move types to bottom

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2007-07-02 16:43:14 +00:00
parent 224c05aa22
commit 2ddeb4841c
14 changed files with 158 additions and 119 deletions

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@ -14,11 +14,6 @@ import Ledger
-- an Account caches an account's name, balance (including sub-accounts)
-- and transactions (excluding sub-accounts)
data Account = Account {
aname :: AccountName,
atransactions :: [EntryTransaction],
abalance :: Amount
instance Show Account where
show (Account a ts b) = printf "Account %s with %d transactions" a $ length ts

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@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import Types
-- AccountNames are strings like "assets:cash:petty"; from these we build
-- the chart of accounts, which should be a simple hierarchy.
type AccountName = String
accountNameComponents :: AccountName -> [String]
accountNameComponents = splitAtElement ':'

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@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ module Amount
import Utils
import Types
import Currency
a simple amount is a currency, quantity pair:
@ -40,43 +41,6 @@ tests = runTestTT $ test [
parseAmount "$1" ~?= dollars 1 -- currently 0
-- currency
data Currency = Currency {
symbol :: String,
rate :: Double -- relative to the dollar
} deriving (Eq,Show)
currencies =
Currency "$" 1
,Currency "EUR" 0.760383
,Currency "£" 0.512527
,Currency "h" 60 -- hours
,Currency "m" 1 -- minutes
getcurrency :: String -> Currency
getcurrency s = head $ [(Currency symbol rate) | (Currency symbol rate) <- currencies, symbol==s]
-- convenience
dollars = Amount $ getcurrency "$"
euro = Amount $ getcurrency "EUR"
pounds = Amount $ getcurrency "£"
hours = Amount $ getcurrency "h"
minutes = Amount $ getcurrency "m"
conversionRate :: Currency -> Currency -> Double
conversionRate oldc newc = (rate newc) / (rate oldc)
-- amount
data Amount = Amount {
currency :: Currency,
quantity :: Double
} deriving (Eq)
instance Show Amount where show = showAmountRoundedOrZero
nullamt = dollars 0
@ -107,8 +71,3 @@ toCurrency :: Currency -> Amount -> Amount
toCurrency newc (Amount oldc q) =
Amount newc (q * (conversionRate oldc newc))
-- mixed amounts
--data MixedAmount = MixedAmount [Amount] deriving (Eq,Ord)

Currency.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
module Currency
import Utils
import Types
currencies =
Currency "$" 1
,Currency "EUR" 0.760383
,Currency "£" 0.512527
,Currency "h" 60 -- hours
,Currency "m" 1 -- minutes
getcurrency :: String -> Currency
getcurrency s = head $ [(Currency symbol rate) | (Currency symbol rate) <- currencies, symbol==s]
conversionRate :: Currency -> Currency -> Double
conversionRate oldc newc = (rate newc) / (rate oldc)
-- convenient amount constructors
dollars = Amount $ getcurrency "$"
euro = Amount $ getcurrency "EUR"
pounds = Amount $ getcurrency "£"
hours = Amount $ getcurrency "h"
minutes = Amount $ getcurrency "m"

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@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ import Types
import Transaction
type EntryStatus = Bool
-- a register entry is displayed as two or more lines like this:
-- date description account amount balance
-- DDDDDDDDDD dddddddddddddddddddd aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA
@ -19,14 +17,6 @@ type EntryStatus = Bool
-- amtWidth = 11
-- balWidth = 12
data Entry = Entry {
edate :: Date,
estatus :: EntryStatus,
ecode :: String,
edescription :: String,
etransactions :: [Transaction]
} deriving (Eq)
instance Show Entry where show = showEntry
showEntry e = (showDate $ edate e) ++ " " ++ (showDescription $ edescription e) ++ " "
@ -43,19 +33,9 @@ autofillEntry e =
-- modifier & periodic entries
data ModifierEntry = ModifierEntry { -- aka "automated entry"
valueexpr :: String,
m_transactions :: [Transaction]
} deriving (Eq)
instance Show ModifierEntry where
show e = "= " ++ (valueexpr e) ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map show (m_transactions e))
data PeriodicEntry = PeriodicEntry {
periodexpr :: String,
p_transactions :: [Transaction]
} deriving (Eq)
instance Show PeriodicEntry where
show e = "~ " ++ (periodexpr e) ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map show (p_transactions e))

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Types
import Entry
import Transaction
import Amount
import Currency
-- We convert Transactions into EntryTransactions, which are (entry,
@ -13,8 +14,6 @@ import Amount
-- reference their entry like in OO. These are referred to as just
-- "transactions" in code above.
type EntryTransaction = (Entry,Transaction)
entry (e,t) = e
transaction (e,t) = t
date (e,t) = edate e

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@ -9,12 +9,6 @@ import Entry
import EntryTransaction
data Ledger = Ledger {
modifier_entries :: [ModifierEntry],
periodic_entries :: [PeriodicEntry],
entries :: [Entry]
} deriving (Eq)
instance Show Ledger where
show l = printf "Ledger with %d entries"
((length $ entries l) +

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ haddock:
haddock -h -o doc *.hs
@./overview.hs hledger.hs
@./overview.hs Types.hs
@darcs trackdown 'find . -name "*hs" |xargs wc -l |echo OUTPUT `tail -1`; false' |ruby -nae'puts $$F[1] if /^OUTPUT/'

