Merge #1470: prefer change-of-value; separate cost & value (#1353)

"This implements Tier 1 of #1353
minus the mockups of the documentation for Tier 1.1."
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2021-01-29 11:24:45 -08:00
commit 3429601750
20 changed files with 196 additions and 166 deletions

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@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ mapMixedAmount f (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map f as
-- | Convert all component amounts to cost/selling price where
-- possible (see amountCost).
mixedAmountCost :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
mixedAmountCost (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map amountCost as
mixedAmountCost = mapMixedAmount amountCost
-- | Divide a mixed amount's quantities by a constant.
divideMixedAmount :: Quantity -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ mixedAmountIsZero = all amountIsZero . amounts . normaliseMixedAmountSquashPrice
-- | Given a map of standard commodity display styles, apply the
-- appropriate one to each individual amount.
styleMixedAmount :: M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
styleMixedAmount styles (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map (styleAmount styles) as
styleMixedAmount styles = mapMixedAmount (styleAmount styles)
-- | Reset each individual amount's display style to the default.
mixedAmountUnstyled :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
@ -842,20 +842,20 @@ ltraceamount s = traceWith (((s ++ ": ") ++).showMixedAmount)
-- | Set the display precision in the amount's commodities.
setMixedAmountPrecision :: AmountPrecision -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
setMixedAmountPrecision p (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map (setAmountPrecision p) as
setMixedAmountPrecision p = mapMixedAmount (setAmountPrecision p)
mixedAmountStripPrices :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
mixedAmountStripPrices (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map (\a -> a{aprice=Nothing}) as
mixedAmountStripPrices = mapMixedAmount (\a -> a{aprice=Nothing})
-- | Canonicalise a mixed amount's display styles using the provided commodity style map.
canonicaliseMixedAmount :: M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
canonicaliseMixedAmount styles (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map (canonicaliseAmount styles) as
canonicaliseMixedAmount styles = mapMixedAmount (canonicaliseAmount styles)
-- | Replace each component amount's TotalPrice, if it has one, with an equivalent UnitPrice.
-- Has no effect on amounts without one.
-- Does Decimal division, might be some rounding/irrational number issues.
mixedAmountTotalPriceToUnitPrice :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
mixedAmountTotalPriceToUnitPrice (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map amountTotalPriceToUnitPrice as
mixedAmountTotalPriceToUnitPrice = mapMixedAmount amountTotalPriceToUnitPrice

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@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.Posting (
-- * misc.
@ -330,17 +331,24 @@ aliasReplace (BasicAlias old new) a
aliasReplace (RegexAlias re repl) a =
fmap T.pack . regexReplace re repl $ T.unpack a -- XXX
-- | Apply a specified costing and valuation to this posting's amount,
-- using the provided price oracle, commodity styles, and reference dates.
-- Costing is done first if requested, and after that any valuation.
-- See amountApplyValuation and amountCost.
postingApplyCostValuation :: PriceOracle -> M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Day -> Day -> Costing -> Maybe ValuationType -> Posting -> Posting
postingApplyCostValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today cost v p =
postingTransformAmount (mixedAmountApplyCostValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today (postingDate p) cost v) p
-- | Apply a specified valuation to this posting's amount, using the
-- provided price oracle, commodity styles, reference dates, and
-- whether this is for a multiperiod report or not. See
-- amountApplyValuation.
-- provided price oracle, commodity styles, and reference dates.
-- See amountApplyValuation.
postingApplyValuation :: PriceOracle -> M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Day -> Day -> ValuationType -> Posting -> Posting
postingApplyValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today v p =
postingTransformAmount (mixedAmountApplyValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today (postingDate p) v) p
-- | Convert this posting's amount to cost, and apply the appropriate amount styles.
postingToCost :: M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Posting -> Posting
postingToCost styles p@Posting{pamount=a} = p{pamount=styleMixedAmount styles $ mixedAmountCost a}
postingToCost styles = postingTransformAmount (styleMixedAmount styles . mixedAmountCost)
-- | Apply a transform function to this posting's amount.
postingTransformAmount :: (MixedAmount -> MixedAmount) -> Posting -> Posting

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@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.Transaction (
@ -590,10 +591,16 @@ postingSetTransaction t p = p{ptransaction=Just t}
transactionTransformPostings :: (Posting -> Posting) -> Transaction -> Transaction
transactionTransformPostings f t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=map f ps}
-- | Apply a specified costing and valuation to this transaction's amounts,
-- using the provided price oracle, commodity styles, and reference dates.
-- See amountApplyValuation and amountCost.
transactionApplyCostValuation :: PriceOracle -> M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Day -> Day -> Costing -> Maybe ValuationType -> Transaction -> Transaction
transactionApplyCostValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today cost v =
transactionTransformPostings (postingApplyCostValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today cost v)
-- | Apply a specified valuation to this transaction's amounts, using
-- the provided price oracle, commodity styles, reference dates, and
-- whether this is for a multiperiod report or not. See
-- amountApplyValuation.
-- the provided price oracle, commodity styles, and reference dates.
-- See amountApplyValuation.
transactionApplyValuation :: PriceOracle -> M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Day -> Day -> ValuationType -> Transaction -> Transaction
transactionApplyValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today v =
transactionTransformPostings (postingApplyValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today v)

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@ -13,11 +13,13 @@ looking up historical market prices (exchange rates) between commodities.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Hledger.Data.Valuation (
-- ,amountApplyValuation
-- ,amountValueAtDate
@ -51,11 +53,14 @@ import Text.Printf (printf)
-- Types
-- | Whether to convert amounts to cost.
data Costing = Cost | NoCost
deriving (Show,Eq)
-- | What kind of value conversion should be done on amounts ?
-- CLI: --value=cost|then|end|now|DATE[,COMM]
-- CLI: --value=then|end|now|DATE[,COMM]
data ValuationType =
AtCost (Maybe CommoditySymbol) -- ^ convert to cost commodity using transaction prices, then optionally to given commodity using market prices at posting date
| AtThen (Maybe CommoditySymbol) -- ^ convert to default or given valuation commodity, using market prices at each posting's date
AtThen (Maybe CommoditySymbol) -- ^ convert to default or given valuation commodity, using market prices at each posting's date
| AtEnd (Maybe CommoditySymbol) -- ^ convert to default or given valuation commodity, using market prices at period end(s)
| AtNow (Maybe CommoditySymbol) -- ^ convert to default or given valuation commodity, using current market prices
| AtDate Day (Maybe CommoditySymbol) -- ^ convert to default or given valuation commodity, using market prices on some date
@ -94,9 +99,21 @@ priceDirectiveToMarketPrice PriceDirective{..} =
-- Converting things to value
-- | Apply a specified costing and valuation to this mixed amount,
-- using the provided price oracle, commodity styles, and reference dates.
-- Costing is done first if requested, and after that any valuation.
-- See amountApplyValuation and amountCost.
mixedAmountApplyCostValuation :: PriceOracle -> M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Day -> Day -> Day -> Costing -> Maybe ValuationType -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
mixedAmountApplyCostValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today postingdate cost v =
valuation . costing
valuation = maybe id (mixedAmountApplyValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today postingdate) v
costing = case cost of
Cost -> styleMixedAmount styles . mixedAmountCost
NoCost -> id
-- | Apply a specified valuation to this mixed amount, using the
-- provided price oracle, commodity styles, reference dates, and
-- whether this is for a multiperiod report or not.
-- provided price oracle, commodity styles, and reference dates.
-- See amountApplyValuation.
mixedAmountApplyValuation :: PriceOracle -> M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Day -> Day -> Day -> ValuationType -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
mixedAmountApplyValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today postingdate v =
@ -114,7 +131,7 @@ mixedAmountApplyValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today postingdate v =
-- - a fixed date specified by the ValuationType itself
-- (--value=DATE).
-- - the provided "period end" date - this is typically the last day
-- of a subperiod (--value=end with a multi-period report), or of
-- the specified report period or the journal (--value=end with a
@ -133,8 +150,6 @@ mixedAmountApplyValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today postingdate v =
amountApplyValuation :: PriceOracle -> M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Day -> Day -> Day -> ValuationType -> Amount -> Amount
amountApplyValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today postingdate v a =
case v of
AtCost Nothing -> styleAmount styles $ amountCost a
AtCost mc -> amountValueAtDate priceoracle styles mc periodlast . styleAmount styles $ amountCost a
AtThen mc -> amountValueAtDate priceoracle styles mc postingdate a
AtEnd mc -> amountValueAtDate priceoracle styles mc periodlast a
AtNow mc -> amountValueAtDate priceoracle styles mc today a

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@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ accountTransactionsReport rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ropts} j reportq thisacctq = i
periodlast =
fromMaybe (error' "journalApplyValuation: expected a non-empty journal") $ -- XXX shouldn't happen
reportPeriodOrJournalLastDay rspec j
tval = maybe id (transactionApplyValuation prices styles periodlast (rsToday rspec)) $ value_ ropts
tval = transactionApplyCostValuation prices styles periodlast (rsToday rspec) (cost_ ropts) $ value_ ropts
ts4 =
ptraceAtWith 5 (("ts4:\n"++).pshowTransactions) $
map tval ts3

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@ -226,8 +226,10 @@ budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr = TB.toLazyText $
(textCell TopLeft) (textCell TopRight) (uncurry showcell) displayTableWithWidths
title = "Budget performance in " <> showDateSpan (periodicReportSpan budgetr)
<> (case cost_ of
Cost -> ", converted to cost"
NoCost -> "")
<> (case value_ of
Just (AtCost _mc) -> ", valued at cost"
Just (AtThen _mc) -> ", valued at posting date"
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> ", valued at period ends"
Just (AtNow _mc) -> ", current value"
@ -284,9 +286,9 @@ budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr = TB.toLazyText $
_ -> -- trace (pshow $ (maybecost actual, maybecost budget)) -- debug missing percentage
maybecost = case value_ of
Just (AtCost _) -> mixedAmountCost
_ -> id
maybecost = case cost_ of
Cost -> mixedAmountCost
NoCost -> id
maybetranspose | transpose_ = \(Table rh ch vals) -> Table ch rh (transpose vals)
| otherwise = id

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@ -40,11 +40,8 @@ entriesReport rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ropts@ReportOpts{..}} j@Journal{..} =
-- We may be converting posting amounts to value, per "Effect of --value on reports".
tvalue t@Transaction{..} = t{tpostings=map pvalue tpostings}
pvalue = maybe id
(postingApplyValuation (journalPriceOracle infer_value_ j) (journalCommodityStyles j) periodlast (rsToday rspec))
periodlast = fromMaybe (rsToday rspec) $ reportPeriodOrJournalLastDay rspec j
pvalue = postingApplyCostValuation (journalPriceOracle infer_value_ j) (journalCommodityStyles j) periodlast (rsToday rspec) cost_ value_
where periodlast = fromMaybe (rsToday rspec) $ reportPeriodOrJournalLastDay rspec j
tests_EntriesReport = tests "EntriesReport" [
tests "entriesReport" [

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Semigroup (sconcat)
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, addDays, fromGregorian)
import Safe (headMay, lastDef, lastMay, minimumMay)
import Safe (headMay, lastDef, lastMay)
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Query
@ -317,14 +317,13 @@ calculateReportMatrix rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ropts} j priceoracle startbals col
CumulativeChange -> cumulative
HistoricalBalance -> historical
historical = cumulativeSum avalue startingBalance changes
cumulative | changingValuation ropts = fmap (`subtractAcct` valuedStart) historical
| otherwise = cumulativeSum avalue nullacct changes
changeamts | changingValuation ropts = periodChanges valuedStart historical
| otherwise = changes
historical = cumulativeSum avalue startingBalance changes
cumulative = cumulativeSum avalue nullacct changes
changeamts = if changingValuation ropts
then periodChanges nullacct cumulative
else changes
startingBalance = HM.lookupDefault nullacct name startbals
valuedStart = avalue (DateSpan Nothing historicalDate) startingBalance
-- Transpose to get each account's balance changes across all columns, then
-- pad with zeros
@ -335,7 +334,6 @@ calculateReportMatrix rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ropts} j priceoracle startbals col
(pvalue, avalue) = postingAndAccountValuations rspec j priceoracle
addElided = if queryDepth (rsQuery rspec) == Just 0 then HM.insert "..." zeros else id
historicalDate = minimumMay $ mapMaybe spanStart colspans
zeros = M.fromList [(span, nullacct) | span <- colspans]
colspans = M.keys colps
@ -576,14 +574,13 @@ cumulativeSum value start = snd . M.mapAccumWithKey accumValued start
-- MultiBalanceReport.
postingAndAccountValuations :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> PriceOracle
-> (DateSpan -> Posting -> Posting, DateSpan -> Account -> Account)
postingAndAccountValuations rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ropts} j priceoracle =
case value_ ropts of
Nothing -> (const id, const id)
Just v -> if changingValuation ropts then (const id, avalue' v) else (pvalue' v, const id)
postingAndAccountValuations rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ropts} j priceoracle
| changingValuation ropts = (const id, avalue' (cost_ ropts) (value_ ropts))
| otherwise = (pvalue' (cost_ ropts) (value_ ropts), const id)
avalue' v span a = a{aibalance = value (aibalance a), aebalance = value (aebalance a)}
where value = mixedAmountApplyValuation priceoracle styles (end span) (rsToday rspec) (error "multiBalanceReport: did not expect amount valuation to be called ") v -- PARTIAL: should not happen
pvalue' v span = postingApplyValuation priceoracle styles (end span) (rsToday rspec) v
avalue' c v span a = a{aibalance = value (aibalance a), aebalance = value (aebalance a)}
where value = mixedAmountApplyCostValuation priceoracle styles (end span) (rsToday rspec) (error "multiBalanceReport: did not expect amount valuation to be called ") c v -- PARTIAL: should not happen
pvalue' c v span = postingApplyCostValuation priceoracle styles (end span) (rsToday rspec) c v
end = fromMaybe (error "multiBalanceReport: expected all spans to have an end date") -- XXX should not happen
. fmap (addDays (-1)) . spanEnd
styles = journalCommodityStyles j

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@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ postingsReport rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ropts@ReportOpts{..}} j = items
(precedingps, reportps) = matchedPostingsBeforeAndDuring rspec j reportspan
-- We may be converting posting amounts to value, per "Effect of --value on reports".
pvalue periodlast = maybe id (postingApplyValuation priceoracle styles periodlast (rsToday rspec)) value_
pvalue periodlast = postingApplyCostValuation priceoracle styles periodlast (rsToday rspec) cost_ value_
-- Postings, or summary postings with their subperiod's end date, to be displayed.
displayps :: [(Posting, Maybe Day)]

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, addDays)
import Data.Default (Default(..))
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ data ReportOpts = ReportOpts {
period_ :: Period
,interval_ :: Interval
,statuses_ :: [Status] -- ^ Zero, one, or two statuses to be matched
,cost_ :: Costing -- ^ Should we convert amounts to cost, when present?
,value_ :: Maybe ValuationType -- ^ What value should amounts be converted to ?
,infer_value_ :: Bool -- ^ Infer market prices from transactions ?
,depth_ :: Maybe Int
@ -134,6 +135,7 @@ defreportopts = ReportOpts
{ period_ = PeriodAll
, interval_ = NoInterval
, statuses_ = []
, cost_ = NoCost
, value_ = Nothing
, infer_value_ = False
, depth_ = Nothing
@ -170,6 +172,7 @@ rawOptsToReportOpts rawopts = do
let colorflag = stringopt "color" rawopts
formatstring = T.pack <$> maybestringopt "format" rawopts
querystring = map T.pack $ listofstringopt "args" rawopts -- doesn't handle an arg like "" right
(costing, valuation) = valuationTypeFromRawOpts rawopts
format <- case parseStringFormat <$> formatstring of
Nothing -> return defaultBalanceLineFormat
@ -180,7 +183,8 @@ rawOptsToReportOpts rawopts = do
{period_ = periodFromRawOpts d rawopts
,interval_ = intervalFromRawOpts rawopts
,statuses_ = statusesFromRawOpts rawopts
,value_ = valuationTypeFromRawOpts rawopts
,cost_ = costing
,value_ = valuation
,infer_value_ = boolopt "infer-value" rawopts
,depth_ = maybeposintopt "depth" rawopts
,date2_ = boolopt "date2" rawopts
@ -400,27 +404,29 @@ reportOptsToggleStatus s ropts@ReportOpts{statuses_=ss}
| s `elem` ss = ropts{statuses_=filter (/= s) ss}
| otherwise = ropts{statuses_=simplifyStatuses (s:ss)}
-- | Parse the type of valuation to be performed, if any, specified by
-- -B/--cost, -V, -X/--exchange, or --value flags. If there's more
-- than one of these, the rightmost flag wins.
valuationTypeFromRawOpts :: RawOpts -> Maybe ValuationType
valuationTypeFromRawOpts = lastMay . collectopts valuationfromrawopt
-- | Parse the type of valuation and costing to be performed, if any,
-- specified by -B/--cost, -V, -X/--exchange, or --value flags. It is
-- allowed to combine -B/--cost with any other valuation type. If
-- there's more than one valuation type, the rightmost flag wins.
valuationTypeFromRawOpts :: RawOpts -> (Costing, Maybe ValuationType)
valuationTypeFromRawOpts rawopts = (costing, lastMay $ mapMaybe snd valuationopts)
costing = if (any ((Cost==) . fst) valuationopts) then Cost else NoCost
valuationopts = collectopts valuationfromrawopt rawopts
valuationfromrawopt (n,v) -- option name, value
| n == "B" = Just $ AtCost Nothing
| n == "V" = Just $ AtEnd Nothing
| n == "X" = Just $ AtEnd (Just $ T.pack v)
| n == "B" = Just (Cost, Nothing)
| n == "V" = Just (NoCost, Just $ AtEnd Nothing)
| n == "X" = Just (NoCost, Just $ AtEnd (Just $ T.pack v))
| n == "value" = Just $ valuation v
| otherwise = Nothing
valuation v
| t `elem` ["cost","c"] = AtCost mc
| t `elem` ["then" ,"t"] = AtThen mc
| t `elem` ["end" ,"e"] = AtEnd mc
| t `elem` ["now" ,"n"] = AtNow mc
| otherwise =
case parsedateM t of
Just d -> AtDate d mc
Nothing -> usageError $ "could not parse \""++t++"\" as valuation type, should be: cost|then|end|now|c|t|e|n|YYYY-MM-DD"
| t `elem` ["cost","c"] = (Cost, usageError "--value=cost,COMM is no longer supported, please specify valuation explicitly, e.g. --cost --value=then,COMM" <$ mc)
| t `elem` ["then" ,"t"] = (NoCost, Just $ AtThen mc)
| t `elem` ["end" ,"e"] = (NoCost, Just $ AtEnd mc)
| t `elem` ["now" ,"n"] = (NoCost, Just $ AtNow mc)
| otherwise = case parsedateM t of
Just d -> (NoCost, Just $ AtDate d mc)
Nothing -> usageError $ "could not parse \""++t++"\" as valuation type, should be: then|end|now|t|e|n|YYYY-MM-DD"
-- parse --value's value: TYPE[,COMM]
(t,c') = break (==',') v
@ -452,13 +458,12 @@ flat_ = not . tree_
-- depthFromOpts opts = min (fromMaybe 99999 $ depth_ opts) (queryDepth $ queryFromOpts nulldate opts)
-- | Convert this journal's postings' amounts to cost using their
-- transaction prices, if specified by options (-B/--value=cost).
-- transaction prices, if specified by options (-B/--cost).
-- Maybe soon superseded by newer valuation code.
journalSelectingAmountFromOpts :: ReportOpts -> Journal -> Journal
journalSelectingAmountFromOpts opts =
case value_ opts of
Just (AtCost _) -> journalToCost
_ -> id
journalSelectingAmountFromOpts opts = case cost_ opts of
Cost -> journalToCost
NoCost -> id
-- | Convert report options to a query, ignoring any non-flag command line arguments.
queryFromFlags :: ReportOpts -> Query
@ -476,7 +481,6 @@ queryFromFlags ReportOpts{..} = simplifyQuery $ And flagsq
-- different report periods.
changingValuation :: ReportOpts -> Bool
changingValuation ropts = case value_ ropts of
Just (AtCost (Just _)) -> True
Just (AtEnd _) -> True
_ -> False

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ tsDraw UIState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec@ReportSpec{
render . defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel . str
. T.unpack . showTransactionOneLineAmounts
$ maybe id (transactionApplyValuation prices styles periodlast (rsToday rspec)) (value_ ropts) t
$ transactionApplyCostValuation prices styles periodlast (rsToday rspec) (cost_ ropts) (value_ ropts) t
-- (if real_ ropts then filterTransactionPostings (Real True) else id) -- filter postings by --real
toplabel =

View File

@ -113,7 +113,10 @@ clearCostValue ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=
-- | Toggle between showing the primary amounts or costs.
toggleCost :: UIState -> UIState
toggleCost ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ropts}}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportspec_=rspec{rsOpts=ropts{value_ = valuationToggleCost $ value_ ropts}}}}}
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportspec_=rspec{rsOpts=ropts{cost_ = toggle $ cost_ ropts}}}}}
toggle Cost = NoCost
toggle NoCost = Cost
-- | Toggle between showing primary amounts or default valuation.
toggleValue :: UIState -> UIState
@ -121,11 +124,6 @@ toggleValue ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rsp
value_ = plog "toggling value mode to" $ valuationToggleValue $ value_ ropts}}}}}
-- | Basic toggling of -B/cost, for hledger-ui.
valuationToggleCost :: Maybe ValuationType -> Maybe ValuationType
valuationToggleCost (Just (AtCost _)) = Nothing
valuationToggleCost _ = Just $ AtCost Nothing
-- | Basic toggling of -V, for hledger-ui.
valuationToggleValue :: Maybe ValuationType -> Maybe ValuationType
valuationToggleValue (Just (AtEnd _)) = Nothing

View File

@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ reportflags = [
-- valuation
,flagNone ["B","cost"] (setboolopt "B")
"show amounts converted to their cost/selling amount, using the transaction price. Equivalent to --value=cost."
"show amounts converted to their cost/selling amount, using the transaction price."
,flagNone ["V","market"] (setboolopt "V")
["show amounts converted to period-end market value in their default valuation commodity."
@ -166,12 +166,11 @@ reportflags = [
["show amounts converted to current (single period reports)"
,"or period-end (multiperiod reports) market value in the specified commodity."
,"Equivalent to --value=now,COMM / --value=end,COMM."
,"Equivalent to --value=end,COMM."
,flagReq ["value"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "value" s opts) "TYPE[,COMM]"
["show amounts converted with valuation TYPE, and optionally to specified commodity COMM. TYPE can be:"
,"'cost': convert to cost using transaction prices, then optionally to COMM using period-end market prices"
,"'then': convert to contemporaneous market value, in default valuation commodity or COMM (print & register commands only)"
,"'end': convert to period-end market value, in default valuation commodity or COMM"
,"'now': convert to current market value, in default valuation commodity or COMM"

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@ -598,14 +598,17 @@ multiBalanceReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} r = TB.toLazyText $
PeriodChange -> "Balance changes"
CumulativeChange -> "Ending balances (cumulative)"
HistoricalBalance -> "Ending balances (historical)"
valuationdesc = case value_ of
Just (AtCost _mc) -> ", valued at cost"
Just (AtThen _mc) -> ", valued at posting date"
Just (AtEnd _mc) | changingValuation -> ""
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> ", valued at period ends"
Just (AtNow _mc) -> ", current value"
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> ", valued at " <> showDate d
Nothing -> ""
valuationdesc =
(case cost_ of
Cost -> ", converted to cost"
NoCost -> "")
<> (case value_ of
Just (AtThen _mc) -> ", valued at posting date"
Just (AtEnd _mc) | changingValuation -> ""
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> ", valued at period ends"
Just (AtNow _mc) -> ", current value"
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> ", valued at " <> showDate d
Nothing -> "")
changingValuation = case (balancetype_, value_) of
(PeriodChange, Just (AtEnd _)) -> interval_ /= NoInterval

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@ -61,13 +61,8 @@ roi CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ReportOpts{..}
d <- getCurrentDay
-- We may be converting posting amounts to value, per "Effect of --value on reports".
tvalue t@Transaction{..} = t{tpostings=map pvalue tpostings}
pvalue = maybe id
(postingApplyValuation (journalPriceOracle infer_value_ j) (journalCommodityStyles j) periodlast (rsToday rspec))
periodlast = fromMaybe (rsToday rspec) $ reportPeriodOrJournalLastDay rspec j
tvalue = transactionApplyCostValuation (journalPriceOracle infer_value_ j) (journalCommodityStyles j) periodlast (rsToday rspec) cost_ value_
where periodlast = fromMaybe (rsToday rspec) $ reportPeriodOrJournalLastDay rspec j
ropts = rsOpts rspec
showCashFlow = boolopt "cashflow" rawopts
@ -278,7 +273,7 @@ unMix a =
Just a -> aquantity a
Nothing -> error' $ "Amounts could not be converted to a single cost basis: " ++ show (map showAmount $ amounts a) ++
"\nConsider using --value to force all costs to be in a single commodity." ++
"\nFor example, \"--value cost,<commodity> --infer-value\", where commodity is the one that was used to pay for the investment."
"\nFor example, \"--cost --value=end,<commodity> --infer-value\", where commodity is the one that was used to pay for the investment."
-- Show Decimal rounded to two decimal places, unless it has less places already. This ensures that "2" won't be shown as "2.00"
showDecimal :: Decimal -> String

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@ -139,14 +139,17 @@ compoundBalanceCommand CompoundBalanceCommandSpec{..} opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=r
CumulativeChange -> "(Cumulative Ending Balances)"
HistoricalBalance -> "(Historical Ending Balances)"
valuationdesc = case value_ of
Just (AtCost _mc) -> ", valued at cost"
Just (AtThen _mc) -> ", valued at posting date"
Just (AtEnd _mc) | changingValuation -> ""
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> ", valued at period ends"
Just (AtNow _mc) -> ", current value"
Just (AtDate today _mc) -> ", valued at " <> showDate today
Nothing -> ""
valuationdesc =
(case cost_ of
Cost -> ", converted to cost"
NoCost -> "")
<> (case value_ of
Just (AtThen _mc) -> ", valued at posting date"
Just (AtEnd _mc) | changingValuation -> ""
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> ", valued at period ends"
Just (AtNow _mc) -> ", current value"
Just (AtDate today _mc) -> ", valued at " <> showDate today
Nothing -> "")
changingValuation = case (balancetype_, value_) of
(PeriodChange, Just (AtEnd _)) -> interval_ /= NoInterval

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@ -716,26 +716,28 @@ Some of these can also be expressed as command-line options (eg `depth:2` is equ
Generally you can mix options and query arguments, and the resulting query will be their intersection
(perhaps excluding the `-p/--period` option).
The `-B/--cost` flag converts amounts to their cost or sale amount at transaction time,
if they have a [transaction price](hledger.html#transaction-prices) specified.
If this flag is supplied, hledger will perform cost conversion first, and will apply
any market price valuations (if requested) afterwards.
Instead of reporting amounts in their original commodity,
hledger can convert them to
cost/sale amount (using the conversion rate recorded in the transaction),
or to market value (using some market price on a certain date).
This is controlled by the `--value=TYPE[,COMMODITY]` option,
but we also provide the simpler `-B`/`-V`/`-X` flags,
and/or to market value (using some market price on a certain date).
This is controlled by the `--cost` and `--value=TYPE[,COMMODITY]` options,
but we also provide the simpler `-V`/`-X` flags,
and usually one of those is all you need.
## -B: Cost
The `-B/--cost` flag converts amounts to their cost or sale amount at transaction time,
if they have a [transaction price](hledger.html#transaction-prices) specified.
## -V: Value
The `-V/--market` flag converts amounts to market value in their
default *valuation commodity*, using the
[market prices](#market-prices) in effect on the *valuation date(s)*, if any.
[market prices](#market-prices) in effect on the *valuation date(s)*, if any.
More on these in a minute.
## -X: Value in specified commodity
@ -885,12 +887,11 @@ $ hledger -f t.j bal -N euros -V
## --value: Flexible valuation
`-B`, `-V` and `-X` are special cases of the more general `--value` option:
`-V` and `-X` are special cases of the more general `--value` option:
--value=TYPE[,COMM] TYPE is cost, then, end, now or YYYY-MM-DD.
--value=TYPE[,COMM] TYPE is then, end, now or YYYY-MM-DD.
COMM is an optional commodity symbol.
Shows amounts converted to:
- cost commodity using transaction prices (then optionally to COMM using market prices at period end(s))
- default valuation commodity (or COMM) using market prices at posting dates
- default valuation commodity (or COMM) using market prices at period end(s)
- default valuation commodity (or COMM) using current market prices
@ -898,9 +899,6 @@ $ hledger -f t.j bal -N euros -V
The TYPE part selects cost or value and valuation date:
: Convert amounts to cost, using the prices recorded in transactions.
: Convert amounts to their value in the [default valuation commodity](#valuation-commodity),
using market prices on each posting's date.
@ -945,7 +943,7 @@ P 2000-04-01 A 4 B
Show the cost of each posting:
$ hledger -f- print --value=cost
$ hledger -f- print --cost
(a) 5 B
@ -1056,7 +1054,7 @@ Related:
| Report type | `-B`, `--value=cost` | `-V`, `-X` | `--value=then` | `--value=end` | `--value=DATE`, `--value=now` |
| Report type | `-B`, `--cost` | `-V`, `-X` | `--value=then` | `--value=end` | `--value=DATE`, `--value=now` |
| **print** | | | | | |
| posting amounts | cost | value at report end or today | value at posting date | value at report or journal end | value at DATE/today |

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@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ $ hledger -f- reg --value=cost
2000-01-01 (a) 6 B 6 B
2000-02-01 (a) 7 B 13 B
2000-03-01 (a) 8 B 21 B
# 16. register report valued at posting dates
$ hledger -f- reg --value=then
2000-01-01 (a) 1 B 1 B
@ -303,12 +303,16 @@ $ hledger -f- reg --value=cost -M
# back to the original test journal:
P 1999/01/01 A 10 B
P 2000/01/01 A 1 B
P 2000/01/15 A 5 B
P 2000/02/01 A 2 B
P 2000/03/01 A 3 B
P 2000/04/01 A 4 B
(a) 2 A @ 4 B
(a) 1 A @ 6 B
@ -319,25 +323,25 @@ P 2000/04/01 A 4 B
(a) 1 A @ 8 B
# 25. periodic register report valued at period end
$ hledger -f- reg --value=end -M
$ hledger -f- reg --value=end -M -b 2000
2000-01 a 5 B 5 B
2000-02 a 2 B 7 B
2000-03 a 3 B 10 B
# 26. periodic register report valued at specified date
$ hledger -f- reg --value=2000-01-15 -M
$ hledger -f- reg --value=2000-01-15 -M -b 2000
2000-01 a 5 B 5 B
2000-02 a 5 B 10 B
2000-03 a 5 B 15 B
# 27. periodic register report valued today
$ hledger -f- reg --value=now -M
$ hledger -f- reg --value=now -M -b 2000
2000-01 a 4 B 4 B
2000-02 a 4 B 8 B
2000-03 a 4 B 12 B
# 28. periodic register report valued at default date (same as --value=end)
$ hledger -f- reg -V -M
$ hledger -f- reg -V -M -b 2000
2000-01 a 5 B 5 B
2000-02 a 2 B 7 B
2000-03 a 3 B 10 B
@ -345,30 +349,30 @@ $ hledger -f- reg -V -M
# balance
# 29. single column balance report valued at cost
$ hledger -f- bal -N --value=cost
$ hledger -f- bal -N --value=cost -b 2000
21 B a
# 30. single column balance report valued at period end (which includes market price declarations, see #1405)
$ hledger -f- bal -N --value=end
$ hledger -f- bal -N --value=end -b 2000
12 B a
# 31. single column balance report valued at specified date
$ hledger -f- bal -N --value=2000-01-15
$ hledger -f- bal -N --value=2000-01-15 -b 2000
15 B a
# 32. single column balance report valued today
$ hledger -f- bal -N --value=now
$ hledger -f- bal -N --value=now -b 2000
12 B a
# 33. single column balance report valued at default date (same as --value=end)
$ hledger -f- bal -N -V
$ hledger -f- bal -N -V -b 2000
12 B a
# balance, periodic
# 34. multicolumn balance report valued at cost
$ hledger -f- bal -MTA --value=cost
Balance changes in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30, valued at cost:
$ hledger -f- bal -MTA --value=cost -b 2000
Balance changes in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30, converted to cost:
|| Jan Feb Mar Apr Total Average
@ -377,7 +381,7 @@ Balance changes in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30, valued at cost:
|| 6 B 7 B 8 B 0 21 B 5 B
# 35. multicolumn balance report valued at posting date
$ hledger -f- bal -M --value=then
$ hledger -f- bal -M --value=then -b 2000
Balance changes in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30, valued at posting date:
|| Jan Feb Mar Apr
@ -387,7 +391,7 @@ Balance changes in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30, valued at posting date:
|| 1 B 2 B 3 B 0
# 36. multicolumn balance report showing changes in period-end values
$ hledger -f- bal -M --value=end
$ hledger -f- bal -M --value=end -b 2000
Period-end value changes in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30:
|| Jan Feb Mar Apr
@ -397,7 +401,7 @@ Period-end value changes in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30:
|| 5 B -1 B 5 B 3 B
# 37. multicolumn balance report showing changes in period-end values with -T or -A
$ hledger -f- bal -MTA --value=end
$ hledger -f- bal -MTA --value=end -b 2000
Period-end value changes in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30:
|| Jan Feb Mar Apr Total Average
@ -407,7 +411,7 @@ Period-end value changes in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30:
|| 5 B -1 B 5 B 3 B 12 B 3 B
# 38. multicolumn balance report valued at other date
$ hledger -f- bal -MTA --value=2000-01-15
$ hledger -f- bal -MTA --value=2000-01-15 -b 2000
Balance changes in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30, valued at 2000-01-15:
|| Jan Feb Mar Apr Total Average
@ -417,7 +421,7 @@ Balance changes in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30, valued at 2000-01-15:
|| 5 B 5 B 5 B 0 15 B 4 B
# 39. multicolumn balance report valued today (with today >= 2000-04-01)
$ hledger -f- bal -M --value=now
$ hledger -f- bal -M --value=now -b 2000
Balance changes in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30, current value:
|| Jan Feb Mar Apr
@ -427,7 +431,7 @@ Balance changes in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30, current value:
|| 4 B 4 B 4 B 0
# 40. multicolumn balance report showing changes in period-end values (same as --value=end)
$ hledger -f- bal -M -V
$ hledger -f- bal -M -V -b 2000
Period-end value changes in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30:
|| Jan Feb Mar Apr
@ -439,42 +443,42 @@ Period-end value changes in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30:
# balance, periodic, with -H (starting balance and accumulating across periods)
# 41. multicolumn balance report with -H, valued at cost.
# The starting balance on 2000/01/01 is 6 B (cost of the first 2 A).
# February adds 1 A costing 7 B, making 13 B.
# March adds 1 A costing 8 B, making 21 B.
# The starting balance on 2000/01/01 is 14 B (cost of the first 8A).
# February adds 1 A costing 7 B, making 21 B.
# March adds 1 A costing 8 B, making 29 B.
$ hledger -f- bal -M -H -b 200002 --value=cost
Ending balances (historical) in 2000-02-01..2000-04-30, valued at cost:
Ending balances (historical) in 2000-02-01..2000-04-30, converted to cost:
|| 2000-02-29 2000-03-31 2000-04-30
a || 13 B 21 B 21 B
a || 21 B 29 B 29 B
|| 13 B 21 B 21 B
|| 21 B 29 B 29 B
# 42. multicolumn balance report with -H valued at period end.
# The starting balance is 1 A.
# February adds 1 A making 2 A, which is valued at 2000/02/29 as 4 B.
# March adds 1 A making 3 A, which is valued at 2000/03/31 as 9 B.
# April adds 0 A making 3 A, which is valued at 2000/04/31 as 12 B.
# The starting balance is 3 A.
# February adds 1 A making 4 A, which is valued at 2000/02/29 as 8 B.
# March adds 1 A making 5 A, which is valued at 2000/03/31 as 15 B.
# April adds 0 A making 5 A, which is valued at 2000/04/31 as 20 B.
$ hledger -f- bal -MA -H -b 200002 --value=end
Ending balances (historical) in 2000-02-01..2000-04-30, valued at period ends:
|| 2000-02-29 2000-03-31 2000-04-30 Average
a || 4 B 9 B 12 B 8 B
a || 8 B 15 B 20 B 14 B
|| 4 B 9 B 12 B 8 B
|| 8 B 15 B 20 B 14 B
# 43. multicolumn balance report with -H valued at other date.
# The starting balance is 5 B (1 A valued at 2000/1/15).
# The starting balance is 15 B (3 A valued at 2000/1/15).
$ hledger -f- bal -M -H -b 200002 --value=2000-01-15
Ending balances (historical) in 2000-02-01..2000-04-30, valued at 2000-01-15:
|| 2000-02-29 2000-03-31 2000-04-30
a || 10 B 15 B 15 B
a || 20 B 25 B 25 B
|| 10 B 15 B 15 B
|| 20 B 25 B 25 B
# 44. multicolumn balance report with -H, valuing each period's carried-over balances at cost.
@ -488,7 +492,7 @@ P 2000/04/01 A 4 B
(a) 1 A @ 6 B
$ hledger -f- bal -ME -H -p200001-200004 --value=c
Ending balances (historical) in 2000Q1, valued at cost:
Ending balances (historical) in 2000Q1, converted to cost:
|| 2000-01-31 2000-02-29 2000-03-31
@ -551,7 +555,7 @@ Budget performance in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30:
# 48. budget report, valued at cost.
$ hledger -f- bal -MTA --budget --value=c
Budget performance in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30, valued at cost:
Budget performance in 2000-01-01..2000-04-30, converted to cost:
|| Jan Feb Mar Apr Total Average

