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synced 2025-01-01 06:41:55 +03:00
lib: For MultiBalanceReport, report change in valuation rather than valuation of change.
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Semigroup (sconcat)
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, addDays, fromGregorian)
import Safe (headMay, lastDef, lastMay)
import Safe (headMay, lastDef, lastMay, minimumMay)
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Query
@ -339,34 +339,57 @@ accumValueAmounts :: ReportOpts -> (Day -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount) -> [DateS
-> HashMap ClippedAccountName (Map DateSpan Account)
-> HashMap ClippedAccountName (Map DateSpan Account)
accumValueAmounts ropts valuation colspans startbals acctchanges = -- PARTIAL:
HM.mapWithKey processRow $ acctchanges <> (mempty <$ startbals)
HM.mapWithKey rowbals $ acctchanges <> (mempty <$ startbals)
-- Must accumulate before valuing, since valuation can change without any
-- postings. Make sure every column has an entry.
processRow name changes = M.mapWithKey valueAcct . rowbals name $ changes <> zeros
-- The row amounts to be displayed: per-period changes,
-- zero-based cumulative totals, or
-- starting-balance-based historical balances.
rowbals name changes = dbg'' "rowbals" $ case balancetype_ ropts of
PeriodChange -> changes
CumulativeChange -> snd $ M.mapAccum f nullacct changes
HistoricalBalance -> snd $ M.mapAccum f (startingBalanceFor name) changes
where f a b = let s = sumAcct a b in (s, s)
rowbals name changes' = dbg'' "rowbals" $ case balancetype_ ropts of
HistoricalBalance -> historical
CumulativeChange -> cumulative
PeriodChange -> changeamts
-- Calculate the valued historical balance in each column, ensuring every
-- columns has an entry.
historical = cumulativeSum startingBalance
-- If no valuation can sum the changes directly, otherwise need to
-- subtract the valued starting amount from the historical sum
cumulative = case value_ ropts of
Nothing -> cumulativeSum nullacct
Just _ -> fmap (`subtractAcct` valuedStart) historical
-- If no valuation can use the change list directly, otherwise need to
-- calculate the incremental differences in the historical sum
changeamts = case value_ ropts of
Nothing -> changes
Just _ -> let (dates, histamts) = unzip $ M.toAscList historical
in M.fromDistinctAscList . zip dates $
zipWith subtractAcct histamts (valuedStart:histamts)
cumulativeSum start = snd $ M.mapAccumWithKey accumValued start changes
where accumValued startAmt date newAmt = (s, valueAcct date s)
where s = sumAcct startAmt newAmt
changes = changes' <> zeros
startingBalance = HM.lookupDefault nullacct name startbals
valuedStart = valueAcct (DateSpan Nothing historicalDate) startingBalance
-- Add the values of two accounts. Should be right-biased, since it's used
-- in scanl, so other properties (such as anumpostings) stay in the right place
sumAcct Account{aibalance=i1,aebalance=e1} a@Account{aibalance=i2,aebalance=e2} =
a{aibalance = i1 + i2, aebalance = e1 + e2}
-- Subtract the values in one account from another. Should be left-biased.
subtractAcct a@Account{aibalance=i1,aebalance=e1} Account{aibalance=i2,aebalance=e2} =
a{aibalance = i1 - i2, aebalance = e1 - e2}
-- We may be converting amounts to value, per hledger_options.m4.md "Effect of --value on reports".
valueAcct (DateSpan _ (Just end)) acct =
acct{aibalance = value (aibalance acct), aebalance = value (aebalance acct)}
where value = valuation (addDays (-1) end)
valueAcct _ _ = error "multiBalanceReport: expected all spans to have an end date" -- XXX should not happen
startingBalanceFor a = HM.lookupDefault nullacct a startbals
zeros = M.fromList [(span, nullacct) | span <- colspans]
historicalDate = minimumMay $ mapMaybe spanStart colspans
-- | Lay out a set of postings grouped by date span into a regular matrix with rows
@ -379,21 +379,21 @@ Balance changes in 2000Q1, valued at cost:
$ hledger -f- bal -M --value=end
Balance changes in 2000Q1, valued at period ends:
|| Jan Feb Mar
a || 5 B 2 B 3 B
|| 5 B 2 B 3 B
|| Jan Feb Mar
a || 5 B -1 B 5 B
|| 5 B -1 B 5 B
# 36. multicolumn balance report valued at period end with -T or -A
$ hledger -f- bal -MTA --value=end
Balance changes in 2000Q1, valued at period ends:
|| Jan Feb Mar Total Average
a || 5 B 2 B 3 B 10 B 3 B
|| 5 B 2 B 3 B 10 B 3 B
|| Jan Feb Mar Total Average
a || 5 B -1 B 5 B 9 B 3 B
|| 5 B -1 B 5 B 9 B 3 B
# 37. multicolumn balance report valued at other date
$ hledger -f- bal -MTA --value=2000-01-15
@ -419,11 +419,11 @@ Balance changes in 2000Q1, current value:
$ hledger -f- bal -M -V
Balance changes in 2000Q1, valued at period ends:
|| Jan Feb Mar
a || 5 B 2 B 3 B
|| 5 B 2 B 3 B
|| Jan Feb Mar
a || 5 B -1 B 5 B
|| 5 B -1 B 5 B
# balance, periodic, with -H (starting balance and accumulating across periods)
@ -551,11 +551,11 @@ Budget performance in 2000Q1, valued at cost:
$ hledger -f- bal -MTA --budget --value=e
Budget performance in 2000Q1, valued at period ends:
|| Jan Feb Mar Total Average
a || 5 B [50% of 10 B] 2 B [50% of 4 B] 3 B [50% of 6 B] 10 B [50% of 20 B] 3 B [50% of 7 B]
|| 5 B [50% of 10 B] 2 B [50% of 4 B] 3 B [50% of 6 B] 10 B [50% of 20 B] 3 B [50% of 7 B]
|| Jan Feb Mar Total Average
a || 5 B [50% of 10 B] -1 B [50% of -2 B] 5 B [50% of 10 B] 9 B [50% of 18 B] 3 B [50% of 6 B]
|| 5 B [50% of 10 B] -1 B [50% of -2 B] 5 B [50% of 10 B] 9 B [50% of 18 B] 3 B [50% of 6 B]
# 49. budget report, valued at other date.
$ hledger -f- bal -MTA --budget --value=2000-01-15
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