st = suspendAndResume $ suspendSignal >> return st
-- | Tell vty to redraw the whole screen, and continue.
redraw :: s -> EventM a (Next s)
redraw st = getVtyHandle >>= liftIO . refresh >> continue st
-- | Tell vty to redraw the whole screen.
redraw :: EventM a s ()
redraw = getVtyHandle >>= liftIO . refresh
-- | Wrap a widget in the default hledger-ui screen layout.
defaultLayout :: Widget Name -> Widget Name -> Widget Name -> Widget Name
@ -90,14 +91,14 @@ helpDialog _copts =
Widget Fixed Fixed $ do
c <- getContext
render $
withDefAttr "help" $
withDefAttr (attrName "help") $
renderDialog (dialog (Just "Help (LEFT/ESC/?/q to close help)") Nothing (c^.availWidthL)) $ -- (Just (0,[("ok",())]))
padTop (Pad 0) $ padLeft (Pad 1) $ padRight (Pad 1) $
vBox [
hBox [
padRight (Pad 1) $
vBox [
withAttr ("help" <> "heading") $ str "Navigation"
withAttr (attrName "help" <> attrName "heading") $ str "Navigation"
,renderKey ("UP/DOWN/PUP/PDN/HOME/END/k/j/C-p/C-n", "")
,str " move selection up/down"
,renderKey ("RIGHT/l/C-f", "show txns, or txn detail")
@ -105,23 +106,23 @@ helpDialog _copts =
,renderKey ("ESC ", "cancel, or reset app state")
,str " "
,withAttr ("help" <> "heading") $ str "Accounts screen"
,withAttr (attrName "help" <> attrName "heading") $ str "Accounts screen"
,renderKey ("1234567890-+ ", "set/adjust depth limit")
,renderKey ("t ", "toggle accounts tree/list mode")
,renderKey ("H ", "toggle historical balance/change")
,str " "
,withAttr ("help" <> "heading") $ str "Register screen"
,withAttr (attrName "help" <> attrName "heading") $ str "Register screen"
,renderKey ("t ", "toggle subaccount txns\n(and accounts tree/list mode)")
,renderKey ("H ", "toggle historical/period total")
,str " "
,withAttr ("help" <> "heading") $ str "Help"
,withAttr (attrName "help" <> attrName "heading") $ str "Help"
,renderKey ("? ", "toggle this help")
,renderKey ("p/m/i", "while help is open:\nshow manual in pager/man/info")
,str " "
,padLeft (Pad 1) $ padRight (Pad 0) $
vBox [
withAttr ("help" <> "heading") $ str "Filtering"
withAttr (attrName "help" <> attrName "heading") $ str "Filtering"
,renderKey ("/ ", "set a filter query")
,renderKey ("F ", "show future & periodic txns")
,renderKey ("R ", "show real/all postings")
@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ helpDialog _copts =
,renderKey ("T ", "set period to today")
,renderKey ("DEL ", "reset filters")
,str " "
,withAttr ("help" <> "heading") $ str "Other"
,withAttr (attrName "help" <> attrName "heading") $ str "Other"
,renderKey ("a ", "add transaction (hledger add)")
,renderKey ("A ", "add transaction (hledger-iadd)")
,renderKey ("B ", "show amounts/costs")
@ -160,39 +161,40 @@ helpDialog _copts =
-- ]
renderKey (key,desc) = withAttr ("help" <> "key") (str key) <+> str " " <+> str desc
renderKey (key,desc) = withAttr (attrName "help" <> attrName "key") (str key) <+> str " " <+> str desc
-- | Event handler used when help mode is active.
-- May invoke $PAGER, less, man or info, which is likely to fail on MS Windows, TODO.
helpHandle :: UIState -> BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name (Next UIState)
helpHandle ui ev = do
helpHandle :: BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name UIState ()
helpHandle ev = do
ui <- get
let ui' = setMode Normal ui
case ev of
VtyEvent e | e `elem` closeHelpEvents -> continue $ setMode Normal ui
VtyEvent e | e `elem` closeHelpEvents -> put ui'
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'p') []) -> suspendAndResume $ runPagerForTopic "hledger-ui" Nothing >> return ui'
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'm') []) -> suspendAndResume $ runManForTopic "hledger-ui" Nothing >> return ui'
VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'i') []) -> suspendAndResume $ runInfoForTopic "hledger-ui" Nothing >> return ui'
_ -> continue ui
_ -> return ()
ui' = setMode Normal ui
closeHelpEvents = moveLeftEvents ++ [EvKey KEsc [], EvKey (KChar '?') [], EvKey (KChar 'q') []]
-- | Draw the minibuffer with the given label.
minibuffer :: T.Text -> Editor String Name -> Widget Name
minibuffer string ed =
forceAttr ("border" <> "minibuffer") $
forceAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "minibuffer") $
hBox [txt $ string <> ": ", renderEditor (str . unlines) True ed]
borderQueryStr :: String -> Widget Name
borderQueryStr "" = str ""
borderQueryStr qry = str " matching " <+> withAttr ("border" <> "query") (str qry)
borderQueryStr qry = str " matching " <+> withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str qry)
borderDepthStr :: Maybe Int -> Widget Name
borderDepthStr Nothing = str ""
borderDepthStr (Just d) = str " to depth " <+> withAttr ("border" <> "query") (str $ show d)
