add a shell test runner like ledger's, and "make functest" rule

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2009-06-27 08:15:00 +00:00
parent 163ba5de93
commit 2ae609fee6
2 changed files with 131 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -87,6 +87,10 @@ tools/bench: tools/bench.hs
tools/doctest: tools/doctest.hs
ghc --make tools/doctest.hs
# build the shell test runner
tools/shelltest: tools/shelltest.hs
ghc --make -threaded tools/shelltest.hs
# build the generateledger tool
tools/generateledger: tools/generateledger.hs
ghc --make tools/generateledger.hs
@ -112,6 +116,11 @@ unittest:
@(runghc hledger.hs test \
&& echo $@ passed) || echo $@ FAILED
# run functional tests
functest: tools/shelltest
@(tools/shelltest tests/*.test \
&& echo $@ passed) || echo $@ FAILED
# run doc tests
doctest: tools/doctest
@(tools/doctest Commands/Add.hs >/dev/null \

tools/shelltest.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
Run one or more hledger command-line tests, specified by .test files like
those used in the ledger project. A ledger-style .test file contains a
partial command line, input, expected output, expected error output, and
expected exit code separated by delimiters.
Usage: $ shelltest *.test
Here is the .test file format:
--option1 arg1 arg2
lines of
error output
; Lines whose first non-whitespace character is ; are ignored.
; The first line is the command line. "hledger" is prepended, and "-f-" is
; appended unless there is a -f or <... argument (in which case the
; provided input is ignored.)
; Then there is a line containing <<< and 0 or more lines of input.
; Then a line containing >>> (or >>>1 for ledger testrunner compatibility)
; and 0 or more lines of expected output.
; Then a line containing >>>2 and 0 or more lines of expected stderr output.
; Then === and the expected exit code (on the same line).
module Main where
import System (getArgs)
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitWith, ExitCode(..))
import System.IO (hGetContents, hPutStr, hFlush, stderr, stdout)
import System.Process (runInteractiveCommand, waitForProcess)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Control.Monad (liftM,when)
exe :: String
exe = "hledger"
data ShellTest = ShellTest {
command :: String
,stdin :: String
,stdoutExpected :: String
,stderrExpected :: String
,exitCodeExpected :: ExitCode
} deriving (Show)
main :: IO ()
main = do
files <- getArgs
ok <- mapM (\f -> parseShellTest f >>= runShellTest) files
if any not ok then exitFailure else exitWith ExitSuccess
parseShellTest :: FilePath -> IO ShellTest
parseShellTest = liftM (either ( id) . parseFromFile shelltest
shelltest :: Parser ShellTest
shelltest = do
c <- line; string "<<<\n"
i <- line `manyTill` (string ">>>" >> optional (char '1') >> char '\n')
o <- line `manyTill` (string ">>>2\n")
e <- line `manyTill` (string "===")
x <- line
let x' = read x -- `catch` (\e -> fail (show e))
return ShellTest{command=c,stdin=unlines i,stdoutExpected=unlines o,stderrExpected=unlines e,exitCodeExpected=toExitCode x'}
line :: Parser String
line = do
l <- anyChar `manyTill` newline
if take 1 (strip l) == ";"
then line
else return l
runShellTest :: ShellTest -> IO Bool
runShellTest ShellTest{
command=c,stdin=i,stdoutExpected=o,stderrExpected=e,exitCodeExpected=x} = do
let cmd = unwords [exe,c,if (any isinputarg $ words c) then "" else "-f-"]
where isinputarg a = take 2 a == "-f" || (take 1 a == "<")
printf "Testing: %s" cmd; hFlush stdout
(ih,oh,eh,ph) <- runInteractiveCommand cmd
hPutStr ih i
out <- hGetContents oh
err <- hGetContents eh
exit <- waitForProcess ph
let (outputok, errorok, exitok) = (out==o, err==e, exit==x)
if outputok && errorok && exitok
then do
putStrLn " .. ok"
return True
else do
hPutStr stderr $ printf " .. FAIL\n"
when (not outputok) $ printExpectedActual "stdout" o out
when (not errorok) $ printExpectedActual "stderr" e err
when (not exitok) $ printExpectedActual "exit code" (show (fromExitCode x)++"\n") (show (fromExitCode exit)++"\n")
return False
printExpectedActual :: String -> String -> String -> IO ()
printExpectedActual f e a = hPutStr stderr $ printf "**Expected %s:\n%s**Got:\n%s" f e a
toExitCode :: Int -> ExitCode
toExitCode 0 = ExitSuccess
toExitCode n = ExitFailure n
fromExitCode :: ExitCode -> Int
fromExitCode ExitSuccess = 0
fromExitCode (ExitFailure n) = n
strip,lstrip,rstrip,dropws :: String -> String
strip = lstrip . rstrip
lstrip = dropws
rstrip = reverse . dropws . reverse
dropws = dropWhile (`elem` " \t")