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synced 2025-01-07 11:19:32 +03:00
fix: conf: fix passing of general options to ui, web
This commit is contained in:
@ -157,6 +157,8 @@ mainmode addons = defMode {
-- ]
verboseDebugLevel = 8
-- | hledger CLI's main procedure.
@ -166,10 +168,12 @@ mainmode addons = defMode {
-- then run it in the right way, usually reading input data (eg a journal) first.
-- When making a CLI usable and robust with main command, builtin subcommands,
-- and various kinds of addon commands, while balancing UX, environment, idioms,
-- legacy, and language and libraries and workarounds with their own requirements
-- and limitations, things get complicated and bugs can easily creep in.
-- So try to keep the processing below reasonably manageable, testable and clear.
-- and various kinds of addon commands, while balancing circular dependencies,
-- environment, idioms, legacy, and libraries with their own requirements and limitations:
-- things get crazy, and there is a tradeoff against complexity and bug risk.
-- We try to provide the most intuitive, expressive and robust CLI that's feasible
-- while keeping the CLI processing below sufficiently comprehensible, troubleshootable,
-- and tested. It's an ongoing quest.
-- See also: Hledger.Cli.CliOptions, cli.test, and --debug=8.
main :: IO ()
@ -178,7 +182,7 @@ main = withGhcDebug' $ do
-- let's go!
dbgIO, dbgIO1 :: Show a => String -> a -> IO () -- this signature is needed
dbgIO = ptraceAtIO 8
dbgIO = ptraceAtIO verboseDebugLevel
dbgIO1 = ptraceAtIO 1
dbgIO "running" prognameandversion
@ -201,54 +205,53 @@ main = withGhcDebug' $ do
>>= expandArgsAt -- interpolate @ARGFILEs
<&> replaceNumericFlags -- convert -NUM to --depth=NUM
cliargswithcmdfirst = cliargs & moveFlagsAfterCommand
isNonEmptyNonFlag s = not $ null s || "-" `isPrefixOf` s
(clicmdarg, cliargswithoutcmd) =
case span isNonEmptyNonFlag cliargswithcmdfirst of
(a:as,bs) -> (a,as++bs)
([],bs) -> ("",bs)
nocmdprovided = null clicmdarg
(clicmdarg, cliargswithoutcmd, cliargswithcmdfirst) = moveFlagsAfterCommand cliargs
cliargswithcmdfirstwithoutclispecific = dropCliSpecificOpts cliargswithcmdfirst
(cliargsbeforecmd, cliargsaftercmd) = second (drop 1) $ break (==clicmdarg) cliargs
dbgIO "cli args" cliargs
dbgIO "cli args with command first, if any" cliargswithcmdfirst
dbgIO "command argument found" clicmdarg
dbgIO "cli args without command" cliargswithoutcmd
dbgIO "cli args before command" cliargsbeforecmd
dbgIO "cli args after command" cliargsaftercmd
-- Now try to identify the full subcommand name, so we can look for
-- command-specific options in config files (clicmdarg may be only an abbreviation).
-- For this we do a preliminary cmdargs parse of the command line arguments.
-- For this we do a preliminary cmdargs parse of the command line arguments, with cli-specific options removed.
-- If no command was provided, or if the command line contains a bad flag
-- or a wrongly present/missing flag argument, cmd will be "".
-- (Also find any --conf-file/--no-conf options.)
-- cliargswithcmdfirst' = filter (/= "--debug") cliargswithcmdfirst
-- XXX files --debug fails here, eg.
-- How to parse the command name with cmdargs without passing unsupported flags that it will reject ?
-- Is --debug the only flag like this ?
rawopts0 = cmdargsParse cliargswithcmdfirst addons
rawopts0 = cmdargsParse cliargswithcmdfirstwithoutclispecific addons
cmd = stringopt "command" rawopts0
-- XXX may need a better error message when cmdargs fails to parse (eg spaced/quoted/malformed flag values)
nocmdprovided = null clicmdarg
badcmdprovided = null cmd && not nocmdprovided
isaddoncmd = not (null cmd) && cmd `elem` addons
-- isbuiltincmd = cmd `elem` builtinCommandNames
mcmdmodeaction = findBuiltinCommand cmd
effectivemode = maybe (mainmode []) fst mcmdmodeaction
dbgIO "cli args with command first and no cli-specific opts" cliargswithcmdfirstwithoutclispecific
dbgIO1 "command found" cmd
dbgIO "no command provided" nocmdprovided
dbgIO "bad command provided" badcmdprovided
dbgIO1 "command found" cmd
dbgIO "is addon command" isaddoncmd
-- Read extra options from a config file.
-- Identify any --conf-file/--no-conf options.
-- For this we parse with cmdargs again, this time with cli-specific options but without a command name.
dbgIO "cli args without command" cliargswithoutcmd
let rawopts1 = cmdargsParse cliargswithoutcmd addons
-- Read any extra general and command-specific args/opts from a config file.
-- Ignore any general opts not known to be supported by the command.
(conf, mconffile) <- getConf rawopts0
-- Ignore any general opts or cli-specific opts not known to be supported by the command.
(conf, mconffile) <- getConf rawopts1
genargsfromconf = confLookup "general" conf
addoncmdssupportinggenopts = ["ui", "web"] -- addons known to support hledger general options
| cmd `elem` addoncmdssupportinggenopts =
[a | a <- genargsfromconf, not $ any (`isPrefixOf` a) addoncmdssupportinggenopts]
| isaddoncmd = []
| otherwise = dropUnsupportedOpts effectivemode genargsfromconf
excludedgenargsfromconf = genargsfromconf \\ supportedgenargsfromconf
@ -270,7 +273,6 @@ main = withGhcDebug' $ do
(if null clicmdarg then [] else [clicmdarg]) <> supportedgenargsfromconf <> cmdargsfromconf <> cliargswithoutcmd
& replaceNumericFlags -- convert any -NUM opts from the config file
-- finalargs' <- expandArgsAt finalargs -- expand @ARGFILEs in the config file ? don't bother
dbgIO "final args to be parsed by cmdargs" finalargs
let rawopts = cmdargsParse finalargs addons
@ -349,11 +351,12 @@ main = withGhcDebug' $ do
-- are not passed since we can't be sure they're supported.
| isaddoncmd -> do
addonargs = filter (/="--") $ cmdargsfromconf <> cliargsaftercmd
addonargs0 = filter (/="--") $ supportedgenargsfromconf <> cmdargsfromconf <> cliargswithoutcmd
addonargs = dropCliSpecificOpts addonargs0
shellcmd = printf "%s-%s %s" progname cmd (unwords' addonargs) :: String
dbgIO "addon command selected" cmd
dbgIO "addon command arguments" (map quoteIfNeeded addonargs)
dbgIO1 "running" shellcmd
dbgIO "addon command arguments after removing cli-specific opts" (map quoteIfNeeded addonargs)
dbgIO1 "running addon" shellcmd
system shellcmd >>= exitWith
-- deprecated command found
@ -379,8 +382,10 @@ main = withGhcDebug' $ do
-- or search for addons; to do those things, mimic the code in main for now.
argsToCliOpts :: [String] -> [String] -> IO CliOpts
argsToCliOpts args addons = do
let args' = args & moveFlagsAfterCommand & replaceNumericFlags
let rawopts = cmdargsParse args' addons
(_, _, args0) = moveFlagsAfterCommand args
args1 = replaceNumericFlags args0
rawopts = cmdargsParse args1 addons
rawOptsToCliOpts rawopts
-- | Parse these command line arguments/options with cmdargs using mainmode.
@ -390,18 +395,20 @@ argsToCliOpts args addons = do
cmdargsParse :: [String] -> [String] -> RawOpts
cmdargsParse args0 addons =
CmdArgs.process (mainmode addons) args & either
(\err -> error' $ unlines [
"cmdargs: " <> err
,"while processing arguments:"
,show args
(\err -> error' $ "cmdargs: " <> err)
where args = ensureDebugFlagHasVal args0
args = ensureDebugFlagHasVal args0
& traceOrLogAtWith verboseDebugLevel (\as ->
"cmdargs: parsing with mainmode+subcommand modes+generic addon modes: " <> show as)
-- | cmdargs does not allow flags (options) to appear before the subcommand name.