borderDepthStr (Just d) = str " to depth " <+> withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str $ show d)
borderPeriodStr :: String -> Period -> Widget Name
borderPeriodStr _ PeriodAll = str ""
borderPeriodStr preposition p = str (" "++preposition++" ") <+> withAttr ("border" <> "query") (str . T.unpack $ showPeriod p)
borderPeriodStr preposition p = str (" "++preposition++" ") <+> withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str . T.unpack $ showPeriod p)
borderKeysStr :: [(String,String)] -> Widget Name
borderKeysStr = borderKeysStr' . map (second str)
@ -201,7 +203,7 @@ borderKeysStr' :: [(String,Widget Name)] -> Widget Name
borderKeysStr' keydescs =
hBox $
intersperse sep $
[withAttr ("border" <> "key") (str keys) <+> str ":" <+> desc | (keys, desc) <- keydescs]
[withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "key") (str keys) <+> str ":" <+> desc | (keys, desc) <- keydescs]
-- sep = str " | "
sep = str " "
@ -209,7 +211,7 @@ borderKeysStr' keydescs =
-- | Show both states of a toggle ("aaa/bbb"), highlighting the active one.
renderToggle :: Bool -> String -> String -> Widget Name
renderToggle isright l r =
let bold = withAttr ("border" <> "selected") in
let bold = withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "selected") in
if isright
then str (l++"/") <+> bold (str r)
else bold (str l) <+> str ("/"++r)
@ -217,7 +219,7 @@ renderToggle isright l r =
-- | Show a toggle's label, highlighted (bold) when the toggle is active.
renderToggle1 :: Bool -> String -> Widget Name
renderToggle1 isactive l =
let bold = withAttr ("border" <> "selected") in
let bold = withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "selected") in
if isactive
then bold (str l)
else str l
@ -262,11 +264,11 @@ topBottomBorderWithLabels toplabel bottomlabel body =
-- " debug: "++show (_w,h')
render $
hBorderWithLabel (withAttr "border" $ toplabel <+> str debugmsg)
hBorderWithLabel (withAttr (attrName "border") $ toplabel <+> str debugmsg)
hBorderWithLabel (withAttr "border" bottomlabel)
hBorderWithLabel (withAttr (attrName "border") bottomlabel)
---- XXX should be equivalent to the above, but isn't (page down goes offscreen)
--_topBottomBorderWithLabel2 :: Widget Name -> Widget Name -> Widget Name
@ -303,7 +305,7 @@ margin h v mcolour w = Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
-- applyN n border
withBorderAttr :: Attr -> Widget Name -> Widget Name
withBorderAttr attr = updateAttrMap (applyAttrMappings [("border", attr)])
withBorderAttr attr = updateAttrMap (applyAttrMappings [(attrName "border", attr)])
---- | Like brick's continue, but first run some action to modify brick's state.
---- This action does not affect the app state, but might eg adjust a widget's scroll position.
@ -319,7 +321,7 @@ withBorderAttr attr = updateAttrMap (applyAttrMappings [("border", attr)])
-- | Scroll a list's viewport so that the selected item is centered in the
-- middle of the display area.
scrollSelectionToMiddle :: List Name e -> EventM Name ()
scrollSelectionToMiddle :: List Name item -> EventM Name UIState ()
scrollSelectionToMiddle list = do
case list^.listSelectedL of
Nothing -> return ()
@ -364,9 +366,9 @@ reportSpecSetFutureAndForecast d forecast rspec =
-- Vertically scroll the named list's viewport with the given number of non-empty items
-- by the given positive or negative number of items (usually 1 or -1).
-- The selection will be moved when necessary to keep it visible and allow the scroll.
listScrollPushingSelection :: (Ord n, Foldable t, Splittable t) =>
n -> GenericList n t e -> Int -> Int -> EventM n (GenericList n t e)
listScrollPushingSelection name list listheight scrollamt = do
listScrollPushingSelection :: Name -> Int -> Int -> EventM Name (List Name item) (GenericList Name Vector item)
listScrollPushingSelection name listheight scrollamt = do
list <- get
viewportScroll name `vScrollBy` scrollamt
mvp <- lookupViewport name
case mvp of

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ executable hledger-ui
ansi-terminal >=0.9
, async
, base >=4.11 && <4.17
, brick >=0.23
, brick >=1.0
, cmdargs >=0.8
, containers >=0.5.9
, data-default

View File

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ dependencies:
- transformers
- vector
# not installable on windows, cf buildable flag below
- brick >=0.23 && <1
- brick >=1.0
- vty >=5.15
- unix

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# stack build plan using GHC 9.2.4
resolver: nightly-2022-08-04
resolver: nightly-2022-08-14
- hledger-lib
@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ packages:
- hledger-ui
- hledger-web
# extra-deps:
# for hledger-lib:
# for hledger:
# for hledger-ui:
- brick-1.0
# for hledger-web:
# for Shake.hs: