prices: style price amounts; always show full precision

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2019-10-20 07:09:34 -07:00
parent b598f30a8a
commit 312e772468
4 changed files with 49 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -914,12 +914,14 @@ journalApplyCommodityStyles j@Journal{jtxns=ts, jpricedirectives=pds} =
Right j' -> Right j''
styles = journalCommodityStyles j'
j'' = j'{jtxns=map fixtransaction ts, jpricedirectives=map fixpricedirective pds}
j'' = j'{jtxns=map fixtransaction ts
,jpricedirectives=map fixpricedirective pds
fixtransaction t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=map fixposting ps}
fixposting p = p{pamount=styleMixedAmount styles $ pamount p
,pbalanceassertion=fixbalanceassertion <$> pbalanceassertion p}
fixbalanceassertion ba = ba{baamount=styleAmount styles $ baamount ba}
fixpricedirective pd@PriceDirective{pdamount=a} = pd{pdamount=styleAmount styles a}
fixpricedirective pd@PriceDirective{pdamount=a} = pd{pdamount=styleAmountExceptPrecision styles a}
-- | Get all the amount styles defined in this journal, either declared by
-- a commodity directive or inferred from amounts, as a map from symbol to style.

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Prices (
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -26,11 +27,12 @@ pricesmode = hledgerCommandMode
prices opts j = do
d <- getCurrentDay
styles = journalCommodityStyles j
q = queryFromOpts d (reportopts_ opts)
ps = filter (matchesPosting q) $ allPostings j
mprices = jpricedirectives j
cprices = concatMap postingCosts ps
icprices = concatMap postingCosts . mapAmount invertPrice $ ps
cprices = map (stylePriceDirectiveExceptPrecision styles) $ concatMap postingsPriceDirectivesFromCosts ps
icprices = map (stylePriceDirectiveExceptPrecision styles) $ concatMap postingsPriceDirectivesFromCosts $ mapAmount invertPrice ps
allprices = mprices ++ ifBoolOpt "costs" cprices ++ ifBoolOpt "inverted-costs" icprices
mapM_ (putStrLn . showPriceDirective) $
sortOn pddate $
@ -65,8 +67,12 @@ invertPrice a =
a { aquantity = aquantity pa * signum (aquantity a), acommodity = acommodity pa, aprice = Just $ TotalPrice pa' } where
pa' = pa { aquantity = abs $ aquantity a, acommodity = acommodity a, aprice = Nothing, astyle = astyle a }
amountCost :: Day -> Amount -> Maybe PriceDirective
amountCost d a =
postingsPriceDirectivesFromCosts :: Posting -> [PriceDirective]
postingsPriceDirectivesFromCosts p = mapMaybe (amountPriceDirectiveFromCost date) . amounts $ pamount p where
date = fromMaybe (tdate . fromJust $ ptransaction p) $ pdate p
amountPriceDirectiveFromCost :: Day -> Amount -> Maybe PriceDirective
amountPriceDirectiveFromCost d a =
case aprice a of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (UnitPrice pa) -> Just
@ -74,9 +80,12 @@ amountCost d a =
Just (TotalPrice pa) -> Just
PriceDirective { pddate = d, pdcommodity = acommodity a, pdamount = abs (aquantity a) `divideAmount'` pa }
postingCosts :: Posting -> [PriceDirective]
postingCosts p = mapMaybe (amountCost date) . amounts $ pamount p where
date = fromMaybe (tdate . fromJust $ ptransaction p) $ pdate p
-- | Given a map of standard amount display styles, apply the
-- appropriate one, if any, to this price directive's amount.
-- But keep the number of decimal places unchanged.
stylePriceDirectiveExceptPrecision :: M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> PriceDirective -> PriceDirective
stylePriceDirectiveExceptPrecision styles pd@PriceDirective{pdamount=a} =
pd{pdamount = styleAmountExceptPrecision styles a}
allPostings :: Journal -> [Posting]
allPostings = concatMap tpostings . jtxns

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@ -3,5 +3,6 @@ Print [market price directives](/manual#market-prices) from the journal.
With --costs, also print synthetic market prices based on [transaction prices](/manual#transaction-prices).
With --inverted-costs, also print inverse prices based on transaction prices.
Prices (and postings providing prices) can be filtered by a query.
Price amounts are always displayed with their full precision.

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# by default only market prices are reported
# 1. by default only market prices are reported
P 2016/1/1 EUR $1.06
P 2016/2/1 EUR $1.05
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ $ hledger prices -f-
P 2016-01-01 EUR $1.06
P 2016-02-01 EUR $1.05
# costs from postings can be included also
# 2. costs from postings can be included also
P 2016/1/1 EUR $1.06
P 2016/2/1 EUR $1.05
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ P 2016-01-02 EUR $1.07
P 2016-01-03 EUR $1.0725
P 2016-02-01 EUR $1.05
# inverted costs from postings can be calculated
# 3. inverted costs from postings can be calculated
P 2016/1/1 EUR $1.06
P 2016/2/1 EUR $1.05
@ -55,3 +55,28 @@ $ hledger prices -f- --inverted-costs
P 2016-01-01 EUR $1.06
P 2016-01-03 EUR $1.0725
P 2016-02-01 EUR $1.05
commodity 1.000,00 A
P 2019-01-01 X A1000,123
P 2019-01-02 X A1000,1
(a) X1 @ A1000,2345
(a) X1 @ A1000,2
# 4. Commodity styles are applied, but precision is left unchanged.
$ hledger -f- prices
P 2019-01-01 X 1.000,123 A
P 2019-01-02 X 1.000,1 A
# 5. Commodity styles aren't yet applied to prices inferred from transaction prices.
$ hledger -f- prices --costs
P 2019-01-01 X 1.000,123 A
P 2019-01-02 X 1.000,1 A
P 2019-02-01 X 1.000,2345 A
P 2019-02-02 X 1.000,2 A