-- | cmdargs does not allow flags (options) to appear before the subcommand argument.
-- We prefer to hide this restriction from the user, making the CLI more forgiving.
-- So this tries to move flags, and their values if any, after the command name.
-- This is tricky because of the flexibility of traditional flag syntax.
-- So this tries to move flags, and their values if any, after the command argument.
-- It also returns the (possibly empty) command argument and the other arguments,
-- separately for convenience.
-- Detecting the command argument is tricky because of the flexibility of traditional flag syntax.
-- Short flags can be joined together, some flags can have a value or no value,
-- flags and values can be separated by =, a space, or nothing, etc.
@ -431,9 +438,13 @@ cmdargsParse args0 addons =
-- and will be moved - but later rejected by cmdargs.
-- Instead these should be written to the right of a "--" argument, which hides them.
moveFlagsAfterCommand :: [String] -> [String]
moveFlagsAfterCommand args = insertFlagsAfterCommand $ moveFlagArgs (args, [])
moveFlagsAfterCommand :: [String] -> (String, [String], [String])
moveFlagsAfterCommand args =
case moveFlagArgs (args, []) of
([],as) -> ("", as, as)
(cmdarg:unmoved, moved) -> (cmdarg, as, cmdarg:as) where as = unmoved<>moved
moveFlagArgs :: ([String], [String]) -> ([String], [String])
moveFlagArgs ((a:b:cs), moved)
| isMovableFlagArg a == 2 = moveFlagArgs (cs, moved++[a,b])
| isMovableFlagArg a == 1 = moveFlagArgs (b:cs, moved++[a])
@ -460,9 +471,6 @@ moveFlagsAfterCommand args = insertFlagsAfterCommand $ moveFlagArgs (args, [])
| otherwise = 0 -- not a flag
moveFlagArgs (as, moved) = (as, moved)
insertFlagsAfterCommand ([], flags) = flags
insertFlagsAfterCommand (command1:args2, flags) = [command1] ++ flags ++ args2
-- All Flags provided by hledger and its builtin comands.
allbuiltinflags = modeAndSubmodeFlags $ mainmode []
@ -501,6 +509,12 @@ longoptvalflagargs_ = map (++"=") $ filter isLongFlagArg optvalflagargs ++ ["--d
-- Is this flag arg one that requires a value ?
isReqValFlagArg a = a `elem` reqvalflagargs
-- Drop any arguments which look like cli-specific options (--no-conf, --conf CONFFILE, etc.)
dropCliSpecificOpts :: [String] -> [String]
dropCliSpecificOpts = dropUnsupportedOpts mainmodegeneral
mainmodegeneral = (mainmode []){modeGroupFlags=(modeGroupFlags (mainmode [])){groupUnnamed=[]}}
-- | Given a hledger cmdargs mode and a list of command line arguments, try to drop any of the
-- arguments which seem to be flags not supported by this mode. Also drop their values if any.
dropUnsupportedOpts :: Mode RawOpts -> [String] -> [String]
@ -510,17 +524,11 @@ dropUnsupportedOpts m = \case
| isLongFlagArg a,
let f = takeWhile (/='=') a,
let as' = if isReqValFlagArg f && '=' `notElem` a then drop 1 as else as
if m `supportsFlag` f
then a : go as
else go as'
-> if m `supportsFlag` f then a : go as else go as'
| isShortFlagArg a,
let f = take 2 a,
let as' = if isReqValFlagArg f && length a == 2 then drop 1 as else as
if m `supportsFlag` f
then a : go as
else go as'
-> if m `supportsFlag` f then a : go as else go as'
| otherwise -> a : dropUnsupportedOpts m as
go = dropUnsupportedOpts m
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