consolidate new matching support

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2011-06-05 18:36:32 +00:00
parent aa41350a16
commit 32a1b921df
6 changed files with 147 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -13,11 +13,12 @@ module Hledger.Data (
module Hledger.Data.Amount,
module Hledger.Data.Commodity,
module Hledger.Data.Dates,
module Hledger.Data.Transaction,
module Hledger.Data.Ledger,
module Hledger.Data.Journal,
module Hledger.Data.Ledger,
module Hledger.Data.Matching,
module Hledger.Data.Posting,
module Hledger.Data.TimeLog,
module Hledger.Data.Transaction,
module Hledger.Data.Types,
module Hledger.Data.Utils,
@ -28,11 +29,12 @@ import Hledger.Data.AccountName
import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Commodity
import Hledger.Data.Dates
import Hledger.Data.Transaction
import Hledger.Data.Ledger
import Hledger.Data.Journal
import Hledger.Data.Ledger
import Hledger.Data.Matching
import Hledger.Data.Posting
import Hledger.Data.TimeLog
import Hledger.Data.Transaction
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Utils

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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Hledger.Data.Dates (nulldatespan)
import Hledger.Data.Transaction (journalTransactionWithDate,balanceTransaction)
import Hledger.Data.Posting
import Hledger.Data.TimeLog
import Hledger.Data.Matching
instance Show Journal where
@ -101,24 +102,16 @@ journalAccountNameTree = accountNameTreeFrom . journalAccountNames
-- filtering V2
-- | Keep only transactions matching the query expression.
-- filterJournalTransactions2 :: Matcher -> Journal -> Journal
-- filterJournalTransactions2 = undefined
-- pats j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=filter matchdesc ts}
-- where matchdesc = matchpats pats . tdescription
-- | Keep only postings matching the query expression.
-- This can leave unbalanced transactions.
filterJournalPostings2 :: Matcher -> Journal -> Journal
filterJournalPostings2 m j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=map filterpostings ts}
where filterpostings t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=filter (m `matches`) ps}
filterJournalPostings2 m j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=map filtertransactionpostings ts}
filtertransactionpostings t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=filter (m `matchesPosting`) ps}
matches :: Matcher -> Posting -> Bool
matches (MatchOr ms) p = any (`matches` p) ms
matches (MatchAnd ms) p = all (`matches` p) ms
matches (MatchAcct True r) p = containsRegex r $ paccount p
matches (MatchAcct False r) p = not $ matches (MatchAcct True r) p
matches _ _ = False
-- | Keep only transactions matching the query expression.
filterJournalTransactions2 :: Matcher -> Journal -> Journal
filterJournalTransactions2 m j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=filter (m `matchesTransaction`) ts}
-- filtering V1

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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
More generic matching, done in one step, unlike FilterSpec and filterJournal*.
Currently used only by hledger-web.
module Hledger.Data.Matching
-- import Data.List
-- import Data.Map (findWithDefault, (!))
-- import Data.Maybe
-- import Data.Ord
import Data.Time.Calendar
-- import Data.Time.LocalTime
-- import Data.Tree
import Safe (readDef)
-- import System.Time (ClockTime(TOD))
-- import Test.HUnit
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
-- import Text.Printf
-- import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Data.Types
-- import Hledger.Data.AccountName
-- import Hledger.Data.Amount
-- import Hledger.Data.Commodity (canonicaliseCommodities)
import Hledger.Data.Dates
-- import Hledger.Data.Transaction (journalTransactionWithDate,balanceTransaction)
-- import Hledger.Data.Posting
-- import Hledger.Data.TimeLog
-- | A more general way to match transactions and postings, successor to FilterSpec. (?)
-- If the first boolean is False, it's a negative match.
data Matcher = MatchOr [Matcher] -- ^ match if any match
| MatchAnd [Matcher] -- ^ match if all match
| MatchDesc Bool String -- ^ match if description matches this regexp
| MatchAcct Bool String -- ^ match postings whose account matches this regexp
| MatchOtherAcct Bool String -- ^ match postings whose transaction contains a posting to an account matching this regexp
| MatchDate Bool DateSpan -- ^ match if actual date in this date span
| MatchEDate Bool DateSpan -- ^ match if effective date in this date span
| MatchStatus Bool Bool -- ^ match if cleared status has this value
| MatchReal Bool Bool -- ^ match if "realness" (involves a real non-virtual account ?) has this value
| MatchEmpty Bool Bool -- ^ match if "emptiness" (amount is zero ?) has this value
| MatchDepth Bool Int -- ^ match if account depth is less than or equal to this value
deriving (Show)
-- | Parse a query expression as a list of match patterns OR'd together.
parseMatcher :: Day -> String -> Matcher
parseMatcher refdate s = MatchOr $ map parseword $ words'' ["otheracct:"] s
parseword :: String -> Matcher
parseword ('n':'o':'t':':':s) = negateMatch $ parseMatcher refdate s
parseword ('d':'e':'s':'c':':':s) = MatchDesc True s
parseword ('a':'c':'c':'t':':':s) = MatchAcct True s
parseword ('o':'t':'h':'e':'r':'a':'c':'c':'t':':':s) = MatchOtherAcct True s
parseword ('d':'a':'t':'e':':':s) = MatchDate True $ spanFromSmartDateString refdate s
parseword ('e':'d':'a':'t':'e':':':s) = MatchEDate True $ spanFromSmartDateString refdate s
parseword ('s':'t':'a':'t':'u':'s':':':s) = MatchStatus True $ parseStatus s
parseword ('r':'e':'a':'l':':':s) = MatchReal True $ parseBool s
parseword ('e':'m':'p':'t':'y':':':s) = MatchEmpty True $ parseBool s
parseword ('d':'e':'p':'t':'h':':':s) = MatchDepth True $ readDef 0 s
parseword s = parseword $ "acct:"++s
parseStatus "*" = True
parseStatus _ = False
parseBool s = s `elem` ["t","true","1","on"]
-- | Quote-and-prefix-aware version of words - don't split on spaces which
-- are inside quotes, including quotes which may have one of the specified
-- prefixes in front.
words'' :: [String] -> String -> [String]
words'' prefixes = fromparse . parsewith maybeprefixedquotedphrases
maybeprefixedquotedphrases = choice' [prefixedQuotedPattern, quotedPattern, pattern] `sepBy` many1 spacenonewline
prefixedQuotedPattern = do
prefix <- choice' $ map string prefixes
p <- quotedPattern
return $ prefix ++ stripquotes p
quotedPattern = do
p <- between (oneOf "'\"") (oneOf "'\"") $ many $ noneOf "'\""
return $ stripquotes p
pattern = many (noneOf " \n\r\"")
-- -- | Parse the query string as a boolean tree of match patterns.
-- parseMatcher :: String -> Matcher
-- parseMatcher s = either (const (MatchOr [])) id $ runParser matcher () "" $ lexmatcher s
-- lexmatcher :: String -> [String]
-- lexmatcher s = words' s
-- matcher :: GenParser String () Matcher
-- matcher = undefined
matchesPosting :: Matcher -> Posting -> Bool
matchesPosting (MatchOr ms) p = any (`matchesPosting` p) ms
matchesPosting (MatchAnd ms) p = all (`matchesPosting` p) ms
matchesPosting (MatchDesc True r) p = regexMatches r $ maybe "" tdescription $ ptransaction p
matchesPosting (MatchDesc False r) p = not $ (MatchDesc True r) `matchesPosting` p
matchesPosting (MatchAcct True r) p = regexMatches r $ paccount p
matchesPosting (MatchAcct False r) p = not $ (MatchAcct True r) `matchesPosting` p
matchesPosting (MatchOtherAcct True r) p =
case ptransaction p of
Just t -> (MatchAcct True r) `matchesTransaction` t && (MatchAcct False r) `matchesPosting` p
Nothing -> False
matchesPosting (MatchOtherAcct False r) p = not $ (MatchOtherAcct True r) `matchesPosting` p
matchesPosting _ _ = False
matchesTransaction :: Matcher -> Transaction -> Bool
matchesTransaction (MatchOr ms) t = any (`matchesTransaction` t) ms
matchesTransaction (MatchAnd ms) t = all (`matchesTransaction` t) ms
matchesTransaction (MatchDesc True r) t = regexMatches r $ tdescription t
matchesTransaction (MatchDesc False r) t = not $ (MatchDesc True r) `matchesTransaction` t
matchesTransaction m@(MatchAcct True _) t = any (m `matchesPosting`) $ tpostings t
matchesTransaction (MatchAcct False r) t = not $ (MatchAcct True r) `matchesTransaction` t
matchesTransaction m@(MatchOtherAcct sense r) t = (MatchAcct sense r) `matchesTransaction` t
matchesTransaction _ _ = False
negateMatch :: Matcher -> Matcher
negateMatch (MatchOr ms) = MatchAnd $ map negateMatch ms
negateMatch (MatchAnd ms) = MatchOr $ map negateMatch ms
negateMatch (MatchAcct sense arg) = MatchAcct (not sense) arg
negateMatch (MatchDesc sense arg) = MatchDesc (not sense) arg
negateMatch (MatchOtherAcct sense arg) = MatchOtherAcct (not sense) arg
negateMatch (MatchDate sense arg) = MatchDate (not sense) arg
negateMatch (MatchEDate sense arg) = MatchEDate (not sense) arg
negateMatch (MatchStatus sense arg) = MatchStatus (not sense) arg
negateMatch (MatchReal sense arg) = MatchReal (not sense) arg
negateMatch (MatchEmpty sense arg) = MatchEmpty (not sense) arg
negateMatch (MatchDepth sense arg) = MatchDepth (not sense) arg

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@ -198,17 +198,3 @@ data FilterSpec = FilterSpec {
,depth :: Maybe Int
} deriving (Show)
-- | A more general way to match transactions and postings, successor to FilterSpec. (?)
-- If the first boolean is False, it's a negative match.
data Matcher = MatchDesc Bool String -- ^ match if description matches this regexp
| MatchAcct Bool String -- ^ match postings whose account matches this regexp
| MatchOtherAcct Bool String -- ^ match postings whose transaction contains a posting to an account matching this regexp
| MatchADate Bool DateSpan -- ^ match if actual date in this date span
| MatchEDate Bool DateSpan -- ^ match if effective date in this date span
| MatchStatus Bool Bool -- ^ match if cleared status has this value
| MatchReal Bool Bool -- ^ match if "realness" (involves a real non-virtual account ?) has this value
| MatchEmpty Bool Bool -- ^ match if "emptiness" (amount is zero ?) has this value
| MatchDepth Bool Int -- ^ match if account depth is less than or equal to this value
| MatchAnd [Matcher] -- ^ match if all match
| MatchOr [Matcher] -- ^ match if any match
deriving (Show)

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<td.account><a href="@{here}?a=#{acctpat}#{pparam}">#{acct}
<td.account><a href="@?{accturl}">#{acct}
<td.amount align=right>#{mixedAmountAsHtml $ pamount posting}
<td.balance align=right>#{mixedAmountAsHtml b}

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@ -5,7 +5,5 @@
<a.toprightlink href=#{manualurl} target=hledgerhelp>manual
\ #
$maybe m <- msg