;imp:doc:cli: move Input section first, consolidate LEDGER_FILE docs

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2023-05-26 09:00:22 -10:00
parent c8c5f96ed0
commit 34a6c08b03
4 changed files with 146 additions and 138 deletions

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@ -239,44 +239,6 @@ m4_define({{_inputfileswithptr_}},
(See hledger(1) -> Input for details.)}} )m4_dnl
m4_dnl A standard description of the LEDGER_FILE environment variable.
m4_define({{_LEDGER_FILE_}}, {{
The journal file path when not specified with `-f`.
On unix computers, the default value is: `~/.hledger.journal`.
A more typical value is something like `~/finance/YYYY.journal`,
where `~/finance` is a version-controlled finance directory and YYYY is the current year.
Or, `~/finance/current.journal`, where current.journal is a symbolic link to YYYY.journal.
The usual way to set this permanently is to add a command to one of your shell's startup files
(eg `~/.profile`):
export LEDGER_FILE=~/finance/current.journal`
On some Mac computers, there is a more thorough way to set environment variables,
that will also affect applications started from the GUI (eg, Emacs started from a dock icon):
In `~/.MacOSX/environment.plist`, add an entry like:
"LEDGER_FILE" : "~/finance/current.journal"
For this to take effect you might need to `killall Dock`, or reboot.
On Windows computers, the default value is probably `C:\Users\YOURNAME\.hledger.journal`.
You can change this by running a command like this in a powershell window
(let us know if you need to be an Administrator, and if this persists across a reboot):
> setx LEDGER_FILE "C:\Users\MyUserName\finance\2023.journal"
Or, change it in settings: see <https://www.java.com/en/download/help/path.html>.
}} )m4_dnl
m4_dnl BUGS boilerplate
{{We welcome bug reports in the hledger issue tracker (shortcut: <http://bugs.hledger.org>),

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@ -375,7 +375,9 @@ N ranges from 1 (least output, the default) to 9 (maximum output).
The screen width to use.
Default: the full terminal width.
The main journal file to use when not specified with `-f/--file`.
Default: `$HOME/.hledger.journal`.

View File

@ -417,7 +417,9 @@ To capture debug output in a log file instead, you can usually redirect stderr,
The main journal file to use when not specified with `-f/--file`.
Default: `$HOME/.hledger.journal`.