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@ -134,11 +134,11 @@ $ hledger -f- print -B
# 12. Note the -XZ nullifies the -B here, because both are forms of --value
# (-B -XZ is equivalent to --value=cost --value=end,Z), and the rightmost wins.
# 12. Note the -XZ does not nullify the -B here.
# (-B -XZ is equivalent to --cost --value=end,Z).
$ hledger -f- print -B -XZ
a -1A @ 1B
a -1B
b 1B
@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ $ hledger -f- print -B
# 16.
$ hledger -f- print -B -XZ
$ hledger -f- print -B -XA
a -1A @ 1B
b 1B
a -1A
b 1A

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@ -240,11 +240,11 @@ hledger -f- roi -p 2019-11 --inv Investment --pnl PnL
hledger: Amounts could not be converted to a single cost basis: ["10 B","-10 B @@ 100 A"]
Consider using --value to force all costs to be in a single commodity.
For example, "--value cost,<commodity> --infer-value", where commodity is the one that was used to pay for the investment.
For example, "--cost --value=end,<commodity> --infer-value", where commodity is the one that was used to pay for the investment.
# 10. Forcing valuation via --value
hledger -f- roi -p 2019-11 --inv Investment --pnl PnL --value cost,A --infer-value
hledger -f- roi -p 2019-11 --inv Investment --pnl PnL --cost --value=then,A --infer-value
2019/11/01 Example
Assets:Checking -100 A