dev: Amount: aprice -> acost

Acked-by: Simon Michael <>
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2024-01-23 07:50:11 -10:00
parent 8102bd9c2b
commit 323f87b3e9
12 changed files with 54 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ main = do
-- the final balance portion to move
finalamt = dbgamt "final amt to move" $
(balincommsinglecost + stilltomovenext)
{aprice=aprice balincommsinglecost} -- + discards cost, need to restore it
{acost=acost balincommsinglecost} -- + discards cost, need to restore it
in (0, reverse $ (acct, mixed [finalamt]) : balscollected)
-- how much of the requested commodity is in this account
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ main = do
fromps = [
posting{paccount = a
,pamount = mixedAmount $ negate b
-- ,pbalanceassertion = Just nullassertion{baamount=precise b{aquantity=0, aprice=Nothing}}
-- ,pbalanceassertion = Just nullassertion{baamount=precise b{aquantity=0, acost=Nothing}}
| -- get the balances for each commodity and transaction price

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@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ instance Num Amount where
-- | The empty simple amount - a zero with no commodity symbol or cost
-- and the default amount display style.
nullamt :: Amount
nullamt = Amount{acommodity="", aquantity=0, aprice=Nothing, astyle=amountstyle}
nullamt = Amount{acommodity="", aquantity=0, acost=Nothing, astyle=amountstyle}
-- | A special amount used as a marker, meaning
-- "no explicit amount provided here, infer it when needed".
@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ usd n = nullamt{acommodity="$", aquantity=roundTo 2 n, astyle=amountstyle{asprec
eur n = nullamt{acommodity="", aquantity=roundTo 2 n, astyle=amountstyle{asprecision=Precision 2}}
gbp n = nullamt{acommodity="£", aquantity=roundTo 2 n, astyle=amountstyle{asprecision=Precision 2}}
per n = nullamt{acommodity="%", aquantity=n, astyle=amountstyle{asprecision=Precision 1, ascommodityside=R, ascommodityspaced=True}}
amt `at` costamt = amt{aprice=Just $ UnitCost costamt}
amt @@ costamt = amt{aprice=Just $ TotalCost costamt}
amt `at` costamt = amt{acost=Just $ UnitCost costamt}
amt @@ costamt = amt{acost=Just $ TotalCost costamt}
-- | Apply a binary arithmetic operator to two amounts, which should
-- be in the same commodity if non-zero (warning, this is not checked).
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ similarAmountsOp op Amount{acommodity=_, aquantity=q1, astyle=AmountStyle{aspre
-- | Convert an amount to the specified commodity, ignoring and discarding
-- any costs and assuming an exchange rate of 1.
amountWithCommodity :: CommoditySymbol -> Amount -> Amount
amountWithCommodity c a = a{acommodity=c, aprice=Nothing}
amountWithCommodity c a = a{acommodity=c, acost=Nothing}
-- | Convert a amount to its "cost" or "selling price" in another commodity,
-- using its attached cost if it has one. Notes:
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ amountWithCommodity c a = a{acommodity=c, aprice=Nothing}
-- - cost amounts should be positive in the Journal
-- (though this is currently not enforced)
amountCost :: Amount -> Amount
amountCost a@Amount{aquantity=q, aprice=mp} =
amountCost a@Amount{aquantity=q, acost=mp} =
case mp of
Nothing -> a
Just (UnitCost p@Amount{aquantity=pq}) -> p{aquantity=pq * q}
@ -336,11 +336,11 @@ amountCost a@Amount{aquantity=q, aprice=mp} =
-- | Strip all costs from an Amount
amountStripCost :: Amount -> Amount
amountStripCost a = a{aprice=Nothing}
amountStripCost a = a{acost=Nothing}
-- | Apply a function to an amount's quantity (and its total cost, if it has one).
transformAmount :: (Quantity -> Quantity) -> Amount -> Amount
transformAmount f a@Amount{aquantity=q,aprice=p} = a{aquantity=f q, aprice=f' <$> p}
transformAmount f a@Amount{aquantity=q,acost=p} = a{aquantity=f q, acost=f' <$> p}
f' (TotalCost a1@Amount{aquantity=pq}) = TotalCost a1{aquantity = f pq}
f' p' = p'
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ amountRoundedQuantity Amount{aquantity=q, astyle=AmountStyle{asprecision=mp}} =
-- | Apply a test to both an Amount and its total cost, if it has one.
testAmountAndTotalCost :: (Amount -> Bool) -> Amount -> Bool
testAmountAndTotalCost f amt = case aprice amt of
testAmountAndTotalCost f amt = case acost amt of
Just (TotalCost cost) -> f amt && f cost
_ -> f amt
@ -514,8 +514,8 @@ instance HasAmounts Amount where
-- except that costs' precision is never changed (costs are often recorded inexactly,
-- so we don't want to imply greater precision than they were recorded with).
-- If no style is found for an amount, it is left unchanged.
styleAmounts styles a@Amount{aquantity=qty, acommodity=comm, astyle=oldstyle, aprice=mcost0} =
a{astyle=newstyle, aprice=mcost1}
styleAmounts styles a@Amount{aquantity=qty, acommodity=comm, astyle=oldstyle, acost=mcost0} =
a{astyle=newstyle, acost=mcost1}
newstyle = mknewstyle False qty oldstyle comm
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ withDecimalPoint = flip setAmountDecimalPoint
-- Amount rendering
showAmountCostB :: Amount -> WideBuilder
showAmountCostB amt = case aprice amt of
showAmountCostB amt = case acost amt of
Nothing -> mempty
Just (UnitCost pa) -> WideBuilder (TB.fromString " @ ") 3 <> showAmountB noColour{displayZeroCommodity=True} pa
Just (TotalCost pa) -> WideBuilder (TB.fromString " @@ ") 4 <> showAmountB noColour{displayZeroCommodity=True} (sign pa)
@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ showAmountDebug :: Amount -> String
showAmountDebug Amount{acommodity="AUTO"} = "(missing)"
showAmountDebug Amount{..} =
"Amount {acommodity=" ++ show acommodity ++ ", aquantity=" ++ show aquantity
++ ", aprice=" ++ showAmountCostDebug aprice ++ ", astyle=" ++ show astyle ++ "}"
++ ", acost=" ++ showAmountCostDebug acost ++ ", astyle=" ++ show astyle ++ "}"
-- | Get a Text Builder for the string representation of the number part of of an amount,
-- using the display settings from its commodity. Also returns the width of the number.
@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ instance Num MixedAmount where
-- | Calculate the key used to store an Amount within a MixedAmount.
amountKey :: Amount -> MixedAmountKey
amountKey amt@Amount{acommodity=c} = case aprice amt of
amountKey amt@Amount{acommodity=c} = case acost amt of
Nothing -> MixedAmountKeyNoCost c
Just (TotalCost p) -> MixedAmountKeyTotalCost c (acommodity p)
Just (UnitCost p) -> MixedAmountKeyUnitCost c (acommodity p) (aquantity p)
@ -942,12 +942,12 @@ unifyMixedAmount = foldM combine 0 . amounts
-- cost to the result and discarding any other costs. Only used as a
-- rendering helper.
sumSimilarAmountsUsingFirstPrice :: Amount -> Amount -> Amount
sumSimilarAmountsUsingFirstPrice a b = (a + b){aprice=p}
sumSimilarAmountsUsingFirstPrice a b = (a + b){acost=p}
p = case (aprice a, aprice b) of
p = case (acost a, acost b) of
(Just (TotalCost ap), Just (TotalCost bp))
-> Just . TotalCost $ ap{aquantity = aquantity ap + aquantity bp }
_ -> aprice a
_ -> acost a
-- -- | Sum same-commodity amounts. If there were different costs, set
-- -- the cost to a special marker indicating "various". Only used as a
@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ mapMixedAmountUnsafe f (Mixed ma) = Mixed $ f ma -- Use instead of
mixedAmountCost :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
mixedAmountCost (Mixed ma) =
foldl' (\m a -> maAddAmount m (amountCost a)) (Mixed noCosts) withCosts
where (noCosts, withCosts) = M.partition (isNothing . aprice) ma
where (noCosts, withCosts) = M.partition (isNothing . acost) ma
-- -- | MixedAmount derived Eq instance in Types.hs doesn't know that we
-- -- want $0 = EUR0 = 0. Yet we don't want to drag all this code over there.
@ -1227,8 +1227,8 @@ mixedAmountSetPrecisionMax p = mapMixedAmountUnsafe (amountSetPrecisionMax p)
-- | Remove all costs from a MixedAmount.
mixedAmountStripPrices :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
mixedAmountStripPrices (Mixed ma) =
foldl' (\m a -> maAddAmount m a{aprice=Nothing}) (Mixed noPrices) withPrices
where (noPrices, withPrices) = M.partition (isNothing . aprice) ma
foldl' (\m a -> maAddAmount m a{acost=Nothing}) (Mixed noPrices) withPrices
where (noPrices, withPrices) = M.partition (isNothing . acost) ma
@ -1239,9 +1239,9 @@ tests_Amount = testGroup "Amount" [
testCase "amountCost" $ do
amountCost (eur 1) @?= eur 1
amountCost (eur 2){aprice=Just $ UnitCost $ usd 2} @?= usd 4
amountCost (eur 1){aprice=Just $ TotalCost $ usd 2} @?= usd 2
amountCost (eur (-1)){aprice=Just $ TotalCost $ usd (-2)} @?= usd (-2)
amountCost (eur 2){acost=Just $ UnitCost $ usd 2} @?= usd 4
amountCost (eur 1){acost=Just $ TotalCost $ usd 2} @?= usd 2
amountCost (eur (-1)){acost=Just $ TotalCost $ usd (-2)} @?= usd (-2)
,testCase "amountLooksZero" $ do
assertBool "" $ amountLooksZero nullamt
@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@ tests_Amount = testGroup "Amount" [
,testCase "negating amounts" $ do
negate (usd 1) @?= (usd 1){aquantity= -1}
let b = (usd 1){aprice=Just $ UnitCost $ eur 2} in negate b @?= b{aquantity= -1}
let b = (usd 1){acost=Just $ UnitCost $ eur 2} in negate b @?= b{aquantity= -1}
,testCase "adding amounts without costs" $ do
(usd 1.23 + usd (-1.23)) @?= usd 0

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@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ costInferrerFor t pt = maybe id infercost inferFromAndTo
inferFromAndTo = case sumamounts of
[a,b] | noprices, oppositesigns -> asum $ map orderIfMatches pcommodities
noprices = all (isNothing . aprice) sumamounts
noprices = all (isNothing . acost) sumamounts
oppositesigns = signum (aquantity a) /= signum (aquantity b)
orderIfMatches x | x == acommodity a = Just (a,b)
| x == acommodity b = Just (b,a)
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ costInferrerFor t pt = maybe id infercost inferFromAndTo
-- then set its cost based on the ratio between fromamount and toamount.
infercost (fromamount, toamount) p
| [a] <- amounts (pamount p), ptype p == pt, acommodity a == acommodity fromamount
= p{ pamount = mixedAmount a{aprice=Just conversionprice}
= p{ pamount = mixedAmount a{acost=Just conversionprice}
& dbg9With (lbl "inferred cost".showMixedAmountOneLine)
, poriginal = Just $ originalPosting p }
| otherwise = p

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@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ journalMarkRedundantCosts j = do
-- -- | Get this amount's commodity and any commodities referenced in its price.
-- amountCommodities :: Amount -> [CommoditySymbol]
-- amountCommodities Amount{acommodity=c,aprice=p} =
-- amountCommodities Amount{acommodity=c,acost=p} =
-- case p of Nothing -> [c]
-- Just (UnitCost ma) -> c:(concatMap amountCommodities $ amounts ma)
-- Just (TotalCost ma) -> c:(concatMap amountCommodities $ amounts ma)
@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ journalMarkRedundantCosts j = do
-- * posting amounts in transactions (in parse order)
-- * the amount in the final default commodity (D) directive
-- Transaction price amounts (posting amounts' aprice field) are not included.
-- Transaction price amounts (posting amounts' acost field) are not included.
journalStyleInfluencingAmounts :: Journal -> [Amount]
journalStyleInfluencingAmounts j =
@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ journalStyleInfluencingAmounts j =
-- * posting amounts in transactions (in parse order)
-- Transaction price amounts, which may be embedded in posting amounts
-- (the aprice field), are left intact but not traversed/processed.
-- (the acost field), are left intact but not traversed/processed.
-- traverseJournalAmounts :: Applicative f => (Amount -> f Amount) -> Journal -> f Journal
-- traverseJournalAmounts f j =

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@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ type BeancountAmount = Amount
-- in a way that Beancount can read: forces the commodity symbol to the right,
-- converts a few currency symbols to names, capitalises all letters.
amountToBeancount :: Amount -> BeancountAmount
amountToBeancount a@Amount{acommodity=c,astyle=s,aprice=mp} = a{acommodity=c', astyle=s', aprice=mp'}
amountToBeancount a@Amount{acommodity=c,astyle=s,acost=mp} = a{acommodity=c', astyle=s', acost=mp'}
c' = T.toUpper $
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ postingToCost ToCost p
| "_conversion-matched" `elem` map fst (ptags p) && nocosts = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ postingTransformAmount mixedAmountCost p
nocosts = (not . any (isJust . aprice) . amountsRaw) $ pamount p
nocosts = (not . any (isJust . acost) . amountsRaw) $ pamount p
-- | Generate inferred equity postings from a 'Posting' using transaction prices.
-- Make sure not to generate equity postings when there are already matched
@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ postingAddInferredEquityPostings verbosetags equityAcct p
| null priceAmounts = p
| otherwise = p{ ptags = ("_price-matched","") : ptags p }
conversionPostings amt = case aprice amt of
conversionPostings amt = case acost amt of
Nothing -> []
Just _ -> [ cp{ paccount = accountPrefix <> amtCommodity
, pamount = mixedAmount . negate $ amountStripCost amt
@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ postingAddInferredEquityPostings verbosetags equityAcct p
-- Take the commodity of an amount and collapse consecutive spaces to a single space
commodity = T.unwords . filter (not . T.null) . T.words . acommodity
priceAmounts = filter (isJust . aprice) . amountsRaw $ pamount p
priceAmounts = filter (isJust . acost) . amountsRaw $ pamount p
-- | Make a market price equivalent to this posting's amount's unit
-- price, if any.

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@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ transactionInferCostsFromEquity dryrun acctTypes t = first (annotateErrorWithTra
-- with the matching amount which must be present in another non-conversion posting.
costfulPostingIfMatchesBothAmounts :: Amount -> Amount -> Posting -> Maybe Posting
costfulPostingIfMatchesBothAmounts a1 a2 costfulp = do
a@Amount{aprice=Just _} <- postingSingleAmount costfulp
a@Amount{acost=Just _} <- postingSingleAmount costfulp
| dbgamtmatch 1 a1 a (amountsMatch (-a1) a) && dbgcostmatch 2 a2 a (amountsMatch a2 (amountCost a)) -> Just costfulp
| dbgamtmatch 2 a2 a (amountsMatch (-a2) a) && dbgcostmatch 1 a1 a (amountsMatch a1 (amountCost a)) -> Just costfulp
@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ transactionInferCostsFromEquity dryrun acctTypes t = first (annotateErrorWithTra
addCostIfMatchesOneAmount :: Amount -> Amount -> Posting -> Maybe (Posting, Amount)
addCostIfMatchesOneAmount a1 a2 p = do
a <- postingSingleAmount p
let newp cost = p{pamount = mixedAmount a{aprice = Just $ TotalCost cost}}
let newp cost = p{pamount = mixedAmount a{acost = Just $ TotalCost cost}}
| amountsMatch (-a1) a -> Just (newp a2, a2)
| amountsMatch (-a2) a -> Just (newp a1, a1)
@ -408,8 +408,8 @@ transactionInferCostsFromEquity dryrun acctTypes t = first (annotateErrorWithTra
-- Get the single-commodity costless amount from a conversion posting, or raise an error.
conversionPostingAmountNoCost p = case postingSingleAmount p of
Just a@Amount{aprice=Nothing} -> Right a
Just Amount{aprice=Just _} -> Left $ annotateWithPostings [p] "Conversion postings must not have a cost:"
Just a@Amount{acost=Nothing} -> Right a
Just Amount{acost=Just _} -> Left $ annotateWithPostings [p] "Conversion postings must not have a cost:"
Nothing -> Left $ annotateWithPostings [p] "Conversion postings must have a single-commodity amount:"
-- Do these amounts look the same when compared at the first's display precision ?
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ partitionAndCheckConversionPostings check acctTypes =
| check = Left "Conversion postings must occur in adjacent pairs"
| otherwise = Right ((cs, (ps, np:os)), Nothing)
isConversion p = M.lookup (paccount p) acctTypes == Just Conversion
hasCost p = isJust $ aprice =<< postingSingleAmount p
hasCost p = isJust $ acost =<< postingSingleAmount p
-- | Get a posting's amount if it is single-commodity.
postingSingleAmount :: Posting -> Maybe Amount

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@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ tmPostingRuleToFunction verbosetags styles query querytxt tmpr =
-- TODO multipliers with commodity symbols are not yet a documented feature.
-- For now: in addition to multiplying the quantity, it also replaces the
-- matched amount's commodity, display style, and price with those of the posting rule.
c -> mapMixedAmount (\a -> a{acommodity = c, astyle = astyle pramount, aprice = aprice pramount}) as
c -> mapMixedAmount (\a -> a{acommodity = c, astyle = astyle pramount, acost = acost pramount}) as
postingRuleMultiplier :: TMPostingRule -> Maybe Quantity
postingRuleMultiplier tmpr = case amountsRaw . pamount $ tmprPosting tmpr of

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@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ data Amount = Amount {
acommodity :: !CommoditySymbol, -- commodity symbol, or special value "AUTO"
aquantity :: !Quantity, -- numeric quantity, or zero in case of "AUTO"
astyle :: !AmountStyle,
aprice :: !(Maybe AmountCost) -- ^ the (fixed, transaction-specific) cost in another commodity of this amount, if any
acost :: !(Maybe AmountCost) -- ^ the (fixed, transaction-specific) cost in another commodity of this amount, if any
} deriving (Eq,Ord,Generic,Show)
-- | Types with this class have one or more amounts,
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ maCompare (Mixed a) (Mixed b) = go (M.toList a) (M.toList b)
go [] ((_,y):ys) = compareQuantities Nothing (Just y) <> go [] ys
go [] [] = EQ
compareQuantities = comparing (maybe 0 aquantity) <> comparing (maybe 0 totalcost)
totalcost x = case aprice x of
totalcost x = case acost x of
Just (TotalCost p) -> aquantity p
_ -> 0

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@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ priceDirectiveToMarketPrice PriceDirective{..} =
-- The price's display precision will be set to show all significant
-- decimal digits; or if they seem to be infinite, defaultPrecisionLimit.
amountPriceDirectiveFromCost :: Day -> Amount -> Maybe PriceDirective
amountPriceDirectiveFromCost d amt@Amount{acommodity=fromcomm, aquantity=n} = case aprice amt of
amountPriceDirectiveFromCost d amt@Amount{acommodity=fromcomm, aquantity=n} = case acost amt of
Just (UnitCost u) -> Just $ pd{pdamount=u}
Just (TotalCost t) | n /= 0 -> Just $ pd{pdamount=u}
where u = amountSetFullPrecisionOr Nothing $ divideAmount n t

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@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ amountp' mult =
<*> toPermutationWithDefault Nothing (Just <$> lotcostp <* spaces)
<*> toPermutationWithDefault Nothing (Just <$> lotdatep <* spaces)
<*> toPermutationWithDefault Nothing (Just <$> lotnotep <* spaces)
pure $ amt { aprice = mcost }
pure $ amt { acost = mcost }
-- An amount with optional cost, but no cost basis.
amountnobasisp :: JournalParser m Amount
@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ amountnobasisp =
amt <- simpleamountp False
mprice <- optional $ costp amt <* spaces
pure $ amt { aprice = mprice }
pure $ amt { acost = mprice }
-- An amount with no cost or cost basis.
-- A flag indicates whether we are parsing a multiplier amount;
@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ simpleamountp mult =
let numRegion = (offBeforeNum, offAfterNum)
(q,prec,mdec,mgrps) <- lift $ interpretNumber numRegion suggestedStyle ambiguousRawNum mExponent
let s = amountstyle{ascommodityside=L, ascommodityspaced=commodityspaced, asprecision=prec, asdecimalmark=mdec, asdigitgroups=mgrps}
return nullamt{acommodity=c, aquantity=sign (sign2 q), astyle=s, aprice=Nothing}
return nullamt{acommodity=c, aquantity=sign (sign2 q), astyle=s, acost=Nothing}
-- An amount with commodity symbol on the right or no commodity symbol.
-- A no-symbol amount will have the default commodity applied to it
@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ simpleamountp mult =
let msuggestedStyle = mdecmarkStyle <|> mcommodityStyle
(q,prec,mdec,mgrps) <- lift $ interpretNumber numRegion msuggestedStyle ambiguousRawNum mExponent
let s = amountstyle{ascommodityside=R, ascommodityspaced=commodityspaced, asprecision=prec, asdecimalmark=mdec, asdigitgroups=mgrps}
return nullamt{acommodity=c, aquantity=sign q, astyle=s, aprice=Nothing}
return nullamt{acommodity=c, aquantity=sign q, astyle=s, acost=Nothing}
-- no symbol amount
Nothing -> do
-- look for a number style to use when parsing, based on
@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ simpleamountp mult =
let (c,s) = case (mult, defcs) of
(False, Just (defc,defs)) -> (defc, defs{asprecision=max (asprecision defs) prec})
_ -> ("", amountstyle{asprecision=prec, asdecimalmark=mdec, asdigitgroups=mgrps})
return nullamt{acommodity=c, aquantity=sign q, astyle=s, aprice=Nothing}
return nullamt{acommodity=c, aquantity=sign q, astyle=s, acost=Nothing}
-- For reducing code duplication. Doesn't parse anything. Has the type
-- of a parser only in order to throw parse errors (for convenience).
@ -1586,7 +1586,7 @@ tests_Common = testGroup "Common" [
,aquantity=10 -- need to test internal precision with roundTo ? I think not
,astyle=amountstyle{asprecision=Precision 0, asdecimalmark=Nothing}
,aprice=Just $ UnitCost $
,acost=Just $ UnitCost $
@ -1598,7 +1598,7 @@ tests_Common = testGroup "Common" [
,astyle=amountstyle{asprecision=Precision 0, asdecimalmark=Nothing}
,aprice=Just $ TotalCost $
,acost=Just $ TotalCost $

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@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ balanceReportTableAsText ReportOpts{..} =
tests_MultiBalanceReport = testGroup "MultiBalanceReport" [
amt0 = Amount {acommodity="$", aquantity=0, aprice=Nothing,
amt0 = Amount {acommodity="$", aquantity=0, acost=Nothing,
astyle=AmountStyle {ascommodityside = L, ascommodityspaced = False, asdigitgroups = Nothing,
asdecimalmark = Just '.', asprecision = Precision 2, asrounding = NoRounding}}
(rspec,journal) `gives` r = do

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@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ close copts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=rspec0} j = do
| mode_ == Assert =
[ posting{
paccount = a
,pamount = mixedAmount $ precise b{aquantity=0, aprice=Nothing}
,pamount = mixedAmount $ precise b{aquantity=0, acost=Nothing}
-- after each commodity's last posting, assert 0 balance (#1035)
-- balance assertion amounts are unpriced (#824)
,pbalanceassertion =
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ close copts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=rspec0} j = do
-- balance assertion amounts are unpriced (#824)
,pbalanceassertion =
if islast
then Just nullassertion{baamount=precise b{aquantity=0, aprice=Nothing}}
then Just nullassertion{baamount=precise b{aquantity=0, acost=Nothing}}
else Nothing
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ close copts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=rspec0} j = do
,pamount = mixedAmount $ precise b
,pbalanceassertion =
case mcommoditysum of
Just s -> Just nullassertion{baamount=precise s{aprice=Nothing}}
Just s -> Just nullassertion{baamount=precise s{acost=Nothing}}
Nothing -> Nothing
: [posting{paccount=openacct, pamount=mixedAmount . precise $ negate b} | interleaved]