View File

@ -94,6 +94,146 @@ in [PART 5: COMMON TASKS](#part-5-common-tasks).
# Input
hledger reads one or more data files, each time you run it.
You can specify a file with `-f`, like so
$ hledger -f FILE print
Files are most often in hledger's journal format, with the `.journal` file extension (`.hledger` or `.j` also work);
these files describe transactions, like an accounting general journal.
Some other supported file formats are discussed below.
When no `-f` option is given, hledger looks for the file specified by the `LEDGER_FILE` environment variable;
if this is not set, it uses `.hledger.journal` in your home directory.
Most people prefer to keep financial files in a dedicated folder, perhaps with version control.
Also, starting a new journal file per year is common (it's not required, but helps keep things fast and organised).
So we usually set `LEDGER_FILE`, to something like `~/finance/2023.journal`.
## Setting LEDGER_FILE
How to set `LEDGER_FILE` permanently depends on your platform:
On unix and mac, running these commands in the terminal will work for many people; adapt as needed:
$ mkdir -p ~/finance
$ echo 'export LEDGER_FILE=~/finance/2023.journal` >> ~/.profile
$ source ~/.profile
When correctly configured, in a new terminal window `env | grep LEDGER_FILE` will show your file,
and so will `hledger files`.
On mac, this additional step might be helpful for GUI applications (like Emacs started from the dock):
add an entry to `~/.MacOSX/environment.plist` like
"LEDGER_FILE" : "~/finance/2023.journal"
and then run `killall Dock` in a terminal window (or restart the machine).
On Windows, see <https://www.java.com/en/download/help/path.html>,
or try running these commands in a powershell window
(let us know if it persists across a reboot, and if you need to be an Administrator):
> CD
> MKDIR finance
> SETX LEDGER_FILE "C:\Users\USERNAME\finance\2023.journal"
## Data formats
Usually the data file is in hledger's journal format, but it can be in
any of the supported file formats, which currently are:
| Reader: | Reads: | Used for file extensions: |
| `journal` | hledger journal files and some Ledger journals, for transactions | `.journal` `.j` `.hledger` `.ledger` |
| `timeclock` | timeclock files, for precise time logging | `.timeclock` |
| `timedot` | timedot files, for approximate time logging | `.timedot` |
| `csv` | CSV/SSV/TSV/character-separated values, for data import | `.csv` `.ssv` `.tsv` `.csv.rules` `.ssv.rules` `.tsv.rules` |
These formats are described in more detail below.
hledger detects the format automatically based on the file extensions shown above.
If it can't recognise the file extension, it assumes `journal` format.
So for non-journal files, it's important to use a recognised file extension,
so as to either read successfully or to show relevant error messages.
You can also force a specific reader/format by prefixing the file path with the format and a colon.
Eg, to read a .dat file as csv format:
$ hledger -f csv:/some/csv-file.dat stats
## Standard input
The file name `-` means standard input:
$ cat FILE | hledger -f- print
If reading non-journal data in this way, you'll need to add a file format prefix, like:
$ echo 'i 2009/13/1 08:00:00' | hledger print -f timeclock:-
## Multiple files
You can specify multiple `-f` options, to read multiple files as one big journal. When doing this, note that certain features (described below) will be affected:
- [Balance assertions](#balance-assertions) will not see the effect of transactions in previous files. (Usually this doesn't matter as each file will set the corresponding opening balances.)
- Some [directives](#directives) will not affect previous or subsequent files.
If needed, you can work around these by using a single parent file which [includes](#including-files) the others, or concatenating the files into one, eg: `cat a.journal b.journal | hledger -f- CMD`.
## Strict mode
hledger checks input files for valid data.
By default, the most important errors are detected, while still accepting
easy journal files without a lot of declarations:
- Are the input files parseable, with valid syntax ?
- Are all transactions balanced ?
- Do all balance assertions pass ?
With the `-s`/`--strict` flag, additional checks are performed:
- Are all accounts posted to, declared with an `account` directive ?
([Account error checking](#account-error-checking))
- Are all commodities declared with a `commodity` directive ?
([Commodity error checking](#commodity-error-checking))
- Are all commodity conversions declared explicitly ?
You can use the [check](#check) command to run individual checks -- the
ones listed above and some more.
# Environment
Environment variables which affect hledger:
This is normally set by your terminal;
some hledger commands (`register`) will format their output to this width.
If not set, they will try to use the available terminal width.
The main journal file to use when not specified with `-f/--file`.
Default: `$HOME/.hledger.journal`.
If this environment variable is set (with any value),
hledger will not use ANSI color codes in terminal output,
unless overridden by an explicit `--color/--colour` option.
# Options
## General options
@ -336,104 +476,6 @@ dollar sign in hledger-web, write `cur:\$`.
meaning to the shell and so must be escaped at least once more.
See [Special characters](#special-characters).
# Environment
The screen width used by the register command.
Default: the full terminal width.
If this variable exists with any value,
hledger will not use ANSI color codes in terminal output.
This is overriden by the --color/--colour option.
# Input
hledger reads transactions from one or more data files.
The default data file is `$HOME/.hledger.journal`
(or on Windows, something like `C:\Users\YOURNAME\.hledger.journal`).
You can override this with the `LEDGER_FILE` environment variable:
$ export LEDGER_FILE=~/finance/2023.journal
$ hledger stats
or with one or more `-f/--file` options:
$ hledger -f /some/file -f another_file stats
The file name `-` means standard input:
$ cat some.journal | hledger -f-
## Data formats
Usually the data file is in hledger's journal format, but it can be in
any of the supported file formats, which currently are:
| Reader: | Reads: | Used for file extensions: |
| `journal` | hledger journal files and some Ledger journals, for transactions | `.journal` `.j` `.hledger` `.ledger` |
| `timeclock` | timeclock files, for precise time logging | `.timeclock` |
| `timedot` | timedot files, for approximate time logging | `.timedot` |
| `csv` | CSV/SSV/TSV/character-separated values, for data import | `.csv` `.ssv` `.tsv` `.csv.rules` `.ssv.rules` `.tsv.rules` |
These formats are described in more detail below.
hledger detects the format automatically based on the file extensions shown above.
If it can't recognise the file extension, it assumes `journal` format.
So for non-journal files, it's important to use a recognised file extension,
so as to either read successfully or to show relevant error messages.
You can also force a specific reader/format by prefixing the file path
with the format and a colon. Eg, to read a .dat file as csv format:
$ hledger -f csv:/some/csv-file.dat stats
Or to read stdin (`-`) as timeclock format:
$ echo 'i 2009/13/1 08:00:00' | hledger print -ftimeclock:-
## Multiple files
You can specify multiple `-f` options, to read multiple files as one big journal. When doing this, note that certain features (described below) will be affected:
- [Balance assertions](#balance-assertions) will not see the effect of transactions in previous files. (Usually this doesn't matter as each file will set the corresponding opening balances.)
- Some [directives](#directives) will not affect previous or subsequent files.
If needed, you can work around these by using a single parent file which [includes](#including-files) the others, or concatenating the files into one, eg: `cat a.journal b.journal | hledger -f- CMD`.
## Strict mode
hledger checks input files for valid data.
By default, the most important errors are detected, while still accepting
easy journal files without a lot of declarations:
- Are the input files parseable, with valid syntax ?
- Are all transactions balanced ?
- Do all balance assertions pass ?
With the `-s`/`--strict` flag, additional checks are performed:
- Are all accounts posted to, declared with an `account` directive ?
([Account error checking](#account-error-checking))
- Are all commodities declared with a `commodity` directive ?
([Commodity error checking](#commodity-error-checking))
- Are all commodity conversions declared explicitly ?
You can use the [check](#check) command to run individual checks -- the
ones listed above and some more.
# Commands
hledger provides a number of built-in subcommands (described [below](#part-4-commands)).