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-- data types & behaviours
-- all data types & behaviours
module Models (
module Types,
module Currency,
module Amount,
module AccountName,
module Transaction,
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Types
import Currency
import Amount
import AccountName
import Transaction

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@ -2,24 +2,15 @@ module TimeLog
import Utils
import Types
import Currency
import Amount
import Transaction
import Entry
import Ledger
data TimeLogEntry = TimeLogEntry {
tcode :: Char,
tdatetime :: DateTime,
tcomment :: String
} deriving (Eq,Ord)
instance Show TimeLogEntry where
show t = printf "%s %s %s" (show $ tcode t) (tdatetime t) (tcomment t)
data TimeLog = TimeLog {
timelog_entries :: [TimeLogEntry]
} deriving (Eq)
instance Show TimeLog where
show tl = printf "TimeLog with %d entries" $ length $ timelog_entries tl

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@ -7,11 +7,6 @@ import AccountName
import Amount
data Transaction = Transaction {
taccount :: AccountName,
tamount :: Amount
} deriving (Eq)
instance Show Transaction where show = showTransaction
showTransaction t = (showAccountName $ taccount t) ++ " " ++ (showAmount $ tamount t)

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@ -2,6 +2,121 @@ module Types
import Utils
First, here is the module hierarchy. The initial implementation defined
types in each module and so was strictly layered. Now, all types have been
moved to the bottom, with modules still used to group related functions
(aka methods - "make overview" to list these).
(Will this allow a more muddled design ? Possibly, though starting out
layered probably helped, but note previous comment:
Each layer can only reference things below it. A seeming problem:
CookedLedger must be at the top so it can cache any of the others. Code
below it can not use its fast functions, and code above it should use
only its functions for good performance. Upper-level code loses the
benefit of many lower-level functions and has to reimplement them as
fast versions.)
type Date = String
type DateTime = String
data Currency = Currency {
symbol :: String,
rate :: Double -- relative to the dollar
} deriving (Eq,Show)
-- some amount of money, time, stock, oranges, etc.
data Amount = Amount {
currency :: Currency,
quantity :: Double
} deriving (Eq)
-- AccountNames are strings like "assets:cash:petty"; from these we build
-- the chart of accounts, which should be a simple hierarchy.
type AccountName = String
-- a flow of an amount to an account
data Transaction = Transaction {
taccount :: AccountName,
tamount :: Amount
} deriving (Eq)
-- cleared ?
type EntryStatus = Bool
-- a ledger entry, with two or more balanced transactions
data Entry = Entry {
edate :: Date,
estatus :: EntryStatus,
ecode :: String,
edescription :: String,
etransactions :: [Transaction]
} deriving (Eq)
-- an "automated" entry (see = in ledger manual)
data ModifierEntry = ModifierEntry {
valueexpr :: String,
m_transactions :: [Transaction]
} deriving (Eq)
-- a periodic entry (see ~ in ledger manual)
data PeriodicEntry = PeriodicEntry {
periodexpr :: String,
p_transactions :: [Transaction]
} deriving (Eq)
-- a parsed ledger file
data Ledger = Ledger {
modifier_entries :: [ModifierEntry],
periodic_entries :: [PeriodicEntry],
entries :: [Entry]
} deriving (Eq)
-- we also process timeclock.el's timelogs
data TimeLogEntry = TimeLogEntry {
tcode :: Char,
tdatetime :: DateTime,
tcomment :: String
} deriving (Eq,Ord)
data TimeLog = TimeLog {
timelog_entries :: [TimeLogEntry]
} deriving (Eq)
-- We convert Transactions into EntryTransactions, which are (entry,
-- transaction) pairs, since I couldn't see how to have transactions
-- reference their entry like in OO. These are referred to as just
-- "transactions" in modules above EntryTransaction.
type EntryTransaction = (Entry,Transaction)
-- an Account caches a particular account's name, balance and transactions
-- from a Ledger
data Account = Account {
aname :: AccountName,
atransactions :: [EntryTransaction], -- excludes sub-accounts
abalance :: Amount -- includes sub-accounts

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@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ splitAtElement e l =
(first,rest) = break (e==) l'
-- testing support
-- tree tools
root = rootLabel
@ -37,8 +34,7 @@ branches = subForest
-- remove all nodes past a certain depth
treeprune :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
treeprune 0 t = Node (root t) []
treeprune d t =
Node (root t) (map (treeprune $ d-1) $ branches t)
treeprune d t = Node (root t) (map (treeprune $ d-1) $ branches t)
-- apply f to all tree nodes
treemap :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
@ -57,4 +53,9 @@ treeany f t = (f $ root t) || (any (treeany f) $ branches t)
-- treedrop -- remove the leaves which do fulfill predicate.
-- treedropall -- do this repeatedly.
strace a = trace (show a) a
-- debugging
strace a = trace (show a) a
-- testing

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@ -4,25 +4,7 @@ hledger - ledger-compatible money management tool (& haskell study)
GPLv3, (c) Simon Michael & contributors
A port of John Wiegley's ledger at
Here is a rough overview of the module/model hierarchy:
See Types.hs for a code overview.
module Main